Safeword: Mayday by Candace Blevins


Five months later, movers were carting Kyle and Heather’s belongings across the yards into Marcus’s home. Marcus had sold one fourth of his house to Kyle, and one fourth to Heather, and the new title had all three of their names.

Kyle sold his house and used the proceeds from it to buy his portion of Marcus’s, and Heather took out a mortgage for her portion. Her mortgage payment was about half what the rent on her apartment had been, so it wasn’t a big deal. They also all agreed to put a set amount into a joint account each month, with the understanding this money would be used for things like new appliances, painters, new roof, lawn maintenance, Amy’s pay, etc.

Kyle and Heather had wanted to split the house into thirds, but Marcus was adamant he was going to find their fourth, and it would be easier for him to sell the other fourth than for everyone to have to redo their paperwork, and for the new person to have to pay all three of them for a portion of everyone’s share.

In the weeks after the conversation in the park, Heather hadn’t been as disturbed by Marcus and Kyle interacting in the playroom as she expected to be.

She and Marcus talked about scenes ahead of time, and she was mostly in charge of Kyle, but when she needed pain and she ended up deep in subspace, Marcus was in charge of both of them, and it was fine.

So far, Kyle hadn’t serviced Marcus sexually, but Heather had a feeling it would probably happen eventually, and she was okay with it. She kind of hoped they waited to take things further once she returned from her Everest trip, but if the timetable worked out before then, it would be okay.

Marcus brought someone home to play a couple of times a month, and it really helped them cement themselves as a threesome, having a fourth in the room — someone who was only there for the experience, and who was there as a kind of borrowed or temporary slave.

Speaking of borrowed slaves, Marcus had admitted to Heather that he had feelings for Amy, though he wasn’t going to act on them. He’d decided not to spend time alone with her, so he made sure she was never there when Marcus was home alone, but that didn’t happen often, so it wasn’t hard to arrange. Heather agreed Amy was perfect, but she also understood how Marcus felt about men who poached other men’s slaves.

Amy’s master had rearranged her schedule a few months back, so she was usually there when at least two of them were around, and often all three. This meant they’d been spending more time with her, a short scene after she finished cleaning, and before Marcus sent her home to her Master.

And Blake, her Master, brought her on the weekends several times, so the five of them could play. Heather was shocked by some of the things Amy’s Master did to her, but she’d learned these were things Amy had agreed to, so she kept her mouth shut.

In the previous weeks, Marcus had invited someone to spend the night with them every weekend. He’d accumulated plenty of women who wanted to scene without a relationship over the years, and Heather thought, at first, that maybe he was trying them out, to see if they would fit, after all. However, when she’d talked to Marcus about it in private, he told her it was more about the threesome getting more experience for how a foursome would someday work. He knew the women weren’t the one, but it was still fun to pull another person in and play.

Heather didn’t think life could get any better. Two gorgeous men in her life, one who gave her sensations she couldn’t begin to describe, and one who served her, who lived to please her. She made money doing the things she loved, and the Adventure Center next to her ranch was taking off and making nearly three times the income she’d budgeted, which meant she could hire more people to help, and expand her offerings.

Kyle was thrilled with the status quo — he was living with his best friend and with the love of his life. He’d learned how to pleasure his true love, and serving her slaked a deep need he’d worried he’d never fulfill again.

Life was good for all three, but Marcus still had an unquenched need that ran deep. He ached for his own slave to train, to love, to mold, and to hurt.

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Keep reading for a kinky excerpt from BUD.

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