A King to be Feared by Brea Alepoú

It wasnice relaxing and getting to know Julyanah and her house the day before the event. Not to mention Titos and Kail looked good playing with baby Alice. Gin fixed his cape. It was embroidered with black jewels on the collar and shoulders. Everett had outdone himself; the suit fit Gin perfectly. His boots looked good with the fitted suit. His fingers were decorated with jewelry, and his nails were freshly painted. He admired himself once more before stepping out into the middle of the room. Titos had asked for privacy.

He did a full spin on his thick combat boots and stopped short as he laid eyes on Kail first. His long hair was braided instead of in its usual bun. He had on black pants and a shirt with a black jacket with silver flowers designed into it. He wore a simple silver necklace that brought the entire outfit together.

“You clean up nice,” Gin said.

Kail smiled at him. “You are flashy as ever. I figured you’d do something with a cape.” Kail walked with swagger up to Gin, and he had a hard time remembering how to just simply breathe. “You should close your mouth or you will catch flies.”

Kail pushed Gin’s chin up, and his teeth clanked shut. Fuck.

Alfrik stepped out next. In his grey suit, the big man looked good, completely different than his usual T-shirt or flannels. His black pants looked practically painted on his tree-trunk legs.

“Damn,” Kail said.

Gin nodded his agreeance. Everett and Molly did too good of a job.

“What are you two making so much noise about?” Seth asked as he walked from behind his privacy screen. He fixed the sleeves of his black suit jacket. He wore all black, and the top two buttons on his shirt were undone, showing off more of his gorgeous brown skin.

Kail didn’t even hesitate as he moved from Gin and right up to Seth.

“Like what you see?” Seth asked.

Kail groaned. “Maybe.”

Before those two even got to start, Mazki came sauntering out.

“The party won’t know what hit them.” He pulled at the bottom of his pink blazer just as he lifted his head, and his eyes went wide as he took them all in.

“Holy fuck.”

“That fits you, boy,” Adom said, coming up right behind Mazki. He moved around front, and Gin swallowed back his laughter as Mazki’s mouth dropped open at the sight of Adom. Gin couldn’t blame him. Adom wore a dark grey three-piece suit.

“There, that’s better,” Adom said as he fixed the floral tie Mazki wore.

“Wow, you all look absolutely amazing,” Titos said.

Every single one of them turned to face their master. Gin held his breath as he took Titos fully in. He wore a fitted white suit with a black shirt and red tie. It made him stand out even more, and Gin was all too tempted to rip the suit off Titos or at least just the pants. His curls were styled and framed his angular face.

“You look stunning,” Adom said. He was the first one to move toward Titos. It was as if that broke the stupor they were all in upon seeing Titos fully decked out in his outfit.

“I know this party is important, but we can stay back, right?” Mazki asked.

Titos’s cheeks had a beautiful blush on them. “No.”

“This is too important,” Adom pointed out. Mazki whined. “But seeing everyone all dressed up got me hard.”

“The air gets you hard,” Kail joked.

Laughter filled the room, and the sexual tension lowered a little bit.

“We better go before I back out for real,” Titos said. He let out a tense, nervous laugh. The moment they stepped out of the bedroom, they were met by Ginger, Liby, and Kyo.

Liby wore black slacks with suspenders and a crisp white shirt. Her sword was on her hip, and her blonde hair was pulled back like usual. Kyo had a stunning light blue pantsuit romper on.

“Nice,” Gin complimented his sister. She high-fived him.

“The cape is what’s nice.”

“The limo is already prepared and waiting for us downstairs,” Ginger said.

Her green hair was done in soft curls that fell over her shoulder, and she wore a glittery pastel green princess-style dress.

“You three look beautiful,” Titos said.

Ginger blushed. “Thank you. All of you always surprise me when you wear fancy clothes.”

They made their way down to the car. Julyanah and her keepers had already left; since it was their event, they had to be earlier than everyone else.

The ride over was one made in silence as they all refrained from touching each other and got their minds ready for the game plan.

“Wow, flashy,” Kail said.

It was a huge ball, meant to mingle and get to know the smaller houses. Julyanah was there with her keepers. Her blue hair was pinned up, and she wore a fitted black dress that complemented her figure.

“At least we know someone here,” Kail said just as Dakota waved at them.

