Envy by Eve Marian



A couple of days later, walking up the steps to Nero Trattoria, I glanced over my shoulder at the parked cars on the street. No one sat inside, and no one walked by either. The weather had turned chilly overnight and I pulled up my collar.

“Good evening, sir,” the hostess smiled. “Table for one?”

She had bright red hair and wore blue eyeshadow. Her smile didn’t falter, which meant she most likely didn’t know who I was. And tonight, I wanted no one to recognize me.

“No. I’m here to speak with Massimo.”

“Oh, um… let me see if he’s in tonight.”

I knew the owner was around as I’d arranged to meet him here.

Her heels clicked on the light wood floors as she snaked around tables and walked to the back of the restaurant.

A few minutes later, she trailed behind Massimo.

“I’d shake your hand, but it’s probably best no one sees that, just in case.”

I nodded and followed him when he turned and moved to his right. I kept my collar up and my head down, not making eye contact with any of the patrons. When my hair fell over my eyes, I left it there, glad for the added coverage.

Massimo stepped inside a private room. There was a large rectangular table in the center, with six chairs on either side. A long crystal chandelier hung over it.

I ran my hand underneath the table. It was smooth. Checking to ensure no one was watching, I crouched beside it. Using the flashlight on my phone, I spotted two listening devices near the center of the table.

Rising, I gave a brief nod in Massimo’s direction. Then I stepped toward the small bar in the corner of the room. I checked underneath for bugs and crouched below. I couldn’t spot them.

Raising my eyebrows at Massimo, he lifted his chin at the three low-hanging pendants above the bar.

“Good job,” I said. “And the cameras?”

“They’re in the back corners, behind the speakers.

Finding out that Massimo was cheating on his Sicilian wife was the best sort of luck. I knew I could blackmail him into helping me. I wouldn’t want to piss off a Sicilian woman, either.

Nero Trattoria was a Sangunero-owned restaurant, and the one most frequented by the Caruso family. But this wasn’t a regular job. No. These bugs would help me find my rat. No one knew I was here. Not my assistant, not my driver, not even my family. I could trust no one until I knew who the traitor was.

Massimo stared past me at the patrons beyond and his hands shook. “You’re gonna get us both killed, you know that? You should have sent someone else. This is too risky.”

Despite having executed his task as I’d directed, Massimo’s words angered me.

I stepped closer to him and squeezed the back of his neck. “I’ll forgive your tone this one time because I know you’re scared of Sangunero finding me here.” Then, looking him in the eye, I whispered, “But if you ever question my judgment again, I won’t just show your wife the pictures of you in bed with another woman. I’ll do you both a favor and cut your dick off.”

I raised my eyebrows, waiting for his understanding.

He pressed his lips together and nodded. I wasn’t sure if he’d paled because he was afraid of losing his wife or his cock. Assuming he had to sleep around to make himself feel like a man, I’d say the latter.

I left the room and walked out the front door without looking back.

Pulling out of the street, I spotted a red Lamborghini in my rearview mirror. It was Sal’s. A small part of me wanted to pull out my gun and shoot him the way he’d gunned me down. But turf wars weren’t won like that. I knew strategy and tearing down his business would hurt a lot more, and possibly harder to recover from.

When I returned home, I found several cars parked out front. I recognized my sister’s and Vito’s cars immediately. However, I wasn’t sure who drove the brand-new Mercedes.

But as soon as Dominic opened the front door for me, I recognized her voice. She had purchased a new car. I guess she was feeling better.

“Joanne,” I said, hanging up my jacket. “I’m surprised to see you here.” She sat in my living room with Sienna, Vito, and Nonna.

“Why’s that?” she asked, her voice higher than usual. “I thought you invited the family for dinner.”

“Why aren’t you in Mexico with Robert as he mends from his bruises?”

“He went there with his girlfriend, Giancarlo,” she snapped.

I shrugged. “The question still stands.”

Sienna shot up from the couch. “How was your day?” She stared at me with wide eyes, as though to say, Don’t start.

Fine. I was having a good day. Why ruin it by getting into an argument with Joanne?

“Dinner is ready,” Nonna said, straightening her pearls. She always wore them on family dinner nights. “Natacha cooked up something special for us tonight.” She grinned from ear to ear, and I hadn’t seen Nonna this happy in a very long time. I couldn’t help but match her enthusiasm.

