All the Wrong Choices by C.A. Harms

Chapter Sixteen


"It's just fun,"I insist for the tenth time in the last hour. I sit on Addison's couch, ignoring the way she is staring at me. Wondering what I'm doing, getting involved with a guy that is friends with her guy. It really makes things a little more complicated. She has an inside scoop I don't want her to have.

"How fun is it?"

I take a chance and look up to find her wagging her eyebrows suggestively as she sits down on the couch next to me, turning her body to face mine. Eagerly awaiting details, it seems.

I know if I don't give her something, I will never get her off my back. "He's extremely adventurous and energetic." I have never in my life had the kind of sex I'm currently having. It's exhausting but in the best kind of way. Muscles I didn't even know existed ache tremendously, and who knew getting fingered in my hallway could be so erotic.

Addison has been seeing Tony for a couple of months now, and seeing the two of them together is sweet. Just in that short time, she's managed to wrap him around her finger, and the guy adores her. I'm happy for her, and I don't think there is anything he won't do to make her happy. I love seeing her happy, she deserves a good guy.

"Tony won't tell me anything," she rubs her hands together in anticipation, and I feel my heart sink. I thought for sure she'd leave me alone after my little tidbit of information, but it seems it only intrigued her more. "And I know Jonah has talked to him about you. I've heard your name being dropped a time or two."

"Don't look more into it," this isn't going anywhere. "We're just two adults scratching an itch." And the scratching process is, blow the top off your head good, but I keep that part to myself.

"Do you think it could ever become—"

"No," because I can't let it. Not that Jonah wouldn't be the type of guy any girl would and could fall for, I just know I can't. "It's physical, and it's all I can do."

She seems disappointed, and I ignore the way she stares at me with a sympathetic look.

"I'm surprised Tony isn't over here," changing the subject is easy when bringing up Anthony. Suddenly the sad look in her eyes fades, and a huge smile covers her lips.

"He'll be here later. He's with Jonah now."

Part of me wants to ask what they are off doing, but then I know she'll take it in the wrong sense. So instead, I grab my near empty glass of wine and get up to go to the kitchen for a refill.

Opening the refrigerator, I pull out the wine and top off my glass.

Thursday nights have always been girls night. Addison and I used to stay either at her place or mine, but that was pre, Tony. There is no way I'm going to camp out on her couch listening to her squeal while the bed bangs against the wall in the next room. So now, it's more a few hours here or there, and then she's off, or I am, so she'll have her nights with him.

I'm busying myself in the kitchen, sifting through the cabinets, looking for a snack, when a strong set of arms wraps around me from behind. I scream and spin around, my fist coming up defensively.

"Damn," I catch the tail end of Jonah, covering his mouth with his hand as he steps backward and creates a good amount of distance between us.

"Did you hit him?" Addison comes rushing into the kitchen with Tony standing close behind. She looks horrified as she glances between him and me.

"I didn't mean to," I already feel horrible. "Are you okay?"

When he pulls his hand away from his mouth, and I see the droplet of blood on his lip, my heart sinks, or so it feels. "I'm good."

"No, you're not," I hurry to get a washcloth and wet it before turning back to him. I ignore the way both Addison and Tony watch while I press the cloth to Jonah's mouth, and he winces. "I'm sorry," I try not to laugh when I see it’s swelling.

"Do you always laugh when you apologize?" He asks with an eyebrow arched.

I bite my lip, but it does nothing to hide my smile.

Moving the rag away from his mouth, I open the freezer and grab something frozen off the shelf. "Use this," I don't give him the chance to protest.

Addi and Tony have now left us alone, which I'm thankful for. I hate an audience.

"I didn't expect anyone to sneak up behind me." Hell, I didn't even know I was no longer alone in the kitchen. They aren't even supposed to be here.

"I dropped Tony off, and when I saw your car outside, I couldn't leave without seeing you." Something passes over his face before he looks away and shrugs. "Two days is a long time to wait to touch you."

"But tomorrow is Friday," our dinner date, or non-date.

"Yeah," he moves in closer, pinning me to the counter behind me. "But it's been two since our tussle in your kitchen."

"Tussle?" I try not to react to him being so close, but my body is a treacherous bitch, and she remembers how it feels to be touched by him.

He places one hand on my hip as he leans in and kisses the corner of my mouth. "Do you think they'll notice if I place you on the counter and have a little repeat of the other night?"

Again my body hums with the idea of him taking me right here in Addison's kitchen. "I can be quiet, can you?" He is taunting me. "Or I could just slip my hand inside your jeans and let you ride my fingers again."

My face feels hot.

"Or my tongue," oh my hell, "I've been dying to taste you again."

"You're evil," and insanely hot and dirty.

"Are you trying to tell me the idea of either of those things doesn't turn you on?"

"I'm not saying that at all." I don't honestly think there is a thing about him that doesn't turn me on. In his presence, I’m a hussy.

When his mouth seals over mine, I give in to the kiss and let him devour my mouth. The way he does gives me the impression he is imagining doing something much more intimate with his tongue than simply kissing my mouth. I try to press my thighs together to keep from dry, humping him right here in the kitchen but the sound of something falling to the floor in the living room breaks us apart.

My thoughts are clearing as I suddenly remember I'm in my best friend's kitchen, and she and her guy are just on the opposite side of the wall. Stepping out from in front of Jonah, I manage to place a good distance between us before looking up at him once again.

"Where am I meeting you tomorrow?"

"I'm picking you up at seven." He holds my stare, and the idea of being difficult crosses my mind. I nod accepting his offer so I can experience a little fun in his car, it won’t be a bad thing, especially after he just got me all worked up, and I'll be left to tend to myself tonight. Some dirty talk and an even dirtier kissing, I was seconds from letting him have his way with me in someone else's kitchen.

I have turned into a raging nympho, and it's his fault.

By the smirk on his face, he knows it too, and he seems very pleased with himself.