Gin knocked shoulders with him. “It’s going to be fine.”

Adom cleared his throat. “Remember to be on your best behavior.”

Gin nodded. They had to mingle with the other edoli who attended. Any and all connections were encouraged.

“We trade off with Titos. But keep your eyes on him at all times. Liby will stay with Titos the entire time. Kyo, you are to guard Ginger during the party,” Seth said.

They replied without hesitation. “Yes, Alpha.”

Titos looked tense, but ever since they walked into the ballroom, he looked distracted.

Gin: Is there something wrong?

Titos glanced over to him and gave him a shy smile.

Adom: Nervous?

Titos nodded but bit his lip.

Titos: I’m being drawn to someone here.

Each of them looked to their master. A new keeper was calling to him? Gin hadn’t exactly expected himself to be last, but a small part of him kind of hoped. But another part of him wondered exactly who might join them. Gin glanced around the room, and people moved about. A few were staring their way, but none that he gave a second glance.

Mazki: Someone say fresh meat?

Kail rolled his eyes.

Kail: Don’t start.

There was some wariness coming from him, but he seemed to have come to terms with it for the most part.

Seth: Would you like to seek him out?

Titos blew out a breath.

Titos: I’m nervous enough, and there is already so much to focus on. I don’t need any distractions right now.

“You all look amazing,” Julyanah said.

Titos smiled at her. “You do as well.”

She had a tense smile. “I’m not good at party crap,” she confessed.

“Me either,” Titos said.

Gin was once again glad that they’d established a friendly association with them. It was good Titos had someone he could lean on that was in the same position as him. There was only so much they could do for him. As his keepers, they were there for him no matter what, but Gin was sure there were some things they couldn’t truly understand about Titos’s position.

“Oh, there is a prince here I want to introduce you to. Caspyn is what I like to call innocent but not naive.” Julyanah put her arm through Titos’s. “Come on.”

Gin took one last look at his master before dispersing with the others. He plastered on a warm smile and went about meeting new people. He kept in mind that everything they did was for the better of the territory.

Gin interacted with keepers from smaller territories and some edoli who weren’t keepers but were considered strong enough to become one. Every so often, Gin would lose himself in staring at his master.

Titos looked too good in his fitted white tuxedo. Gin couldn’t take it anymore. Not to mention his master was looking absolutely bored and too tense to really enjoy the party to its fullest.

Seth: Gin, it’s your turn.

Gin was all too ready to be the one with Titos. He rushed over to Titos just as Adom was pulled into a conversation about investments and whatnot.

“Hello, gorgeous,” Gin said. It was his turn to watch over Titos, and he took his chance as another edoli engaged in a conversation with Seth.

Titos’s face lit up at the sight of Gin. It warmed his heart.

“You look happy to see me,” Gin said as he let his fingers lightly touch Titos’s chin.

“I am,” Titos said. His voice dipped slightly as his green eyes bored into Gin.

A shiver worked its way down Gin’s spine. He intertwined their fingers and pulled Titos toward him.

“Want to ditch the party for a second?” Gin asked.

Titos bit his lip, the motion tempting Gin entirely too much. His head jerked up and down, and Gin took the yes for what it was.

“Liby, please go guard Ginger for a bit,” Titos said.

She bowed and turned away.

“Force my sister to dance,” Gin said.

He turned the opposite direction and guided Titos out of the main ballroom. He’d seen a closet door a few times that was tucked away from the mass of party people.

Once there, he pulled Titos into the tight space and shut the door, plunging them into darkness. Gin stayed still for a second, just breathing in his master so close. His heart thudded wildly in his chest.

Gin kissed along Titos’s neck.

Seth: Where is Titos?

The very man Seth was asking for let out a cute moan that had Gin repeating the action that pulled the sound out of him.

Gin: With me.

Seth: Where exactly with you?

Gin grinned.

Gin: Closet.

Mazki: That’s not fair.

Adom: Stay where you are at.

Alfrik: Is everything okay?

Kail: Titos and Gin got to sneak off. Can I?

Seth: No, and Gin will make quick work of whatever he is doing, correct?

Gin could practically feel the growl through the bond. He smiled as Titos turned in the too-small closet and pressed their lips together.

Gin: Yes, Alpha.