Everyone took their seats at the long dining room table. The room was dark, like most of the house, but someone had lit candles and scattered them throughout the room. It was a nice touch.

Nonna sat to my right and Vito to my left. Joanne sat next to Vito and Sienna across from him. I took my place at the head of the table.

Before I could place my napkin on my leg, the smell of something familiar and reminiscent of my childhood hit me in the chest. For a moment, I saw my father sitting in my place and I was a little boy, my legs dangling off the dining room chair.

Sitting at the table, Nonna smiled. “It smells good, doesn’t it?” She nearly rubbed her hands together, but she tucked them under her chin instead.

“It smells fantastic. Is it…” I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but when Natacha walked in with a white towel hung over her arm and a plate of gnocchi in her hands, I nearly choked on my saliva. Like Pavlov’s dog, my mouth watered at the sight and fragrance.

“It smells just like your recipe. You didn’t share it…”

She smirked, proud of herself. “I did. And she’s made me proud.” She nodded at the plate in front of me. “Come on, try it.”

Natacha had gone back to the kitchen to grab the other plates, and Sienna followed to help her. I sat waiting for everyone to be served, but the desire to stick my fork into one of those plump potato dumplings was strong.

Finally, the family dug in and I joined them with as much gusto. I tasted the warm tomato sauce first as it swiped across my tongue, but when I chewed my first bite, I had to close my eyes. They were just as soft and delicious as I’d remembered them. My chest warmed and I couldn’t remember the last time I’d enjoyed a meal like this.

When I opened my eyes, Natacha stood to my right, watching my face. Her eyes searched mine and I read hesitation in them. She wanted to know what I thought.

“These are fucking unbelievable,” I said, locking eyes with her.

“Giancarlo!” Nonna scolded, but then her lips twitched. “But, yes, Natacha, you did a great job with my recipe.”

Natacha’s cheeks turned a pretty pink and her eyes shone brighter than her blush. “Thank you,” she said.

Watching her stand away from the table didn’t feel right. She had outdone herself, and I didn’t want her eating this family meal alone in the kitchen.

“Join us,” I said, pointing to the seat next to Sienna.

My sister placed a hand on her chest. “Yes, of course. You have to sit and eat with us.”

Natacha took a step forward, but then her smile dropped. “Thank you, but I should get back to the kitchen.” She muttered an apology and rushed out of the room.

Vito and Joanne continued to eat, but Sienna and Nonna watched me. As incredible as the dish was, I couldn’t take another bite.

I dropped my napkin next to my plate and followed Natacha into the kitchen.

“Why don’t you want to eat with us?”

She busied herself by rinsing dishes and putting them in the dishwasher. “It’s fine,” she said, lifting a leaking pot from the sink and placing it on the bottom rack. “I’m the cook. I’m not a member of the family. You should get back to the table before your food gets cold.”

I couldn’t even think about the pasta right now. I walked up behind her, placing my hands on either side of the counter. “Come back to the table and join us,” I whispered in her ear. She closed her eyes and dropped the spatula in the sink.

I waited for her to turn into my arms, but she pushed her way through them instead. “We talked about this. What happened between us doesn’t change anything. I’m still your cook. I have a job to do and I don’t want to blur the lines.”

She turned to leave.

I couldn’t let her do that, so I followed.

She glanced over her shoulder, then spun into the first room to her left. It was Pete’s office.

She spun around, her arms crossed over her heaving chest. “Why are you following me?”

“Why are you running away?” I stalked closer to her.

She pushed her hair back in frustration, exposing her neck, and now my hunger was replaced with a different desire. She wore a black shirt, but she’d left the top three buttons undone and the top of her breasts pressed against them, up and down, with each labored breath.

The movement was mesmerizing.

“I’m not running away. I needed some space to breathe. And you following me here isn’t helping.”

“Why don’t you want to sit down at the table?”

She rubbed her forehead. “I told you why.”

I shook my head. “No. I think you’re scared.”

Her head snapped up. “And I’m not sure what you’re most afraid of.” I stepped closer to her until her back hit the wall. “Are you scared of my reputation, or of me?”

My breath fanned the hair along the nape of her neck, causing goosebumps along her skin. I felt her body shiver against mine.

