Wrong Side of the Tracks by Ashley Zakrzewski


For the first time in a long time, I feel excited. Like I’ve shot a fizzy drink right into my bloodstream. I pace around my apartment, thinking about what Liam said. I have all the power. I have applied for different jobs over the years, but my heart has never been in it. But maybe I should try again. I have no ambitions of a big career, but it would be nice to work in an office. Get away from retail. After my endorphins calm down a little, I grab my laptop and start searching through different job sites. There isn’t a lot to choose from here in town, but once my car is out of the shop I can easily commute to the next town over. It’s a little bigger, and there are quite a few openings at different companies. I click on one ad, it’s an e-commerce company that’s looking for an administrative assistant. It actually sounds really fun, and the pay is way better than what I make at the pet shop. My CV isn’t exactly impressive, but I decide to apply anyway. So what if they turn me down? At least I’ve tried, right?

I’m on cloud nine the rest of the day, and when Monday morning rolls around, I get out of bed with a smile on my face. I haven’t seen Liam again, but we exchanged numbers and have been texting back and forth. He was so excited when I told him I applied for that job, and when I walk into work that morning, I get another text.

Dinner tonight?

I smile down at my screen. Bob, my boss, walks past me.

“No cell phones, Eva. You’re on the clock.”

Oh, shut up, I think. He’s on his phone all day every day. “Okay, I’ll put it away.”

“Make sure you do,” he says. “There’s a shipment of that new brand of dog food out on the dock by the way. You can put it away, can’t you?”

I hold back a sigh. “Sure, I’ll get right on that.”

I make sure Bob is gone before I type out a reply for Liam. I’d love to. My place?

My phone buzzes as his response comes through. Sounds good. I’ll cook.

The day goes by in a flurry. I’m sweaty from hauling around the big bags of dog food, but not even that can bring me down. Only a few minutes after I clock out, I get a call from an unknown number.


A woman’s voice greets me on the other end. “Hello, is this Eva Williams? My name is Mary, and I’m calling about the application you sent us for the administrative position. Is this a good time to talk?”

“Of course, yes!” I blurt out. “Thank you for calling.”

“No problem at all. We really liked what we saw in your application, and feel like you could fit right in here at the office. If you’re still interested I would like to set up an interview.”

Oh my god, she wants to set up an interview. “That sounds great,” I say, hoping I sound calm and collected. Mary suggests a day next week, and when we hang up, I squeal. I have an interview! I haven’t had an interview in a decade and a half. I freeze. I haven’t had an interview in a decade and a half. I can’t do this. I don’t know how. I don’t have time to freak out though, I need to get home and make myself look presentable before Liam comes over. I’ll talk to him about this. He will know what I need to do to prepare for the interview. No need to lose it completely.

I have a cup of herbal tea to calm down when I’m getting ready. It only kind of works. I pull out a black dress that I hardly ever wear, but I want to look nice for dinner. It hugs my curves in all the right places and I feel a little better as I put on some makeup. I’m just going to enjoy myself tonight, not worrying about the interview. How often do I have a man over for dinner? Never. So I’m going to have fun. It’ll be great to catch up some more with Liam.

There’s a knock on my door around six thirty, and out in the hall Liam is carrying bags and bags of food. The domesticity in total contrast with his biker outfit.

“You know we’re only two people right?” I say with a laugh and take a couple of bags from him.

“I know, I just wanted to make sure that…” He pauses and I feel his eyes rake over my body. “Damn, Eva,” he says breathlessly. “Where have you been hiding that dress?”

“In the very back of my closet,” I say and start unpacking the food. I avoid his gaze, feeling a little self conscious. I’m not used to having men look at me like that.

“Well, it deserves a spot at the very front,” Liam says and stands right next to me. I can feel the warmth radiating from his body. “You look amazing.”

“Thank you.” I swallow, unsure of where to look. “What are we making tonight?”

