Safeword: Mayday by Candace Blevins

Chapter 28

Marcus drove, with Heather in the front on the way to the restaurant, but he told them both to get in the back when they came out of the restaurant an hour and a half later.

He waited until pulling out of the parking lot to say, “Heather, do you want to get Kyle started with your hand, or would you rather he gets you started with his hand?”

She didn’t have to even consider her answer. She met Kyle’s gaze and told him “Unzip your pants and pull yourself out.”

His breath caught, but he quickly said, “Yes, Ma’am,” and then proceeded to do as he’d been told.

She considered the logistics, since they both had their seat belts on and he was sitting to her left. Without looking directly at him, she said, “Stroke yourself, but just enough to stay hard — rock hard, granite hard — but not terribly close to an orgasm.”

She met Marcus’s gaze in the rearview mirror, and asked him, “Do you have something planned for tonight?”

He nodded and looked back to the road. “I do, but to make it work, you’ll need to agree to being restrained. Ideally, you’ll get Kyle off, or just tease the fuck out of him and leave him hard, and then put him somewhere comfortable where he can watch. After I finish with you, he can take you again and either be allowed an orgasm, or not, and then we can all fall into bed and hold each other until morning.”

Heather waited for him to glance at her in the mirror again before she asked, “Restrained? You’re asking me to give up control?”

“I am, for three reasons. The first is for safety — I’m going to get rougher than I have before, harsher sensations, and if you try to protect yourself with your hands, you could be injured. The second is also a safety matter, because if you move and I hit your kidney instead of your back, for instance, it could cause harm. And finally, it’s about taking physical control and removing your choices, though you’ll still have your safeword, of course, so it’s really just the illusion of being out of control, but it’s a good illusion, and one I think we could all benefit from tonight.”

“Harsher sensations. You’re going to try to hurt me. Actual pain?” She should be horrified, but she was intrigued.

Marcus kept his eyes on the road but gave a small shake of his head. “The temptation is there, to see what it’ll take to cause actual pain, and then to see how far we can go with it, but I’ve given it a great deal of thought and decided that doing so just for the sake of the attempt isn’t a safe course of action for us at this time. We already know I can do it with the single tail, so we don’t really need to explore it. However, it’s also important we understand where the line between sensation and pain is for you, and what happens when we cross it.”

Heather looked at Kyle’s hand, moving up and down on his dick, and looked back to the mirror. “So, you are going to hurt me, but it’s okay because it’ll be scientific?”

He chuckled. “I want to find the line and skate just on this side of it. I’ll have to cross it a few times to figure out for sure where it is, but I intend to work mostly on the sensation side of it, and not venture into actual pain.”

“And if it’s a good pain, and I want you to keep doing it?”

He tilted his head. “Excellent point. No matter what, I need to know which is sensation and which is pain, so I suppose we need to come up with a word to let me know when it’s hurting, but it’s okay. I need total honesty, and I don’t want you fibbing and saying it doesn’t hurt because you’re afraid I’ll stop if you tell me it hurts.”

Heather glanced at Kyle’s lap again. “More, Kyle. Torment yourself. I want you hard as a rock. If I don’t think you’re doing everything you can to get and keep yourself there, you’ll feel the belt when we reach Marcus’s house. Understood?”

His hand moved a little faster, and his cock twitched. He swallowed once before saying, “Yes, Ma’am.”

Heather looked back in the mirror at Marcus, “Okay. You haven’t steered me wrong yet. I trust you.”

“Thank you. I will never intentionally do anything to break that trust.”

“When you first started talking about trust, I had no idea how much that word could mean. I get it now.”