All the Wrong Choices by C.A. Harms

Chapter Forty-One


We enter the restaurant together;her hand tucked securely in mine. I know if I'd told her who we are meeting, she would have panicked, so I left her believing it was only Tucker and Avery as initially planned.

After her near meltdown over Heather texting me, I don't want her to have another round of anxiety. I understand why she feels concerned. The idea of any other man touching Danielle would send me into an angry tailspin. But I meant every word I'd said, Dani is all I want. Then and now, and forever as far as I'm concerned.

I can see the table up ahead, all the people that mean more to me than anything, except one, all sitting together laughing and smiling. I'm ready, more than willing, to introduce them to the woman I hope will one day be a part of my family. I already know they'll love her as much as I do. The idea of her finally knowing what it feels like to have a family who will love her unconditionally excites me beyond belief. She's never had that, and I want that for her. I want loyal, loving people surrounding my girl. I never want her looking back at times in her life when people who should have loved her, hurt her instead.

My father is the first to notice us approaching, and he stands from the table, my mother following closely behind.

Dani's steps slow as her hand squeezes mine tighter. "Jonah?"

"It's okay, baby," releasing her hand, I circle my arm around her waist, pulling her in firmly to my side.

"Son," my father holds out his hand, and I shake his. I notice how he looks over at Dani and smiles. "And you must be Danielle."

"Yes, sir," she is nervous, her voice shaking with unease. I could have assured her, I could have stepped in and attempted to relieve her worries, but I don't. I know Dani will settle soon, so I allow my family to crowd her, and work their magic.

"Henry, sweetheart," he holds out his hand, and when she places hers in his, he gives it a gentle squeeze. "You call me Henry."

"Oh, Jonah," my mother practically squeals as she moves in front of my dad, "she is beautiful." She is talking to me but staring at Dani. "Oh my goodness, can you imagine how gorgeous the babies will be?"

Dani glances at me, her eyes widening, just before my mother wraps her in a hug and pulls her close.

"Stella, you're scaring the poor girl."

Avery snickers, and I notice both her and Tucker laughing as they watch the entire event unfold. "You are already married with babies in her eyes," Avery says, and nothing about it makes me nervous. I'm completely okay with spending the rest of my life with Danielle. Something about seeing her belly grow with my children triggers a possessiveness inside of me. It makes me feel like the king of the fucking world.

"Avery said you were pretty," my mom holds onto Dani's face after releasing her from one of her all consuming hugs. "But you are stunning, sweetheart. Those eyes," she looks away from Dani for the first time and looks at me, "and that smile. My boy is a sucker for a beautiful smile, and this one, oh my."

"Stella," my dad chuckles, gaining my mother's full attention. "Will you let the poor girl sit down? You'll terrify her." As I said, I knew they would fall in love with her.

When Dani's eyes find mine once again, I know my smile says it all. Nights with a loving family and my amazing girl, it's the life I want.

After my mother and father have once again sat back down at the table, Dani takes in a deep relaxing breath, and her smile is brighter than any I've ever seen before. It's infectious, and she has had only a tiny taste of the kind of love the Brooks’ have to share.

She has no idea what's coming at her.

We finally sit down at the table. The chatting quickly begins to flow—questions regarding Danielle's family and home life before becoming a teacher skipped over like they never existed. I've already given them a little snippet of what kind of people the Abbotts are, and let's just say they're less than impressed. It may have played a small role in the overkill my mother provided, but to see the joy it brought Dani, I let it go. I'll suffer through my mother's need to suffocate if it means Dani feels what I know she is feeling right now.

Throughout dinner, the conversations continue to flow so easily. We all share stories around the table, laughter echoes over the restaurant; it's the perfect night.

After dessert, Dani and I shared a slice of strawberry cheesecake, which was terrific; I led her toward the exit. Stepping outside, I place my hand against the small of her back, and immediately she leans into me. Her shoulder resting to my chest, I kiss her temple and hear a sigh from behind. I don't even have to look to know it's my mother.

"We have to do this again," she rests her hand on Dani's forearm and offers her a smile filled with adoration. It would seem my mother, too, has fallen in love with Danielle almost instantly. "And soon," moving closer, she offers Dani another hug, and my father chuckles. Like I'd said before, after my mother met Dani, the hovering would begin.

