On His Knees by Tabatha Kiss

Chapter 48


I knew it.

I’ll admit, she had me worried for a few days there. Friday night, nothing. Saturday, silence. Sunday, surely there’d be a booty call on Sunday. But no. Not a peep.

But Tuesday? A surprising twist, for sure.

And I have the morning off, so... I’m happy to oblige.

I park around the block, steering clear of any path my sister might take back to her house.


What would she think of all of this?

Though, to be fair, she kept her relationship with Drew hidden from me for months. For months, my best friend was sneaking around with her, lying to my face. And... you know what? I’ve already talked myself into this.

Little sister will just have to deal.

I make my way to the house on foot. Each step sends vibrations through my legs, surging blood to all the places it needs to be. Will we even bother exchanging pleasantries? Or is she already naked and waiting?

Please be naked and waiting.

I hop up the porch stairs. The door opens with the slightest push. I sigh.

Seriously, she needs to start locking this thing.

I walk into the house and pause.

Jenna and... Jenna Senior?

I haven’t seen the woman in years, but the Abrams bloodline stands out in a crowd.

Jenna rises off the sofa. “Seth,” she says, acting surprised. “Hey.”

Jenna Senior doesn’t move. She glares at me over her shoulder, clearly perturbed with the sudden interruption.

I clear my throat. “Hey...”

“Mom, you remember Seth,” she says. “Heidi’s brother.”

I bow my head. “Ms. Abrams. How are you?”

She looks me up and down over the pointed tip of her nose. I doubt she even remembers me, honestly.

“Hello,” she says, void of all emotion.

Or maybe she remembers me just fine.

“What, uh...” Jenna presses her lips together. “What are you doing here?”

Thankfully, some blood shot right back to my brain the second I walked in here. “Oh, Heidi asked me to swing by on my way to campus. She... forgot a textbook, so I said I’d grab it for her...”

Jenna casually gestures toward the bedrooms. “Knock yourself out. You know where to go.”

“Thanks.” I nod with respect. “It was nice to see you again, Ms. Abrams.”

She says nothing.

I shift on my toes and march through the thick tension toward Heidi’s room. I close the door over behind me, offering them a little privacy for... whatever the heck I walked in on.

“You allow strange men to wander into your house?”I hear her mother say through the wall.

“He’s not strange, Mom. He’s just Seth. He has a key,”Jenna lies.

“Hardly even need a key at all. I’d imagine a good jiggle is all one needs to break in here.”


I chuckle. Been telling them that for years.

“Really, Jenna, must you live this way?”

“Well, I didn’t exactly have a choice in that, did I?”

“No, you had a choice. In fact, I gave you every chance to make the correct choice.”

“I chose to be happy. How was that not the correct choice?”

I ease closer to the door.

“Well, I’m glad you’re happy, but from my view, my daughter chose to follow in the footsteps of a man who destroyed our lives… instead of mine.”

“That’s not fair. I didn’t... Mom.”

“No, I’ve said my piece. Good luck to you, Jenna. You’ll need it.”

Damn, what the hell did I walk in on?

The front door opens and closes just as quickly. I move to the windows, following the clacking of bitch heels down the porch stairs and to the sidewalk. I peek between the blinds, watching Jenna Senior as she enters her white coupe parked on the street. She drives off without glancing back. The air fills with heavy silence.

Heidi’s door opens, the old hinge softly creaking. Jenna stands in the doorway for a moment with her lips pressed tightly together. She looks at me, then her eyes target the floor as she exhales hard with a sigh.

I should say… something.


“So, we doing this or what?” Jenna says before I can mutter a word.

She pulls her shirt off over her head, revealing a tight, purple bra as she takes quick strides toward her room.

I scoff. Well, that wasn’t what I would have said.


“We should make it fast.” Her voice carries. “Heidi’s stuck in lectures for a few hours, so we should be fine, but you never know.”

I stop in her doorway. “Hey, if you want me to go...”

“Why would I?”

