Deceitful Vows by Brook Wilder

Chapter 55



I stand behind my wife. Emma’s eyes widen as her mouth slowly closes before her expression changes from shock to revulsion. I wonder if cousin Kenney has been filling her head with lies about Paige. Then again, if he’s talking about me, he’s likely just telling the truth.


“Your sister had no choice.” I speak directly to Emma.


“Who the fuck are you?”


“Emma.” Paige lifts her gaze nervously from the sidewalk. “Don’t talk like that. Please. Not to him.”


Instinctively, my hand rests on Paige’s shoulder. She flinches, pushing my hand away quickly, but Emma gives us a piercing, disapproving look. This one is not fearful. My little sister-in-law could run her own Bratva if she wanted to.


Paige reaches toward her sister, but Emma dodges her outstretched hand. She swats Paige’s hand away from her and then rolls her eyes, disrespecting Paige. She’s lucky she’s my wife’s sister.


“We don’t need your pity anymore, Paige.” Emma raises her chin defiantly. “We have someone else to help us now. Someone who cares. A secret benefactor is looking out for us.”


“And that secret benefactor is me,” I answer, knowing Paige won’t tell the girl the truth. “Your sister requested that I help you and your father.”


The little one’s mouth clamps shut as she stares at me, then her gaze slides over Paige, taking in the expensive clothes, the flashy jewelry, and the shiny hair.


“Is he paying you?” Her lips curl in disgust. “Is this what you’ve been doing this whole time? You’ve been whoring yourself out to some sugar daddy? Who even are you anymore?”


Paige’s arm rises quickly, holding me back from Emma. I won’t tolerate this insult, even if she is Paige’s sister. I’ve had enough of this backtalk. No one belittles my wife.


“You will apologize to your sister,” I say darkly.


“Or you’ll what?”


“Please, Emma.” Paige reaches out and grips her hand tightly. “Not to him. Not like this.”


Emma’s eyes dart back and forth between Paige and me. But it’s Paige’s grip on her hand—knuckle white—that sways her. Finally, her shoulders slacken slightly.


“She has suffered in ways that you will never understand,” I continue. “And you better pray you’ll never know. She cares for you and has sacrificed more than you could possibly imagine. When has your sister ever been selfish?”


Emma’s attitude drops a bit more as she considers my words. The fight slowly seeps out of her as she lowers her head.


Paige stares at me with an expression of wonder. She didn’t realize how well I know her.


“I’m sorry, Paige,” Emma mumbles. “It’s been hard.” She takes a tentative step forward.


Paige runs her hand over her sister’s messy ponytail. “I know, kiddo.”


Emma lets out a forced smile. It doesn’t quite reach her eyes, and I suspect she’s doing it to be polite. But it’s a thaw, and a thaw is all I can ask for.


“Emma,” Paige starts. “This is Andrei. He’s my …”


“Fiancé,” I cover for Paige, and her shoulders relax.


“Since when?” Emma asks, her eyes looking at us suspiciously.


“Since Tim,” Paige replies. “And the wedding.”


“It hasn’t been very long,” Emma notes.


“Sometimes,” I say, “it doesn’t take long for true feelings to manifest into something real.”


Paige turns to look at me; her expression is neutral, but I can feel the surprise in her gesture. The softness in her eyes reaches my heart and fills my chest with warmth. It’s a new feeling. And I stare at Paige for a second too long. The words came unbidden and unexpected. But as I mull over them in my head, I know that they’re the truth.


“Do you want to come inside?” Emma asks. “I’m sure Dad would like to meet you.”


“Not this time,” I answer curtly. “I’ll let you two speak to your father alone. Perhaps you should wait to mention me. Until he’s doing much better.”


Paige nods. “Thank you, Andrei.”


I step back and look at the sorry structure of a house. A gutter has come down, and the rot on the upstairs windowsills is visible from the ground. So, she grew up in this ramshackle mess? I want nothing more than to storm in and demand to know the full story from Gerald. How does he know Sidorenko? Why was he in the Poconos? And if he seems to be so connected to the Bratva, how can he live in such poverty?


When I turn and start down the walkway, I spot a Lexus SUV with no front plates. The SUV backs up clumsily and peels away down a side street.


Fear rises up, cloaking me, and I realize that I just put a target on Emma.




I jump into the Rover, and Oleg waits silently for my order. He sees the fleeing SUV too. He grips the steering wheel, but I shake my head. I tap my phone, hearing tires screech. Another of my Rovers is following in pursuit.


“You have a new mission, Oleg.” My voice can barely reach a whisper.


His brow lifts, but he remains silent.


“You saw the girl?” I ask.


“Yes, Andrei Vasilyevich.”


“You are her personal guard now. You will guard Emma Reyes with your life. From a distance if you can, and up close if you have to.”


“A teenager?” he asks, the astonishment leaking into his tone.


“My wife’s sister,” I correct him.


Oleg sighs lightly and looks straight ahead. I know he wants to be out there, not stuck at the mansion. He wants to be praised for bashing in our enemy’s head, not waiting on women. He wants notches on his rifle. But he’s one of the few guards I trust with my wife’s life.


“It’s not a demotion, Oleg. Think of how my wife would feel if she lost both her mother and her sister.”


“What about the father?” he asks.


“Not your concern.”


My phone chimes with a one-word text. Karamazov. I signal to a third Rover, which pulls up behind us. I scan the front door of the house when I get out of the Rover, and for a short second, I debate demanding that Paige and her family come with me right now. Instead, I text Dmitri to send extra men.


It was only a matter of time before Igor found out, and lately, he’s been one step ahead. He knows where I will be, and no one is that good at guessing. Someone must be informing him. I eye the men in the two Rovers. They never touch their phones unless they receive a call—we use a distinct ringtone. They don’t idly scroll through the internet or send texts to girlfriends.


I jump back into the Rover with Oleg. Despite the additional guards, I’m torn about leaving Paige behind, but I refuse to wait for Igor.


I will bring death to him.