All the Wrong Choices by C.A. Harms

Chapter Forty-Seven


I lay on the couch,Dani curled up at my side with her head resting on my chest. I'm not sure if she's sleeping, so I remain still watching the show currently playing. The entire house is dark beside the flashing of the television as it bounces off the walls and reflects off the windows that line the whole backside of the living room.

Her hair is still damp from her shower, and all I can smell is her body wash and shampoo. Wearing nothing but one of my t-shirts and a skimpy pair of panties, my hand rests at the small of her back. The shirt has ridden up from her legs being tossed up and over mine.

It became a natural way for us to lounge around and how I'd spend every evening for the rest of my life and feel completely content.

My mind wanders back to the conversation we had earlier when she told me about what had taken place between her and Tony. She's right, and I do miss him, miss the way we'd meet for beers and wings or hell even the random ass shit he'd text for no real reason at all. But I'd meant what I said, he had to accept Dani, and from what she’d said, maybe he finally understands that.

She shifts against me, and I'm able to see her face more clearly. She's sleeping so soundly, and she's gorgeous.

Curling my body toward hers, I hold her to me and stare down at her face.

Tucked away in the safe in my room is a ring I picked out more than two weeks ago. The ring that the very second I saw it, I knew it belonged on Dani's finger. Buying it was easy, with the help of Addison telling me what size. I carried it in my pocket out of the jewelry store, picturing sliding it on Dani's finger and asking her to marry me.

Part of me wanted to rush home and ask her right then, but instead, I placed it in my safe, and every day I fought the urge to propose.

"Take me to bed," she whispers, surprising me, and I smile, pressing a kiss to her lips. She shifts her body against mine, and I deepen the kiss upon instinct. Gripping her ass tightly and grinding against her and she moans.

"Or here is good too," slowly she crawls over me, and when she sits up and pulls my t-shirt over her head, I almost lose it right then.

Her hair has grown out, flowing past her shoulders in long waves. The color is returning more to her natural shade, and her beauty cripples me daily.

Suddenly her hand is inside my shorts, beneath my boxers and her fingers are wrapped around my cock, gently stroking. I close my eyes, taking in fully, the feeling of her hands on me, and it reminds me of how deeply I adore this woman.

When she positions herself above me, and I feel her wetness glide over the head of my cock just before she lowers her body over mine, my toes curl from the sensation.

"You are incredible," I growl out, and she starts to move her body over mine. With each shift, she moans, and I allow her to lead. There is nothing sexier than watching Dani get lost in the pleasure that we create together. These are the moments when I find her the most beautiful, when she is so vulnerable.

"So good," she whispers, and I couldn't agree more.

An hour later, I'm lowering her to the mattress, and she curls over on her side, still holding onto my hand. "Give me a few minutes, I need to make sure everything is locked up and the lights are all off." Leaning over, I kiss her forehead, and reluctantly step away.

When I reach the door I pause and look back, and my chest swells with love at the woman sleeping soundly in my bed. Our bed.

I walk through the house, flipping off lights and checking the doors to ensure they are locked. I gather the wine glass and my empty beer bottle from the coffee table and take them to the kitchen. Turning on the small light above the sink, I turn around and head back to the living room to turn off the television.

The sound of a notification on a cell phone beeps from somewhere near, and I look around for the phone, knowing already it's Dani's. Mine is charging in the bedroom.

A blinking green light flashes near the end of the couch, and when I dig it out of the cushions, it beeps once more. The message is displayed on the screen but only long enough for me to see the sender's name.


And my blood instantly begins to boil.

What the fuck does that prick want?

I vowed I would protect her, and I would not allow any of those assholes to ever hurt her again. I take her phone to the kitchen and hurry to write down Matthew's number. Then I scroll up and read through the messages.

Matthew: Can we talk?

Matthew: I made a huge mistake.

Matthew: I miss you!

Matthew: Please call me when you can get some time alone.

And the last message lit me on fucking fire.

Matthew: I still love you. No one will ever love you as I do.

I grip the phone so tight I have to set it down for a minute for fear of breaking it. That son of a bitch has a lot of nerve. When she's alone, like some sneaky fucking affair. Almost like he has done with her sister behind her back. Does he think that's who Dani's is? Like she'll come running and be willing to reverse the roles, and this time is the mistress. He didn't know Danielle at all.

And fuck if I'm going to sit back and let him screw with her head.

I pick up the phone once more, screenshot the thread and then send it to my phone. Afterward, I make sure to delete it from the history of our messages and Dani's screenshot folder. Then I block him on her phone to ensure all future messages go unseen, and I delete the history of the messages completely.

It looks like I'll be paying a visit to the little bitch myself.

* * *

I standin the bedroom with my back to Dani, feeling like a prick for lying to her.

"Meeting Tony for lunch is a good step in the right direction."

"Yeah," I say as I tighten my tie in the full-length mirror.

Her hands slide around me and pause on my chest. I let go of my tie and place mine over hers.

