The Bold and the Bullheaded by Willow Aster

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Waking up with Emma on my lips is the best fucking way to start my day. But I’m on edge, because she still didn’t tell me exactly what happened with that dickhead Arwin. I’m drawn to her because of her desire to be independent, but at the same time, it scares the shit out of me. She won’t come to me for help. She’s still holding back.

There’s one person that I’m fairly certain can help me figure out what to do.

I open the door to Kingsley’s Auto Shop and Little Joe greets me.

“Big Spence. What’s up?” He high-fives me and gives me one of those half-bro hugs.

“Not much. Just wanted to talk to Sam if he’s around.”

The place is nuts. Everyone is hustling around and the garage is full with cars up on lifts, as well as on the ground. The clanking of tools hitting the floor and high-powered drills fill the air around me.

“Yeah, he’s over here.” He leads the way. “Man, is this the talk?”

“The talk?”

“Are you asking permission for something?” He pauses and looks at me with one brow raised. “You know? To marry our girl?”

I choke out a laugh that turns into a coughing fit. I pound my chest. It’s not far-fetched. I’ve never felt this way about anyone, and I’d marry Emma today if I thought that’s what she wanted. But it’s funny as hell to see his face turn bright red at the mention of it.

“Nah. Not that I’d mind doing that at all. But we aren’t there yet.”

She’s not there yet.

“She’s a tough little nut, that one. Stubborn as hell. Bossy too. But there’s a sappy woman beneath all that. I’m sure you know that. She’s the absolute best person I know. But if you tell her I said that, I’ll be forced to kill you.”

“Is there a reason everyone is always threatening to kill me?” I snort.

“If you’re good to our girl, no one will have a problem with you,” he says.

“Working on it.”

“Well, if it isn’t jump the fence, Spence. What’s up, big man?” Fish slaps me on the shoulder.

“Not much. Just in the neighborhood and thought I might catch Sam for a minute.”

He studies me. “All right. I’m sure he can sneak away for a minute. How’s our girl?”

“She’s great.”

“That’s what I like to hear,” he says.

“King,” Little Joe calls out for Sam. “You’ve got a visitor.”

“Ah … it’s handyman Taylor,” Stinky Pete says, as he pulls me into a hug. I never know what they’re going to call me, and it’s entertaining as all get-out. “How you doing, brother?”

“Really well,” I say, as Sam wipes his hand on a towel and walks my way.

“Everything okay? Emma all right?” I don’t miss the panic in his voice.

“Yeah, I think so. I just wanted to see if I could talk to you for a minute.”

Fish whistles. “It sounds serious.”

Little Joe hustles them all away, and Sam leads me to the other side of the garage, opening the door to a small office. I’ve never been here, but I’m thankful that we’ll have some privacy.

“What’s going on?” he asks, before shutting the door and sitting at his desk, while I take the chair across from him.

I’m suddenly not sure this was a good idea. I don’t want to betray Emma, but I don’t want to fail her either.

It’s not an option.

“I just didn’t know who else to talk to. Emma would be pissed to know I’m here.” I fold my hands in my lap and meet his gaze.

“This can stay between us,” he says.

I nod. “There’s a guy at the office who’s been giving Em a hard time.”

He clears his throat and leans forward. His eyes harden and I don’t miss the way he clenches his jaw.

“A hard time? She told you this?”

I run a hand down my face. “This is where it gets tricky, and it’s the reason I’m here. She didn’t tell me everything, not the worst of it at least. Mya told Jesse, who told me. I couldn’t tell Emma that I knew, but I got her to open up a little. She just said she had it under control.”

“And you don’t think she does? Does Jack know this is going on?”

“No. She’s only told Mya. She’s talked about this guy before and I’ve met him—complete jackass—and she told me a little bit of it last night, but she withheld some pretty big shit. And I don’t know what to do. I’m really worried about her. He’s a senior partner.”

“Motherfucker. Why wouldn’t she go to Jack?”

“She says she doesn’t want to be known for that. She wants to show that she can handle her own shit.”

Sam moves back to sit in his chair.

“What did you find out that she didn’t tell you? How bad is it?”

I let out a long breath. I’m at a loss on how to proceed. Her dad loves her and I trust him.