She unzips her jeans. Clearly, she’s here to get down to business, but I can’t help but notice the shift in her eyes. A shift I know all too well myself.

“Jenna, are you okay?” I ask.

“I’m fine. I’m great,” she says, a bit too quickly. “Seriously. I’m good.”


“You wanna fuck me in the ass? If you stop talking right now, I’ll let you fuck me in the ass.”

It’s tempting, but...

“Jenna, are you okay?” I repeat.

She takes a breath and holds it. There’s a moment of resistance before her shoulders sag and she slowly lowers to sit on the edge of her bed.

“How much of that did you hear?” she asks, barely looking up.

“From strange men to...”

“All of it?”

I nod. “All of it.”

“I didn’t know she was coming. She just... showed up.”

“Does she usually do that?” I ask.

“No, she...” Jenna pauses. “She and I haven’t spoken in almost a year.”

I step into the room to stand beside her desk. “I thought you guys were close.”

“We used to be.”

“What changed?” I ask, genuinely curious.

“Well, I decided I wanted to be a doctor, so she cut me off.”

I breathe a laugh. “She cut you off... for wanting to be a doctor?”


“Who does that?”

“Oh, Jenna Abrams Senior had very specific plans in mind for her little clone. No, I was going to go to Yale for my undergrad and then Yale, of course, for law school — just like she did. And then I was going to work as a paralegal in a family friend’s firm — just like she did. And then I’d ride her coattails all the way up to the Supreme Court someday.” She scoffs. “That’s not who I am. I mean, I tried. I really tried. I took a few entry level classes as a freshman to make her happy, but I hated it.” She looks down at her hands in her lap. “That’s not who I am.”

I step forward, cautiously moving to sit beside her. “Well, as someone whose been on the receiving end of Dr. Jenna Abrams’ healing touch, I’d say you made the right choice.”

“Thanks.” She smiles, but it doesn’t last. “She came here today because a friend of hers in admissions hadn’t received my law school application yet,” she continues. “She thought she’d try one more time to knock some sense into me. I told her I’d made my decision. That I was staying here. That I was going to CNU Med. And that’s that.”

“Not what she wanted to hear, I guess?”

“Big no. She made it all about her.” Jenna rolls her eyes. “That I was doing it all to hurt her. She told me I was making the biggest mistake of my life and that she wouldn’t be a part of it. I’d be on my own. Then, that’s… that’s when you walked in.”

I shrug. “Being on your own isn’t so bad.”

“Oh, yeah?”


“Do you know how much medical school costs, Seth?”

“No, but I know how much business school costs. I know how to apply for student loans and it’s nothing Jenna Abrams Junior can’t handle on her own. Trust me.”

She exhales hard. “I don’t know.”

“You have no money at all?”

“I have some money,” she says. “Enough stashed away in a trust to live on for another few years, I think. I hope.”

“What about your dad? Wouldn’t he help you? I mean, I’d imagine he’d be proud of you. Being a doctor like him.”

Jenna goes quiet. “He has a new family now,” she says, leaving it at that.

My chest clenches at the thought. How could a man abandon his daughter when she needed him the most? How could a man abandon Jenna like that?

That’s not what I would have done.

She sniffs softly, her downturn eyes wet with tears. “You must be loving this,” she says.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Oh, you know.” She chortles. “The spoiled, little princess finally got what was coming to her.”

I frown. I hadn’t thought of it that way at all. A month ago, maybe I would have. I might have even giggled a little. But not on this day.

Today, I see a girl in pain. A girl I’ve come to care about. A little.

And I don’t like it.



She regards me with suspicion. “Your response?” she asks, her tongue primed for war.

But not today.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper. “That all sounds very lonely.”

Her breath catches. Her face softens. She nods. “Yeah,” she says. “It is.”

I know what it’s like to feel alone.

I shift closer to her, slowly bringing my hand to touch her face. Jenna turns, facing me with the same heavy eyes as she’s always had. Even when we were children.

I kiss her forehead.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

“Just... kissing your ouchie.”


