Tortured Sinner by Tessa James

Johnny - 38

Ipractically skip home, the insane invigoration of winning coursing through me. I wasn’t sure if it would happen, but it fucking did, and for once, I feel like everything I’ve done was finally worth something. The sleepless nights. The beatings. The risky illegal errands and the pushing everyone away.

Isabella was granted full custody of Billy, starting immediately. They didn't even bother going to his uncle's place to grab his few belongings. She wanted to get him as far away from that psycho as possible. And I don't blame her.

Billy had hugged me tight, tears streaming down his innocent face when the outcome was declared. “Thank you,” he had said.

It was only two words, but they meant so much to know that I had helped him—I had saved him from a life he might never escape from if he got in too deep.

“Will you tell Claire bye for me?” Billy wiped his cheeks and sniffled. “I really like her.”

I gripped his shoulders and smiled. “Me too, buddy, me too.” I ruffled the hair on his head. “I’ll let her know.”

That memory will be engraved in my mind for all time.

Not much is better than putting your blood, sweat, and tears into something and it finally paying off. It just goes to show that hard work and determination can sometimes overcome insane obstacles.

I push away the recollection of Billy's uncle's hard stare as I walked out of that courtroom.

He was pissed, but at that point, there was not a damn thing he could do about it.

I’m working for Franklin, still being their bitch boy, so the fate of Billy’s homelife shouldn’t matter to them anymore. They got what they wanted—someone young and corruptible—me.

I punch my keycode into the gate and rush through the courtyard and up the steps. Excitement bubbles out of me and all I can think about is sharing it with the one person who means the most to me.

Claire jumps when I burst through the front door. She clutches her chest and laughs. “You scared the shit out of me.”

“Sorry.” I yank my tie down on my way over to her, a massive grin spread across my face. “We freaking did it.”

Claire’s mouth drops open and her eyes go wide. “Really?” She hops up and wraps her arms around me. “I’m so proud of you.”

I spin her around in a circle and kiss all over her head. "Yes. It's done. He's already gone. Izzy took him straight from the courthouse." I carefully set her down and stare into her eyes. "He's safe."

She presses her lips to mine, and for once, everything feels right in the world.

Well, except I haven’t fully come up with my exit plan.

Plus, there’s a strong possibility that Claire has made the decision to leave me and return to her life back east.

But other than that, I'm fucking bubbling with happiness at the way things are falling into place. And I refuse to allow anything to ruin this day.

“Let me get changed.” I sweep her hair out of her face and tuck it behind her ear.

There’s something different about her, a sort of glint in her eye I hadn’t noticed until now. Maybe it’s because she’s feeling the same way I am about the overcoming of obstacles in our way.

“You hungry?” I glance at her on my way to the bedroom.

Claire smiles and nods. “I’ll put this stuff away while you get ready.” She shuffles through papers and stacks them onto the dining room table where she was sitting doing her schoolwork.

It doesn’t take either of us long to get everything in order to leave.

I’m relieved when we step outside that the sun is already setting, paving the path for my cheesy evening.

She makes for the stairs, but I grip her hand firmly in mine and tug her down the hall.

“Pit-stop first,” I tell her. I had wanted this to be the last thing we did tonight, but I can’t wait any longer. The anticipation is killing me.

Claire narrows her gaze. “What are you up to?”

I bring her knuckles up to my lips and kiss them. “Do you trust me?”

“Of course.” She follows along without asking any other questions.

I open up the door to the rooftop access and we climb the steps to the top.

Orange and pink light shines across Claire’s flawless face, highlighting every impeccable feature. I fight the urge to stop and stare, and lead her to the edge of the building.

Like the other time we were up here, I go over and grab the plank I had hidden against the building. One by one we cross over onto the other side, and ascend the metal ladder to go even higher.

Once at the top, I tell her, “Close your eyes.”

She rolls them first, but then complies. She bites at her lip while she waits for me to complete my surprise.

Not a minute later, I guide her over. “You can open.”

Claire blinks, taking in the sight of a blanket laid out with rose petals flitting around the edges. It’s not perfect, but the look on her face is everything to tell me that it is to her.

“Johnny,” she breathes. “It’s beautiful.”

The sun dips under the horizon, and from here, we have the best view in the entire city. My original plan was to come up after dinner, when the sky was already asleep, but this worked out too well for me to not adjust my timeline.

Claire comes closer, her fingers trailing my cheek. “I love it.”

I help her sit on the blanket, and join her to bask in the beautiful masterpiece dancing across the sky.

A moment goes by and I break the silence. “There was something else.”

She turns to face me, a hint of curiosity lining her features. “Yeah?”

“I, um…”

Come on, Johnny, get it together.

“The other day, you had mentioned being unsure of where we stood.”

Claire opens her mouth to interject but I cut her off.

“I’m sorry I hadn’t already made that clear.” I place my hand on top of hers, allowing the warmth of her skin to calm me. “These last few months with you have been incredible, Claire. Truly. I really don’t know if I would have gotten through all of this without you. Hell,” I let out a breath. “I’m sure of it.”

Her cheeks blush.

“So,” I clear my throat. “I would like to take this moment to ask you, Claire Cooper, would you do me the great honor of officially allowing me to be your boyfriend?”

There are a few different directions this could go. She could say no. Confess to receiving that scholarship, and break the news that she’s going home. Or it could have nothing to do with that at all and she could just not be interested in a relationship with me.

Instead, my doubts are erased when a huge smile breaks across her face and she laughs.

I swear if there was some way to bottle that sound, it could cure cancer.

Claire leans over and kisses me through her giggles.

“Should I take that as a yes?”

“A million times over! Yes!” She climbs into my lap and continues running her hands through my hair and dragging her lips into mine.

Claire reaches down and pulls her shirt over her head, tossing it onto the blanket. She grins and does the same to mine.

This wasn’t exactly the reaction I was expecting, but I won’t deny that it’s better for sure.

I slide my hands up her thighs and unbutton her shorts, dragging them over her ass.

She stands enough to slide completely out of them, and then straddles me. Claire licks and sucks on my neck while pulling my dick out of my pants.

I fumble to get a condom out of my wallet, something I’ve been sure to keep handy now that the sexual tension between us is at a staggering all-time high.

Claire doesn’t waste another second. She slides herself down, inching me inside of her and immediately finding her groove.

I wrap my arms around her petite body, holding her tightly against my chest and rocking my hips up and down to match her rhythm.

We climb the mountain together, but I hold off, wanting to make sure she’s pleased first.

“Don’t,” Claire breathes against my lips. “Do it with me.” She tightens around me.

I grip her waist and in one swift motion, flip her over onto her back and continue thrusting on top of her. I keep them slow and deep, driving her closer and closer to the edge.

Her nails dig into my skin, begging for me to give her more.

The night sky casts a stunning glow across her golden skin. For a second, I’m completely lost in her beauty.

Claire’s body arches, angling up toward me.

My hands find hers, pinning them above her head while our explosive orgasm consumes us both at the exact time.

She trembles as I decrease my speed and stretch her climax out.

I had planned on seducing her with my bad dance moves later, turning on some romantic music and slow dancing in the kitchen and then giving her a world-class birthday orgasm at home, but hell, the night is young, leaving room for plenty more celebratory sex tonight.