Caught: In A Case by C.M. Steele

Chapter 10

I jumped in my truck, to pick up my girl. I got to the school, and the police had just pulled away. What the fuck? I saw my girl getting closer to the exit, and she was walking with that fuckhead and some older woman.

As far as I could tell she wasn’t smiling. She must have felt my presence because she looked up, and I lost my shit. I ran the hell up to them and grabbed the prick’s collar, “What the fuck happened to her face? What the hell did you do to her?”

“Jackson, please stop. He didn’t…”

Mike came up behind me and pulled me off the little fucker before I got arrested for kicking a kid’s ass. He and Duke followed me to the school to keep me calm; well, they could try. The woman in the suit spoke up, “Sir, calm down. He did not attack her. It was Mr. Anderson who stopped the attack. Thomas, you can go now. Thank you for waiting.”

“Lizzy, baby, if you need me for anything, just call. You know I can protect you.” He touched her shoulder, and I saw red.

“You little fuck, I told you she isn’t yours, so don’t put your hands on her again.” If my man still hadn’t been holding me back, I would have knocked the little shit out. The pissant gave me a smug grin and walked back into the school. Mike finally let me go when fuck-o was out of range, and I grabbed my girl, searching her face to see her injuries. I wanted to take her to the hospital, but only after I got some answers because somebody was going to pay.

“Why the hell was she attacked? Don’t you know how to keep your students safe?” Looking down to my girl and away from the school administrator, I asked as calmly as I could, “Buttercup, who the hell is stupid enough to touch you?” It seemed asking her about it caused her to cry more. I wasn’t going to get a word out of my girl, yet. We sat at a nearby bench, outside the entrance.

“Sir, Miss Homan had a visit from her stepmother. Since she is one of her legal guardians and Miss Homan agreed. They spoke briefly in the hallway before Mrs. Homan struck Elizabeth in the face. By the time security arrived, Tommy was able to get Mrs. Homan off Elizabeth.”

“I need to take her to the hospital. I’ll be in contact with you and the staff. I would like the security footage sent to my office.” Mike handed her one of my cards as I had my hands full with my woman. She looked afraid when she read my card; yeah bitch, you and your school will be in a world of hurt if my girl has more than a bruise.

“I’m her lawyer and her fiancé. I want to make sure Mrs. Homan is held accountable. All of Miss Homan’s class work should be done for the year, so tomorrow her locker will be cleaned out by my men, and maybe Elizabeth, but I’m not sure if that’s wise since your staff can’t be trusted to protect her. Excuse us.” I scooped up my girl and got into the back of the car with her while Mike drove, and I told Duke to meet us at the hospital.

“Jackson, I don’t need to go to the hospital, I’m fine. I still have a week of school left.” She looked into my eyes, pleading. I replied,

“Don’t argue with me. I need to know you are well. I’m sorry that you’re going to miss your last week of activities with your friends. I’ll make it up to you, but I need to know you are safe, and you are obviously not safe there.” She agreed, with a little bit of resentment. “Baby, I’m so sorry that something like this happened.”

“Jackson, I’m fine now that you’re here.” My heart felt like it would come out of my chest. Damn, she made my day much better with her words.


We arrived at the ER and were taken to triage right away. Sometimes there was no arguing with a lawyer. She didn’t need to be seen by a doctor, but I insisted on it. She got a clean bill of health from the doctor, letting her know that should her headache get worse to come back in.

“I told you, babe,” she threw out. I love this woman, and she was adorable when she was annoyed.

“I’m glad you are right because I don’t ever want you hurt, baby. I would do it again if I needed to. You are mine to love and protect.”

She half-joked with me, “Are you going to be this way with our children?” Then she blushed.

“You think about us having babies, baby? Good, because we are. By the way, we might have one on the way now. We didn’t use any protection, and I don’t plan on using any in the future. Unless you are on it, then you need to get off that shit, quick.”

“I was on it, but I stopped when they arrested Laney; it was her idea and she told my dad it was necessary.” I could see her rubbing her thighs together. She liked being told what to do.

“Good, woman, and soon you are going to marry me.” We had pulled up outside my house when I told her ass what was going to happen.

“Are you going to drag me, by my hair, to your lair while you’re at it?” she asked tartly.

“If need be, woman. You can call me a caveman, all you want. When it comes to you, I can’t be anything else. So get used to it.” She laughed while I came around and opened the door and helped her down. “Oh, so, you can be a gentleman.” She had the nerve to smirk at me with her humor. “Buttercup, this is all the gentleman you are going to get. For the next twenty-four hours, I’ll be all virile beast.” I attacked her mouth with the built-up passion, fear, and anger that had been plaguing me all afternoon.

I carried her into the house, ignoring my shocked housekeeper who was about to leave for the day. We reached the bedroom and I tossed her little ass on the bed. “Today was a shitty day, now, I need my little girl to make it better.” I stripped and laid down next to her as I lifted her pink sweater over her head and took off her bra. “I missed you,” I said as I took her nipple into my mouth and began to suck. The pull on her breast sent a straight shot of pleasure to her pussy, adding to the building tension that was about to make her come undone.

“Jackson, I need you.” That was all I needed. I tossed the rest of her clothes to the floor and climbed over my reason for existing, and with one swift thrust, entered her completely. “Ahhhh...” She came before I pumped back into her. “Jackson!” I was glad she had because I roared right after her.

“Lizzy!” It was a done deal; I was taking her to Vegas, soon. Fuck if I would wait.