Ambushed by M.E. McAndrews

Chapter 14


quiet streets, my feet pounding the pavement in a steady rhythm. Bella is by my side. It’s the end of a long day, and the sun is nipping at the horizon, casting its golden glow over the trees. A soft breeze fills the air with the sweet scent of blooming flowers.

I love these early evening jogs when the world is still and peaceful. I can let my mind wander, and think about my life, my struggles, and all the things I want to change. And lately, one thing has been weighing heavy on my mind: Austin Blackwater. The jogs were Bella’s idea to help ease the stress, but after lunch yesterday, I am anything but relaxed.

I still feel the anger that erupted in me when he proposed taking my home from me, and I can still visualize the water dripping from his chin onto the table. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did, but I couldn't help it. He just pushed all my buttons, and I lost control.

Bella is chatting away about her latest date, but I'm only half listening, still preoccupied with thoughts of Austin and our disastrous lunch. I take a deep breath and finally gather the courage to talk about it.

“So, I had lunch with Austin today,” I tell her, trying to sound nonchalant.

“Oh really?” she asks. Her tone prompting me to tell more. “How did it go?”

I hesitate, trying to find the right words. “It was... intense,” I finally say. “He forced me into lunch by threatening my job. He tried to charm me, and talk me into selling my property to him. And when I wouldn't budge, he brought up my financial struggles and offered to help. But then… he mentioned Seth, and I was so pissed off that I dumped a glass of water over his head.”

Bella's eyes widen in shock. “You dumped a glass of water on him?” She bursts into laughter.

I can't help but smile at her reaction. “Yeah, I guess I kind of lost it,” I admit. “I just couldn't believe he would be so insensitive as to use my financial situation against me.”

“Well, that's definitely one way to make your point. What did he do?”

“He just sat there, soaked and speechless, and then I ran out of the restaurant as fast as I could.”

Bella shakes her head, still laughing. “You always know how to make a scene, don't you? God, that must’ve felt incredible.”

“I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”

Breathless and flushed from our run, Bella and I arrive at my little house. She follows me inside, and we collapse onto the couch in my living room, laughing and trying to catch our breath. She glances at the clock on the wall, then back at me.

“Olivia, can I borrow a dress for a family party I’ve got to attend tomorrow?” Bella asks, her eyes pleading. “I have nothing to wear and I don't want to show up in just another boring dress.”

I smile at my best friend, happy to help.

“Duh! Of course, you can,” I say, getting up from the couch. “Let's go see what we can find.”

We head to my bedroom. I pull dresses, one after another out from the closet, holding them up to Bella's tall and slender frame. We try on different outfits, laughing and chatting, until finally we find the perfect dress. It's the soft, flowing sundress in a pale blue color from lunch with Austin. It perfectly brings out the blue in Bella's eyes.

“This is perfect,” she says, twirling in front of the mirror. “Thank you so much, Olivia. You're literally the best.”

I grin, happy to see my friend so happy. “No problem. Just make sure you bring it back in one piece.”

After saying goodbye to Bella at the front door, I go back upstairs and peel off my sweaty running clothes and step into the shower to wash away the remnants of my day. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath and letting the stream of hot water melt away the stress.

As I scrub my fingers through my soap-lathered hair, I think back to the conversation with Austin. I still can't believe how it ended. I thought I had gotten a handle on my emotions, but I guess I was wrong.

God, can’t he just get out of my head for like one day?

I step out of the shower and slip into my pajamas, a cozy pair of flannel pants and a T-shirt. I head downstairs and into the kitchen to start my nightly routine of locking up the house. I double-check all the doors and windows, making sure everything is secure. I’m just about to turn off the lights and head to bed when I hear it. Loud music, blaring from somewhere close by. I frown.

Damn it. Austin.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down and make my way to the bedroom. I crawl into bed and try to get comfortable. But as the minutes tick by, the music only gets louder. I feel angry, my frustration growing with each beat of the bass. This is unacceptable. Bobby put me on morning shift, and I’ve got to get up early tomorrow to open the restaurant. With determination, I throw the blankets away from my legs and hop out of bed. I march downstairs and out the backdoor, through the garden and across the street to Austin’s property, my heart pounding in my chest the entire way.

As soon as I step into the backyard, I see it. A wild pool party in full swing. A group of beautiful women surrounds Austin, all dressed in thong bathing suits, many of them topless. He towers above them in his shorts and tight T-shirt, his messy hair exaggerating his wild and carefree look. His eyes sparkle with drunken happiness as he moves from one girl to the next, his loud laughter echoing across the backyard. I’m beyond pissed off as I absorb the scene. How can he be so inconsiderate? Doesn't he realize how disruptive this is for everyone in the neighborhood? All those other rich assholes are too afraid to say anything to the big, bad billionaire. Not me.

I make my way over to him, my fists clenched at my sides. I'm about to give him a piece of my mind when I hear a familiar voice.

“Olivia! You made it!” Austin grins at me, his eyes a little too bright. “Jump on in, the water's great!” He motions to the pool where several guests float around.

I pause, taken aback, but as I look around at the smiling faces and the laughter, I can't help but feel a twinge of something that might be... envy. For a moment, I allow myself to imagine what it would be like to let go, to join in the fun. They have no idea how tough life can be. Their money protects all of them. I square my shoulders, ready to give Austin a piece of my mind.

“Austin!” I shout over the music. “Do you have any idea what time it is? People are trying to sleep!”

A drunken grin spreads across his face. “Babe, relax. It’s just a party.”

“This is not a party,” I snap. “It’s a weeknight, and this is a disturbance of the peace. You need to turn this music down and end this right now.”

He laughs, throwing his arms around me in a hug. “Come on. Lighten up. This is just a little fun. You're always so serious.”

I push him away. “This is not fun, Austin. This is disrespectful. I want you to turn the music down and end this party now.”

He laughs again, taking a swig from his drink, dismissing my concerns. He doesn't seem to understand the impact his late-night parties are having on me. “Come on, Olivia, you look terribly stressed. Honestly, it’s not a good look on you.”

“I look this way because of you!” Ever since he moved into the house, my life has been hell.

“I can hear every beat of the music, every shout and laugh from these people. Do you have any idea what it's like to try to sleep with all that noise? It’s not like I can just sleep all morning. I have a job, okay? I have to fucking work!”

Austin smirks, as if my concerns are nothing more than a minor inconvenience. My patience is wearing thin and I need to get out of here before I do or say something I'll regret.

“Poor thing. If only you had some way to never have to work again.” His jaw sets and his voice lowers. “Oh, wait. I think you do.”

I stare at him, anger swelling up in me. I can’t win this with him. Not like this. Not now. I fold my arms over my chest.

“I almost feel bad for you, Livvy. Almost, but you choose to live in that shit house, work that shit job.”

“Goodnight, Austin.” My voice is impersonal, as though the anger has turned me numb.

“Don’t go. Stay.” He reaches for my arm, but I swat him away and leave without another word. I know what he’s doing. He’s trying to piss me off, and even though it's working, I can’t let him know.

Because then, he wins.