Caught: In A Case by C.M. Steele

Chapter 11

We had both fallen straight to sleep. It wasn’t until her phone had been ringing, for the last twenty minutes, that she woke up and answered it.

Elizabeth only got to say a groggy hello before I took the phone from her hands and put it on speaker. The voice on the other end was an angry man’s voice that was loud enough to wake the dead. “You stupid bitch, you have fucked up our plans and will do what we say, or we will kill your lover boy.” 

“Who the fuck is this?” Click, the line went dead. I turned to look at my love and tears were falling from her cheeks.

“Jackson, they didn’t tell me what they wanted. You, they want to kill… you…” My woman went into hysterics, and I needed to stop this shit, immediately. Now, I was really fucking pissed. Motherfuckers threatened her and made her cry. I already had a feeling as to who was in on this shit, and I was going to nail all of their asses to the wall or put all those fuckers in a body bag.

“Baby, you need to calm down. I need to get my security team on this. Do you know who called you, babe? The number is unknown on here, but do you recognize the voice?”

“I don’t know. I think I have heard it before, but I’m not sure.” She was bawling again, and I pulled her little round bottom into my lap. Even with murder on my mind, all I could think about was her naked ass on my fucking, dripping cock again.

“Buttercup, look at me.” I waited as she raised her eyes to me. “Nothing is going to happen, babe. My men have been on this all day. What’s your email address?” She looked at me like I was losing it. “It’s [email protected], why?” 

“When was the last time you used it?”

“I really haven’t, except to send the colleges my information. My dad set it up for me last year. But since I’m going to Vanderbilt and they mailed me all the information, I no longer check it? Why?”

“Because my men were at the estate today, and they found emails sent from the computer in your room to [email protected]and they were all about setting up your stepmother and duping me.”

She jumped off my lap, instantly hurt, but I didn’t let her ass get far. I pulled her right back. “Let go of me. You think I sent them, don’t you? How could you after everything? You are still accusing me after our fight, and after telling me that you want me to have your baby?” She reached up to smack the shit out of me when I grabbed her hand.

“Calm the fuck down. At first, I did lose my cool and thought it could be possible. I said ‘calm the fuck down’ before I turn you over and spank that ass of yours.” She stopped trying to get out of my arms. Damn straight, this was where she belonged. I didn’t have time for this shit. I wanted to rip these fuckers apart. What did they have planned for me? What were they going to try to do now? And I say try because that was all they were going to do. I wasn’t going to let anyone fuck with me and what’s mine.

“Sweetheart, you’ve turned my world upside down, in less than a week. I was pissed at what I read, but my men pointed out that you were at school when all these emails were written. Then I realized they were setting you up. For what, I have yet to figure out, but it has to do with some really racy, shady stuff and some unscrupulous characters. I need you to keep your little ass up here while I go talk to the guys and get to the bottom of this shit. Okay? Can you do that for me? I don’t need you stressing. That can’t be good for junior.” She smiled up at me, and I knew I was forgiven. The thought of her with my baby inside, and that bitch smacking her, and motherfuckers threatening her made me want to break some necks. “I don’t know if we already made a baby, but I want you safe either way. You are my girl and will always be. Sit and watch some TV. I’ll be back.”

I kissed her quickly because if it was anything more than that she would be wrapped around my cock and getting a good pounding, but I had shit to handle.

I stepped into the closet and tossed on some jeans and a tee shirt. I had no time to look for boxers, and she watched as I slipped on my jeans commando and had to fucking lick her lips. Fuck it, I would be quick.

I walked up to her naked ass, pulled the covers down, and sat her on the edge of the bed. “You are looking a little hungry there, maybe a little thirsty? Suck him.” I thought I would expire when she swallowed my cock, which was dripping pre-come, down her throat. I didn’t last a minute before I popped out of her lips, lifted her legs up in the air, and drove home. I had no time to take off my jeans; I wanted her pussy too much. She grunted and moaned as I rode her hard as fuck. After each jab into her womb, I was rewarded with more pussy juice coating my cock. I grunted my release, and once I had a chance to breathe I pulled out, and the little nymph licked my dick clean. Good girl. Now, I won’t be so sticky when I meet with my men. I sent the text after that prick had called, and they were to meet me downstairs in my office, cause hell if I was leaving her alone.

When I finally got down there I was met with three fucking pissed off motherfuckers because it was well past midnight. Bitches needed to get over it. Mike had brought his brother with him. That guy was certifiable. Milo was a former fed but quit when he was set up by one of his supposed partners. Needless to say, it didn’t go over too well with Mike, and that partner magically disappeared, fucking Houdini style.

“What’s up, Jackson?” Mike asked. He was just about as psychotic as his brother. He left the Marines when his brother was done wrong. Mike, Milo, and Duke started their own security company called MDM Secure with their own funds, because these fuckers were not only badass men but brilliant, and they invested their money when they were working for the government.

“My woman got a call from some prick, threatening her. The number came up unknown on the ID, but I’m guessing the fucker who called is stupid enough to not cover all his trails.”

Duke was already at his laptop hacking into my woman’s call log and getting down to business. This fucker, Duke, was a muscle-head former Marine, but also, a kick ass computer expert. He worked a lot of the cases with the staff when needed, to delve into hidden files. It had gotten us a lot of wins in the past, and now, I needed his expertise for my biggest case; finding out who was fucking with me and my girl.

