Safeword: Mayday by Candace Blevins

Chapter 40

Heather came to consciousness slowly, aware of the warm male body behind her, and missing the presence of the other warm male body she’d gotten used to waking up to. She extricated herself from Marcus’s arms, rolled to the side of the huge playroom bed, and managed to get her eyes to stay open enough to walk to the adjoining bathroom. While she was using the toilet, Marcus stumbled in, waiting his turn.

He turned the bathtub faucets wide open, and it took her a few minutes to realize he’d done so to keep Kyle and Amy from hearing them talk.

“Kyle’s awake, and he’s probably ready for a trip to the bathroom. How do you want to handle letting him out?”

“I’ll release him, and then I’d like to cuddle in bed a little.

“Do you want me to let Amy loose so she can join us in bed, or should I let her use the restroom and then put her into the cage for some rest?”

“I’m not sure what you’re asking. She’s been standing all night, but the harness supported most of her weight, so she should have gotten some sleep, right?”

“She’s learned to sleep standing in her harness, but it’s not very restful sleep. My question is whether you want her to join us this morning or not. Do you want it to be the three of us or the four of us?”

“Oh. I like having her join us.”

Heather walked out of the bathroom and went to her knees outside of the cage, looking in on Kyle.

“Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, my Lady. I didn’t think I would, but I don’t even remember dreaming.”

“Do you need to use the restroom?”

“Yes, please. Ma’am.”

She pulled the lanyard over her head, put the key into the brass lock, and turned it. The act of unlocking him reminded her of the responsibility she took when he gave up control. It was a heady thing, a power trip for real. She knew she’d never abuse it with Kyle because she loved him and wouldn’t do anything to damage the trust he had in her, but it was probably a good thing she hadn’t discovered this while she was single, because it’s possible she might push farther than would be rational if she had this much power over someone she didn’t love. Not farther than they were willing, but if they were like Kyle, agreeing to most anything that pleased her, she’d need someone to talk to, to make sure she didn’t take them too far.

She stood and stepped to the side before opening the door.

“Crawl out and kneel before me.”

When he was at her feet, looking up, she asked, “Do you want to continue with the same flavor of play we had last night? Your call. I could be happy with you and Amy as slaves again, or I could be happy with you as my submissive and sharing Amy as a slave with Marcus. Either is fine with me.”

“Ma’am, I’m not comfortable making that decision. Can I ask you to take the choice away from me for the weekend, please?”

Her heart did a happy little skip in her chest, and she couldn’t help the sadistic smile she knew she was broadcasting. “I think you just gave me your answer. Do what you need in the bathroom, and then bring your wrist and ankle cuffs to the bed.”

She’d taken them off before storing him away for the night, but he needed them back on — both to put him in the right frame of mind, and so she could quickly restrain him, when it was time.

When all four were in bed, Marcus massaged Amy’s sore muscles for a little, while Kyle, at Heather’s orders, put a clothespin on Heather’s clit, a lubed and gloved finger in her ass, and then pleasured her with his mouth.

Marcus’s cellphone rang as they were changing positions, and he answered to Amy’s Master. After a brief phone call he went to get his laptop and returned with it, bringing up a chat program so they could video chat with her Master. They put Amy under a bright light and aimed the laptop camera at her ass so her Master could see her marks. Only about a dozen of the fifty strikes had left a mark, but they looked quite painful.

“Excellent work, Marcus. And Amy, you and I will have further discussions about your using furniture when you’re returned to me. I’m quite displeased that you couldn’t follow your rules while in Marcus’s home.”

“I’m sorry, Master. I should’ve taken the time to get the ladder. I knew the rules and tried to take a shortcut. My behavior reflects on your training, and I deeply regret my actions.”

He nodded. “You’ll regret them more before it’s done, but I understand you’ve been well behaved otherwise. Is there anything you need to bring to my attention?”

“No, Master. Sir Marcus always stays within the parameters you prescribe.”

“Very well. I miss you, my slave. I will see you tomorrow.”

When Marcus had closed the laptop and moved it out of the way, Heather asked, “He was checking with you, making sure we weren’t abusing you?”

“He wouldn’t leave me with someone who might truly abuse me. I believe the question was more about my physical and mental health — a general check-in to make sure I’m okay.”

