Caught: In A Case by C.M. Steele

Chapter 16

I needed to look into things at the office here. I hadn’t been in it in about a month, and you know how it is, “when the cat’s away the mouse will play”. I had a great staff, so I wasn’t too concerned because some of my employees made the transfer to Seattle with me. We had to hire new employees here, and I left that up to Thompson and James.

“Welcome back Mr. Blake,” said the ever cheerful receptionist.

“Hello Margo, how is the family?” I asked her.

“They’re doing well. My daughter just got accepted to Harvard!” she said proudly.

“Congratulations. Well, if she is looking into law, there is always room for an intern,” I offered. We needed skilled people and Margo’s daughter was brilliant.

“Thank you, I’ll tell her. I hear congratulations are in order for you too, sir.” I nodded and smiled.

“Yes, I’m a very lucky man.” She had been an asset to this company for the past 20 years. Before I started in this office, it was just two other partners; one was Margo’s husband, Robert Thurgood, and the other was his cousin, Michael Spencer. Thompson was also working his way up to being a partner. They brought me on, and I became a partner within my first two years. Then Thurgood and Spencer retired and made Thompson and James partners.

Milo went to get us some coffee, so I was all alone and hoping to spend some me time thinking about what I wanted to do to my wife when I got home, and how to handle this tent in my trousers. I got to my office without having to stop and chit-chat with any of the staff. Good -- because I was getting hornier just thinking about her. I didn’t have a secretary in this location, so I just unlocked my door and went in, and that’s when I was caught off guard. “What the fuck are you doing in my office?”

“Oh Jacks, baby, I just had to see you. I wanted you to see what you were missing by playing house with that child.” She was sitting on my desk, naked. God, my wife would shit bricks; there went the erection I had been sporting a moment ago.

“Get the fuck out of here, Samantha. Don’t make me call the cops.” My door was open, and Milo walked in just as this tramp had thrown herself onto me. I was tempted to choke the broad. I pushed her off, and Milo threw her clothes at her. “I’m giving you one minute to get the fuck out of here. I won’t say it again. I never had an interest in you; even before I met my wife, I didn’t want you. Why would I want you now?”

The commotion was heard in the hall, and I was surrounded by my staff. Fantastic, now there was going to be a scene, but hell if I was going to close the door. I don’t want anyone to say I was alone with her, especially with her ass naked. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt my girl. All it would take was one rumor.

My command that everyone go back to work or be fired got them away from my office. Milo escorted her out from around my desk, just as her father walked in. “Unhand my daughter.”

“Milo is escorting her out,” I growled at him.

Then Thompson erupted, “Why the hell would you embarrass me like that, by tossing her out?”

I was livid. Who the fuck did he think he was; I was the senior partner here. “Your daughter should be embarrassed. She was unclothed on my desk, waiting for me. Which pisses me off because who told her I would be in the office today? You had to have told her since I only mentioned it to you this morning.”

I was pacing. “She is lucky I don’t press charges, coming in here. This office should have been locked; then for her to come at me naked. I have made it clear many times that I wasn’t interested. If my wife gets upset by this, I’ll have her ass arrested.”

Thompson huffed and walked his daughter out. “Boss man, I don’t like this. Do you think they had anything to do with the shit in Seattle?” Milo intuitively asked.

“I’m starting to think so. There has been tension between us since I was hired,” I admitted.

I tried not to think about it, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to sit at that desk until everything had been replaced.

“Fuck! I’m going to have to tell Elizabeth about this.”

“Sir, it’s better you tell her right away. I mean, if you wait, it will make you look like you did something wrong, and we know that’s not the case. Damn, crazy broad.”

“I know, I know. It’s our first day apart, and I have already had a naked woman in my arms. How the fuck is she going to trust me after that?” I rubbed my hands through my hair.

“Let’s walk around and meet some of the employees, then I’m going to have a sit down with Thompson. I don’t want to ruin Elizabeth’s spa day.”

The rest of the morning was calm and my new employees, mostly women, were nice and polite. I thought after the scene earlier, no one would be stupid enough to flirt with me. I went to meet with that sorry excuse for a lawyer, but his assistant told me he left for the day.

I called my girl four times today, just to hear her voice. I couldn’t wait to see her; she was having a great time with the girls. I didn’t tell her about that bullshit this morning, it was still messing with me. I knew I’d be pissed if some dude did that shit to her, so hell if I was going to tell her now; it would kill the fun they were having together. I was happy that she was bonding so well with my family but a little jealous. I needed some of my girl’s kisses, which she promised to give me all night long.

I was done for the day and about to leave when I got the call I never ever wanted to get. “Pops, what’s up?”

“Son, the girls have been in an accident. I’m on my way to County General.” I nearly blacked out, but then I was out of the building in seconds. “Milo, they have been in an accident.”

I drove like a bat out of hell. My girl, my mom, my sister, and my right-hand man. Fuck, I needed to get there. It was only five minutes, but it felt like forever. I pulled up to the emergency entrance and handed my keys to Milo to park. I saw my father’s assistant. “Where are they? I’m looking for my wife, Elizabeth.”

“She has been taken into surgery.” The young man had taken me to where my father and mother were together. She had been cleared to be released, with just a few bruises and a sprained arm. She had been the lucky one. The other three were in surgery. 

I ran up to her and hugged her tightly, forgetting her injuries. “Mom, I’m sorry.” I uttered when I heard her groan.

“Tell me how is she? How are they?”

“We don’t know yet, they were all banged up pretty badly. Elizabeth has the worst of the injuries. The thing is, son, it wasn’t an accident. She was shot.” I paled and fell to the ground, on my knees and covering my tearstained face. Before I knew what was happening, I was being picked up off the ground and put in the chair next to my mom. There was a team of nurses and a doctor by my side. “You need to go take care of my wife, not me, I’m fine!” I was fucking shocked. Somebody was going to pay.

“I need to see her. I need to see her,” I demanded like a mad man.

“Sir, you can’t, she is in surgery. Once she is out, you will be able to see her.” It had been the longest hour of my life. I had just gotten up and was told they were still working on her, so I continued my current occupation of running the carpet bare, with my pacing. Not a moment later did the surgeon’s assistant come out, then she asked us to follow her. We were in the OR recovery room, and I could see doctor’s working on someone. Was it my Lizzy, my Buttercup?

“Sir, your wife is in recovery, as well as Miss Blake and Mr. Mancini,” the nurse said.

“How is my brother?” Milo asked the nurse frantically.

“He is, at present, a little out of it. He has been calling for Miss Blake.” We all looked to each other; Mike was a bit overprotective of my sister.

“Can I see her, my Lizzy?” I asked almost pleading.

“Just you, Mr. Blake. She needs her rest. Okay?” The nurse escorted me into the recovery area while my family and Milo were taken to see the others. I got to the curtained area, just as the nurse opened it, and there she was, looking like a broken sleeping beauty. I felt the break in my heart start to repair; she was alive. The rest I could deal with later because I got what I wanted, and I wanted the bastards involved, dead. I was sure I was going to get a visit from the detectives, but I would have to take care of this on the side. No cops, just the best.