“I want this fucker strung up by his balls, and I know that bitch has something to do with it. I finally got Elizabeth to tell me what happened today. That excuse for a woman asked for a meeting with her, then told her that she was fucking up her plans, and that I was fucking both of them and I wouldn’t want a little girl when she was a real woman. The troll had the nerve to slap the shit out of her. I don’t know how that fuckhead, Tommy, got to my girl to break up the fight, but I wouldn’t put it passed him to be involved. I want his whereabouts and phone records tracked.”

“Does she know who called her?” asked Mike.

“No, she doesn’t, but she said the voice was familiar. Have you found out who or where the other emails are coming from?”

“Yeah actually, we have a hit from a town outside of Vegas, called Henderson. There was a house purchased, supposedly by your girl. It’s fucked up. Apparently, all the evidence that is being laid out seems to point to your girl on the surface, but underneath, it’s obvious it is not her. Seriously, whoever these guys are that are pulling this shit off, they’re not the smartest criminals around.”

“They’re fucking using my wife’s name, they’re going to pay for this shit.”

Milo came up to me and whispered in my ear. I turned to see my girl’s little shadow of her cute toes.

“Babe, you better be dressed.” I opened the door, and she was standing there in her pajamas and robe. She was a smart girl. I would have taken her ass upstairs and whooped it if she gave my guys something to see.

“What are you talking about my name being used?”

“Baby, I don’t want you involved in this. I thought I told you to stay upstairs.” My little brat rolled her eyes at me.

“But I am. People are calling me and attacking me, all because we are in love, and I don’t like it.” She needed to quit that sexy pout. I was still horny and my adrenaline had kicked up a notch, and I was liable to pick her up and take her on the nearest wall.

“Boss, if she is involved, we can get some more information since they’re using her name on the accounts.” I looked at him like he was going to get punched if he continued.

I knew it made sense, but having my girl anywhere near this shit wasn’t cool. If people were willing to create this whole scheme to get what they wanted, what would they do if they couldn’t get to their prize?

“Elizabeth, look at these emails. They were the ones I told you about earlier.”

The tears started to build in her eyes, and that was why I didn’t want her in this mess. I didn’t like her tears, and it was those close to her that were the conspirators.

“It’s my stepmother. She knows my email information. When I was signing up for schools, she was helping me and had emailed the schools with the information they were looking for, and I gave her access to my account. I didn’t think it was a big deal because I had nothing to hide. And this one is my father’s.”

She dropped the papers on the floor. I picked her up and carried her to the chair behind my desk. “Baby, I know it looks bad, but maybe it’s not what it seems.” I knew it was exactly what it seemed. Her father was alive after he was supposedly missing, and any money, the fucker was in Henderson.

“Guys, I think this is enough for tonight. I’m going to get some things handled at work the next few days, and then my girl and I’ll be flying out to see my parents. When we return we’ll attack whoever is behind this. I want more information and a strategy before I start taking these pieces of shit out. Now, if you will meet me at my office in the morning, say around ten, we can get some plans together and see if we can find some more players. Come on babe, it’s time for bed.”

I left my guys in the office. Mike and Milo stayed on the property, and Duke lived near the office. They knew that I didn’t want to talk shop in front of my girl. I needed to get a bell on her ass, but I was glad she didn’t hear anything else. I had no idea what else the guys were going to show me, but it could wait until morning. My girl and I would be stopping by Vegas, perfect.

“Jackson, why? Why would he do this to me?”

“Baby, I don’t know. Look at me. You are precious to me, and my family will love you.”

“But why doesn’t my own family? My mom left me, and my dad stopped showing any interest in me when he met Laney, until he saw I had a boyfriend. Then I had him back for a moment before he disappeared, or rather left me.” I hugged my girl tight while she held on to me for dear life.

“Lizzy, my sweet, you do not have to think about them anymore. I’m the only family you need. I’ll care and love you forever, my girl, and this one, too.” I put my hand to her tummy. There was no guarantee that we had created a little one, but it made her smile. She needed to be loved. I took her down on the bed and made slow passionate love to my woman. I thought I put a baby in her tonight. My love grew every day for this beautiful woman, who I thought had it all, and now realized it was all on the surface. I needed to show her she was so unbelievably important to me. How was I supposed to do that when she had lived a lifetime of what was supposed to be unconditional love, only to find out she never really had it?

We fell asleep right after our pleasure was sated, and morning came upon us much too quickly. I didn’t want her to go to school today, but I felt something would be up. The guys met me in my personal office, at six, to say I should let her go to school with Milo, and see if anything happens, and to get her shit. I was against it, but realized they were after me and not her. They had threatened my life, not hers, but I knew it was a tactic to get her to comply. They would probably contact her when I wasn’t around. That would work to our advantage in figuring out their purpose for singling me out for a scam. I didn’t even know what they wanted. Was it money? Power? I was new here, and although I have a name that was big in the legal and aristocratic world, I wasn’t their only interest. They had been researching me before I even got to Seattle.

The file had all high profile people with their pictures in it. The fact that the bimbo was trying to entice me made me think this would be a blackmail scandal involving her prostitutes.