“He grabbed her ass. She apparently pounded on his hand which was resting on the desk, and he ran off. But the fact that he touched her—” I pause now and move to my feet. My blood is boiling. The thought of the scumbag touching her makes me want to punch a hole through the wall.

“Jesus. And she doesn’t know that you know? She didn’t tell you that he touched her?”

“Nope. She just said he was annoying but that she had it under control. I’m fucking pissed and I don’t know what to do about it.”

He studies me, and I drop back down in the chair across from him.

“You really love her, don’t you?” he asks.

“I do.”

“She’s not easy, but I promise you she’s worth the fight. Hell, my daughter’s got more walls up than I do. She’s stubborn as hell and determined to prove she doesn’t need anyone. So, I don’t know that she’s ever going to ask for help. But if you believe she’s in danger, I think you’ve got to take matters into your own hands. She won’t like it. But I’ve pissed Emma off more times than I can count. She’ll come around.”

I nod. This is what I needed to hear. “All right. I hoped you’d say that. I need to talk to Jack. He needs to be aware of who he has working there.”

“Agreed.” He picks up his phone and types something out and hits send. “I just sent Jack a text that you need to speak to him privately, and you’re on your way.”

I push to my feet and he does the same. His phone vibrates and he looks down at the screen. “He’s got thirty minutes before a meeting, and he’s waiting for you now.”

I glance at my watch. Emma will probably be leaving for lunch in a few minutes, so I might be able to get in without her trying to stop me.

“All right. I’m on my way.”

“You’re doing the right thing. Thanks for loving my girl.” He pulls me in for a hug. It’s different from how he’s hugged me before. He claps me on the shoulder and walks me out. “Keep me posted. And Spence—” he calls out.

“Yeah?” I say, when I pull my car door open.

“If you weren’t going there, I’d be on my way there now.”

“Thanks, Sam. I appreciate your help with this.”

I drive to Emma’s office and I have an ache in the pit of my stomach. I don’t want to think about how she’ll react to me interfering. But if she isn’t going to report him, I have no choice but to get involved.

My phone vibrates as I park the car, and I see Emma’s name on the screen. Hey. I have lots to tell you tonight. Just at lunch now, but I will fill you in later.

I stop for a minute. Maybe she already talked to Jack.

Did you talk to Jack?

No. But I’m taking care of it.

The fuck she is. I tuck my phone in my pocket and take the elevator up to the top floor. When I step off, that piece of shit, Arwin is standing there waiting to step on.

“Ah, the boyfriend.” He holds his hand out to me like we’re fucking buddies, and I zone in on the two finger splints. Well, fuck me.

Atta girl.

I’ve never been more proud. She pounded the fucker, but it’s going to take a hell of a lot more than a few injured fingers for this guy to back off. I surprise myself when I reach for his hand and squeeze so hard, he gasps.

“Damn straight I’m the fucking boyfriend. Don’t you forget it.” I want to knock him out. Give him a good ass-kicking. But I stop myself. I don’t want to embarrass Emma, and I don’t want to give Arwin an opportunity to play victim. I want him to get what he deserves, and Jack is the only man who can make sure that happens.

“Ahhhh,” he whines when I walk away.

Jack meets me at the front desk and leads me back to his office. “Does Emma know you’re here?”

“Nope,” I say, keeping my voice even.

He shuts the door, and I don’t miss the concern when he shakes my hand and meets my gaze. “What’s going on?”

He moves to sit at his desk and I take the chair across from him.

“There’s a situation here that I think you need to be made aware of. Emma’s too stubborn and too hell-bent on handling it herself to ask for help, so I’m here on her behalf.”

He narrows his gaze, and there’s a deep wrinkle between his brows. “What type of situation are we talking about?”

I proceed to tell him everything that I know. I make him aware that there’s probably so much more that I don’t even know. But the bottom line is, a senior partner touched her inappropriately after her making it very clear that she wasn’t interested. I tell him that she pounded his hand on the desk, and I was fairly certain that’s the reason he was wearing two splints on his fingers.

“Jesus Christ.” He moves to his feet and runs a hand through his hair. “This fucking guy.”

I nod. “He’s a fucking creeper, Jack.”