I hovered my lips over hers, breathing in the same air, and inhaling her familiar scent along with the fresh pasta. It was intoxicating.

She stared up at me, her eyes shifting from my gaze to my lips. “You,” she breathed. “Definitely you.”

Her breathless answer sent me over the edge and I pressed my mouth to hers, wanting to taste the delicious words. Sliding my tongue across the seam of her lips, I waited for her to let me in. But she held back.

So, I kissed my way down, pressing my mouth underneath her jaw, against her neck, and swiping my tongue across a silky soft breast.

She inhaled sharply, and being the asshole that I was, I took advantage and pressed my tongue inside her mouth. She grasped my shirt and I thought she would push me away. But then she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer.

I rejoiced, wanting nothing more than to claim her.

Lifting her against the wall, I wrapped her legs around my waist and pressed myself firmly against her.

I groaned from the contact alone and buried my face in her neck. Her breathing became more labored, and I thought she would hyperventilate. With my eyes closed, I whispered into her neck, “Are you all right?”

“Yes,” she panted. She clutched me tighter and I didn’t waste any more time. I unzipped my pants and reached for the button on hers.

“What—What are you doing?” she asked, panicking.

A quick reply was on my lips, something like, Isn’t it obvious? But something primal took over instead and I said in a low voice, “I’m going to fuck you until you never think of running from me again.”

Her eyes widened, and the pulse in her neck quickened. I hoped it was from desire and not fear. Gently, I brought my lips to her jaw, softly running only my lower lip up her skin. Then, with the tip of my tongue, I flicked the bow of her lips.

Her eyes grew larger, but they heated with a desire that made my balls ache. She pressed her lips against mine and kissed me back.

She nipped at my lips and unbuttoned my shirt. I removed her pants and underwear and remembered the condom in my wallet just in time. Pressing back up against the wall, I didn’t have to grab her legs this time. She threw them around my hips and pulled me in.

She kissed me again, and I could hardly breathe from the frenzy between us. “What about your family?” she asked between kisses.

“What about them?” I couldn’t give a fuck about anyone else right now.

She turned her head toward the open door. “They’ll hear us,” she whispered.

I thought about shutting the door, but I didn’t want to move so much as an inch away from her hot, pulsating core.

Running my finger across her lips, I said, “Then you have to be quiet.”

I smiled as panic set into her eyes, excited by the challenge of making her scream when she didn’t want to.

I dropped my hands to her entrance and found her wet and ready. But I didn’t want to rush this. So, I circled her clit and she ground her body against my thumb. I circled faster and faster until she raised her head and panted toward the ceiling.

She was close, so fucking close, and I couldn’t wait much longer. Guiding myself to her entrance, my thick shaft throbbed in my hands. It was eager to be inside of her, pumping its way to ecstasy.

I slid in slowly, inch by aggravating inch, both to increase the pleasure and accommodate her body to mine. She was smaller than I was used to, but I wouldn’t give up. Her body gripped me tightly and a bead of sweat broke out on my brow as I refrained from pushing myself all in.

My panting became louder than hers, and she covered my mouth. I nipped at her fingers, then ran my tongue over the bite, wanting to taste her.

She groaned when I was halfway there, but it was still too tight. Raising her body higher, I nuzzled my face between her breasts until my lips found her nipple and released it from her bra.

Her body reacted immediately, opening wider for me until I pressed myself against her to the hilt.

We both groaned and her head snapped toward the door.

I couldn’t give a fuck if someone walked in. I just cared about taking this woman with me to heaven.

I quickened my pace, pumping in and out of her with a steady rhythm. She adjusted her body against mine, and when I hit a spot, she clutched my shirt and pulled me in closer.

My mind whirled from her touch and her desire. She wanted me. There was no doubt about that, but she held back. I couldn’t understand what it was, but I wanted all of her.

I sucked on her breast and she bounced with every thrust of my body until she opened her mouth and I reached to cover it. Her hot breath scorched the palm of my hand as a violent release tore through her body and mine.

Adrenaline rushed through my ears, and I had no idea how loud we were. Again, I just didn’t fucking care.

This woman turned my body and my emotions inside out. I couldn’t wrap my head around it, but I knew I would follow her again and again.

Maybe even to the ends of the earth.