On His Knees by Tabatha Kiss

Chapter 46


Sunlight shines through my window, making it impossible for me to keep my eyes closed any longer. As I try to roll away from the open blinds, I feel my hand caught beneath something.

Or someone.

I open my eyes.


She’s sleeping soundly beside me, using my hand as a pillow. And she’s naked — very naked — with one hard nipple on full display out of the blanket.


I move my numb fingers beneath her giant head. “Jenna,” I say at normal volume. “Jenna.”

Her eyes shift behind her lids.

“Jenna, wake up.”

Finally, she peeks out in confusion. Her breath slightly catches as she raises her head and looks around. “What are you doing here?” she asks.

“What am I— what are you doing here?” I ask. “This is my room.”

She pushes up. The blanket slips, revealing that second, beautiful breast. “We fell asleep?” she asks in annoyance.

“We fell asleep.”

“I slept here?”


“With you?”

I nod. “It would appear so, yes.”

She groans as she sloppily rolls over and plops her feet onto the floor. “Sorry,” she says.

I stare at her bare ass. The curve of her waist. The bright orange butterfly wing on the back of her right shoulder. “Nah, it’s cool.”

“I should get out of here.” She hunts the room for her dress, quickly finding it crumbled up by my desk.

My cock twitches. “I mean... you can stay, if you want...”

Jenna pauses, catching me red-handed staring directly at her perfectly shaved landing strip. “What?” she asks.

I smirk. Might as well own it. “Stay a while.”


“You know why.”

She scoffs as she steps into her dress and pulls it up over her shoulders. But I detect the hidden smile in the corner of her mouth. “I thought last night was enough to get me out of your system,” she says.

“Oh, it was. You are,” I say. I lie. “You’re definitely out. I don’t care about you at all.”

“Good to know.”

“Am I out of yours?”

“Hell yeah.”


“I’m feeling nice and Seth-less this morning.”

“Excellent.” I keep my smirk. “But...”

“What?” she asks with a sigh.

“Hey, I’m merely reacting the way any man would react to waking up next to a naked woman covered in various bodily fluids. Give me a break here.”

Jenna frowns. “Lovely...”

“Stay for a shower,” I urge. “I’ll make you some coffee. It’s the least I can do.”

“No,” she says. “I need to get out of here before—”

A door closes somewhere in the apartment. The front door, specifically. Drew must be back.

“Shit,”Jenna says, panicking.

“Relax,” I say. “I put a tie on the knob. He won’t come in here.”

“Right, but how am I supposed to get out?”

I raise a brow. Fair question.

“So, we’re officially not telling anybody about this, then?” I ask.

She pauses. “Of course not.”

“Okay. Just checking.”

“You haven’t told anyone, have you?” she asks, staring me down.

“No. You?”


“All right. Same page. I’ll put on some pants.” I throw my feet on the floor. “Keep him distracted so you can…”

I make a flitting gesture with my hand.

“Thank you,” she says.

I keep an eye on her as I rise, checking to see if she’ll gawk at my naked ass the same way I did to hers.

She takes a peek downward before casually turning the other way.


I retrieve a pair of slacks from the closet and pull them on. I scoop a shirt off the floor, moving a little too slowly, judging by the impatience in Jenna’s eyes, but I don’t care. Memories of last night wash over me, and I like it. A lot.

I’ll take my time.

Once I’m dressed, I join her next to the door. I give the hallway a quick listen to detect where Drew is in the apartment. Movement straight ahead. He’s in his room across the hall. Door open. Could be tricky.

“Hurry up,” Jenna whispers.

I smile. “What’s the rush?”

She pauses without a reply. She doesn’t even know why she’s in such a mad dash to get out of here. But I do.

It’s written all over her face.

“What?” she asks, annoyed.

I say nothing. I lean toward her, tilting my head in the obvious way to show my intention. There’s plenty of time for her to react, plenty of time for her to move her head or shift away. But she doesn’t.

I kiss her. Just once. Short, but not too short. Long enough to make an impression.

“Good morning,” I say.

She smiles. Short, but not too short. “Good morning,” she says.

“Wait here.”

She shifts out of sight, and I step out into the hall. I leave it slightly ajar to aid in a quick getaway.

My bare feet whisper across the floor as I peek into Drew’s room. He’s sitting at his desk in the back corner, hunched over his phone in... the same clothes he wore yesterday when he went to my sister’s house. But I’m not about to think too hard about that.

I peek back over my shoulder, finding Jenna’s little eyes in the door's crevice. I wave discreetly, telling her to go. Quickly.


I flinch forward, drawn to Drew’s voice. “Hey!” I step into the room. “Good morning.”

“Good morning.” He sets his phone down. “How you doing?”


“I’m fine,” I answer. “How are you?”


The front door opens and closes. Jenna has made her escape.

Drew tilts his head, curious to look around me into the hall. “And who was that?” he asks with a knowing grin. “I noticed the tie on the knob.”

“Uh,” I think fast, “just some girl I met at the gym last night.”

“Oh, yeah? What’s her name?”

“I don’t remember.”

He laughs. “Never change, Seth.”

“I probably won’t.” I take a step back. “Coffee?”

“Sure. Oh, hey—”

He rises out of his chair and follows me into the kitchen.

As I approach the coffeemaker, I spot a clump of black on the floor near the table. Black and silky.

Yep. Those are Jenna’s panties.

“It’s about that time again,” Drew says.

I scoop them up and shove them into my pocket, hoping he doesn’t notice. “What time again?” I ask.

“The start of the semester beach house party. Did you forget?”

I peek back. If he noticed, he ain’t showing it. Good roommate behavior. “No, I didn’t forget,” I say as I reach into the cabinet for a few clean mugs. “I just wasn’t sure if we were going to do it this year. I’m the only one still in school.”

“Heidi’s still in school,” he says. “Jenna, too.”

“Ah, good point.”

“I want their senior year to be as perfect as ours was, you know?”

I chuckle. “Oh, I remember.”

“How’s next Thursday night for you?” he asks. “I’d do the weekend, but Thursday might be the last possible night off I have for a while. Nora’s got me booked solid through November. Then, she’s on baby watch.”


“It’s worth it, though,” he says, my friend genuinely happy. “It really is.”

“I can do Thursday, I’m pretty sure. Gotta check my schedule, but I’m in.”

“Assuming you and Jenna can get along,” he says with a slight cringe. “We don’t want a repeat of last time.”

Oh, Jenna and I can get along just fine.

“No problem,” I say. “I’ve got no beef with Jenna.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. I could not be more over her.”

Drew pauses.

“Not in a weird way or anything,” I say before he can ask. “We’re cool. We’re friendly. Seriously. You don’t have to worry about that anymore. The party’s gonna be great. Boat?”

“No boat,” he says, taking my bait to change the subject. “My dad is only letting me take it out once this year and I’m saving it for a special occasion.”

“What’s more special than the annual beach house party?” I quip, feigning offense.

Drew nods with hesitation. “I don’t know. But I’ll know when I know, you know?” His throat clears. A short pause. “Actually, Seth…”

I look at him as he stops himself. “What’s up?” I ask.

His face shifts slightly, a telltale sign that there’s something he wants to say, but he can’t. Or he won’t.

“Never mind,” he says with a laugh. “Just completely blanked on what I was going to say.”

It’s a lie, but I’ll let it go.

“You, sir, need coffee!” I say, turning away from him. “Coming right up.”

Whatever he was about to say, I doubt I’m ready to have that conversation, too.