“Do you enjoy being loaned to Marcus?”

“It’s not a slave’s place to say where she goes, or who she’s loaned to.”

Heather rolled her eyes. “I didn’t ask you to make the choice, I asked if you enjoy coming here.”

“Yes, Ma’am. I very much enjoy coming here.”

“Are there people your master sends you to that you don’t enjoy going to?”

“I’d rather not answer that question, Ma’am.”

“That means there is someone, then?”

“That’s between Amy and her Master,” Marcus said. “She signed a contract of consensual slavery. I’ve seen it, I’ve read it, and it covers him loaning her to others at his discretion, not hers.”

Heather felt her face go hot. She knew that, but sometimes she still had to ask, despite the fact it apparently wasn’t appropriate. She looked to Amy. “I’m sorry if I was out of line.”

Amy smiled. “No apologies necessary, Ma’am. I’m glad you and Kyle are here. I’ve enjoyed my time with the three of you.”

Marcus cleared his throat. “If the flirting is over, I’d like to fuck Amy now.”

“Where would you like me, Sir?” Amy asked.

“On the bed with your ass in the air. Kyle, lube Amy’s ass while I get Heather ready for you to fuck.”

Kyle looked to Heather, and she shook her head at him. “If you keep hesitating when Marcus gives you an order, the next order out of my mouth will be for you to blow him.” She looked at Marcus. “Where would you like me?”

“Bent over the bed. You’re going to feel my belt this morning.”

His words sent her pulse racing, and she walked to the bottom of the bed and leaned over it.

“Arch your back. Show me you’re offering your ass to me.”

Without a second thought, she arched her spine so her ass was in the air, and waited while he pulled his belt from the pants he’d worn the evening before.

“Arms out to your side, elbows straight, palms on the bed, and don’t move them. You aren’t restrained; I expect you to restrain yourself. The first two are prep, the rest won’t be, and eventually, it will hurt.”

There was a pause and Marcus said, “Don’t go past two fingers, Kyle. I want her lubed but tight. Actually, I think she’s ready for me. Come stand to my left. When I finish here, you can fuck Heather while she’s bent over the bed, with no recovery time from the belting.”

The first strike landed, and it did what it was supposed to do — it got her body ready for the hard strikes to come. The second strike thwacked across both cheeks and she heard this one, and felt it, but managed to stay relaxed.

Number three hit and she felt her ass muscles moving under the impact, realized the sensation was something she should move away from, but focused on keeping her hands relaxed and in place. Somewhere around stroke eight it registered as pain, but it was a good hurt and she moaned when it hit. Her ass raised in the air on instinct, wanting more. Strikes nine and ten came in quick succession, lines of fire that had her gasping from the shock of it, and then Kyle entered her, all at once, sinking into the heat of her without finesse, fucking her hard and fast, filling her, over and over. She was wet and ready for him, but she still felt the friction on her inner walls — in and out and in and out.

Marcus told her she could move her hands, and she stretched her arms over her head, trying to brace herself while Kyle pounded her from behind.

She heard other noises and looked up to see Amy on hands and knees with Marcus fucking her ass, holding her hair like the reins of a horse while he pounded into her. The visual of that, plus what Kyle was doing to her, was enough to kick start her orgasm, and she heard herself screaming various combinations of, “Yes, yes, yes!”

Her ass was hot from the belting, she could still feel the stripes, lines of fire he’d painted across her cheeks. Kyle’s cock was in her pussy, but his torso was slamming into her bruised ass. As one orgasm waned the next picked up speed, until the orgasms were coming almost one after another, each release cascading into a larger one.

Behind her, Kyle asked for permission, which wasn’t like him — he usually waited for it. She grunted out, “Denied,” as her orgasm worked its way through her body, and when it released the hold it had on her, she said, “Stop, Kyle. Go in and hold. Don’t move.”

He did as ordered, and she said, “You’re about to lose control?”

“I’m sorry, Ma’am, all of those orgasms, your pleasure is driving me wild. I held on, but I’m so close, my Lady.”

“I want a few more orgasms, and then you’re going to fuck Amy when Marcus is done. You do not have permission to come.”

“Yes, my Lady.”

