All the Wrong Choices by C.A. Harms

Chapter Forty-Nine


I woke early,lying in bed looking at Dani, who lay sprawled out at my side. The big diamond I'd placed on her finger only hours before displayed proudly.

She said yes.

When I came home to find her sitting at the side of the pool, I felt it in my gut. I knew when I got home I was going to tell her what happened, but I hadn't been sure how. I panicked when I saw the hurt in her eyes. It bothered me that I’d lied to her earlier that morning, I felt terrible all day.

I know she understands why but I still hated that I did it at all.

Leaving her, I go into the bathroom and flip on the shower. Dropping my boxers, I step in beneath the warm water and hurry to wash. Turning off the water, I climb out and towel dry myself before moving over to the sink to finish getting ready.

Searching for my comb, I open the drawer on the left and then the right. Seeing it tucked on the side of a box, I start to reach for it, then I pause. The words on the box are becoming more clear. I read them over and over. My heart races, my palms grow sweaty, and I have to grip the edge of the countertop to keep myself from collapsing to the floor.

Lifting the box, I find it open, and I reach inside to pull out the contents of the package.

Instantly my vision goes blurry from what I find. I look behind me toward the bedroom, and from this angle, all I can see is Dani's foot hanging over the edge and her bright red toenails against the light gray sheets.

Possessiveness hits me in a rush when I glance back at the contents in my hand. I lay down the box with shaky hands but keep the applicator in my hand and move toward the bedroom. Moving to her side of the bed, I go down on my knees, and I reach out to push away the hair covering her face.

Just the sight of her makes me feel even more raw.

"Hey," her sleep-filled voice gains my attention, and I look up, feeling myself fall apart a little more. "What's wrong?" Suddenly Dani is up and facing me as she slides to the edge of the bed. Gripping my face with her hands, she is looking at me with concern, and I still can't seem to form a word.

"Jonah," she searches my face, and I look down to where her cropped t-shirt shows a tiny sliver of her stomach, and I can't stop myself from reaching out to place my hand there.

I think that is when she realizes everything because she stops asking and lets go of my face. Moving in, I wrap my arms around her waist and lay my head in her lap.

When her fingers begin to comb through my hair, it is my breaking point, and I don't attempt to stop my emotions. "You're gonna be an amazing daddy," she whispers, and I hold on to her a little tighter.

This woman is giving me everything I could ever want and more.

"I took the test yesterday morning," she says, and I can tell she is smiling with happiness in her voice. "It took everything for me not to text you a picture of the test, but I wanted to see your face when you found out."

Tilting my head, I look up at her so she can see me, and I don't even care that tears stain my face.

"Are you happy?" She asks, and an uncontrollable sob escapes me.

"Yes, Dani," my voice doesn't sound anything like me. "I'm so happy, babe, so damn happy." She continues to comb her fingers through my hair, and I remain where I am, holding her tight and accepting just how perfect my life has become.

* * *

Hand in hand,we walk into the restaurant and pause at the front desk. After giving our name, the hostess leads us to our table, where most of our friends are already seated. Mine and Dani's, all mixed, mingling and laughing as if they've always known each other. Together we've managed to combine the most incredible group of people we know.

When they see us coming, they stop and start to turn, clapping and hooting as I hold up our joined hands, the one holding Dani's engagement ring. Thankfully, the restaurant owners have placed us outside on an enclosed patio room meant for large groups. Otherwise, there would be a lot of irritated guests. Our friends tend to get a little loud.

Immediately congratulations are being passed around, as well as hugs and cheek kisses. All the ladies are moving in to see her ring, the men making playful comments about once Dani realizes she needs more of a man to send her their way.

Which, of course, is never going to happen because I know better. My girl is happy in all aspects, and I know without a doubt in my mind she's the real deal. She's mine, I'm hers, and no one or anything will ever change that.

We decided not to tell anyone about the baby for now. I didn't need anyone to get the idea planted in their head that this development between us comes shotgun after a positive test. We know better, and so do those closest to us. Not everyone knows our history, and not everyone needed to.

For now, only a few choice people know, and my parents are over the moon with joy. I don't think I have ever heard my mother squeal so loudly. She's already made plans to take Dani shopping which again gave my Dani such joy, I sat back and watched without telling my mother to back off. She's never had that, a mother figure who wanted to spend time with her, not for the simple reason of trying to make her something she's not. My family adores Danielle. They love her tiny ticks, her silliness, and don't judge her. They accept everything about her.

For the next two hours or more, we laugh with our friends and enjoy the life we've begun to build together. Every so often, she looks over at me and smiles, and when I find her placing her hand over her stomach in such a casual manner, I can't help the possessiveness that instantly fills me. That's my baby in there, our baby. A life we've created together—part of me and part of her. A child I know will be loved to the extreme. He or she will have a family who will stand behind them no matter what. They will have a support system that will accept them without question, and never would we ever make him or her feel inadequate.