"I'm happy the two of you are going to talk this out." Holding her gaze in the mirror, I almost cave right then. "It'll be nice to be able to have him and Addison come over again without so much animosity."

"Yeah," I only wish today was about making amends. But when I reached out to Tony last night, more of me needed someone at my side I could trust to keep the shit between him and me. Someone I knew without a doubt if things went south, he'd be on my side. Guys, don't sit around and talk out our shit. We don't need to talk it out and apologize. We are more, you good, yeah; I'm good, and then we move on, which is what Tony and I did.

Today is about something entirely outside of our shit. Today is about me protecting the woman I love. Today is about me proving a point and hoping it sticks.

* * *

"You sure about this?"Tony asks as we stand side by side outside of the EL Investments building. The idea that the little prick who had hurt Dani was just beyond the doors only manages to enhance my irritation.

The longer I stand here, the more I wonder if this is a good idea. This fucker had once touched my girl, my mind going to all the places it shouldn't. I knew it would only take one wrong move, and I could risk everything I've built.

"Not completely," I finally confess. "But you got me, right?"

"Yeah," Tony says from my side. "I got ya," and I know he does. We may have been on the opposite end of things for weeks, but one thing’s for sure I know Anthony is on my side.

"Let's do this." He jerks open the door, and together we step inside.

Immediately the girl behind the desk greets us. "Good morning. How can I help you?"

I let Tony do the talking, considering he'd set this up. "I have a nine o'clock appointment with Matthew Harrington. My name is Tony Miller."

We watch as she looks over her screen and then smiles back at us. "Yes, Mr. Miller, and you are?"

"This is my partner, Rob Russo." I only nod, wondering where in the hell he'd come up with the ridiculous name.

She nods and then picks up her phone. After a few seconds, she hangs up and stands. "Mr. Harrington is ready for you now."

Allowing Tony to lead, I try to remain hidden, knowing if he sees me too soon, the entire thing will be over quickly.

The woman pauses near a door and pushes it open as she steps aside. "Can I get either of you anything to drink?"

"No, we're good." I need her gone and now. My adrenaline is already pumping like a freight train.

She excuses herself, and the second Tony steps over the threshold, I hear the sound of Matthew greeting him, and I snap. Moving into the room, I shut the door behind me and turn to face him. He looks past Tony, and it takes him a second, then it clicks. I notice the very second he thinks about going for the phone, and I move in quickly.

Grabbing him by the collar, I slam his back to the credenza behind him, and he lets out a throaty gasp. "You've just landed yourself in jail," he sneers and I laugh. It doesn't sound like me, the deep throaty laugh that echoes over the office.

"Now, I think we both know that isn't going to happen. After all, I've got proof of you reaching out to the sister of your new wife and the woman carrying your child. What would your in-laws think of you then? I see alimony payments, child support, and years and years of hell in your future. Hurting Cathryn would be so much different from when you hurt Danielle. I don't have to remind you of how Mommy and Daddy worship the ground she walks on."

"What do you want," he knows I'm right.

"What I need you to understand is if you ever so much as a glance in Dani's direction again, I will end you. Not only will your life be over at home, but in every aspect. She is mine, she will always be mine, and I protect what is mine."

"Yours?" He laughs, and I grip him harder and apply a little more pressure making him groan in pain.

"That's right motherfucker," I lean in and seethe, "Mine."

I hold his stare and notice how his nostrils flare, but nothing about this little punk scares me. He's pathetic, and for everything he's ever put Dani through, I want nothing more than to break his fucking nose, but I hold back. I won't allow him to take anything more than he already has from her.

"It's my fiancée, you’re messaging," his eyes widen when I throw out the word fiancée. "Soon to be my wife." I love the anger in his eyes. That's right fucker; she's mine. "The woman I make love to nightly, the woman who calls out my name," I say this low because though I know Tony will say nothing, my words drive a stake further into Matthew. "She knows what good is now. She has no desire to look back. I've heard all about your pathetic attempts to please her. You're nothing more than a mistake. Test my limits again, and the next time you won't see me coming."

"Is that a threat?" The guy has some balls, tiny mother fuckers but still.

"No, Matthew Harrington of 2312 Meadow Lane," I see the flicker of panic in his eyes. "It's a promise."

I let him think I'm releasing him, and when he moves forward, I slam him back one more time, ensuring it is more aggressive than before.

He holds my stare, "Stay the hell away from her or one click of a button, and I'll make sure both parents of your wife know your indiscretions. Then Dani and I can sit back and watch your pathetic excuse of life crumble at your fucking feet."

Tony and I exit the building, my hands still shaking at my sides.

"Dude, that was intense."

He isn't lying.

"I didn't know you and Dani were engaged."

I look over at him, and he's bobbing his head like we didn't just assault some man in his office. He looks so damn relaxed, and it makes me laugh. "We're not yet, but we will be soon enough."

We leave and go straight for his house, where we share a much-needed beer in the middle of the morning.