Kyle pulled out, slowly, and then went back in, just as slow.

“No, Kyle. Fuck me like you were — fast and hard. If you come without permission I’ll put the cage on your cock and you won’t have another erection until Monday morning.”

He sped up and started fucking her in earnest at the same time he groaned out a, “Yes, my Lady.” She orgasmed a few more times, and when Marcus finally came, it set off another orgasm for her, and when that one finished she said, “Okay, Kyle. Enough. Stop.”

He stopped, and she said, “Pull out. Slowly. Then put a condom on and continue in Amy’s ass.”

Marcus disposed of his condom and said, “Amy hasn’t been allowed an orgasm, either. I think we have them fuck until one of them comes. If Kyle loses control, it’s the cage. Amy’s Master sent along some lube infused with hot pepper oil, and that’s her standard punishment for orgasming without permission.”

Heather smiled. She loved these little games Marcus came up with. “I like that idea, but let’s give them a time limit, how about an hour? Or is that too long.”

Marcus reached for his watch on the nightstand. “Let’s go for thirty minutes and see how they’re doing, if we think they can handle another thirty minutes, we can always add it on. Kyle, you may reach around with your hands to touch Amy’s clit and pussy. Amy, you can do whatever you want with those amazing ass muscles of yours.”

Twenty minutes later, Heather could see that both were stretched near the breaking point, and she was glad Marcus had backed her off to thirty minutes. At twenty-five minutes, Marcus ordered Kyle to speed up, and for Amy to drop to her chest with her hands stretched out over her head. They did as instructed, but neither had come when Marcus’s watch finally beeped that the thirty minutes were up. Kyle stopped moving when the watch beeped, but didn’t pull out.

Marcus told Heather, “I’m ready to fuck something again, watching their control, how hard they both fought. What about you?”

“Yes, what’s your idea?”

“Amy in suspension bondage with you hanging in front of her in a climbing harness, both of you hanging from the winch and facing each other, with a double dildo between you, while Kyle and I fuck your asses. They can’t come until you’ve come at least six times.”

Heather’s libido ignited inside her all over again, and Marcus’s smile told her he knew how much she liked the idea.

“Kyle,” Marcus ordered, “out of Amy’s ass, and prepare your Mistress’s ass for fucking while I get our borrowed slave suspended.”

Heather leaned over the bed again when Kyle approached her with a glove and lube. He followed Marcus’s orders and went straight to the preparation without any foreplay, which was fine, but Heather gave something between a whine and a moan when his fingers invaded her ass. It was still a different feeling for her, good and wrong at the same time, and that was apparently a turn on for her. Kyle expertly worked her until it was more good than wrong, and she lost herself in the sensations until she heard Marcus say, “We’re ready for the two of you.”

A glance up showed Amy’s wrist and ankle cuffs attached to the same spreader bar, so she was hanging with everything spread open, and there was nothing Amy could do about it. The position objectified her in a way Heather hadn’t seen before, and she was surprised to find it a little more than arousing. Marcus had already attached a climbing harness to the same winch, and he handed it to Heather, who put it on and then used the pulley system to pull herself up so her pussy was on the same level as Amy’s.

Marcus handed the huge, double-headed dildo to Kyle. “I’ll be holding Heather’s legs up as I fuck Amy’s ass. Let me get in place, and then put the dildo into them.”

Kyle inserted the dildo into Amy’s pussy first, and then lined Heather up over it and pressed her onto the other end.

Heather groaned in pleasure, holding onto the rope with one hand and wrapping an arm around Amy’s torso with the other. Amy opened her eyes and locked her gaze with Heather’s, and Heather saw a need so deep it took her breath away.

“You want this. You need this.”

Amy closed her eyes and gave a single nod. Yes. Heather pulled their bodies closer, not so much a sexual thing as a Dom-to-sub thing, an instinct that Amy was trusting Marcus and Heather, and Heather wanted to show she was worthy of the trust.

She heard Marcus say, “Now Kyle. Slowly.”

Kyle’s cock touched her ass, and two seconds later, he pressed inside, holding her in place so he had the proper leverage.

Amy went stiff in her arms, and Heather assumed that meant Marcus was pushing into her ass again.

