Envy by Eve Marian



I didn’t sleep well that night. I dreamed of Chase playing baseball, something he’d never done. He was at bat, and the crowd in the stands cheered him on. But he pointed his bat at me, and mouthed, “You’ve forgotten about me.”

“No,” I cried. “No. I haven’t.”

I pushed through the people, trying to get closer to him, but a security guard held me back. His gun pressed against my hip painfully. “Let me go,” I shouted, struggling against him. “I need to go.”

But he wrapped his arms around me instead. “Shh, calm down.”

I recognized that scent, that masculine, woodsy smell. My muscles strained against him, but he held strong. “Shh, I’ve got you, baby.”

My eyes flew open and I stared into Giancarlo’s light brown gaze. My chest heaved from waking in fright. “I’m sorry,” I said, confused for a moment, but realizing I might have hurt him wrestling in my sleep.

“It’s fine. You were just having a bad dream.”

He caressed my cheek, his thumb running back and forth. “Are you all right now?”

I licked my lips. I wanted to say yes, but the word wouldn’t break free from my clogged throat. “I will be,” I said, instead.

His gaze held mine as he searched my eyes. “I recognize that stare,” he said. “You were fighting some heavy demons.”

I nodded and snuggled into his embrace. “Yeah.”

He sighed and rested his chin on the top of my head. “You will slay them,” he whispered. “I’ve no doubt.”

His words filled me with hope and sorrow at the same time. Because to slay them would mean to forget Chase, and I didn’t think I could do that.

“What are your plans for today?” I asked, changing the subject.

“Well,” he started, running his fingers up and down my spine. “I have a couple of things to take care of in terms of business. But I can make myself available early this evening.”

He pulled back to stare at me again. “I want to take you out for dinner.”

I laughed. “That sort of defeats the purpose of my job.”

“Natacha, you can’t be my cook anymore. Not after this.”

My heart sank. “Are you firing me?”

His laugh was guttural, from deep down inside his belly. “No. Well, I mean yes. I can’t have you working for me. But you don’t have to worry about money. I’ll take care of you.”

“No,” I said before he could solidify the idea in his head. “I don’t want to stop working here. I enjoy cooking and want to keep doing it.”

“Look, my kitchen is open for you to do whatever you like in it. And don’t worry about the money, I’ll make sure you get what you need. I just don’t want you to feel obligated anymore. I’ll get Pete to hire someone new.”

A new person in the kitchen wasn’t something I wanted. It would be another set of eyes on me. I still had a job to do. Despite what happened between us last night, I hadn’t relinquished my responsibilities.

It was just casual sex. Just as Giancarlo had said. Hadn’t he?

“I don’t want anyone else here. I just want it to be me. They would only get in the way.” I kissed his chest, distracting him from the conversation. Truthfully, it wasn’t only to distract him. He had a body that would make any woman want him. The muscles bunched as soon as my lips touched his skin and he fell backward onto the mattress.

“Fine. Do whatever you want, just don’t stop.”

I smiled when my mouth reached his flat nipple. I licked around his small areola and flicked it. From the corner of my eye, I saw him harden and I fought back the urge to gloat. I flicked his nipple with my tongue again.

“Come here,” he said, rolling his body on top of mine.

“I thought you had meetings this morning.”

“They can fucking wait.”


There were hardly any cars on the road on the way back to my apartment. By ten in the morning, most people were already at work, except for Charlotte. Being a personal trainer, her schedule was flexible. She was in the mail nook, just outside the lobby, when our eyes met.

I smiled but her frown threw me off.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” I asked. She wore light gray tights and a matching crop top, one of her usual workout uniforms.

“You tell me,” she said, joining me in front of the elevators. “You’ve missed all of our gym appointments and only sent a text saying you were busy. I haven’t seen you in over a week. What’s going on?”

“I’m so sorry, Char,” I said. “I’ve been so busy at work that I just come home to sleep.”

She watched me for a minute, and despite the intense scrutiny, it felt good knowing someone paid attention to my comings and goings. I smiled. “I missed you, too.”

She inhaled deeply and rolled her eyes. Finally, her lips twitched and I knew I was forgiven.

