Ambushed by M.E. McAndrews

Chapter 16


and my head is pounding. I didn't get a single moment of sleep last night, between the loud music and Austin showing up at my door in the wee hours of the morning, I try to shake off the grogginess and focus on the task at hand, but it's difficult.


I make my way behind the bar, taking in the unusual vibe in the room. Something's off, and it's not just my exhaustion. The usual chatter and clinking of glasses is gone, replaced by an eerie silence. I search around, trying to figure out what's wrong.

I walk to Bobby’s office and see that the door is wide open, but the room is empty. I frown, a sense of discomfort settling in the pit of my stomach. Where is he? I wonder to myself, my mind racing. And why isn't he here?

I glance around, returning to the front.

A few regulars are meandering in. I nod at them, trying to put on a brave face, but my heart is pounding in my chest. Something is definitely not right here, and I’m pretty certain it's going to be a long day at work.

Then I notice a woman waving to me.

“Hi there!” she says, her voice peppy. “You must be Olivia. I'm Tonya, the new manager here.”

She’s a young woman, about my age, with sparkling eyes and an infectious grin. She's dressed in a smart business suit, her hair styled in a sleek bob that frames her face perfectly. I can see right away that she's full of energy, bouncing on her toes as she greets me with a warm smile.

Definitely not the typical worker you see around here.

“It's so lovely to meet you,” she says, extending a hand.

I raise an eyebrow, confused. “What happened to Bobby?” I ask, referring to my manager.

Tonya's smile falters for a moment, and she lowers her voice. “He was fired,” she says, her eyes darting around the room. “After the new owner took over.”

“The new owner?” I query, my heart racing. No one mentioned the bar being sold.

“Who is it?”

“Austin Blackwater,” Tonya says, sounding almost giddy. “He's a real go-getter.”

I feel a mix of anger and fear at the sound of his name. Austin. Here. Owning the bar I work at. This is not going to be good.

Tonya clears her throat, her face downcast. “Unfortunately, you’ve been fired as well. Direct orders from Austin Blackwater himself.”

That piece of shit!

I stand motionless and in shock, trying to process what Tonya has just told me. “What do you mean, I'm fired?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. “Why would he instruct you to fire me?” But I know the answer before the words even leave my mouth.

He’s punishing me.

Tonya looks at me sympathetically, her eyes filled with pity. “I'm sorry, Olivia,” she says, her voice gentle. “The new owner is making some changes. Unfortunately, you’re one of those changes.”

A surge of anger and frustration bubbles up inside me, and I ball my hands into fists at my sides. How could Austin do this to me? I just saw him this morning, and now he’s taking away my job? “I don't understand,” I say, my voice shaking. “This can’t be legal.”

Tonya shrugs, her eyes full of regret. “Well, he mentioned you had a track record of customer complaints. There was one recent incident where you got into an altercation with a customer.”

“This guy came onto me—” I stop myself. There’s no point in arguing, no point at all. She sighs once more.

I'm dealing with the devil here.

“I’m terribly sorry. If you’d like, Mr. Blackwater mentioned you can call him directly or visit him at his office, which I think is very sweet. He’s a very busy man, you know.”

“Actually, can you just give him a message for me?”

“Of course!” Her eyes brighten.

“Tell him to fuck off.”

I whip around and stomp out of the bar without a glance back. Blackwater has just taken away my job, my livelihood. And there’s nothing I can do about it.

I hurry out to my car, my heart pounding in my chest. I can't believe what just happened. I've worked at this bar since we moved back to town, and now I'm out of a job. Damn him and his money!

I slide into the driver's seat and lean my head against the steering wheel, taking several deep breaths to calm myself down. I need to figure out what to do next. I can't just sit here and do nothing. I'll start searching the classifieds. I'll do whatever it takes to get back on my feet.

My stomach sinks.

It’s going to take some time before I can start making cash again. I clench my fingers around the steering wheel.

My phone rings, the name ‘Bella’ lighting up the screen. I answer, my voice trembling. “Hey,” I mumble, trying not to cry.

“Hey Liv, what's going on?” she asks, her voice concerned. “You sound upset.”

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. “I just got fired. Austin Blackwater bought the bar and fired me, just like that.”

Bella gasps. “What? That bastard. That's terrible. What are you going to do?”

I shake my head, tears streaming down my face. “I don't know,” I say, my voice breaking. “I don't have any income, and the insurance company denied Seth's life insurance, because they’re still claiming it was suicide. I don't know how I'm going to pay my bills.”

Bella's voice is gentle, comforting. “It's going to be okay, Liv,” she says. “We'll figure this out, I promise.”


“You know, I’ve been thinking. If you’re worried about the house and stuff, we could always move in together. Get a cute place right downtown! I was looking at those new apartments down on main—”

“Bella.” I cut her off quickly. “You’re joking, right?”

“It’s just a suggestion.”

I rub my temple, chewing on my bottom lip. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine. I’m sorry. I know how much that house means to you. How about I come over soon, like tomorrow, and we’ll come up with a plan, okay?”

I nod, my heart and my body both heavy with exhaustion. “Okay,” I say, my voice hoarse.

“I'll be over tomorrow for lunch, okay? Love you, Liv.”

“Love you too,” I say, and end the call. I slump forward, the weight of my problems bearing down on my shoulders.

A lump forms in my throat, my eyes growing blurry. I’ve been running on fumes for the past week, but this situation is different. I need a plan.

What the hell am I going to do?