He moves to the bar area in his office and grabs two water bottles out of the refrigerator and hands me one.

“I can’t believe she didn’t tell me. I know he isn’t a good husband. And terrible to women. Miranda keeps me appraised of some of this, although I don’t think she knows about all this. But to harass Emma, knowing she’s my family? He’s a sick fuck.”


“You did the right thing coming here. Why the hell didn’t she tell me?”

“She’ll be pissed I’m here. You know Emma. She wants to handle everything on her own,” I say, taking a long sip of water as I think about what I’ve done and how angry she is going to be. I’d still do it all over again. The asshole isn’t going to stop. Hell, he just greeted me at the elevator like we were old friends. He has no shame. No boundaries. And clearly no moral compass.

“She did break the man’s fingers.” His smile is forced as he drops back down at his desk.  “He’s claiming to have been in a fight protecting his wife, but it didn’t add up. This makes sense. I’m equal parts proud of her and angry at her for not coming to me.”

“Yeah. I hear ya. So what are you going to do?”

“He’s done. There’s no talking his way out of this shit. But I’m going to need to hear it from her.” He picks up his office phone. “Miranda, cancel the partner meeting. Tell them something came up. What?”

He sets the phone down and hurries to his feet. I follow him out the door and hear the sound of Emma’s voice throughout the office.

What the fuck is going on?

Everyone is standing outside of their offices, and my eyes lock with my girlfriend’s. Her mouth is hanging open, and she’s staring at me with such disappointment my chest tightens.

“Yes, and I can tell Jack that you’ve been harassing me since I started working here with your comments and demands … and a couple of days ago, your threats.”Everyone is standing in silence as they listen to Emma’s voice over the loudspeakers.

“It would be your word against mine. No one would believe you. The way you walk around here in those short skirts and heels, with your tits hanging out at all hours of the day. You really think anyone would believe you over me?” It’s Arwin’s voice now that plays throughout the office, and my gaze moves to him. He’s arguing with the lady at the desk to make it stop. “I’ve decided I’m tired of playing nice. I’ve changed my mind—you need to pay me back for the damage you’ve caused. Dinner tonight, my place. Wife’s out of town and Daddy wants to play.”

Gasps ring through the office.

“Daddy wants to play? Arwin Swim, you are the most revolting man I’ve ever met.”

Arwin starts shouting. “It’s a joke, people. Go back to work. Emma, my office, now,” he demands.

“That is absolutely not happening. You will wait until I’m done speaking to Emma and then I will deal with you.” Jack gets in his face, and two other men that I haven’t met move between them.

“We’ll take him to the conference room and keep him there until you’re ready to speak to him.” One of the men says.

The office is chaos, and my gaze finds Emma again. Mya is standing beside her and she looks nervous to see me here.

Emma moves toward me. “Were you in Jack’s office? What are you doing here?”

Jack is behind her and his face is bright red, as the office is in complete disarray. “He’s doing what you should have done. Let’s go.”

She shakes her head at me and her eyes are glossy. “I can’t believe you did this.”

“One of us needed to.” I shove my hands in my pockets.

“Well, thanks for having faith in me.”

“This isn’t about me having faith in you, Emma. This is about me keeping you safe.”

“I don’t need you to keep me safe,” she hisses.

“He put his hands on you. At what point do you think you might need my help? Or is that it? You’re never going to let me in, are you?”

“You betrayed me.” Her words hit me right in the center of my chest.

“That’s just you trying to find an excuse to push me away once again.”

“That’s not true. I asked you to trust me and clearly you didn’t respect that.” She storms past me, and Jack gives me a sympathetic look before closing the door.

“Did you come to speak to Jack?” Mya asks, and I didn’t even realize she was standing behind me.

“I did. I was worried.”

She puts a hand on my shoulder. “I was too. Give her time to process everything.”

I nod. “Maybe she’s been looking for a way out the whole time. I’m going to go. I’ll see you later.”

When I get back home and walk into our office, my three brothers are all standing there.

Mya has clearly called them because they’re all looking at me with that I’m sorry you’re fucked look.

Because that’s what family does.

They show up.

The problem is, Emma hasn’t decided that I’m her family yet.