All the Wrong Choices by C.A. Harms

Chapter Forty


I have just slippedmy new pale pink open shoulder dress over my head when I hear the vibration of a phone against the hardwood of a table. Looking around the room, I notice Jonah's phone lights up on the dresser top.

He is still in the shower, running a little late getting home from work. I know that it's probably his sister, making sure we are still on track for meeting her and her fiancé for dinner.

It vibrates again, and I round the bed reaching for it but pause when I see the name on the screen.


Stepping back away from it like it may burn me if I touch it, I listen for the sound of the shower still running. My curiosity is getting the best of me, and a massive part of me wants to snoop.

Why is she texting him?

My jealousy is getting the best of me, and I can't stop myself from picking up his phone carefully. As I put in his code, I hear the shower turn off, and the doors slide open. My heart feels as though it lurches in my chest, and I quickly toss it back to the dresser top. The thump as it hits only sounding like an echo in the silence of the bedroom.

I hurry from the bedroom, practically sliding into the living room and jumping onto the couch, grabbing the controller to flip through the channels. Smoothing my hair and dress, I attempt to control my breathing and wait as if I had been in this very place all along.

Several minutes later, I can hear the sounds of his footsteps getting closer as he comes out of the bedroom and pauses in the entryway leading to the very spot I'm waiting. I look up, fully ready to play it out, but when I find him with his phone in his hand, staring down at his screen smiling, I feel my stomach tighten. I continue to watch as he taps out a message before looking up to find me watching him.

"There you are," had he not been entranced by his textathon with his ex, he would have already noticed me sitting there watching him.

Instead of answering him, I force a smile and then turn back to the television.

The idea of him still texting a girl he dated while the two of us were apart drives me crazy. Had the roles been reversed and I was the one that had some guy messaging me, he would have a whole lot to say, I'm sure.

"You ready?" I can hear him shuffling around in the kitchen but keep my body facing forward and only nod. Unsure if he is looking at me long enough to notice but at this point, keeping my mouth shut is a whole lot better.

"Have you seen the scissors?" More shuffling, "I have a string hanging from the sleeve of my shirt, and it's driving me nuts."

"Second drawer down next to the refrigerator." One drawer closes before another opens.

"Damn, babe, you know this place better than I do."

I see him walk around the couch and stand beside me, but I remain focused on the TV. The sound of his phone vibrating once again, immediately without being able to control it, I roll my eyes and toss the controller on the cushion beside me.

"Can you grab this?" I stand, and he holds out the scissors.

After I cut the string, I turn around with my back to him and walk back into the kitchen. I open the drawer and toss the scissors back in a little rougher than necessary.

Another vibrating sound triggers a reaction in me, and yes, I may have handled it all wrong, but I blame the jealousy. "You gonna answer that?"

When I face him, I find him looking at me with a questioning stare. Which, of course, only manages to irritate me more. "Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about."

Slowly he begins to walk toward me, and I don't look away.

"This," he holds up his phone and moves it from side to side in a taunting manner.

"You didn't have a problem texting her when you didn’t think I noticed."

"Is someone cranky?" When he has me cornered in the kitchen, he continues to back me up until I have nowhere to go.

"I wasn't," I confess. "Honestly, I was looking forward to tonight, but now, I think maybe you should just go without me, and I'll go home." His brow arches, but he doesn't respond. "I think most people want you with Heather anyway, so hell, who knows, if you ask her now, she may even be able to meet you there in my place."

Leaning in closer, he nuzzles the side of my face, and I turn mine away from him. Skimming over my jaw with the tip of his nose, he kisses the side of my neck. "I must admit seeing you jealous does some exciting things to me."

Again I roll my eyes, not aware he can see me, and I hear him chuckle.

"Like it does things to me." Thrusting his hips forward, I feel he is hard, and I push against his chest.

"Nice to know that texting your ex makes you hard."

"First off," he moves back enough to stare directly into my eyes. "No one makes me hard but you."

I feel my heart racing, and I want to argue with him, but the look on his face ensures me doing just that will get me nowhere.

"Second of all, we were talking about you."

"Me," I'm fully aware of how sarcasm oozes in my voice.

"Yes," the cockiness he had only moments ago is replaced with a soothing tone. His eyes much softer, skimming his thumb over my jaw, along my lower lip. "You," he adds, and again I'm less than convinced.

"Look," Jonah attempts to give me his phone, but I don't take it. "Baby, I'm not arguing with you on this. I have nothing to hide."

Realizing I have no intention of looking at his phone, he flips it around, taps a few times on the screen, and then turns it back around to face me.

"She asked me if I finally got my girl."

Looking away from the phone, I lift my gaze to him and find him smiling.

"Dani, she knows all about you, and she also knows I could have never truly been with her because I'm in love with you."

He sets his phone on the counter behind me and cups my face in his hands. "I told Heather I have the girl, and I'm never letting her go. Because she is the best part of me, even if she's challenging and stubborn and refuses to accept that she's all I ever think about. I'll keep making sure she knows even if she drives me crazy in the process."

I try not to smile when he smirks at me, all cocky-like.

"Well, I hate that you even kissed her."

"But I never once kissed her the way I kiss you."

"Not helping, Jonah," he leans in and hugs me close.

Hearing him chuckle while he kisses over my jaw and up to my ear, "Do I need to show you just how much I want you?"

"We're already late for dinner," we don't have time.

"I already texted Avery, and she changed the reservation." He pulls me along with him toward the couch. Positioning me before him at the back of the couch, he then steps in behind me. "Hold on to the back of the couch," before I can ask why he begins to lift my dress and hooks my panties, lowering them to my ankles. "Now Dani," well okay then. I do what he asks, looking back over my shoulder, watching him undo his belt and then the button of his pants. Lowering his zipper, I feel my heart rate speed up with anticipation. With his foot, he nudges my legs farther apart.

When he's positioned himself at my entrance, he pushes inside me, just enough to tease me before pulling back. "Jonah," I pant and shift back, seeking him, but he follows my movements stepping back and creating more distance between us.

"Tell me you love me."

"You know I do."

Jonah applies pressure to my lower back, I arch, and he again pushes in, repeating his earlier movements.

"Damn it, Jonah," I practically growl out in frustration, and his chuckle only adds to my irritated state.

"Tell me you love me," he says again, and I glare at him over my shoulder.

"I love you," now stop being an ass.

"Tell me you know you're all I want." Has he lost his God damned mine?

I start to stand, and again he presses his hand to my back and holds me in place. "No," he teases me once more, this time giving me a little more of him. "Tell me, Dani."

Reaching around in front of me, he cups my breast and begins rolling my nipple. "You are all I want; tell me you believe me."

"I believe you," this man infuriates me, but he also makes me incredibly happy too. He pushes into me from behind, filling me.

"Now hold on to that fact, Dani, understand it. For the rest of my life, you own me. Nothing and no one ever will change it."

Leaning over my body, his chest to my back, he kisses my ear. "Now, let me love my girl." And for the next hour, he does just that, thoroughly.