Ambushed by M.E. McAndrews

Chapter 13


water drips down my face and soaks into my clothes. I can't believe what just happened. That Olivia would dump her water on me in the middle of the restaurant. I'm a successful businessman, and I've faced tougher challenges than this, but something about this situation puts me off balance.

The other diners stare at me, incredulous. I must look ridiculous. But I won't give them the satisfaction of seeing me react. Instead, I reach for my napkin and wipe the water from my face, maintaining my composure. Despite my efforts to keep my cool, my anger rises. I've tried to be cordial and patient with her. To help her understand this once in a lifetime opportunity, but she’s acting like a child.

I storm out of the restaurant, ignoring the glaring eyes and the hushed whispers. I glance around. No one is taking pictures. That’s good. The last bit of shit I need is this popping up in some tabloid.I get into my Mercedes parked out front and sigh, welcoming the silence. I sit in silence for several minutes, contemplating my next move. She ended lunch early, but I don’t have enough time to go home for a change of clothes and get back to the office in time for this afternoon’s board meeting.

Damn it.My plan to figure out Olivia isn’t off to the best start. I was so sure that by the end of lunch she might consider selling us her property, and was hoping I could announce our success to the board. For a brief moment at the beginning, her resistance was beginning to soften.

But then, in a matter of seconds, everything changed. The anger and frustration that had been simmering below her cool surface erupted, and before I know it, here I am, drenched in water. I can’t believe what just happened. I really thought I was making some progress. Now, I’m back to square one. Or maybe worse.

I don’t want to be the bad guy here, but she’s leaving me with no choice. As I pull into the parking lot of my office building, I take several slow deep breaths to compose myself. I can’t let her get to me.

As I step into the elevator, I try to smooth my wet hair. My shirt clings to my skin, and the water dribbles down my back. The meeting is in five minutes, and I'm not exactly in the best state to be making a good impression. But despite my disheveled appearance, I must try to refocus my attention for the upcoming meeting. But my mind keeps going back to Olivia.

The elevator doors close behind me, and I'm left alone in the metal box, surrounded by the hum of machinery. I run my hand through my hair, trying to smooth it down, but it's no use. Everyone in the meeting will wonder what the hell’s going on with me.

God. Henry better not give me shit.

The elevator dings, announcing that I've reached my floor. I take a deep breath and step out into the hall, turning toward the conference room.

I stride into the conference room, painfully aware of my damp hair from the incident at lunch. The floor-to-ceiling windows offer a breathtaking view of the city. At the center of the room, a shining mahogany conference table is surrounded by a dozen captain’s chairs adorned in soft burgundy leather. The room is quiet, except for the murmurs of the board members settling into their seats. I take my seat at the head of the table.

Lola Stark, the Chairman, glares at me, swaying her head to and fro, as if her captain’s chair was sitting on the deck of a ship encountering an impending storm. I can tell she's observing my damp hair and my rumpled shirt, and she's not impressed. Drink it all in, sweetheart. You’re going to encounter far worse things in this world than a damp CEO.

Henry leans toward me, his eyes narrow as he takes in the sight as well, and he speaks in a low voice, so the others might not hear.

“I thought you were getting lunch. Did you—” He stops, wiggling his brows.

I glare at him. Bedding Miss Tight Ass was not on the menu.

“No. God. Of course not.”

“Then what the hell happened?”

“She dumped her drink on me.”

“She what?”

My eyes glance around the room, and I realize they’re all watching me now, just like the diners, waiting for the meeting to begin. I don’t answer Henry. Instead, I rise out of my seat and put on my most confident smile.

I step up to the front of the conference room, my eyes scanning the board members. I feel the weight of their gaze on me, and I know that this is my moment to shine. Or to fail. I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what's coming.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” I begin, my voice strong and confident. “Thank you all for being here today. As you all know, we've been working tirelessly to secure the land for the next phase of our Springer Mountain development project. I'm happy to report that we're making significant progress.”

The energy in the room shifts as I lay out my vision for the project, explaining the potential for growth and the impact it will have on the community. The board members listen intently, serious expressions on their faces as they weigh the potential benefits against the risks.

“I know that some of you have concerns about the project, but I want to assure you we've done our due diligence,” I continue. “We've consulted with the best experts in the industry, and we're confident that this is the right move for our company.”

“Mr. Blackwater,” Stark interrupts, her voice dripping with disdain. “What exactly are your current plans to acquire the last surrounding acreage at the top of the mountain? I've heard grumblings you’re having trouble securing it.”

The room falls silent, all eyes turning to me. A flicker of anger rises in me, but I push it down, maintaining my composure. Today has been one hell of a day already, but I can’t stumble in front of Stark.

“Ms. Stark,” I answer, my voice steady, despite my desire to rip her throat out from between her head and shoulders. “I assure you, I am fully in control of the situation with that property. I have a solid plan in place to secure it so we will be able to move forward with the next phase.”

“Oh really?” she replies, her tone skeptical. “From where I'm sitting, it looks like you're struggling. Maybe this kind of business is too much for you to handle.”

I take a deep breath and lean forward, my gaze locked onto hers. “I understand your concern, Ms. Stark,” I say with confidence. “But I assure you, I am more than capable of handling this project. And I am prepared to prove it to you.”

“Mr. Blackwater, before you arrived to the meeting, the board voted on the project, and we have agreed to give you one more month to secure that property. If you don't succeed by then, we'll be pulling the plug on the company’s investment in the next phase. If that happens, I will also put your position as CEO to a vote.”

A tight, sickening knot forms in my stomach, but I keep my expression neutral. I've been in this game long enough to know when to push and when to pull back. “Understood, Lola,” I say, my voice even. “I'll have it done within the month. You have my word.”

Stark raises an eyebrow, as if she’s unconvinced. But I don't let it get to me. I've faced challenges like this before, and I always come out on top. As I exit the conference room, my mind is already working on the next part of my plan. With only a month to secure that property, I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen. Some naïve little girl is not going to bring me down.

Little Miss Olivia better prepare for what’s coming.