Caught: In A Case by C.M. Steele

Chapter 15

My family chatted with my wife throughout the entire meal. I had to stop them from talking her ear off, so she could eat. I think my girl was getting thin on me. I can’t have that. “Mom, Elizabeth needs to eat.”

“Sorry, we are just so excited. I have been waiting for the day that he would bring a girl home to meet the family. I’m sorry, son, but you are just going to have to share her with us.” My sexy little wife was blushing.

“Well, before you steal her away from me, I plan to take her into town tomorrow to show her around and do some shopping. How’s that sound, sweetheart?”

Her smile was beaming. “As long as we spend time together, it doesn’t matter what we do.” He kissed his mom and sister goodnight and took his delectable wife to bed.

“She’s adorable. I’m so happy for my Jackson. I know she is a bit young for him, but if they’re happy... I’m glad I was right.”

“Mom, Elizabeth is younger than me. I mean, she’s really nice, and I’m glad they found each other. They’re totally in love. Jackson couldn’t stop looking at her. Did you notice the way she looks at him? It’s like he is her everything; it’s really cute.”

“He’s got it bad; I know the feeling. I chased down a certain beauty, almost 35 years ago, when she was barely legal, and I haven’t gotten rid of that feeling. To my son, the best of luck because he is going to need it.”

The following morning, after a quick interlude in the shower, we were off to town. The town wasn’t too small, but it wasn’t a major city or anything. Bangor was my home. I loved it as a kid, but it got a little stifling when I got older because everyone was always in your business. I went to Harvard for both my Undergraduate and Law degrees. I was fortunate enough to intern during my school years and got my foot in the door. Right now, I had the largest law firm in Maine, and the Seattle office was kicking ass. I also had a hot, young wife who made my heart pound out of my chest. All I needed to do was deal with the people who were fucking with us.

We headed out to see the little shops and stop for lunch, down the street from the office. I wanted to take her inside, but we were short on time since we had the party to go to tonight, and she had to pick out one of the outfits she bought. Zoey wanted to make sure that they were both matching in some way. They were going to get ready together, so we needed to be there early.

Zoey would be eighteen tomorrow, so this was a big bash. My mom invited all of her friends and Zoey’s classmates. I was cool with it until I thought about all the young guys that would be there. I wasn’t old, by any means, but this was going to be Elizabeth’s scene. She wasn’t some shy, quiet, nerdy girl... no, she was in with the popular crowd; which meant that she was cool with the whole flirting thing. If one of these kids even smiled at her, I was going to go ape shit on their asses. After I got ready for the party, I went to look for my dad.

He was alone in his study. “What’s going on? I’m surprised to see you down here. I thought you would be still doing last minute stuff for the party.” He laughed because my mom learned early on that my dad could run a fortune 500 company, but he couldn’t decorate or coordinate a party to save his life. “I offered.” He shrugged his shoulders. “So, son, how is it going? You looked stressed when you came in here. Any more news on the whole scam, or is it that pretty little daughter-in-law of mine?”

“I haven’t thought about the blackmailing because they have nothing they can get me for. I’m worried about my wife. I have a feeling that they will try and pressure her to give them what they want so that I won’t get hurt. She is too sweet for her own good.”

“Son, that just means you are lucky that she would be willing to keep you safe, even if it meant losing you.”

“She’s not losing me because I’m going to get these bastards.” I was getting heated just thinking about the whole fucked up situation. I needed to know who else was behind this, and what they were after. “How many of Zoey’s little boyfriends are going to be here, tonight? Am I going to have to kick some ass?”

“Because of Zoey or Elizabeth?” He smirked. My dad, who would murder a man if he flirted with his wife, actually smirked. He thought this shit was funny. I was trying to keep my cool, and I needed his help.

“This isn’t funny.” I was acting petulant, but I was afraid to lose my girl to someone else.

“Don’t worry, son. What do those kids have that you don’t? They may connect with her on a teenage level, but your woman seems much more mature than most her age. But if you are still going to be a jealous husband against possible teen seducers, just remember; do not hit them first.” I had Mike and Milo with me tonight to keep tabs on my girl. Just because the drama was in Seattle, didn’t mean they couldn’t have followed us, or maybe, this was where it started.


The guest list was about a hundred people long; really not considered a large crowd in our society, but most of them were Zoey’s friends and some of our family and friends. Not five minutes in, I heard a conversation about how hot my wife was and that pissed me off. I appreciated that I had a sexy ass wife, but I didn’t appreciate that other’s thought so, too.              