“Oh no,” Liam says and places a hand on my waist. He leads me to one of the chairs by the kitchen table. “I told you, I’m cooking tonight. You just sit there and enjoy the show.”

I raise an eyebrow and grab my wine glass. “Oh, there’s going to be a show?”

“Definitely,” Liam says and winks at me. He moves around my kitchen as if he has been there a hundred times before. Puts some water to boil on the stove, grabs a knife and starts chopping up vegetables. “Did you have a good day?”

My lips break out in a wide grin. I can’t help myself. “An amazing day, actually.”

“Oh? What happened?”

“I got a call about that job I applied for,” I say. “They want to see me for an interview next week.”

Liam stops his chopping and looks at me. “Eva, that’s amazing. Congratulations.”

“I’m pretty excited about it,” I say and drink some wine. “But I don’t know how to act in an interview. When I got the job at the pet shop, Bob pretty much just asked me when I could start. I’ve never interviewed for a real job before.”

“Your job is a real job,” Liam says. “But I guess I know what you mean.” “I was kind of freaking out earlier,” I confess.

“No need to freak out,” Liam says and continues with his cooking. “You’re amazing,

Eva. You just need to show them that.”

I blink. He looks so good standing there, like an unmovable force that has taken up residence in my kitchen. Except he hasn’t. He’s just making dinner. “Could you give me some pointers?” I ask. “Just some advice about what I should say in the interview?”

Liam gives me a reassuring smile. “Of course, Eva. We can do a practice interview after dinner, how about that?”

I laugh, it feels kind of ridiculous that I need a practice interview. But I guess it can’t hurt to get some of the kinks out before I’m at the real thing. “Okay, sure. That’d be great.”

The food is amazing, fresh pasta and a creamy sauce full of veggies. After we’re done eating, we both lean back in our seats, full to the brim with pasta and chocolate cake.

“Thanks for this, Liam,” I say and put down my fork and knife. “If this whole teaching thing doesn’t work out you should become a chef.”

He shakes his head, finishing off his drink. “I’m glad you liked it. It’s the only thing I can cook though, so I’m not sure I’d make it as a chef.”

“Yeah, maybe keep your day job then.”

He laughs and reaches over and takes my hand in his. He’s warm and his hands are a little calloused. My heart skips a beat at the contact. Liam leans in closer, he’s looking at me like I’ve hung the moon.

“I’m really glad we decided to do this,” he says, voice low and gravely. “It’s been so great spending time with you again, Eva.”

I nod. “I think so too.” He’s leaving soon, he’s leaving soon, I tell myself over and over. I can’t get too involved. Can’t fool myself into thinking this is something it’s not. I’m a grown woman. I can handle some harmless fun though, can’t I? I really hope so, because the way he’s looking at me…

“How about that practice interview?” I ask and get up. I need to anchor myself back to reality, put some distance between the two of us. “Let’s go sit on the couch, we can do it there. The interview, I mean.”

Liam gets up too and follows me to the couch. I sit at the far end of the couch, but instead of placing himself on the other end, Liam sits down right next to me. His leg is pressing into mine, and I just about die.

“Okay,” he says, all business-like. “They’ll probably ask you about your strengths and weaknesses, and what you think you can bring to the role. Let’s start there.”

I think for a moment. “Well, I’m organized. I’m eager to learn. And…” I hum, trying to think of something else. “I’m loyal.”

“That’s a good way to frame the fact that you’ve been at the same company for the past fifteen years,” Liam says and drapes his arm over the back of the couch. I feel his hand stroke my shoulder, gentle touches that make me breathless. “And what can you bring to the roll?” he asks, and I remember that he’s preparing me for my interview. My brain is kind of fried though, all I can think about is Liam’s hand, stroking my shoulder.

“Um… I can… Be an asset to the…”

I don’t get another word out. Liam is right there. His face inches from mine. I don’t know who moves in first, I just know that I can feel his breath on my lips. I know that he is pulling me closer, I know that I’m touching his chest.

And then he’s kissing me…