For years she's been pushing me to date more, telling me she's not getting any younger and needs some grand-babies to spoil. And for so long, I kept my personal life very private. I didn't need her planting any ideas in the heads of just any woman. But with Danielle, I say go for it. Plant away. I'm not afraid of a life with her. I welcome it; now I'll let my mother help convince this beautiful woman that she belongs with me, with us.

* * *

My toes curlinto the sheets as my thighs tighten. Looking up through the bedroom's darkness, the light spilling from the bathroom light into the bedroom highlights Dani's form. The way she moves above me, her hips undulating in perfect rhythm as she takes me inside her over and over. Just the image alone is enough to make me explode but I hold out for as long as possible not wanting this to end.

Tonight is the beginning of the rest of our lives. We’ve had our battles, we’ve fought our fears and conquered them, now is our time to live our dreams.

I know what I want, and who I want it with.

Allowing my palms to slide over her hips and along her sides she looks down at me and bites her lip. That is my breaking point. I grab her and flip her over, pinning her body beneath mine and push in deep, feeling her grow even wetter as she grips my cock tight.

I say nothing, I don't have to. I can see she knows right now more than anything I need to possess her. My movements are hard and fast, Dani moaning with each thrust, her own hips lifting off the bed to accept me, I feel her nails digging into my chest, the burning sensation it causes does nothing to stop me.

"Yes," she urges me on and I rotate my hips to ensure I'm hitting the very spot I know without a doubt will set her off. This body, though she was born with it, is mine to please. And I know how to give Dani what she needs, while gaining my own greatest desires.

Like I said before, made for me.

"Oh my God, yes!" Her voice echoes across the bedroom and when I feel her begin to pulsate there is no hope of being able to hold back. Slamming inside of her warm body once more I let go, and together we ignite.

I'm not sure how long we lay at each other's side, but I know my body feels sticky with sweat as I continue to take one deep breath after another. I feel like I just ran a fucking marathon, but to be honest I'm ready and willing to go again. I can't seem to help it, Dani triggers a need so great inside of me she doesn't even have to touch me or speak, just knowing she is there is enough.

"That was pretty intense," turning my head to the side I looked over to find her staring up at the ceiling. "I mean it's always intense but that was," she takes in a deep breath still staring ahead like she's hypnotized which makes me smile. "I may not be able to move tomorrow."

Then she finally glances at me and I can't help but chuckle at her appearance. Marathon doesn't even cover it, this woman and I just lived through the most powerful hurricane. We both are breathing heavy and from the looks of her hair, I'm not sure she'll be able to get a brush through those tangles.

"Are you complaining?" I know she's not.

She only shakes her head, still holding the same baffled expression.

For a few silent seconds we only stare at one another, my chest growing tight when I’m consumed by the love I feel for her.

"When are we packing up your apartment and moving you here permanently?" The question is out of my mouth before I have a second to think about it and frankly, I don't regret it. I want her here, though she always is, I want the reassurance she always will be.

"Jonah, I—" always wanting to argue her way out of this and damn it, I've decided I'm not letting her do it this time. "I hurt you," she says in a rush and for a second it leaves me speechless as I stare at her.

"And I hurt you," which still bothers me, but what's done is done.

"I kind of deserved it." She's so sure, arching her brow as if me disagreeing would be ridiculous.

"Dani, no one deserves to get hurt." I hate that motherfucker Matthew and her sister even more now than I did an hour ago.

She attempts to look away but I move in closer, "Hey, look at me." Slowly she turns her face back toward me and our eyes lock. "When are you going to realize you deserve to be happy? The day at the church was not your fault ,you did nothing, baby. They were wrong. They made that choice and in the process it hurt the woman I love."

"You didn't love me then," always so challenging and on most occasions it's her stubbornness that drives me insanely wild. But right now I need more than anything for her to accept she's an amazing woman who deserves to be insanely happy.

"I would have loved you, had I known you."

"You are so sure," I notice the trace of a smile tug at the corner of her mouth.

"Hell yeah I am," I have no doubt five years ago had Danielle walked into my life, I would have fallen for her then too. "So again I ask, when are you moving your things in here?"

I notice instantly the way her chest rises and then falls with a deep intake of breath, but I'm not backing down, not until she agrees.