“Where are you off to now?” she asked.

“Just upstairs to freshen up before heading out again. I have a meeting with my dad in an hour.”

“All right. If you’re free this weekend, I have a few friends stopping by. You should come.”

I didn’t have any plans this weekend, and it would be nice to catch up with Charlotte. “That sounds great.”

“Perfect. Come to my place around eight on Saturday. I’ll make sure Dave is there.”

I groaned dramatically just as the elevator doors opened and I waved goodbye to Charlotte. “See you later.”

She smiled and wiggled her fingers back at me.

Once inside my apartment, I didn’t waste any time. I showered, watered my plants, and took out the garbage. It was strange being here alone. In just one week, I’d gotten used to spending most of my time with other people around. Pete was always there during the day, and Nonna had been a constant companion, teaching me her favorite recipes so patiently. I would miss her now that she was back at home with Joanne and Sienna.

But it was all temporary, anyhow. This was just a job, and I would be leaving soon. My heart thudded at the thought. I was starting to like these people, despite my initial misconceptions. I thought working for the mob would be dangerous and the people horrible. But so far, it had been, well, it was sort of nice.

I chuckled at the unexpected twist as I climbed into my car and drove toward the office.

My father, Jim, and Carl were already there, which I had expected. But so were Luke and Colton Crawford. I guess they were anxious for an update as well.

It was no problem. In fact, it was easier to tell everyone at once.

“Good morning,” I said, walking through the front doors.

“Morning Nat,” Jim murmured, his nose stuck inside some book.

“I’m sorry, I’m late,” I said, placing my purse on my desk. I dragged my chair over to where my dad and the Crawfords sat. “How’s everyone today?”

My father raised his eyebrows, and Luke smirked. “Great. And how are you?”

“I’m feeling good. Sun is shining, the air is fresh. It’s a good day.”

My father leaned closer and whispered in my ear, “Are you feeling all right?”

I pulled away to look at him. “Of course. Didn’t I just say so?”

“Yeah, but it’s not something you’d usually say.”

I scoffed. “Yes, it is.”

“Now that we’ve gotten the pleasantries out of the way,” Colton said, straightening in his chair. “Natacha, tell us where you’re at in the investigation.”

Colton certainly didn’t waste any time, did he? I didn’t mind, though. I was anxious to get back to Giancarlo, anyway.

I meant work. I was anxious to get back to work. Ugh.

“Absolutely,” I said, turning toward Colton and Luke. “I’ve searched through the entire house, including Giancarlo’s bedroom.”

A shiver ran down my spine at the memory of me inside his bedroom and what we did in there.

Luke raised his eyebrow and I wondered if he had noticed.

I cleared my throat and continued, “I couldn’t find the baseball.”

“What about any history of himself? Or our mother?”

I shook my head. “Nothing. I met his grandmother, stepmother, and sister. The stepmother is a real piece of work, but Angela and Sienna are terrific.”

“Terrific?” Luke repeated.

“Yeah.” I smiled at him. “Anyway, neither of them mentioned Giancarlo’s past, nor his biological mother. But it’s still early in the investigation. We still have time.”

For some reason, knowing I would need to spend more time with Giancarlo made me smile wider. Unfortunately, it set Colton off.

“We still have time?” he asked calmly. Yet, his tone implied he wasn’t too happy about that.

“This isn’t something I can rush,” I explained. “If I push him or his family too hard, they’ll become suspicious. Then there goes any chance of finding out what you want to know.”

Colton rubbed his mouth, but Luke stared at me. The weight of his stare felt heavy and so I looked away. However, my father’s blank face wasn’t comforting either. He usually assumed that expression when he didn’t want anyone to know what he was feeling.

I needed to turn this meeting around. “I did find a safe in his walk-in closet.”

Colton’s head snapped up. “A safe?”

“Yes. I’ve put in a request with a locksmith to see if there’s some way for us to open it, but it needs both a combo and a card to swipe.”

“Well, you should have no problem getting the card,” Luke said.

He was right. However, I hadn’t tried it yet. “Yes. That should be easy. It’s the passcode that’s holding me back.”