Marcus’s grip on Heather’s legs tensed, and he pushed her feet higher and wider apart. It went through Heather’s mind that she was touching three people — Kyle in her ass and holding onto her hips, Marcus holding her legs up, and Amy in her arms. She had a dildo in her pussy and a cock in her ass, and... wow, there were so many sensations, she couldn’t catalog them.

She heard Marcus’s voice as if from a distance. “Heather, stop thinking and feel. Kyle and Amy, you will both count out loud when Heather finishes an orgasm. When you reach six, you’ll both wait until I give you permission to come. Fair warning, it’ll probably be as Heather reaches number seven, and not immediately after her sixth. Heather, Now.”

Both men had been moving while Marcus talked, so there was friction in her pussy and ass, and she was swinging, being pushed and pulled while she was fucked. It was overwhelmingly different enough, she’d been about to come, right at the edge, so she didn’t think she came because Marcus told her to, she thought she was just about to come anyway, but the timing was perfect, and she couldn’t be sure.

The orgasm rocked her hard, though, her pussy spasming around the huge, ribbed dildo, her breasts moving against Amy’s, her entire body writhing through it, and she heard Amy gasp, and realized the other woman was desperately trying to hold off her own orgasm.

Amy managed, and Marcus somehow succeeded in ordering Heather to orgasm, over and over, just before she came, over the next thirty or so minutes. She’d fly through each orgasm, melt, and then Marcus would talk Kyle through the two of them ramping her back up to another one.

When Amy and Kyle counted off her fourth orgasm she said, “No more, I can’t come again. I can’t.”

Marcus stroked her leg, “I think you can. I’ll give our little fucktoys permission on your sixth instead of your seventh, but that means you’ll have two more orgasms for me, my little Spitfire. Just think of the unfairness of it — you’re having more orgasms than you think you can handle, while our fucktoys would do just about anything for a single release right now, but aren’t allowed.”

He lifted her legs higher and pulled them a little closer together, and both the dildo in her pussy and the cock in her ass were suddenly at a different angle.

“Faster Kyle,” Marcus ordered. “Small but fast strokes. Not hard, just fast.”

And just like that, Heather came again. How did Marcus always know what she needed? It was a fast orgasm, and when it died down, he lowered her legs again and said, “Go in and hold, Kyle. Push all the way in, a half inch deeper than you think you’re capable of going, and hold.”

Kyle did as ordered, and then Marcus started fucking Amy with a vengeance, moving Amy, Heather, and Kyle with his strokes. Heather had been certain she was done, but this was so different from what’d come before — there was barely any friction inside of her now, but she was filled, and she was moved every time Marcus slammed into Amy. Within minutes, Heather felt and heard herself breathing heavy, felt an orgasm coming, knew it was close, just on the edge.... “Come Heather. Let it go. Come now.”

Heather’s body released her final climax of the night with a vengeance, so it felt like her body was flying apart. She wasn’t merely spasming inside — her arms and hands jerked and moved, the muscles in her legs rippled with tremors, and she wasn’t breathing. There wasn’t enough brainpower left to control the muscles that pulled air into her lungs.

Marcus roared and said, “Now Amy and Kyle, permission granted.”

All four found their bliss at once, shuddering and quaking on and against each other. Kyle’s arms wrapped around her and Amy as he lost control of his own actions, Marcus’s fingers gripped her legs almost painfully as he lost control, and Amy jerked and shook and cried out in her bondage. Everyone’s orgasm lasted much longer than a normal one, and Heather realized Amy was crying when it was over, as if huge sobs were being ripped from her chest.

Heather held the woman closer and rubbed her back. “What’s wrong, Amy?”

Amy pulled back enough she could meet Heather’s gaze. “That was perfect, beautiful. Thank you. All of you, thank you for allowing me to experience this with you.”

Heather looked at Marcus, standing behind Amy, and hoped he knew how to respond. Marcus smiled and stroked Amy from behind, “Yes, it was perfect and beautiful, and you were one fourth of what happened. It wouldn’t have been what it was without your participation, dear Amy. Thank you, as well.” He stopped stroking and gave her a kiss on the side of her neck before looking back up. “Heather, if you’ll let yourself down then I can get Amy down, and we can all go to bed for a nap.”