She was at the drink table, and I was as hard as a rock. What was she wearing? Remind me that I had to kill my sister later, after I was bailed out of jail for beating the shit out of the teeny boppers that stared at my girl. And fuck, there were a lot of them, with their eyes popping out of their heads. A hundred guests my ass, it looked like a hundred guys alone.

I walked straight up to the girls. “What the fuck are you wearing?”

Zoey rolled her eyes at me. “Relax Jacks, she is just dressed to dance and have some fun. Don’t be such an old man.” Zoey pulled Elizabeth away and walked up to Mom, just as Dad made his way to me.

“Dad, this shit is not happening. Tell me my wife is not wearing the equivalent of a towel on her body.” That was the most provocative dress and should fucking be illegal. It was asking for an invitation to fuck. Just then, Zoey introduced my wife to this guy that looked as though he played for the Patriots. I was going to kick both their asses and then teach my wife a lesson.

“Calm down, son, you will ruin the party by going ballistic on them. She is just being introduced, probably as your wife. Let’s go and join them, calmly.” He had my neck in his grip, and though it looked like he was just giving me a manly embrace, he was really pressing down hard. I walked over there calm as hell as if I didn’t want to choke the shit out of Zoey for dressing my wife like a whore. When we approached, she turned to me and gave me the biggest grin, and it was infectious. The anger I felt just seconds ago had lessened.

“Jackson!” She hugged my side and whispered, “You look so hot. You are wearing the purple tie, my favorite. Yummy, yum, yum.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Blake. You look sexy, too, in that excuse for a dress. I think you need to be punished. I’m going to take you upstairs and spank that ass, later.” I kissed her passionately, for the muscle-head and any other jackass to see; she was mine.

“Jackson, this is Rick. Rick, this is my brother, Jackson.”

I shook the boy’s hand; he had a strong grip, but nothing I couldn’t handle. Probably too many nighttime solo sessions. It spread like wildfire that I had married, and the sexy blonde in the tight blue nothing of a dress was my wife. I grinned as I watched all the girls frown, and the guys root. I loved my girl, and it was time I had her take off this dress because I was getting tired of all these little pricks fantasizing about my girl.

It was then that Thompson came up. “Hey, Jackson. What’s this rumor buzzing around? You got married? I can’t believe it.”

“Yes, I did. Buttercup, this is the other partner in Blake, Thompson, and James. This is Phillip. Phillip, this is my beautiful wife, Elizabeth.” Thompson shook her hand.

He seemed all put out. “Why am I just hearing about it and didn’t get an invite?”

“Oh, Phillip, don’t get upset. None of us got invited. He stole her away to Vegas and tied the knot before she changed her mind.” My quirky sister knew how to diffuse a situation. Maybe I’ll forgive her, within the next year.

“Oh, I thought, perhaps, it was because of my wanting you and my daughter to come to an understanding.” Why did he just say that in front of Elizabeth? I wanted to deck the prick.

Just then, the woman in question appeared. “Hi, Daddy!”

Elizabeth watched as she walked right up to me and kissed my cheek, as she purred, “Hi, Jackson. It’s been so long since we’ve been together.” It was blatantly obvious that she was implying that she and I had been an item, and I wanted to vomit.

“Samantha, I would like to introduce you to my lovely wife, Elizabeth. My lovely, this is Samantha Thompson.” Samantha looked like she was going to blow a gasket when she realized that the rumors she heard, a moment ago, were true. My face showed no expression, but inside I was grinning at her dismay. “Will you excuse us, I have to get my wife a drink?”


Jackson took my hand, and I was near tears at this point. We entered the library and he pulled me to him. “I never touched her. I know that is what you are thinking, but I never did, and the fact that the crazy bitch implied it, pissed me off. I’m going to have a talk with Thompson tomorrow. He has been promoting a relationship between us for years, and I have made it clear I have no interest in her.”

I could see the tension rolling off his shoulders. “Tell me you believe me.”

“I do. I just feel so immature for wanting to cry out there.”

“Buttercup, you need to know that I’ll try to avoid your meeting of any of the women I have fucked. You are mine now, and I’m yours, too. I won’t let anyone come between us, you hear me. Even with your eyes filled to the brim with tears, you still look sexy as fuck, and I’m ready to show you how much I need you and always will.”

