Sign Me Up by Dulcie Dameron



for the evening since Daria chose to work some overtime at Gail’s Department Store. That means I’ll be wearing the rattiest clothes I can find while also doing a glittery black charcoal face mask that burns like Hades’ hair when I rip it off, and dancing around the house listening to Shania’s new album.

And since I ate super healthy all day, I might even indulge in the tiniest bowl of ice cream while I sit and blog for a bit about the new book Parker got me.


I’ve practically floated around on a cloud all day thinking about what we shared last night. In truth, I’m not sure where we’re going to go from here, but I’m trying not to be as afraid of it anymore. There’s still a low-level anxiety that settles under my skin anytime I remember what went down between me and Tyson…but Parker and I have already crossed that line. There’s no going back now.

And it’s clear that our feelings are mutual, what with all the delicious, mind-blowingly good kissing we did.

But that’s not even the best part. No, that’s been the sweet and flirty back and forth texts all day. My phone buzzes on my nightstand again and I practically squeal in delight when I pick it up and toss myself onto my bed, belly first.

As soon as I read the text, I smile from ear to ear. The mask on my face instantly begins to crack, so I school my expression.

Parker: So if you’re home alone tonight…does that mean I can come over?

I release a love-sick sigh and roll over onto my back.

Jamie: I would say yes, but…I’m already in my pajamas.

Parker: The pink ones?

I bite my lip against a giddy smile.

Jamie: Since when do you memorize my pajamas?

Parker: Since I come over when you’re sick.

Jamie: eye roll emoji

I lay my phone down on the bed and close my eyes, instantly bringing up the memory of that day. I’m still so embarrassed he caught me in nothing but a towel and saw me hack my lungs out afterward, but I should’ve known then how deep his feelings ran. That was a total boyfriend move.

When there's no immediate response from Parker, I rise from the bed and turn on my playlist, popping in my earbuds as I go. As much as I’d love to have him over and continue with where we left off last night, the thought of doing so makes me feel like a needy girlfriend.

And if there’s anything I’ve learned from the dating scene this past year, it’s that I need to let a guy make the first moves. Every time I tried to press Mike for more, it only got me less of what I wanted.

So even though I think Parker is different, taking things slow is probably in my best interest. For once, Daria’s advice doesn’t seem so silly. I’m content to continue our flirty texts all night if he is.

Besides, tonight is the perfect opportunity to deep clean the kitchen. I need to do something that will distract me from the looming meeting with Stefan on Monday. And I’m not left with a ton of time during the week between my job, blogging, and covering local sporting events, so I’ve got to get it in while I can. Plus, I’m multitasking with the face mask.

I get to work cleaning, belting out the lyrics of the song I’m listening to as I go.

In minutes, I’ve got the cupboards wiped down and the kitchen island cleared. I’m dancing around with the mop, using the handle as a makeshift microphone while trying to reach a particularly high note in the song, when I spin around and scream bloody murder at the sight of the man standing in front of me. I drop the mop and jump onto the counter like that would ever save me from an intruder.

Parker’s eyes are wide, an apologetic smile on his face as he holds one hand out to steady me like he might a frightened horse and the other holds a two cartons of ice cream—Rocky Road and Mint Chocolate Chip.

“Parker!” I screech, yanking the ear buds out of my ears. “You scared the living daylights out of me!” I don’t know how to sign living daylights, but I definitely signed the part about him scaring me.

He sets the ice cream down on the island, then takes slow steps toward me. I’m sorry. I just wanted to surprise you. But you didn’t answer the door when I knocked…I was worried.

As my erratic heartrate begins to come back down to normal, so do my thoughts. “It’s okay. I was just listening to music.” I hold up my earbuds, and he nods. The closer he gets to me, the more he looks like he’s trying his hardest not to smile. “What is it? What’s so funny?”

He purses his lips, then lifts a finger and points at my face. You look a little bit like a swamp monster.

My hand flies to my face as I remember the glittery charcoal face mask that’s probably cracked and dried to bits by now. Groaning, I hop off the counter and run to the bathroom to wash it off before I can embarrass myself more.

Once it’s gone and my face is dried, I skulk back into the kitchen area where Parker casually leans against the island with that perfect half-smile of his. He looks so right standing there, almost like he belongs here. With me. Forever.

I shove the needy thoughts away and walk straight for the ice cream beside him. “My two favorite kinds,” I say as well as sign. “Thank you.”

You’re welcome. His eyes drift down my body then back up to my face. You’re not wearing the pink ones.

I shove his arm and he laughs before his expression turns serious. Sorry to interrupt, I… he shrugs. I just missed you. Wanted to see you.

I suck in a deep breath, then release it. “I missed you too.” It feels good to say and even better to see those words come from him first. It gives me hope that his feelings really are as deep as mine. Maybe we won’t end in disaster, after all.

I move closer and set my hands on his waist. “So…do you want to stay for a while and hang out?” Cleaning can be left for another night now that he’s here.

