Wrong Side of the Tracks by Ashley Zakrzewski


We’re a tangle of limbs and lips, right there on my couch. Liam pulls me onto his lap, and I straddle him, never breaking our kiss. I can feel his heart racing against my chest, and I’m sure he feels mine as well. His hands are firmly placed on my ass, and I’m scratching his neck with my fingernails, making him moan against my lips. He’s soft and hard, all at the same time, and when I feel him grow hard under me, I grind down, making us both pant and moan and want. Liam is kissing my jaw, then my neck, his hands traveling up underneath the skirt of my dress. I feel his fingers Eva the edge of my panties, pulling on the delicate fabric. I rake my hands over his wide shoulder, over his chest, and my body is moving all on its own over his hard length. Liam curses under his breath, and I smile. We’ve been here before, I know every inch of this man’s body. I know what makes him writhe, I know what makes him come apart. Or I used to. There’s familiarity, mixed with something else. Something new.

“I need you out of these clothes,” he breathes against my neck. “I need you under me, Eva. I need you…”

He doesn’t finish his sentence. With his strong arms firmly holding me to him, Liam gets up from the couch, carrying me as he goes. I wrap my legs around him, anticipation buzzing through my body. He lays me down on the bed, just looking down on me for a minute. I’m breathing heavily, looking right back up at him through hooded eyes.

“Take your clothes off,” I say, and a chuckle escapes him.

“So bossy.” He’s still smiling, but his hands are moving over his clothes, and more and more of his body is visible to me. A smattering of chest hair, darker than the blond on his head, continues down over his belly, only to disappear down his jeans. Liam throws his shit to the side, and unbuckles his belt before stepping out of his jeans. His boxers are working hard to contain his erection, and I rub my thighs together at the sight of his arousal. I forgot how big he is. What it feels like to be filled by him. Liam climbs into bed, covering me with his body. He drags the fabric of my dress up my thighs, and I help him pull it over my head. He leans down, pressing kisses to my collarbone, teasing one nipple through my bra with one hand, making me needy for more.

“God, that feels good,” I say, my words barely audible over the sound of our breathing.

Liam reaches behind me and unclasps my bra, kissing and nipping at my breasts.

“So beautiful,” he whispers, swirling his tongue around my hardened nipple. He moves down my stomach, pulling my panties off of me in one fluid motion. “I’ve wanted to taste you all night,” he says, his face just above my wet pussy. “Wanted to see if you still make those noises when you come for me.”

I smile, shaking my head at him. He always used to tease me for the way I used to go crazy for him, how I let go of everything when lost in pleasure. So I can be loud, sue me. I know he loves it though. He certainly never complained back in the day when my orgasm ripped through me, taking him with me only seconds later. I didn’t want to think about the past though. Not when I have a gorgeous man right in front of me, right in this moment. Liam pushes me down fully on my back, his hand firm but gentle on my stomach. I moan as he moves down, as I feel his tongue on my most sensitive parts. He is licking and sucking on my swollen clit, making me buck up against his mouth. Damn, he got good at that. Increasing his speed, Liam reaches up to touch my breasts, never letting up with his eager tongue. I feel my orgasm start to build, already so close to falling over the edge. I can’t even remember I orgasmed by anything other than my own hand, and having him there, giving me all that pleasure, is an image I could get used to. I come not even three seconds later, moaning his name as my orgasm shoots through me. Liam looks up, a pleased grin on his face.

“You’re looking entirely too cocky right now,” I say, breathing hard.

“I got good, didn’t I?”

He climbs up from the edge of the bed, covering me with his body. I feel just how hard he is as he drags his erection between my legs, and I really need him to get inside me. Liam kisses me, holding me close. I wrap my legs around him, wanting him even closer still.

“I have condoms in my nightstand,” I say, and he reaches over there and grabs a square packet.

He puts it on quickly, just as eager as I am to finally sink into my heat. He’s not smiling anymore, his brows set in a serious look of concentration as he positions himself over me. I pull him down for a kiss as he thrusts into me, and both of us hiss as the sensation of us joining takes over. Liam holds my arms up over my head, kissing me deeply as he moves. He is dragging in and out, slow motions that send small sparks over my skin, even my scalp is tingling. He’s practically panting over me, and I move with him, enjoying the weight of him nestled between my thighs.

“You feel amazing,” he says as he’s picking up speed. “So good, Eva. You’re so fucking good.”

I smile against his shoulder, kiss the skin there before I throw my head back when Liam slams into me, harder and harder. There’s nothing gentle about what we’re doing anymore, every movement as desperate and hungry as the last. Liam keeps hitting me just right, and a second orgasm rips through me, and I cry out as my release takes over. I feel him stiffen over me, feel him shake and pulse as he falls over the edge. He’s kissing me, tethering himself to me as we come down together. He pushes himself up, taking some of the weight off of me. I almost protest, wanting him right there, but it’s getting hard to breathe with his body covering mine. He pulls away, falling on his back next to me on the bed. He looks at me then, his beautiful eyes full of affection. I know that look. I’ve seen it before. I’m sure it’s mirrored in my own eyes.

“Like riding a bike,” Liam says after a moment of silence, and I swat at his arm.

“Fucking me is like riding a bike?”

He’s grinning, and props himself up on his elbow. His other hand is stroking my stomach, his fingers drawing circles around my belly button.

“I just mean that it’s familiar. I know what you like.”

I purse my lips.

“You make it sound so boring.”

Liam raises an eyebrow.

“Nothing about what we just did was boring.” He leans down and kisses me slowly. “It was incredible. Right? It can’t just be me that thinks so.”

I shake my head.

“No. It’s not just you.”

“Good,” he says. “Because I plan on doing that again.”

I laugh, a pleased feeling swelling in my chest. He wants to do this again.

“I’d like that.”

I ignore the nagging sensation at the back of my head. The words that spill through the cracks of my mind, I refuse to let them ruin the moment. And yet, they’re there. You only get him for a little while, they tell me. He will leave you. Again.