“I’ll see if I can get one of our guys to help. We know a thing or two about safes,” said Colton. He pulled out his phone and texted someone.

While I watched him, both Luke and my father stared at me.

“What?” I whispered to Luke.

He searched my face, then shook his head. “I don’t know. I can’t put my finger on it.”

I shrugged. “Well, when you figure it out, let me know.”

He nodded. “How’s the cooking coming along? You haven’t texted me in a while.”

At the mention of cooking, my mood brightened. “Great, actually. Angela taught me a bunch of recipes and watching her prepare a meal was so much better than watching some videos. She was patient and kind and even taught me her gnocchi recipe.”

“That’s it,” he said, snapping his fingers.

“What’s it?” I asked, confused.

“What’s different about you.”

I looked between him and my father and finally asked, “What?”

He leaned closer. “You look happy.”


I didn’t know why his comment offended me, but it did. “I’m always happy.”

“Maybe,” he leaned back in his chair. “I certainly have not known you long enough to say, but you’re giving off a different vibe than when I first met you.”

“That was different. On that day, I agreed to jump into the lion’s den.”

“And now?”

“And now…well, now I think he’s more like a Bengal cat.”

Luke’s smile disappeared. “I wouldn’t underestimate him, Natacha.”

His voice surprised me. Luke was the easygoing one, but suddenly his mood changed.

I replied carefully, “I’m not.”

“All right, it’s all set,” said Colton, interrupting us. “If you can send us a picture of the safe, my guy said he’d crack it open.”

My chest tightened and I found it hard to breathe. “Great. That’s great.”

Colton and Luke stood, and we all shook hands. “We’ll be in touch shortly.”

I nodded, and my father walked both men to the door. I gathered my purse, preparing to leave. But my father met me at my desk. “Can I talk with you in the kitchen for a minute?”

He never asked to speak to me alone. He always said what he wanted to say in front of Carl and Jim.

“Sure.” I adjusted my purse strap and followed him to the back room.

We’d barely reached the kitchen counter when he turned sharply with his arms crossed. “What the hell is going on?”

“What are you talking about? I just gave you an update.”

“I just heard you feed us a pile of crap. You’re stalling, and I want to know why.”

“I’m—I’m not stalling,” I stuttered. Damn it.

“Has he threatened you? Did he hurt you? My god, if he so much as laid a finger on you—”

“No, Dad. It’s nothing like that.” I sighed and brushed my hair off my forehead. “It’s exactly as I said. I’ve searched the house and haven’t found anything.”

“Natacha, you’re one of my best investigators. You’re in and out of an assignment in a matter of days. It’s been a week and you’ve only discovered the location of his safe. Something is going on.”

I rubbed my neck; it was starting to hurt. “You sound just like Luke.”

“Then that should tell you that you’re terrible at hiding it.”

My leg started to bounce and I pressed down on my heel to steady it. “I’m not hiding anything.”

I hated lying to my father, but what was I supposed to say? I slept with Giancarlolast night and I don’t regret it. It was the best damn sex I’ve ever had.

No. Neither of those truths was an option. “Look, I’m trying, okay, but this assignment is going to take time.”

He stared at me, his eyes burning a hole through mine. “I want you off the case.”

“What?” I shouted.

He didn’t even flinch. “You heard me.”

I curled my hands into fists at my side. “You can’t do that. You have no reason to do that.”

“You’re getting too involved, I can tell. The way you spoke about his grandmother and sister, they sound like your new best friends.”

“Well, they’re good people.”

“They’re killers, Natacha!” His voice echoed in my ears. I couldn’t remember the last time my father shouted at me.

I spoke calmly. “No, they’re not.”

“You are not a foolish person. What’s gotten into you?”

Then his face dropped as though he’d just realized something. He shook his head, “You’re not, you’re not…falling for this guy, are you?”

“No. I just can’t get out now. Not like this. I have to see this through.”

He stared at me, his eyes turning sad. “Are you still talking about the case?”

“Yes. Of course.” I had to be talking about the case because anything else just couldn’t be true.

“One more week, then you’re out.” My father walked away and I wondered if he would actually do it.

Judging by this conversation, absolutely, he would.