Tortured Sinner by Tessa James

Johnny - 36

Aweek goes by in a blur of pretending things are fine. At least with me and Claire, they’re absolutely golden. Our dirty laundry has been aired, and there are no more secrets between us, threatening to rip us apart.

To the outside world, we seem like an adorable couple, when in reality, we’re constantly looking over our shoulders, wondering when the shit will hit the fan.

We’re in it together, though, and that’s all that matters.

Franklin has resumed his normal behavior toward me, demanding my services at whatever point he deems necessary. There haven't been any setups or beatings, just me delivering random packages across the city and bringing home more cash to add to the stockpile I'm hoarding—my contingency plan if anything goes wrong.

Only now that Claire is involved, I’m not so sure how that will play out.

She's managed to help me bring all of my grades up to solid Bs, all while maintaining her perfect straight-A record. She's freaking amazing, if you ask me. I'm not sure I could have ever asked for a better partner in this fucked-up life of mine. And that's why I have the cheesiest date planned for her birthday tomorrow.

Her birthday that she has no idea I know about.

Luckily for me, her wallet was sitting out on the counter a few days ago, and I did a double-take when I noticed the date being so damn close.

I’m not at all surprised she didn’t tell me, since she goes out of her way to not draw attention to herself. She deserves that attention though, and I refuse to sit back and not give it to her.

Plus, I’m really banking on the possibility of tomorrow night doubling as a celebration, considering the court date for Billy’s custody hearing was officially moved up.

Everything is finally starting to fall into place exactly how I planned. There’s this beaming bright light at the end of the tunnel, and I cannot freaking wait to jump through it with Claire at my side and Billy safe with his aunt.

There’s some preliminary stuff that Isabella asked me to show up early for, so I’ll be there most of the day, which will only make my evening with Claire that much sweeter.

I grab Claire’s notebook from the dining room table to go over some last-minute English homework while she’s in the shower. A few papers slip out, and I kneel down to gather them up and stuff them back inside.

I don’t mean to, but my eyes skim over the contents of one, stopping my heart completely.

It’s a scholarship award letter. From a school nowhere fucking close to here. In her hometown, actually. I shift my attention to the top of the page and notice the date is marked from last week. She’s had this that long and hasn’t said a word to me about it?

I let out a breath and glance down the hallway and toward the bedroom we share. I thought all of our secrets were out in the open, why would Claire hide this from me?

The only thing that I can assume is that she’s going to take it but she doesn’t know how to tell me? Does that mean she’s leaving? Was that her plan all along? Was our relationship some means to an end, something to occupy her time while she was stuck out on the West Coast?

Suddenly, my entire world comes caving in. I’m finally at the finish line with this Billy situation, except when I cross it, I’ll be doing it alone? I guess that’s how I imagined it from the start, but Claire was what gave me hope that I would actually make it through.

I hear the water valve shut off in the bathroom, so I quickly shove the paper into the notebook and set it back onto the table. I don’t want to play pretend, not with her, but for now, until she decides to tell me, that’s what I’ll have to do. There has to be some reasonable explanation for keeping this to herself. After everything we’ve been through, I have to at least give her the benefit of the doubt.

Even if it does kill me to think she might leave.

Claire’s best interest has always been a priority to me, and if her returning to the East Coast to finish her college career is what she believes is best for her, I have to allow that to happen. I won’t control her the same way Griffin did. Never in a million years will I do what he did.

I found Claire in the wild, and I will do everything I can to help her remain that way.

She pokes her head around the corner. “Hey.” Her hair is dripping, and she’s in nothing but a towel.

I swallow down the butterflies that appear with just one look. “Hey.”

Claire raises an eyebrow, a devious grin on her beautiful face. “We have time.”

I glance at the clock on the far wall and then back at her. “Yeah, we do.”

Now, though, with that secret letter, I’m worried it’s limited.

I jump up from the couch and rush over to her, pushing my negative thoughts away. I won’t dare ruin whatever moments I have left with her, because even if this is it, these few months have been the best thing to ever happen to me.

The happiness Claire so willingly gave me is enough to last a lifetime.

I grip her around the waist and pick her up off the floor.

She giggles and holds on tight while I take her into our room.

