Ambushed by M.E. McAndrews

Chapter 18


next morning to the sound of a loud engine roaring outside my window. It's not even five AM, and the sun isn’t even up. I'm groggy from another night of crappy sleep, because I worked through the night, applying for jobs and sending out resumes wherever there were openings.

I run a hand through my hair, trying to wipe away my rising frustration as the rumbling outside gets louder. I jerk my head up and I look out the open bedroom window to see Austin mowing his lawn.

Stupid piece of shit.

The hums, clacks, and whirs of his massive riding mower fill the air as Austin maneuvers it around his lawn with military precision. He’s taunting me with another reminder that he has everything—money, power, and most importantly, freedom; while I'm stuck here searching for some sort of security in life. I shake my head and sigh, my anger boiling over. Just seeing his smug face makes me want to punch something.

I pull a pillow over my head, but escaping the mower's cacophonous roar is impossible. I jerk upright, heaving the covers off me, and climb out of bed. I take a deep breath as I stumble groggily down the stairs, trying to think of a way I can turn the tables around on Austin. I can't just let him win without some sort of fight.

I pace back and forth across the kitchen, my mind racing, coming up with one idea after another, but nothing seems good enough. I need something big, something that will really make a difference.

After pouring myself a cup of coffee, I collapse onto the living room couch, picking at the elastic waistband of my pajamas. I need to be smart about this. I need to outmaneuver Austin and take back my life. Show him who’s really in control.

I catch the movement of Austin through the living room window. He’s on his mower, driving it back and forth across the lawn, pounding the grass into submission. His muscles flexing with every turn of the steering wheel.

Suddenly I have an epiphany. I sit up straight in my chair, my mind racing as a plan emerges. I've been so focused on trying to find a job, trying to keep my head above water, that I haven't been thinking creatively. But now, I see a way out. I know what I need to do, and I'm going to take control of my life and make Austin Blackwater regret ever messing with me. If he wants to play games, I’ll make him play by my rules.

The age-old saying goes "Make love not war," right? And as much as I've tried to wage war against Austin, it's not getting me anywhere. So, it’s about time I try a different approach. I'm not the best at playing games, but I'm desperate for a solution. Continuously trying the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of insanity, and I don't want to end up there—any more than I already am, anyway.

I'll take him by surprise and see where it takes us. That way, I'll have the upper hand. I'll be in control. I chuckle to myself, and a rush of excitement rises inside. It's a risky plan, but I'm not one to back down from a challenge. And I know I can do this. I've noticed the way he looks at me. It's not just a passing glance, but a lingering gaze that holds a hint of something more. There's always a spark in his eyes, a hunger for me that I've only seen in one other person. It’s clear that he is attracted to me, and it’s time I turn that to my advantage.

I'll make Austin fall head over heels in love with me, and then I'll be the one calling the shots.

And if I'm being honest with myself, I have to admit that he's not exactly hard on the eyes. Sure, he's a pain in the ass and an arrogant son of a bitch, but there's no denying that he's got something going for him. The muscles, the confidence, the way he carries himself... it's all undeniably attractive.

So maybe that will make this more palatable. If I can make him fall for me, make him believe that I'm the one for him, then I can manipulate him. Maybe I can use that to finally get the peace and quiet I so desperately need.

But where do I start? Guys like Austin Blackwater date supermodels, and most of my clothes are second hand. I don’t know the first thing about wooing someone like him.

I march upstairs and open my closet.

I go to the mirror and take a good look at myself. I grimace. I'm not exactly ugly, but I'm sure as shit no supermodel. However, that doesn't mean I can't make myself more attractive. I'll have to work with what I have. I'm more than just my body, but I know guys like Austin, and that's all they care about. Looks.

I pull out my best outfits, a mix of skintight jeans and tight fitting shirts, some cool boots, and even a few dresses. I know what I'm going for—a sexy, confident look that shows off the curves of my body. If I’m going to get Austin to fall for me, I’m going to need to do it right.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes, picturing myself in the outfits, imagining how I'd look to Austin.

Then, I hear the front door open and Bella's voice calling out, “Hello!”

I can tell she's in a good mood, and I feel a rush of relief. I could use a friend right now, and Bella is just the person I need.

“Olivia!” she cries out again from downstairs.

I rush to the top of the stairs. “Bella!,” I shout down. “I’m so glad you’re here. I’m upstairs.”

Bella is dressed in a stylish, fitted dress that shows off her curves, her high heels clicking against the pinewood floor. Her new hairdo is styled in loose waves that frame her heart-shaped face.

I make my way down the stairs, a gleam spreading across my face.

“Bella!” I exclaim, grinning from ear to ear. “You’re just what I need. Can we go shopping?”

She raises an eyebrow, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

“Like right now?”

I nod furiously. “Yes.”

“Really? What's the occasion? Is this for a job interview or something?”

I take a deep, nervous breath. “I need a complete makeover,” I say, my voice firm. “I’ve got a plan.”

“Oh really? Plan for what?”

“To seduce the asshole next door.”

Her expression shifts from confusion to surprise. “Wait, what?” she asks, her eyebrows shooting up. “You want Austin, like, sexually?”

“Yes.” I pause. “No. I don't want him, but I want to manipulate him. It's the only card I've got.” I'm a little self-conscious under her scrutiny. “I don't know, I just... I feel like I'm running out of options here. He's not leaving me alone, and I can't keep losing my jobs because of him. And he's not exactly unattractive, you know?”

