On His Knees by Tabatha Kiss

Chapter 49


Iscan Jenna’s floor one more time, checking in case I forgot something. Boxers? Pants? Shirt? All of the above on board, but something is missing…

I touch my back pocket. Wallet.

I touch my other back pocket. Phone? Phone!

Where’s my phone?

I turn around again, searching flat surfaces. Her desk? No. Bedside table? No.

“Who’s Polly?”

I spin toward the bed. Oh. It’s in Jenna’s hand.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“Going through your phone,” she says with a smirk. “Who’s Polly? She called you twice last week.”

I gawk at her. She’s lying on her back, cool and casual, with a bedsheet softly resting over her breasts. Hair ruffled about. A pleasant, just-got-fucked glow on her cheeks, thanks to yours truly.

“You’re only getting away with this because you’re naked, you realize that, right?”

She chuckles. “Yup.”

“Polly works at the hotel,” I answer. “She’s in my class, too. We’re interns.”

“And…?” Jenna hints with a raised brow.

“And her nephew’s birthday was last week, so she called me to see if I could switch shifts with her.”

Jenna narrows her eyes, then shrugs. “All right,” she says, settling back onto her pillow.

I extend my hand. “Can I have my phone back, please?”

“One… second…”

She lifts the sheet, points the camera down, and takes a photo, illuminating her naked body with a quick flash.

“Here you go,” she says, holding it out for me to take back.

I swipe open my photos, pleasantly surprised to see a brand new photo of her breasts. “Thank you?” I say.

“Eh, I’ve got a photo of your dick,” she says. “It’s only fair.”

“Good point.” I drop my phone into my pocket. “I have a shift, so I’m gonna skedaddle.”

“At the hotel?”


“With Polly?”

I smirk. “Is this jealousy I detect in your voice?”


That’s a yes.

“No,” I answer. “It’s just me at the desk tonight.”

Jenna shifts onto her elbow. “How do you like working there?”

“Oh, I like it, it’s…” I pause.


“Is this the first time you’ve ever asked me about my life?”

“No. That can’t be true,” she says, then pauses. “Is it?”

“Isn’t it?”

“Maybe?” She squints. “So?”

I smile. “I like it,” I say. “It’s a good job. The boss is kind of a dick, but I’m learning a lot.”


“Yeah. Cool.”

We stare at each other for a moment more. For a moment longer than that.

“Well, I’m gonna go,” I say.


I don’t move. She furrows her brow with annoyance.

“What?” she asks.

I walk back to the bed and lean over her, watching with sinister eyes as she tilts back with curiosity. I kiss her forehead, letting my lips linger on her for a long second; long enough to make her smile.

“That was awfully sweet of you,” she says.

I smirk. “Bye.”

“See you at the beach.”

I step out into the hall and close the door behind me. Silence surrounds the moment, and I’m amazed at how comfortable it is. I’ve done this walk away from a woman’s room plenty of times before, but this time is different.

This time feels…

The front door opens as I step into the kitchen. There’s only a few precious seconds to react before I’m caught. I could hop back into the hallway, sneak back into Jenna’s room. I might hide in the bathroom or—


Ah, shit.

Heidi stops in the kitchen doorway, her eyes laser-focused on me.

“Hey,” I say.



She steps forward and drops her bag on the table. “… Hey,” she says again. “What are you doing here?”

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

“Oh, I was just…”

Fucking your best friend.

No, wait. Don’t say that. Say—

“Fu—ixing the dryer,” I spit.

“The dryer?” she repeats.

“Yeah, I thought of something that might fix it, so I swung by to see if it would… fix it.”

Heidi nods, waiting. “Any luck?”

Kind of.

“Nope,” I answer. “Still broken.”

She shrugs. “Well, thanks for trying. Again. How did you get in?”

“Oh, Jenna let me in. She, uh…” I think fast. “She rolled her eyes, told me not to blow the place up, and shut herself in her room.”

Heidi chuckles. “Sounds about right.”

Nailed it.

“Well, I need to get to work, so…” I step toward her. “I’ll see you at the beach on Thursday, little sister.”

“Sundown?” she asks.

I give her a mini-hug as I pass. “Sundown,” I repeat.

“Can’t wait!”

“Me neither!”

As I step outside onto the porch, I take a sigh of relief. Well, we got away with that. I guess. Next time, I’ll have to be more careful.

I smirk.

Next time.