“Hey, when you’re good at something, embrace it.” I push her hair back behind her ear. “I’m officially in the business of kissing ouchies.”

“You’re an idiot.”

“Careful, you’re gonna turn me on.”

Jenna laughs. She playfully shoves at my shoulder, and I tilt away, giving her the space she needs right now.

“Jenna, are you okay?” I ask her again.

She swallows hard, but she looks at me with wide-open eyes. “Yeah,” she says. “I’m okay now.”

“Good.” I shift forward. “Anyway, I guess I’ll take off.”

“Where are you going?” she asks, stopping me.

“Well, I figured the moment had passed.”

She smiles. “You kind of brought it back for a second there.”

“I did?”

She nods.

“With this?”

I lean in and kiss her forehead again.

“Yeah,” she whispers.

I kiss the tip of her nose. “How about that?”

An affirmative hum.

I kiss her cheek. Then the other. “And that?” I whisper.

She says nothing. She closes her eyes, waiting to be kissed again.

I hesitate. Not about the kiss. No, I’m definitely going to do that, but I can’t help but linger just a little longer on her face.

Jenna, much like me, was blessed with good genes. She’s always been hot. Attractive. Stunning, even.


That’s a new one.

Jenna opens her eyes. “Did the moment die again?” she asks.

“No,” I say, shaking my head.

I draw a gentle line up her cheek. The silence grows louder, but it’s warm and welcome. A moment alone, but we’re both far from lonely.

I kiss her. Our lips fit together better than they ever had before. Before, each kiss felt spurred by a primal urge. The need to breed. But this... is new. An urge just as primal, but one of aching comfort. For both of us.

I kiss her shoulder. I gently pull a purple bra strap down to kiss the fresh skin underneath. Her breath quickens as she touches my arms, pulling me closer. I unhook the bra and she lets it fall away.

Jenna pinches my shirt, taking me with her as she slides backward across the bed. I cup her breasts. I lick her cleavage and collarbone before crushing her lips with an even harder kiss.

She pulls my shirt off over my head. I unzip her jeans. She grabs my belt. We move together, undressing each other, positioning ourselves. We move without thought, without second guessing or questions. Nothing else matters but this.

Jenna guides my cock inside of her. We both gasp with pleasure. I take over, thrusting and grinding as she angles her hips just right. She moans into my mouth. I groan with each new taste of her tongue. We burn from the inside out, perfectly content to lose ourselves in each other and forget the world. If only for five minutes.

I push up, balancing on straight arms. Jenna touches my body, her eyes focused downward as we fuck. She watches her hips meeting mine, my cock disappearing so deep inside of her. She bites her lip, scratches my chest, touches herself. And I feel her. I feel all of her.

“Seth, I’m so close...”

I don’t stop. I give her everything she needs right now, and if she needs more, I’ll do it again.

“Seth...”She touches my face. “Kiss me.”

I lower down. I kiss her, hard and firm, as if it’s the last time we ever would. She moans between my lips, her lower half tightening with climax. She reaches around me to squeeze my ass as she comes. Still, I don’t stop. I push through the fatigue, more eager than ever to satisfy her.

“Come with me,”she whispers against my lips.

Oh, thank god.

I perform a few more deep strokes, enough to push me over the edge. “Can I come in you?” I ask.

“Yes,” she breathes.

The desire in her voice is too much for me. I thrust in and I stay there. Her warm slit cradles me so tightly as I come.

“Fuck,” I groan with closed eyes, unable to say or do anything else.

Jenna kisses my cheek. My nose. My forehead. She runs her hands up my back. Through my hair. An embrace as warm as the rest of her body. A body I want to take again and again.

And I don’t like to share.

I raise my head as the thought strikes like lightning.

Jenna’s mine. All mine.

“Holy shit,”she says.


“I, uh…” She shakes her head, dumbfounded. “I’ve never… come like that before.”

Ego… exploding.

I don’t reply. I kiss her instead.

Way cooler than a celebratory handshake.