DragonRider by S. Rodman

Chapter six

comfy bed feels strange. I’m not sure I’ve ever had such a good night’s sleep. And in a strange bed too. And I’ve never woken up so languorously. My dreams slowly drifting away, and consciousness coalescing gently and seamlessly, leaving me feeling focused and refreshed.

My new room looks great in the morning light. Grey stone walls. Narrow window. Simple fireplace. Enough room for a double bed and a chest of drawers but not much else. It’s plain and basic, but it’s clearly a room in a castle. I’m disappointed that the bed is an ordinary divan and not a fourposter, but maybe I can remedy that.

Shit, I haven’t asked about pay. Do Dragonriders get paid? Or do we just get to live in this castle with all board and lodging taken care of? What about clothes and other necessities?

I sigh. I still have so many questions. And I need to drive back to my flat, pack up my meagre belongings and tie up my old sad life. Will I be able to do that soon? I only have enough stuff with me for an overnight stay, because that was all this was supposed to be. Not a whole new life. Not that I’m complaining. A whole new life is a hell of a lot better than a weekend job. And, hello? Dragons! And yes, very sexy men to drool over and have very inappropriate thoughts about. But mainly dragons, I am far more interested in dragons.

Gently I reach out with my thoughts. I can feel Ri’s presence but I think he is sleeping. Apparently Dragons are mostly nocturnal and they sleep far more than humans. Or so Ri told me yesterday.

A sudden knock on my door makes me jump. “Come in,” I say, before I remember that I’m sitting in bed, wearing my very unflattering pyjamas.

Harlen walks in carrying a tray. “I thought I’d bring you breakfast, since the scoff hall is a rowdy pit of delinquency. No need to face that hell hole until you have settled in more.”

His smile is bright, but I’m not daft. I can see the lie.

“They hate me don’t they?” I say flatly.

Harlen winces and carries the tray over to the chest of drawers. The food smells delicious.

“They don’t hate you, they are just a bit disgruntled. When you grow up in a rider family all you dream about is being chosen by a dragon. And we haven’t had any outsiders for a while.”

“How long is a while?” I ask.

Harlen gives me a strange look that I can’t quite decipher. “Forty-five years.”

Forty-five years? I feel my eyes nearly pop out of my head. They haven’t had an outsider join their little clique for nearly half a century? Oh, my god. It’s going to be impossible to win them over. They are never going to accept me.

“They will love you once they get to know you,” says Harlen. “You’re adorable.”

I quirk an eyebrow at the Dragonrider. “That’s what you say about Mordecai.” My hands fly to cover my mouth in sudden horror. “Oh my god, am I as bad as him?”

Harlen laughs. The corners of his eyes crinkle with amusement. “You’re nothing like Cai, don’t worry.”

Inwardly I wince. I know what Harlen means, but damn does it speak to my insecurities. Mordecai is rude, arrogant and aloof but he is also clearly a person of importance who holds an important rank here. He is imposing and commanding. Sexy as sin and hotter than hell. I really am nothing like him and it hurts.

“Can I join you for breakfast?” asks Harlen, clearly oblivious to my inner angst.

I give him a quick nod since I can’t exactly send him away after he has been kind enough to bring me food. Besides, I like his company and I have a ton of questions.

He grins, passes me a plate and then climbs onto the bed and sits next to me. There is nowhere else to sit, so it makes sense. And having an incredibly hot guy in my bed certainly feels like a win. Just a shame it’s only for food.

I need to look at the breakfast he has brought me, so I don’t undress him with my eyes. It looks delicious. The food. The food looks delicious, because I’m definitely not thinking about anything else.

Eggs. Bacon. Toast. Mushrooms and baked beans, as well as a sausage. A proper Full English Breakfast. Or is it a Full Welsh, since we are in Wales?

My stomach takes control of my hands and I tuck in. Harlen brings the tray over and puts it precariously on the bed, by our knees, so we can reach the orange juice and tea. This is a lovely way to start the day. Ten out of ten, would recommend. Even with Harlen being immensely distracting.

This close, I can smell him and he smells wonderful. Like sea salt and morning mist and other overly poetic and cliched things. And I swear I can feel his body heat radiating off of him and seeping into me, warming my muscles. And he is right there, inches away. His presence is all-consuming. I’m hyper aware of his every movement, his every breath. The way his bicep moves as he brings his fork to his mouth.

Oh god, I’m a sex crazed animal with a one track mind. And how much of this would Ri be hearing if he was awake?

“Can you teach me how to shield my thoughts from Ri? I don’t want him to hear my every thought.”

Harlen flashes me a quick smile. “Sure.”

“Ri is a he, isn’t he?” I ask because, thinking about it I’m not sure how I came to that assumption.

“Yeah, he is. My dragon Zh is she, but dragons are biologically both.”

I give him a quizzical look as I bite into my toast.

“They mate on the full moon and they fly and fight and the winner gets to fuck and not be fucked.” Harlen ends with a grin that is totally filthy.

I look away before he sees my blush. “Every full moon?” I stammer, mostly just for something to talk about.

“Yeah, every moon. But eggs are rare, and young from the eggs are super rare. The Dragons mostly just fly around and have an orgy. Best team building exercise ever.”

Harlen’s grin is infectious and I can’t help smirking back. His eyes sparkle with naughty thoughts and I feel like a mouse hypnotised by a snake. Surely he is not thinking naughty thoughts about me? Maybe he is? Maybe he is not fussy and just likes the idea of someone new, another notch on his bedpost. My stomach flips over and I’m not sure how I feel about that. Morally, I have no objection to casual sex, I’ve just never done it and I’m not sure I could. But if it meant I got to have Harlen, it might be worth it.

“Finish breakfast and I’ll give you some mind shielding lessons and then tonight Cai is going to give you your first flying lesson.”

I can feel myself pout but there is not a damn thing I can do to stop it.

“Can’t you teach me to fly?”

Harlen chuckles gleefully. “I’d love to, Kirby, but it’s best to learn from the best and infuriatingly, Cai is the best rider that has ever lived.”

Harlen’s tone is light but I can hear his jealousy and the begrudging nature of his respect. That’s interesting. Seems like there really is rivalry and some sort of manly pissing contest between Harlen and Mordecai.

I should stay well away from both of them so that I don’t get caught in the crossfire. But as I look into Harlen’s eyes, something tells me that it might be too late for that.

I’m already something for them to fight over.