A King to be Feared by Brea Alepoú

Titos stumbledout of the closet. Gin was right behind him, a huge smile on his face, and his cape was crooked. Titos chuckled and helped fix it before anyone could see. Granted, they were in the hall right outside the main ballroom, but still, people came in and out of there all too often. It was a wonder they hadn’t been caught.

“Feel better?” Gin asked.

Titos could easily go for a nap, but yeah, he did feel more relaxed and better overall.

“Yeah, thank you.” He kissed Gin once more, ending it too quickly for either of their liking. But Titos knew if he allowed his kiss to linger, he’d demand they go back in the closet or ditch the party altogether.

Titos turned the moment he felt the tingling at the base of his spine and his power leave him of its own free will. He knew the man who called to him was near. He turned so fast he tripped over his own feet and landed straight into a firm chest. Titos sucked in a breath and knew instantly whose arms he’d fallen in.

His heart skipped a beat, and his power wrapped around the edoli as if he was similar to Titos. But he wasn’t—he was just drawn to the stranger as he’d been with the others.

“Hi,” Prince Charming said. His brow lifted up along with the corner of his mouth. “I was hoping to see you one-on-one.”

The way his voice deepened at the end had funny things happening to Titos’s insides.

Titos’s tongue felt heavy in his mouth. “Uh.”

Gin was all too quickly pulling Titos back, instantly breaking the small connection they’d had. Titos shook his head free of the cobwebs that took up space just from a simple touch.

Gin: Found the edoli who might be a new keeper.

Titos: We don’t know that yet.

Gin: Baby, have you seen yourself? He’d be insane to walk away. Especially if he is feeling even a tenth of what I felt when I got close to you.

Titos wasn’t sure what to say. The draw was strong on his side, but he’d never considered what it was like for his keepers. Did they have a choice?

Gin massaged Titos’s shoulders. It helped relax him.

Gin: Don’t overthink it. We are each here because we wanted to.

Titos nodded. The stranger’s gorgeous eyes squinted at them as if he knew they were talking through a mind link. It wasn’t uncommon among edoli, but Titos got the feeling the man wanted to listen in. Titos realized he hadn’t said anything back to the man.

“Titos,” he rushed out. He couldn’t recall if the man had even asked for his name.

Prince Charming continued to smile at him. “Nice to meet you, King Titos.”

Titos’s first instinct was to tell him just to call him Titos, but he bit his tongue, remembering Adom’s words that he needed to stay presenting that power.

Gin: A little help here? Our master is floundering about.

Mazki: On my way.

Seth: Stay where you’re at. Alfrik, you turn to switch.

Gin: Just treat him like the rest of us.

Titos: Easier said than done. He gives off this—I don’t know, can’t describe it. He makes me nervous.

Gin: That’s actually cute.

Mazki: See? It sounds like he needs me.

Kail: Yeah, I bet you can break the ice with your wet spot.

Titos burst out laughing before he could catch himself. Prince Charming’s smile dimmed slightly, and Titos covered his mouth.

“Sorry,” Titos muttered.

“Don’t be. Your laugh is soothing to the soul.”

Gin: Oh, he’s smooth.

Mazki: Give us a play-by-play since a certain alpha is forcing me to work on the other side of the room. Oh shit, I see. He’s all knight in shining armor.

The bond was open, so Titos could hear the entire conversation even as Gin went into detail about Prince Charming.

Alfrik walked over to them, and Titos relaxed a little more. The giant man had a way of putting Titos at ease just by his presence alone. His heavy hand ever so gently lay at the base of Titos’s back. He leaned further into it, nearly forgetting Prince Charming was watching them.

Gin placed a peck on Titos’s cheek. “I’ll be thinking about you and you know what.” Gin winked at Titos, making his face hot.

Titos: Oh my fucking goddess.

Gin chuckled lightly as he walked away. Titos couldn’t believe Gin had just done and said that in front of Prince Charming. They’d all been toning down the outward show of affection. They were amongst strangers, and although Titos wasn’t ashamed that he was with any of his men, he didn’t want them attacked for it either.

Although, to be fair, when they traded off, each one of them stayed touching Titos the entire time. He shook his head and focused.

“Oh, Alfrik, this is—” Titos stopped short, unable to come up with a name besides Prince Charming.

Prince Charming opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Caspyn came over to them “Larkyn, there you are,” Caspyn said.

Julyanah had introduced them earlier on in the party. The young edoli was soon to become king of his territory, and because of his father’s illness, he attended in his stead.

“Oh hello, King Titos. I see you’ve met Larkyn, one of the finest edoli from my territory,” Caspyn boasted.