Adom: Everyone make sure to keep up the pretense and cover for Titos and Gin. I’m sure a few people around here are keeping tabs on Titos.

“We better hurry or a certain alpha keeper will have my ass,” Gin whispered.

Titos chuckled before pulling Gin down for a kiss that made him both feel grounded and free.

“I’m glad you let me be your keeper,” Gin confessed. He kissed Titos once again. “I found a home not only for myself but my sister as well.”

Gin and Kyo had traveled for a long time and had always been together, but he’d still been lonely. But ever since he’d joined Titos, that drowning feeling of loneliness was no longer there trying to drag him down to the bottom of the ocean of despair.

He lost himself in kissing Titos. It was so right and so good. His hands moved as if they had a mind of their own. He couldn’t stop touching his master. He cupped Titos’s ass and groaned into the kiss. Gin moved so that their cocks lined up and dry humped against Titos. His hard cock made Gin feel light-headed.

“Gin,” Titos moaned ever so softly.

Gin wanted him to shout it to the rooftops, but he knew logically that couldn’t happen, at least not till they were back home. Gin filed the thought away for later. Maybe he and the guys would have a competition to see who could make Titos scream the loudest. A smile curved his lips as he got lost in his daydream.

Titos’s teeth lightly sank into his lip, making Gin groan. They didn’t have a lot of time, Gin knew that, but he really wanted to just spend the rest of the event in the closet taking apart Titos until he was drained of all energy.

Gin pulled back slightly, and Titos whimpered.

“One second. I’m going to take care of you,” Gin promised.

He unzipped his pants and pulled his cock free. He stroked it a few times before doing the same to Titos. Gin spat in his hand. It was going to have to be enough lube for now.

Titos’s head thudded back against the closet door as he let out a heady groan.

Gin wrapped his hand around both of their cocks, groaning from the feel of Titos’s hard length pressed firmly against his own.

“Yes, more,” Titos panted.

Gin was helpless. He gave in to his master’s wishes and tightened his hold. He was being pushed to the edge. Gin kissed Titos, swallowing every moan and whimper that left him. He couldn’t allow them to be caught, no matter how hot Titos’s sounds made him.

He pumped their cocks together, and pleasure bounced around inside of him. He never wanted it to end, but even so, he ran the palm of his other hand over the heads of their cocks, making them both moan out in pleasure. The base of his spine tingled. But more than that, he felt the familiar weight of Titos stroking against the bonds. Ecstasy so strong wrapped around him, and precome slipped free of his cock as his body tightened in anticipation of the climax he knew would destroy his entire understanding of the world for a few seconds.

Gin caught sight of Titos’s glowing green eyes. They captured him in their penetrating gaze. And for a split second, everything was still. Titos pulled Gin’s head down and kissed him once more.

“You will never be alone again—none of us will,” Titos whispered against his lips.

Gin didn’t get to reply as pure pleasure knocked the air out his lungs, and his cock painted Titos’s with his come. When he was finally able to breathe in, all he could get out was moans as aftershocks continued to ping throughout his body.

Gin panted as he rested his head on Titos’s shoulder. “That was amazing.” He’d been with Titos and the others before, but he swore each time was even better than the last.

Mazki: Fuck, I didn’t make it to the bathroom. My pants are full of come now.

Seth: There was fair warning.

Adom: Should have moved quicker.

Kail: I ended up outside.

Alfrik: Made it.

Mazki: Just great. So I’m going to be the only one with come sticking to my cock?

Alfrik: I’m sure no one will notice the huge wet spot in the front of your pants.

Titos let out an airy chuckle that had Gin quickly joining in.

“Do you do that every time?” Gin asked.

Titos licked his lips, drawing Gin’s gaze to the motion.

“No, but it’s nice all coming together, and it feels twice as strong when I tug on the bonds,” Titos said.

Gin hummed and placed another kiss on Titos’s sweet lips. “I’d love us to go again but—”

Seth: Gin, get him out here. People will start to notice.

“But that,” Gin said.

He grabbed his robe and made sure to use the inside to clean them both up. Luckily, he’d caught most of their shared come, so there was no extra evidence on their clothes.

“The cape is so you.” Titos kissed Gin, taking his breath away in the process. “Looks good.”

“Noted—wear a cape to bed,” Gin joked before stealing one last kiss. Gods, he was lucky to have stumbled upon them.