Deceitful Vows by Brook Wilder


Chapter 57



“What are you doing?” she breathes as I open the office door and pull her inside.


“Something I’ve been meaning to do for a long time.” I lift her hand to my lips and kiss it gently. “Since the moment I saw you.”


A brief shadow passes across her pretty face. For a minute, I wonder if I’m being too selfish. But the look disappears quickly as she tosses her hair back, eyes flashing with resolve. 


“Do you want me to beg?” she whispers.


I shake my head. “No, all I want is for you to scream my name.”


I want to rip her dress off and take her with one hard stroke. But right now, I will take it slow and worship every inch of her sexy body with my touch. My hands grip the edge of the desk as I hoist my body up to sit. I gesture for her to stand between my open legs.


“Come here,” I command in a husky growl, pointing at my bulge.


Paige’s soft lips curl into a vixen’s smile, and her hips sway as she moves closer. Her fingers stroke my shoulders and arms, pulling my jacket off me. Her touch sends a ripple of desire down my spine.


“You don’t need to fight me,” I whisper. “I’m not your enemy. I only want to take care of you.” 


She starts when my hand slips under her dress and into her panties, rubbing her sweet ass. And soon, her surprise is replaced with another delicious moan. “I’m tired of trying so hard,” she purrs. “Maybe I should surrender.”


“Then surrender,” I reply with a naughty grin. I’m determined to make Paige go wild using patience, so she’ll never say no to me again. 


I bring my other hand to her face, caressing her plump lips with my fingers. She stares willfully into my eyes as she wraps her lips around my thumb and gives it a slow suck. My eyes roll back in my head, imagining what that will feel like on my cock.


“When did we stop faking?” I remark.


There’s a loud pop when she pulls my thumb out of her mouth. “I never fake. You know exactly how I feel.” Her hand trails along my chest, tracing my pec. “And what I need.”


A surge of electric attraction passes between us. Paige’s lips are on mine, searing me with an intensity she’s held back. The wild animal in me wants to devour her sweetness, but I warn it back. Right now, she needs to feel in control.


Paige stands with her legs open, inviting me in. My hand slides between her thighs, exploring the soft, tempting skin. My fingers touch the heat between her legs, and her eyes flutter shut with a moan.


She slowly weaves her fingers through my hair, sending tingles of pleasure over my scalp. “Do you remember when we first danced?” she asks.


I do, and I vividly remember what happened after that. “I remember.”


Her eyes light with longing. “Later at home, I regretted not saying yes.”


I chuckle, amused by her confession. “I would have given you another chance.”


Paige licks her lips and leans in, kissing me softly. So gentle and sweet; she’s a woman that doesn’t belong to me. I had to steal her like a beast in the night. The beast inside me wants to take her here and now. To devour her with my body. But I savor her wetness on my fingertips. She holds on tight when I slip another finger in.


“Fuck me,” she whispers in my ear. “So that I can forget. Make me feel something.”


I pull my hand away, and her intoxicating scent is on my skin. I take in the sight of her trembling body as I take a teasing lick off my fingers. Paige moans as if she wants a taste.


“Take off your dress,” I command her in a rough voice.


Desire lights up her eyes, and Paige takes a step back. Lust hasn’t made her silly. She’s in control as she shimmies out of her dress in a sensual twist and shake. Her gaze stays on my face as she takes off her bra and panties, tossing them onto the floor. Her necklace remains on, along with her diamond earrings.


Standing naked, a mixture of fear, anticipation, and desire passes across her face. Paige stares at the straining bulge ill-concealed in my pants. “Are you going to keep those on?” she asks.


I pull off my tie, letting the fabric slowly hiss against my starched collar, and drop it on the floor. “Not yet,” I smirk.


I take my time admiring every inch of her delicious body, consuming the sight of her with a forthright gaze. She’s all curves and sunlight, standing there with her hair loose. Innocent, no matter how badly she wants me deep in her. Her actions are fueled by volatile contradictions—a wild animal also waits in her.


I lunge forward, causing Paige to squeal, and grab her by the waist. She laughs as my teeth catch her hard nipple. I bite her just enough to elicit a sexy cry of delight. Paige gasps as my tongue flicks and my mouth sucks, and then she moans my name. Her body trembles against mine with want, and then the begging starts.


“Please fuck me, Andrei.” She grabs me by my hair. “Please.”


Breathing heavily, I raise my head, and my heart races as Paige leans in with an enticing kiss. Her mouth takes mine as her tongue passes my lips. She’s no longer timid, and our need now has us captive. Yet, I ache for her to give me more.


