Deceitful Vows by Brook Wilder


Chapter 53




There’s a gentle tap on the door, as if someone is knocking with one finger. Natasha steps into my bedroom without waiting for an invite. She scans every corner for hidden danger before stepping further inside. Or maybe she’s looking for Andrei. When she’s certain I’m alone, her laser beam eyes scan me quickly. No doubt assessing my mental state. Maybe she heard my meltdown through Andrei’s office door, but she would’ve waited for her orders before checking on me.


Her expression is emotionless, but something about my countenance seems to temporarily stop her in her tracks.


Natasha has never been one to hold back, but she stands there in silence, looking at me as if I’m insane. I guess I do have a superpower.


“Eva asked me to check on you.” Her expression defaults to unreadable again. She could be checking the weather.


“I’m surprised you didn’t rush in when you heard the screaming,” I say to her coolly.


“I have to make allowances for your privacy,” she replies.


I take a soft breath. “Meaning he can beat me uninterrupted if he wants to?”


Her eyebrows arch as she inspects my body from a distance, her sharp gaze looking for any traces of pain. I forgot she can’t tell sarcasm from the truth. Before getting out of bed, I wrap the sheet tightly around my chest, shielding me from her relentless scrutiny.


“I’m being sarcastic,” I reply flippantly. “Andrei has to force himself to touch me. I’m surprised he doesn’t wear gloves.”


Her lips curl into a twist. “Then consider yourself lucky.”


I scoff. “You call this luck?”


“To me, yes. To you, no.” She concedes that we are different. Natasha shifts her tone. “You have not seen the cruelty men are capable of. I wish to offer my condolences for your loss. Everyone does.”


The emotions start to rise. “Andrei won’t let me attend the funeral.”


“That is wise.” Her voice betrays urgency. “You have seen what they do at weddings. And at funerals, the graves are already dug.”


I slump down into an armchair, folding my arms. I will not allow myself to rationalize their cruel treatment. It’s my mother, after all.


“Paige.” Her tone softens as she forgoes my patronymic. “Each of us has lost someone special, undeservingly, and too soon. I urge you not to go. Andrei will pursue you, not to prove his authority but to shield you from harm.”


My vision blurs as I try to force back tears. I have to be there to say goodbye. I know Andrei won’t understand, but maybe he would if it were Eva. I have to go against his wishes, even if he’s trying to protect me.


Andrei wants to keep me safe, but from what? This is my life he’s controlling.


“I’ll never see her again,” I reply. “I only want to say goodbye.”


I take a deep breath and wipe away the tears. Natasha’s words have stirred something inside me—a determination not to accept this. If he doesn’t let me go, I will leave this place.


Her visage of ice slowly cracks. She takes a deep breath and comes closer. “I will ask,” Natasha replies firmly. “But he is as stubborn as you. You cannot hold me to a promise I cannot keep, Paige Geraldovna.”


Natasha’s hand slips into mine and gives it a reassuring squeeze. A small gesture of understanding without voicing it. A silent acknowledgment that she understands anguish even though she’s forbidden to express it. Natasha stands tall, and her look of concern tightens into a scowl before she turns and strides out of the room.