Caught: In A Case by C.M. Steele

Chapter 21

They lived in the next town over, but it was still a short drive from Bangor to their house. She was anxious to get there, and we had to stop because she felt sick. I was worried that this was too much too soon, but it’s what she wanted, and it was a positive in all the negative in her life. I pulled into a nice, large driveway. The house was bigger than I expected for a small town detective. Hope he wasn’t not into some shady shit, but then I remembered Elizabeth’s mom was a doctor.

Opening the door for my wife, I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me. “I’m here babe; it’s going to be okay.”

She kissed me gently before she whispered with a smile, “Thank you, my love.”

We didn’t make it to the entrance before Reid reached us and, with a nod from me, wrapped his arms around his little girl. It was at that moment that I knew it was the right decision to come. He escorted us into the family room where there were two boys, around thirteen, and a woman, who is an older version of my wife, was sitting.

“Elizabeth, boys…” That was all I got out before Dr. Reid ran up to my wife and hugged her tightly, with tears streaming down her face. The pain in her arm seemed to disappear with the love she received from her mom. I could see the love that Dr. Reid had for my Elizabeth.

It was one of the twin boys who spoke first, “Dad, is she…she our lost sister?”

He went over to his boys and put one arm over each of their shoulders, “Yes, this is your sister, Elizabeth.” The two women turned to the boys but were too emotional to speak.

Then my wife was instantly embraced by the twins. “Mom and Dad never gave up hope that they would find you. Thank you for finding us.”

It was the other boy that sized me up, “And who are you and what are you doing with my sister?” I had to give it to the kid, I was no little guy at six three and ripped, there were grown men who wouldn’t question me.

I responded proudly, “I’m Jackson Blake and I’m Elizabeth’s husband, and who are you?”

The pipsqueak looked at me hard, like he had balls of brass, “I’m Thomas Reid, Jr., Elizabeth’s brother, and this is my brother Aaron.” A tough little shit, that’s good, because he will help protect his nieces and nephews.

My woman came up to the little man, hugged him tight and whispered in his ear. Whatever she said to him calmed the little brat down. We all sat around in their classic family room and started to talk. It was obvious right off the bat, they wanted answers but didn’t want the boys to overhear. We spent the afternoon getting to know each other. After a while, the boys were sent to do their homework. “Please tell me what happened. All Tom has told me was that he had a surprise for me today, and in walks my baby. God, Elizabeth, I can’t believe you are here. It is strange that they gave you my name.”

Sheepishly, my girl answered, “They didn’t. I was named after the mother of the woman who took me, but I’m glad to have your name.” Reid stepped out of the room to get something, returning only moments later, and handed my wife a framed photo. “This is all we had left when they took you. This was taken about an hour after you were born. Pumpkin, your mother and I are so happy that you are alive and well. When Shelly gave me that call and asked me to take the case, I was confused until I walked into that room. I’m so sorry that you were hurt.” He hugged her again, and I knew right then and there that I wouldn’t let any of my children out of my sight or they’d be protected by one of my trusted security. I never want to be in that situation. Fuck, I would hunt everyone involved down. I knew I had to share this information I received from Buttercup and Duke, and see how my father-in-law would want to handle it.

They were going to start dinner when I suggested we have something brought in. I called Milo and had him bring us a dinner for at least ten people from the local restaurant. It would be an hour or two, which would give my woman some time to learn about her family, and the men to talk shop. “Dr. Reid, Buttercup, why don’t you two get reacquainted while the cop here shows me where I can make a call in private. Sorry babe, but I have to check in with the office.”

“That’s okay Jackson, I’m fine right here.” I bent down to kiss her pretty, smiling face. I had completely forgotten they were there when I pulled her up from the couch and kissed her like I hadn’t seen her all day. “I love you, wife.”

“I love you, too.” She smiled and I placed her back down with a gushing look from Dr. Reid, and a scowl from her dad.

We entered his little study, and I closed the door. “I didn’t come here to work. I came to tell you that I know where the fucker is hiding, and that he will really be dead when I get to him. I know you are a cop and all, but I wanted to give you the heads up. Nothing is going to stop me from ending him, but I’m not going to spend the next thirty years away from my wife, so I have to come up with a plan. The only real problem is the Feds are on to him and will be nabbing him soon.” I showed him the email I forwarded from her phone to mine. The motherfucker’s face turned beet red, his anger was palpable.

A low growl rumbled from his chest. With gritted teeth he said, “You didn’t hear this from me, but end the fucker.”