My hand runs along her smooth curves as it travels lower and lower until I reach her heated slit. My fingers tease, evoking a desperate gasp, and Paige arches her back, pushing herself forward. I watch her lose herself and open her legs for me wider. My fingers stroke until I feel the tightness of a climax building within her. She breaks away, panting against my neck.


I give her an order. “Are you ready?”


“I am.” Paige’s eyes flutter open as she rubs against my hand. “Fuck me. And hold nothing back.”


Her yielding words increase my desire. It challenges me to remain calm, but I’m determined to take it slow. I place a kiss on the curve of her neck as she moves closer to another orgasm. Paige grips my shirt in her hands, twisting the fabric in her fists, and then she freezes before catching her breath. Soft pants fill the air, and her expression makes me wonder how deeply she feels for me.


“You must be worn out,” I tease. “Maybe I should rest.”


“No, I don’t want to wait.” Her eyes look wild. “Do you want me to beg?”


“You’ve begged enough.” I lead Paige over to my chair and rub my hard cock against her ass. My hands trace lines over her heated skin, and I will myself not to bend her over. No woman has ever taken control of me except her.


“Come inside me,” she whispers.


I sit down in my chair, unzip my pants, and free my stiff cock. Grabbing her hips, I guide Paige down. Paige eagerly takes me in, easing herself down inch by inch. Small gasps leave her lips as I sink deep into her. She lets out a moan when I can’t go any deeper.


I want more, so I grab her hips and pull her down farther, her back arching from the force. Our connection is unbreakable, as if our souls are touching. I let Paige loose, and she starts to move. Faster and faster, each bounce sending jolts throughout my starved body.


Hidden and waiting, my instinct takes over, and I pull her off me. She grabs the desk to keep herself from collapsing to the floor. I will take her and push her over the edge.


Breathing hard, I clutch her chin in my hands. Her eyes are restless and desperate as she gazes back into mine. I see the animal in her, staring out at the beast. I don’t speak as I lift her onto the desk and enter her again as I wanted to with one hard stroke.


Paige whimpers at the intensity, and her grip tightens on the desk as she tries to stay steady on her feet. I take her pleasure. Faster, I drive into her, holding her body tight in my grip. My control slips away with every hard thrust until the final one. I do as she desires, pinning her to the desk and coming inside her. Paige’s hands reach out, tense with pleasure, as she climaxes again.


Covering her with my jacket, I carry her upstairs to the bedroom. Content, Paige lies on the bed. Her sweat-slick body is illuminated by the setting sunlight. Listening to her soft breath, I hold her possessively and convince myself she will always be mine.




I look down at her glowing face, and the three most terrifying words almost slip out before I can stop myself.


“What is it?” she says sleepily.


“Nothing,” I reply.


Paige cuddles closer and places her cheek on my shoulder. “It sounded like you were about to say something.”


I watch her as she drifts off to sleep again. Her face is pink as I hold her closer, and the smell of sex still clings to her skin. I don’t try to suppress the emotions building in me. It’s safe to expose them while she sleeps against me. For a moment, I allow myself to be in love, let the defenses fall, and not hide behind what I am and must do. I pretend there’s no one outside that door, and we’re alone in the world.


I lean close, feeling her breath on my cheek, and whisper that I love her in her ear. Paige sighs as if she knows what is happening while she sleeps. I’m shocked at how good it feels to admit my feelings and let a part of me that had to hide for survival come out.


Survival is what I know best. Better than love. I withheld love to survive. And I’ve used love to get what I want. No, I correct myself. Not love, but charm and seduction. Those are the means I used on a woman who had something I wanted.


And whether I want to admit it or not, Paige has something I want.


But she also has something that I need—something that I cannot bring myself to admit having.


The sheet slips off her chest, and I stare at her breasts—full and soft. Flawless skin and soft to the touch. The temptation pulls me in as I tease the nipple with my lips until it is hard. She moans in her sleep.


Am I being honest, or am I fooling myself? My lips let go of her nipple, and I sit up in bed, her body sliding off mine onto the mattress. I head off to the bathroom, but before I shut the door, I turn and stare at her. She stretches in the bed; the sheet slips off her body further, and I’m tempted. She always tempts me—the long brown hair, her irresistible pink lips, and the lush breasts begging for my touch. She moves her full hips against the sheet, and my cock begins to harden at the sight.


I waver, and temptation battles my sense of duty. I shut the bathroom door behind me and head toward the bed. Paige smiles when I wake her with a hard kiss on her full lips. She pulls her fingers through my hair and gives me that look. She always wants me. Today, I’ll let temptation win.