The fierce love I feel for Danielle has only tripled since I found the positive test in our bathroom. I didn't think I could love her more than I already did, but I was wrong. Every single day I find I only love her more.

She's meticulous about what she consumes; her desire to ensure she is doing her part to keep our baby healthy and strong, it's adorable. She talks about all the things she wants to teach our child, and I know it's mostly because she never had a mother who cared enough growing up.

Sometimes I find myself imagining her lying in bed next to a little girl who looks so much like her as they read together.

Many of our friends have already left. After I pay our check, we stand fully ready to leave when Dani starts to pull her hand away from mine. "Where are you going?"

"Need to pee," she whispers with a smile and then drops a kiss to the corner of my mouth. "I was trying to be discreet." Poking me in the side, she again attempts to step away, and I don't release her.

"I'll walk you," when she rolls her eyes at me, I can't help but laugh.

"It's the restroom, not Mexico, and I'll be fine." Possessive caveman, as she calls me, is something I can't seem to tame. "Meet me out front in five."

She doesn't wait before sneaking away, and my eyes are glued to her the entire time until I can't see her anymore. That's when the nerves kick in.

I gather her jacket and toss a tip on the table. After a few more goodbyes and a promise for a cookout and big screen at my place during the next big game, I excuse myself and begin walking toward the restaurant's front entrance. The closer I get, the more my heart races when I see a familiar blue dress. There's no mistaking Dani in a crowd. I know every single inch of her by heart.

Irritation and anger rip through me when I see who stands in front of her. Especially the way the fucker is looking over her appreciatively while her sister, very pregnant and oblivious of her douchebag husband, stands at his side talking to Dani. Now, it can go two ways. I can get angry and make a scene, maybe even land myself in jail after I break the little fuckers jaw, or I can drive the stake in a little deeper and make him realize even more how much he's lost.

I step up behind her and immediately lean in to press a kiss to the side of her neck. I possessively wrap my arms around her from behind. I notice how her body stiffens, but I don't let it stop me. I know it has nothing to do with me holding her and everything to do with the company she’s with.

"Hey baby," I look up and notice the way Matthew's nostrils flare like he has some claim on Dani, which makes me chuckle. "What do we have here?" I don't look away from Matthew, my hands still holding on to Dani with purpose.

"You remember my sister and Matthew."

"I do," there is no need for pleasantries. Neither of them deserves my time, or Dani's, for that matter.

"I ran into them as I was getting ready to go outside."

"Did you tell them the news?"

"What news?" Dani gives me a curious look, and I almost laugh at how innocent she looks.

Without looking away from Dani, I press a soft kiss to her lips which again seems to surprise her. "This gorgeous, amazing woman and I are getting married in three weeks." She smiles wide and leans into me when I hold her a little tighter. Sliding my palm over her waist and bringing it to rest on her stomach, I then look away and stare straight at Matthew. "And in less than eight months, she's giving me the greatest gift."

Glancing back to Dani, I find her eyes wide in surprise. We'd agreed not to share the news yet but come on, how can I not tell this piece of shit that Dani was carrying my baby inside her perfect body.

"I won't lie, I'd love a boy, but then again, a beautiful little girl with her mommy's smile would be pretty damn amazing too." Looking back to Matthew, I dig a little more. "But then again, one day, I know we'll have both. With a woman like Dani in bed next to me, every single night, it's pretty impossible to keep my hands to myself."

At this point, the redness in Matthew's face was the only sign I needed to know he was beyond pissed.

"We gotta go, babe," I start to move her along, and just for added pleasure, I make sure to cup her ass as we step outside and pause in the doorway to kiss her deeply. The knowledge that none of those people will ever hurt her again gives me peace. The sorry sack of shit walked away from the greatest woman, and though her pain pisses me off, I'm glad he was so fucking stupid. They are the ones who are missing out, and they are the ones who've lost the chance to know such a fantastic person. But I'd never let them darken Dani's joy or the joy of my babies. They are mine to protect, and I damn sure will every minute of every day.

Glancing back, I see Matthew looking back over his shoulder as he leads Cathryn away, and I know without a doubt in my mind he is regretting every move he ever made when it came to Danielle. I knew that because if I were in his shoes, I'd be beating the hell out of myself for letting her go.

The difference was I know a good thing when I have it. I also wasn't a fucking punk, so there's that too.

His loss is my gain, and I'll forever treasure the gift or gifts I've been given.

Dani is my dream, she is my everything, and I'll cherish her always.

All the wrong choices led us here, and they led us to each other.