A slow grin works its way to his tanned face when he signs, Thought you’d never ask. His gaze drops to my lips, then flicks back to my eyes, questioning. I offer him one solitary nod before he wraps his arms around me and gives me a sweet and slow kiss.

I’m not sure how it’s possible but kissing him now feels even better than it did last night. Like a precious keepsake, a promise of something more. Something real and deep and right.

I pull away before either of us can get too carried away like we obviously did in the elevator and ask, “Want to watch a movie?”

He dips his chin while licking his lips and it takes a great amount of effort not to kiss him again. Is it okay if I use the restroom first, he signs, then points down the hall.

“Oh, go ahead.” As soon as he leaves, I grab the soft blanket he left here plus my own and throw them on the couch, then head straight for the ice cream he brought. But before I reach it, my doorbell rings.

“What in the world,” I mutter to myself as I trek to the door. Tossing it open, my breath hitches. “Mike? What are you doing here?”

“Jamie,” he says on a swallow. “I’m sorry to just show up out of the blue like this, but after how we left things, I knew you’d say no to seeing me.”

Anger and annoyance swirl together in my gut at his boldness. “If you knew that, then why did you think it was a good idea to show up at my house unannounced?”

His face pales the slightest bit, but he doesn’t retreat. “Because you’re not taking me seriously. You said you’d give us dating some thought and it doesn’t seem like you have. I don’t think you really understand how committed I am to you.”

He takes a step closer, his eyes searching mine. “And then I realized I used the word like. That was wrong. It didn’t—it doesn’t—fully encompass how I feel about you.” He swallows, the muscles in his jaw jumping. “I love you, Jamie.”

I shiver, whether from the evening chill or his words, I’m not sure. “It’s too late, Mike. It’s over for us. I’ve moved on.” His crestfallen face makes me pause, but I can’t give him what he wants. “How many more times do I need to tell you before you believe it?”

“Jamie, please,” he begs. “I was an idiot, okay? A total and complete idiot to let you go. You were the best girlfriend I’ve ever had, and I just know you’ll make an amazing wife.” Without waiting for a reply, he gets down on one knee on my front step and whips out a ring box.

Opening it, he meets my gaze and says, “Jamie, I know it’s unconventional for me to ask you like this and it’s sudden…I get that, but—”

“Mike, stop. Don’t.” I back up, completely stunned by the huge diamond ring in the box and meet a very solid chest at my back.

I spin around and the sight that greets me takes me off guard. Parker’s expression is murderous as his eyes dart from Mike to me. “Parker,” I say, but his eyes aren’t on me. I grab his arm to get his attention, but he jerks away at my touch. He refuses to meet my eyes, locking his gaze on Mike.

Slowly, Mike rises to his feet as Parker advances on him. They stand toe to toe for several seconds, Parker looming over Mike’s slightly shorter frame. Panic overwhelms me when I think they might get into a fight.

I grab Parker’s arm to get his attention and try to explain that I had nothing to do with this, but he shrugs me off again. For too long, the two men just stare at each other, fuming.

I try one more time to get Parker’s attention. He briefly meets my eyes, then starts to back away from Mike. I step in between them, hoping to diffuse the situation, and start signing, “I didn’t know this was going to happen.”

Parker scoffs and shakes his head. You sure? Because I know you’re still texting him. He sent you flowers. What else am I missing?

I’m taken aback by his reaction. “I am not still texting him.”

Parker’s expression turns pained, torturous. Well, he’s texting you. I saw it.

I don’t immediately respond because anything I say right now would be said in irritation. He had no right to look at my phone. And he’s misconstruing the entire situation.

“What are you guys saying?” Mike interrupts, but we both ignore him.

What else are you hiding from me, Jamie?Parker asks. Do you want to get back together with Mike? To marry him? His eyes spark in challenge.

Bristling at the notion that I’m somehow entertaining Mike’s paltry attempts to get me back, I step forward and look up into Parker’s face. “If you don’t already know the answer to that question, we’re not as close as I thought we were.”

He flinches, then backs up. With one last glare at both me and Mike, he prowls to his truck and drives off, gravel flying in his wake.

I’m stunned to silence as my heart breaks. How could he think I’d want Mike after what we shared?

“What was he doing here?” Mike seethes.

I whirl on my ex. “He is allowed to be here, unlike you. Mike, what makes you think you can come over to my house and propose when I’ve given you no indication that we are together?” My voice rises with each word as he backs away from me. “You are not welcome here, we are not dating, and we never will be. Do you understand or do I need to resort to more drastic measures?”

His head drops low, and he pockets the ring box. “No, you don’t. I-I’m sorry, I just—”

“You just nothing,” I say, slicing my hand through the air. “Once again, Mike, you are the one who started ditching me. I may have broken up with you, but you gave me no choice. You lost your chance, I’ve moved on.”

His eyes meet mine and there’s more emotion in them than I’ve ever seen from him before. “With Parker?”

I don’t offer him a response before I march back inside and slam the door.