Caught: In A Case by C.M. Steele

Chapter 22

“Mom, I’m so glad that I found out the truth. When Jackson told me I couldn’t believe it, but it makes more sense now. But I can’t understand why they would take me when they didn’t really want me,” I said sadly.

“I don’t know either, but I’m a so happy to have you now. I’m shocked to hear that you’ve married so young, but from the looks of it, you did well, that man is crazy about you. Do you have any plans to go to college?” my mom asked me.

“Jackson wants me to do online courses for now since I graduated from high school. He was able to get them to send me all my final assignments here. I did them last week. I won’t be walking on stage, but I’ll receive my diploma in the mail in the next couple of weeks. Gosh, it is so wonderful to meet you. I’m happy and sad at the same time,” I admitted.

Her eyes were filled to the brim with unshed tears when she asked, “Is it because you miss them?”

“No, no, no…it’s not that. It’s just that I missed so much of our time together. I have a family I knew nothing about, and I wish that we had found each other sooner.”

“Me, too. You are my little princess, and you’ve grown up to be a beautiful young woman. This is the happiest day of my life. I know that sounds bad since the birth of my children and the marriage to your father, but I have my first precious gift returned to me, the feeling is unbelievable. How long are you and Jackson in town for?”

“I’m not sure. We only came for his mother’s party last Friday, and then everything got crazy. He doesn’t want to leave until I’m better but now that we found each other, I’ll ask him to stay longer.”

“Of course, babe. We can stay longer. With everything up in the air here, I have to stay at least until it’s straightened out.” Jackson surprised me when they came back so soon, but I knew that he had talked to my dad about the imposter. It was clear that he was pissed, and Jackson was trying hard not to ruin the mood.

Dinner was a delight. I got to enjoy my first meal with my real family. My little brothers were fun to watch as they talked about everything to me. Thomas left Jackson out of the conversation a lot, but he didn’t seem to mind. He was chatting with Detective Reid... oops, I meant my dad. It was weird, but I felt like I belonged. I didn’t feel the awkwardness that comes from this kind of situation. “Jackson, Pumpkin, the boys have a baseball game tomorrow if you would like to join us. It’s at 2 pm if you can make it.”


“Jackson, can we?” She seemed so excited, but I had to be in the office tomorrow. However, I couldn’t let her down, so I raised her hand to my lips and kissed it gently.

“Tom, I have to work and may have to fly out to Seattle, but Elizabeth can come if Milo or Mike goes with her.” The boys were smiling and hooting. After dessert, the boys were sent to bed, but not before giving their older sister a great big hug and a kiss on the cheek. I liked them, they were not jealous of her one bit; they were almost just as happy as their parents.

“I’m sorry, babe, but that is looking more and more like a possibility.” She pouted until I kissed her pretty lips and told her I would call as often as I could.

We spent the next two hours talking about how we met and how she ended up in the hospital. During that time, I had been booted to the chair opposite of the coffee table away from my wife, and her parents had been sitting on opposite sides of her on the sofa. They were constantly touching her; they would hold her hand, hug her, or kiss her hair.


We left around ten o’clock when Jackson noticed my fatigue. I tried to play it off, but he wasn’t buying what I was selling. My mom was an Emergency Medicine doctor and had to work the next two days and would be doing a double at the hospital, so I wouldn’t be able to see her for the next few days, but I would get to see my little brothers and my dad. We were going to the boys’ baseball game, and I couldn’t wait to bond with them. I hugged my parents tightly, even with the pain in my arm. I couldn’t control my happiness. I was so excited that I babbled almost the whole way home, but Jackson was quite subdued on the car ride back.

We got back and were getting ready to take a shower when I had to ask, “Jackson, am I talking too much? I’m sorry.” I didn’t want him to be bored or upset with me.

“Buttercup, no you are not. I know you are excited and happy, but I’m being selfish right now.”

“What do you mean?”

“I didn’t get to spend time with you alone today, and I’m feeling jealous. I know this makes me a bad person, but I want you all to myself.”

“Jackson, I missed you, too. You’re not being selfish. I love you and love spending time with you. Besides, sir, we have all night to get reacquainted.” I sashayed my hips, removing my clothes as I went into the bathroom; he was right behind me, throwing his clothes wherever they landed. I giggled then thought, this was going to be a night to remember.


The next day I had to make a trip to Seattle, or so I told my family and wife. I was leaving her well protected with my dad, her dad, and the guys, so I was going to try and not worry. I would be back in two days, but fuck if that didn’t seem like a long time. We were married for a month now and haven’t spent a night away from her. The Feds lost that slippery fucker, but Duke kept tabs on his ass, and we were headed for him. He flew back to Seattle, which worked perfectly for me. I didn’t lie to her when I said I might have to go, I just didn’t specify what kind of work needed tending to. I was getting text messages from my team with concerns. He thought that he could get lost amongst the crowds and that he wouldn’t be noticed, but he was sorely mistaken. I wasn’t going to kill him myself because I didn’t want that shit to come back to me, but the motherfucker would be dead by tonight. I had contacted the fucking mob boss who had refused to take my girl as payment. He would enjoy getting this fucker to pay; with his life, for running away from him with his money. But I had one condition; I need a few minutes alone with the fuckhead first.