I toss her onto the bed and her towel unwraps, exposing her flawless naked body. I rip my T-shirt over my head and toss it to the ground.

Claire snakes her fingers along my bare chest and unbuttons my jeans, wasting no time in tugging them down and letting them fall to my ankles. She grabs my cock firmly in her hand and teases the tip of it with her mouth. Within seconds of her gliding me in deeper, she already has me wanting to bust. Her moan reverberates against me, sending a spike of pleasure coursing through me.

I pull myself out and softly shove her back onto the bed. I push her legs apart and crawl my way between them, leaving a hot trail from her knee all the way up to her inner thigh.

Her body tenses in response but she pivots herself closer to me.

I breathe in her sweet and delectable scent before giving in to what we both want. I wrap one arm up under her leg and pull her into my face. My tongue dances in circles along the outside until she grabs my head and pushes me into place. I smile and comply, savoring the taste of her. I use the hand under her to reach up and find her perky breast. The second I make contact, her body arches and she lets out a moan.

I move the other hand up her leg and tease her entrance with my finger before gliding it easily in.

“Johnny,” she breathes.

I glance up to find her eyes closed and her head tilted back, her hands gripping the sheets firmly.

My cock throbs, desperately wanting to be inside her. But not yet. Not until I make her cum once first.

I slip another digit into her, gently inching them in and out while I lick and suck on her clit. I pay attention to every breath, every subtle cue. She tenses around me, so I arch my fingers upward and rub the soft spot that drives her wild every time. I bury my face and slow my pace, creating the perfect mix of pressure that sends her right over the edge and pulsating against my fingers and lips. I keep my hand in place and rock it back and forth through the duration of her orgasm, while I climb up from between her legs.

Claire grips my hair and drags me to her, pressing her mouth against mine. Her tongue slides in, clearly tasting herself in the process.

I pull my wet fingers out of her and she brings them between our lips, dipping them into her mouth and sucking on them. My erection grows, urging me to hurry the hell up.

Claire’s already two steps ahead, grabbing the condom she had sitting nearby and ripping the wrapper off and securing it on me. She positions her body to give me access.

I slowly enter her, savoring the sensation of her tightness around me. I let out a breath and bring my mouth to her neck, kissing all the way up to her lips. I thrust my hips back and forth while she digs her fingers across my back, pulling me further into her.

Her soft noises are enough to wreck me.

I wrap my arm around her waist and flip over onto my back, bringing her on top of me.

She grins against my mouth and grinds herself up and down along my shaft. Claire straightens herself, giving me the best fucking view I’ve ever seen of her tight body.

I run my hands along her torso and grab onto her tits, thrusting myself into her and matching her pace. I weave my hands into her hair and drag her face down onto mine, kissing her deeply and feeling her tighten around me in anticipation of her second climax. I grip her ass, my fingers near her folds, and rock her toward me.

The buildup is intense, our bodies inching closer and closer at the same time. My pleasure is heightened by hers in this chaotic symphony of ecstasy. I’ve never had this kind of sexual chemistry with another person in my entire life.

Claire’s pussy grips my cock and pulsates around it, sending me spiraling into my own climax in tandem with her.

I pump into her, slowing each thrust to prolong the sensation rippling through both of us.

We continue to kiss as if our mouths aren’t quite done with the exchange.

She breaks away, resting her forehead against mine. “We’re getting good at that.”

I exhale and drop my arms to the side. “I’d say we’re naturals.”

Claire slides me out of her and plops down next to me, her elbow holding her up while she stares in my direction. "I haven't had sex like this before."

I turn my head to face her. "Me either." And it's the God's honest truth.

“Really?” She narrows her gaze. “Because you totally act like you know what you’re doing.”

I laugh. “So do you.”

“True.” She giggles too and leans over to kiss my cheek. “We’re going to be late.” Claire hops up from the bed and goes over to a pile of clean clothes near the closet.

I lay there, watching her get dressed, cherishing every single ounce of time I have left with her just in case it’s my last.

“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” She steps into her jean shorts and buttons them.

It’s like she was reading my mind. I clench my jaw and think of what I really want to say to her but never will.

Please don’t leave.