I kissed the tears that spilled down my wife’s cheeks. I wanted to go punch Thompson in the head and brain that nut of a daughter of his. But right now, I had to focus on my Elizabeth. I guess we both needed reassurance, and I got mine earlier when she came to me with excitement, despite the buff guy flirting with her. Now she needed mine. I kissed down her neck and into her ample cleavage and made my way down to the delta of her body. Raising her leg onto the edge of the sofa, near the door, I opened her up and dropped to my knees. “My pussy”, I grunted. “I’m thirsty, sweetheart, and I need something to drink.” I licked my lips before I kissed her pretty little cunt. The feel of my tongue caused her to moan out loud, feeding my love of eating her out; it had become a must. I dove in, licked and sucked her juices and slipped a finger into her tight pussy. The feel of her was going to make me come in my pants, shit. “Please Jackson, please”

“Please what, baby?”

“Inside me, now.” She was getting more vocal about her needs, and I liked that a lot. I was still the man, so I would give her what she wanted when I wanted. Luckily, we were on the same page; I wanted to spill my come into her pussy, so bad. I raised the dress a little higher and flipped her onto her belly, over the couch. I dropped my slacks to the ground and drove it home. I had to cover her mouth with my mine, as I pounded her into the couch. I loved when I took her from behind, and she wrapped her arm around my neck to reach my lips. She was a natural. We were both frenzied, and one pinch to the clit and my girl practically took it off with her fucking, tight ass walls. I followed closely, thereafter, emptying my balls into my woman. I rested over her as we caught our breath. We had just straightened our clothes when in walked Mike and Zoey, arguing. Since there was only a dim light in the corner of the room and the moon beamed through the windows, they hadn’t seen us.

“I don’t need you to protect me.”

“The hell you don’t. Little girl that bastard had his hands on you. He’s lucky I didn’t break his neck.”

“You are not my keeper. You are my brother’s lackey, and you are here to protect Elizabeth, not me. So back the fuck up.”

“As you wish, your highness…”

Before Mike could finish his retort, I cleared my throat. “Um, you two need to learn how to knock. Now, what the hell is going on? No, Zoey, I don’t want to hear it from you. You are so not on my good side right now; you dressed my wife up like a whore. But what is this that some pussy had his hands on you? And where?”

“Jackson, it was that fucker that was flirting with your wife. They were out in the garden when he made his advances.” Mike interjected.

“Really, you are such an ass. I’m a grown woman, and if I want to have sex, I will. I don’t need my brother and his monkey telling me who I can or can’t be with. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to salvage whatever is left of my party.”


I found my parents and said goodnight. I fucked my girl, long and hard, once we got back to bed, to let her know that I wouldn’t tolerate her wearing that shit in front of other men. I laid it into her rough, as she cried out from the pleasure and pain. “Are you going to walk around dressed like that again?” She shook her head, but that wasn’t enough for me. “Say it... I won’t do it again.” I pumped two more times, and then she was done and took me with her.  “I love you, my Buttercup.”

“I love you, my husband.”

We fell asleep, too tired to shower.

Less than two weeks ago, my life was completely different. I was a hard working lawyer who thought I would be a bachelor all my life. Now, I was a hard loving husband to a girl who was almost half my age. I couldn’t complain. Except for the age gap, I felt secure as hell with our relationship.

The next day we slept in until noon and stayed in bed talking. It’s the most we have done since we met. I learned a lot about my girl today. She was smart as shit with anything but math; she hated that shit. My girl was bubbly; she smiled and talked about everything under the sun. The fact that she was a teenager was still a shock to me. I never thought I would fall for a baby. But she is mine, and I’m not giving her back. I already informed her ass that she wasn’t going to school anytime soon; end of discussion. She pouted, but I was serious. There were too many guys her age there, and if any of them looked like the fucktard ex or the ass from last night, I would lose my mind. If she wanted to do some online classes, I would be cool with that.

We were wealthy and she didn’t need to work, so the only reason to go to school would be for the fun of it. If she wanted to learn about history, we could travel, or I could buy her all the books she wanted. I explained it to her and she understood. Then, for being such a good girl, I ravished her. Okay, it was for me, too. I loved this woman and her tasty, tight treasure.

The next day, the ladies wanted to do some girly things, like hitting a spa. “Don’t be having any guys give you a massage, okay?”

“Of course, babe. You are the only guy I want to massage me. Besides, I’m not getting a massage today. I’ll see you tonight.”

I kissed the shit out of her before she left. I didn’t like her going without me, but it was a girl thing, and I wanted her to bond with my other two favorite women. Besides, Mike was going to be with them. Milo was with me, today. I was heading into the office. I didn’t need the protection, but my wife was worried because the threat had been to harm me, not her. I agreed, just because I couldn’t really say no to her. I trusted Mike fully. I knew he took this shit seriously.