DragonRider by S. Rodman

Chapter eight

It’s seeping through me and reaching my very bones. I’m going to have to move soon because even the Welsh summer sun can burn my ridiculously pale skin, but right now I’m going to savour this heat.

The smell of the warm grass underneath and beside me is soothing. It stirs echoes of other summer days I have enjoyed. Vague memories of childhood swirl. My eyes are closed and I feel soporific.

At the other end of the quad I am lounging in, Dragonriders are also sprawled on the grass, chatting in small groups. I’ve avoided everyone so far but at some point I’m going to have to be brave and talk to them.

A shadow falls over me, making me shiver in the sudden drop in temperature. Seems like that moment is here. The moment I have to talk to people who hate me.

Warily I open my eyes and find two young riders looming over me. One is a girl with short spiky blond hair, the other is a boy with a buzz cut. They both look late teens and they both look like they don’t like me at all.

It feels like being back in school. Or facing wild animals. Don’t make any sudden movements and absolutely don’t show any fear.

“Are you looking forward to the full moon?” asks the girl with a sneer that is clearly an homage to Mordecai. It’s good to know that he inspires the youngsters.

“Maybe my dragon will best Ri!” gloats the boy and they both snigger maliciously.

I sit up slowly and carefully. As if I don’t have a care in the world. I’m biding time while I puzzle out their words. Harlen said the dragons fly, fight and fuck on the full moon. Am I supposed to care? If this kid’s dragon and Ri have fun, am I supposed to mind? Why? I really don’t understand.

I shrug. “Maybe they will. No need to be childish about it.”

I smile softly as they both bristle. Ah yes, teenagers hate being called childish. They are so very desperate to be seen as adults. I wish I could warn them that being an adult sucks and there really is no need to rush towards being one. But it’s not as if they would listen to me.

“So you don’t mind who you spread your legs for?” drawls the girl.

Excuse me? I’m so startled by her outrageous rudeness that I am rendered completely incapable of speaking.

“Ri is strong enough to beat most of the flight, but he always chooses to lose, because he loves to take it. Is that why he chose you? Because you are as much of a slut as he is?”

What the actual hell? What in the actual fucking hell is going on? What are these horrid little shits talking about? I need them to go away and it needs to happen now.

I put on my best condescending look. “I don’t have time to deal with children right now. Shoo!” I close my eyes and lie back down.

They mutter something before shuffling off and the relief I feel is immense. Thank fuck for that. My heart is still pounding and I feel dizzy. I have a horrible feeling about this.

“Ri! I don’t care if you are asleep! I need you to answer me!”

I sense Ri stirring sleepily and yawning. “What is wrong?”

I send a mental replay of what the teenagers said to me. “What are they talking about, Ri?”

He yawns again. “We are bonded, my lust and desire will flood you on the full moon and you will be driven to enact what I do.”

Cold horror fills me. It runs in my veins and flows in my lungs. It settles low in my stomach and makes me want to heave.

“Are you saying, whatever dragon you sleep with, I have to sleep with their rider?”


I jump to my feet. “Why did no one tell me this!”

“Kirby, it is nothing to be alarmed about. I like to submit, you do too. It’s one of the reasons I chose you.”

“You could tell that about me?” My hands are covering my mouth now as if I can somehow contain this nightmare. Ri knew such intimate things about me, before we were bonded?

“Of course.”The smug pride that is rolling off Ri is intense.

“Kirby, do not panic. I prefer Zh and Je and usually choose them to mate with.” He sounds immensely proud of himself, as if he is presenting me with a glorious gift.

Harlen and Mordecai’s dragons? A strange heat rolls through my body. Part of me is very pleased with Ri’s gift. Harlen and Mordecai. Sex with them wouldn’t be horrible at all. But that ‘usually’ in Ri’s statement is doing a lot of heavy lifting. And I still don’t like this. Any of this. I don’t want anyone to sleep with me because they have to. And I’m rubbish and hopeless at sex and this whole thing is an awkward nightmare. I feel as if I’m going to have a full-blown panic attack.

“You do this every full moon? Lose on purpose so you get to submit?” Not that winning would make this any better. The idea of topping whoever Ri chooses is just as horrifying.

“Yes.”A wave of Ri’s happiness and satisfaction washes over me. He really does love it. I can feel it. He loves the chase, the surrender, the excitement and the pleasure.

“So what you are saying Ri, is that you are a huge slutty bottom and I’m along for the ride?”

Ri’s laughter rolls on and on. His amusement, mirth and glee flows through me. He really, truly cannot comprehend why I have a problem with this. To him sex doesn’t come with any angst, baggage or shame. It’s just fun. With no strings attached. I know his attitude is far healthier than mine but it’s not like I can just switch off all my hangups.

“I hate you right now,”I grumble.

“No, you don’t. You love me because I am magnificent.”

A huge weary sigh escapes me. He is right. I don’t hate him. I can’t hate him. We only met recently, but the bond allows me to feel him. To know and understand him on a far deeper level than I have ever understood and connected with any other being before. An instant best friend. One that is going to drag me into their sexcapades.

“Go back to sleep, Ri. I’m going to go yell at Harlen about this.”

I feel his sleepy assent and then I turn on my heels and storm out of the quad. Where the fuck is Harlen?