Sign Me Up by Dulcie Dameron



my apartment, Dane startles from his spot on the couch. He immediately drops the book he was reading and stands. Signing, he asks, “What’s the matter? Something happen?”

I don’t stop to give him a response as I stomp toward my room and slam the bedroom door behind me. Pacing back and forth, I rake my fingers through my hair. My mind refuses to release the image of Mike down on one knee in front of Jamie, her hand pressed to her mouth in shock as she backed into me.

I had to leave, I couldn’t look at him—or her—another minute without being tempted to do something I’d regret. Something like pound my fist into Mike’s face for having the audacity to propose to the woman I kissed last night—then again tonight. The woman I’ve dedicated these last few weeks to wooing…and for what? Just so Mike could be the one to get down on his knee with the biggest diamond ring I’ve ever seen and propose?

I mean sure, why not? He’s got the better job, the better car, and he’s never been friend-zoned the way I have. Oh, and let’s not forget, he’s not deaf! So why shouldn’t she choose him over me?

I don’t even realize Dane’s in my room until I practically run into him. “Don’t ignore me,” he signs. “Tell me what’s going on.”

I shake my head, my hands moving erratically. Nothing. Nothing at all.

He cocks his head to the side, his expression unimpressed. “Stop being an idiot and tell me.”

I glower at my brother and throw up my hands. Her ex-boyfriend proposed to her while I was at her house. Right in front of me.

Dane jerks his head back. “What? Why?”

Raising my eyebrows, I give him a look that says, how would I know? But I do know. Mike did it because he’s pulling out all the stops to get Jamie back. And why? All because his boss told him he needs to settle down or he won’t inherit the business?

I grit my teeth, even more frustrated at Mike. He’s got some nerve…

“Okay,” Dane says, moving to sit on the edge of my bed. “Start from the beginning and tell me everything that happened tonight.”

I do as he asks and sign the entire story. By the end, I drop down beside him, my elbows on my knees with my head in my hands. We sit side by side for a long time until he jabs me in the ribs.

When I meet his eyes, he says, “Sounds like you need to talk to her and apologize for overreacting.”

I bite my tongue, my hands still moving at a fast pace. Am I overreacting? He’s already had a chance with her. He blew it. And now he thinks he can ride in and steal her away from me?

Dane shrugs one shoulder. “Some guys are just dense, Parker. Or worse, they don’t take no for an answer.” The thought of Mike pursuing Jamie against her will makes my blood boil. “But what I’m saying is that you overreacted by insinuating Jamie would choose him over you. It sounds like even with all of Mike’s attempts to get her back, she’s still fallen for you. You said you guys kissed—that she said it was amazing. A girl like Jamie wouldn’t do that if she was planning on giving her ex a chance.”

Blowing out a breath, I scrub both hands down my face. I know he’s right. I know I messed up with Jamie. But I also know I couldn’t have stayed there a second longer without exploding on Mike. He’s never treated Jamie right and apparently, never will.

Dane taps my arm and signs again. “You need to talk to her.”

Guilt and shame war within me as I hang my head and pull out my phone. I have several text messages from Jamie. Groaning, I fall back on my bed and scrub my hands down my face. Dane pats my leg then his weight lifts from the bed and I know he’s left me alone to wallow in my own idiocy.