It was as if a lead ball fell into the pit of Titos’s stomach. Could Larkyn already be a keeper for another?

A charming smile appeared on Larkyn’s face. “I attended the party as one of the prince’s guards.”

Relief flooded Titos, but he didn’t bask in it for long. He didn’t know Larkyn, and although he felt the pull with him just like the others, Titos was determined to figure out if they were even a good match first.

Titos shook his head. He had no time to be daydreaming. Who was to say Larkyn even wanted to stay? “This is one of my keepers, Alfrik,” Titos said.

The giant man outstretched his hand. Caspyn looked wary but shook it nonetheless. Titos couldn’t blame him—Alfrik probably made him feel small.

“Not to interrupt, but Larkyn, King Fio wanted a word,” Caspyn said.

Titos smiled politely, although he wanted to tell Caspyn he was in fact interrupting. An annoyed look came over Larkyn’s face before he smoothed it out once more into his charming grin. He held his hand out, and Titos reacted on instinct and placed his hand in his.

Larkyn bent over, and before Titos knew what was happening, his soft lips brushed over Titos’s hand and pulled back all too quickly, leaving a faint tingle upon his flesh.

“Please excuse us,” Larkyn said.

Titos just nodded. He wasn’t sure what to say. He was certain if he allowed himself, he’d ask Larkyn to stay.

Like a smitten teen, he watched Larkyn walk away. He sighed and shook his head. He needed to get it together. A yawn worked its way out of him, and he covered his mouth and leaned more on Alfrik.

“Are you okay?” Alfrik asked.

Titos smiled at his giant keeper. “Yes, just a little tired. A few more hours of walking around won’t kill me.”

Alfrik’s light green eyes fixated on Titos. He made sure to send reassuring vibes through the bond.

“Let me know the moment you want to go rest. I’m sure the others can cover while you take a nap,” Alfrik offered.

Titos sighed and rested his head for a moment on his lava bear shifter. “You’re always so gentle with me. Thank you.”

They moved around, and Titos interacted the best he could. He found his mind wandering or drifting off while talking to someone. He hadn’t exactly made any new friends so far. He’d only gotten a semi break when Julyanah had come around to talk to him. But it had already been thirty minutes. Titos yawned again and rubbed at his eyes.

He was getting tired faster. He mentally thought about it, and he was so sure he should have been fine for another week. His slumber had never come early. Titos stumbled, and Alfrik caught him. His head felt heavy, and everything kept spinning. It was different than usual. Most times he got sick and passed right out, but this felt worst almost. Every time his eyes closed, it felt as if he were falling from a high building.

“Titos,” Alfrik whispered. He was the only thing holding him up at the moment.

Alfrik: Seth, we have a problem. Something is wrong. He isn’t responding to me.

Seth: On my way.

Titos wanted to tell them he just needed to rest, but even his own thoughts kept jumbling up. It was impossible to communicate with them. Titos blinked, and what felt like a second might have been minutes because he was no longer in the corner with Alfrik holding him up. Instead, he was in Seth’s arms, and his keepers surrounded them.

“Wha—” Titos’s words were cut off as he was hit with searing pain where his marking lay on his back. The burning intensified, and he felt as if his flesh was being peeled off with a hot knife. He curled in on himself.

His keepers’ words mentally and out loud didn’t quite reach him. It all sounded as if his ears were stuffed with cotton balls and someone played the drums right next to him. He couldn’t concentrate—every time he tried, more pain assaulted him and made him cry out.

His throat hurt, more than likely from him screaming, but even that couldn’t be heard. His heart raced as he clutched his head harder. Titos’s fingers curled in his hair and pulled. The tiny pricks of pain did nothing. His head began to ache. It had never been this bad before. He’d never suffered to the point he begged for it all to end. He didn’t know how much more he could take.

Everything around him shook. He didn’t know if it was in his head or if it was truly happening. Sporadic colors danced in his vision, and Titos ground his teeth as it all became too much. He shook his head. No more, no more, he repeated until he was practically screaming it in his head.

Titos forced his eyes open and caught sight of the worried gazes of his keepers. He couldn’t even reassure them. The edge of Titos’s vision darkened, and fear clutched tightly around his lungs. He found it hard to breathe. No. His vision went out in one eye, and as a lone tear escaped, he saw the same was happening to his keepers, their eyes blacking out and all facial expressions being wiped out.

The ground rocked once more, and Titos watched in horror as Alfrik was tackled down, and the glint of the knife caught the light before it was buried in his chest.

No.Power more than he’d ever felt barged through him and to his fingertips. It was so much it hurt to hold. But even with it, Titos only had a second of clarity as he tried to move toward Alfrik. But before he could get there, everything went black.