Bella's eyes narrow, a skeptical look settling on her face. “Olivia, you realize he's a billionaire, right? And he dates supermodels, for god's sake. What makes you think you stand a chance of seducing him?”

I bite my lip. Maybe this was a bad idea after all. But then I think about Austin's eyes on me, the way he looks at me sometimes, like he wants something. And I straighten my shoulders, determination settling back in.

“He looks at me,” I answer. “In that way. I don’t know what he’s thinking, but I can see it in his eyes.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear,” she says with a radiant glow. “If you want to pull this off, that’s the kind of confidence you're going to need. But you're right. We need a shopping trip. You can't exactly seduce a billionaire in your sweatpants.”

I glance down at my clothes. “It’s been a rough few nights, but I dug up some old stuff.”

“Come on, let's try to beat the mid-day rush,” Bella chirps.

I grab my purse and follow Bella to the door, a newfound excitement and hope percolating inside me. This is it. I'm actually going to do this.

We step out into the bright sun, the warmth of the day giving me a boost of energy and enthusiasm for my plan. I take a deep breath, letting the fresh air fill my lungs.

Bella links her arm through mine and steers me toward her car. “Alright, let's go. We've got some serious shopping to do.”

During our ride, Bella and I chat about the plan, and she recommends we visit one of her favorite boutique stores. She’s going to be a great shopping partner.

The moment I step through the large glass front door of the store, I’m overwhelmed by the vast selection of items. Racks of clothing line the walls, with bright lights shining down on them. The hum of chatter and laughter fills the air, accompanied by the soft meditation music playing over the speakers.

I've never been in a boutique like this.

Bella leads me to a rack of dresses and begins pulling out various items, handing them to me one at a time to try on.

A daring black dress hugs my figure, and a pair of stylish heels makes my calves more defined. Inspecting myself in the dressing-room mirror, I see a person who is transformed. The clothes fit me in a way that I’m not used to, hugging my body and showing off its curves. My skin glows with a newfound confidence and there’s a sparkle in my eye. I stand up straighter and radiate at my reflection.

“What do you think?” Bella shouts through the door.

“I don't feel like myself, but I think I like it.” I unlatch the lock and do a runway twirl for her.

She playfully slaps my ass. “Girl, you look like a billion bucks!”

“If only.”

“That's the one,” she declares, and I can't help but feel a little burst of pride. I'm not sure what Austin will think of this new look, but I'm excited to find out.

We make our way to the lingerie section, and I can't help but feel a little nervous. I've never worn anything like this before. But Bella seems to know exactly what she's doing, so I follow her lead.

She holds up a red satin teddy, a wicked glint in her eye. “What about this one?” she asks, holding it up against me.

Heat pools in my cheeks, matching the lace, but I nod. “Okay,” I say. “Let's get it.”

We continue shopping, filling our baskets with tight dresses and sky-high heels. And as we're checking out, I notice something strange. Bella is buying the same clothes that I am.

“What's going on?” I ask, my confusion showing.

She grins at me, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

The total cost blinks on the cash register and I think I might pass out. I've never spent so much money on myself before, and I'm not sure I'm ready for this new level of luxury. I certainly can’t afford it. I'll just have to put it on my credit card.

Bella steps in front of me, holding out a wad of cash. “I got it, love. Don't you worry.”

“Bella, I can't—”

“Yes. You can. You've inspired me. See?” She motions to all the clothes she's buying for herself as well. They're nearly identical to mine. “I owe you.”

“Don't be silly,” I reply. “How do I owe you anything?”

Bella pays for our purchases, and we make our way out to the parking lot, the bags heavy in our arms. She gives me a grin as she loads them into her car. “Alright, I'll drop you off at home,” she says, winking at me. “And then we'll get started on phase two.”

“Phase two?

She balls her hand into a fist and mimics sucking a dick.

“Jesus,” I laugh, playfully swatting her hand away. “I don't know about that.”

She shrugs. “How bad do you want to take charge?”

“... a lot,” I admit. “But let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.”

She shrugs. “All men are the same, Olivia. They want two things: sex and to feel needed, especially guys like Austin.”

She starts the car and we drive out of the parking lot.

I can't stop thinking about Bella's words as she pulls into my driveway. The only thing I need from Austin Blackwater is for him to leave me alone. I suppose if he were to pack up and move out of town, that would be a welcomed bonus.

“Thanks again,” I say, unbuckling my seatbelt. “You've helped me through this so much.” I take a deep breath and push the door open, the bags still in my arms.

“Don't mention it.” She leans toward me, conspiratorially. “Just remember—he may be hot, but he's a complete asshole.”

I nod. “Oh, I'm well aware. Thank you for the clothes, Bella. Thanks for everything, actually.”

“Oh dear. No need to thank me,” she replies. “I enjoy every bit of it. You’re my best friend, Livvy.”

We kiss each other on the cheeks before Bella backs out of my driveway onto Springer Mountain Road.

I glance over at Austin’s house as I walk from the car and up the front porch steps. He's not home. That gives me some time.

I rush through the house, tossing all the bags onto my bed and carefully sort through them. Maybe I can return them and repay Bella when I'm done.

I finally collapse into bed, exhausted from the shopping trip and the adrenaline of my plan. I lay there for a moment, staring up at the ceiling, my mind racing.

I turn over in bed, snuggling deeper into the covers. Everything is quiet, the only sounds the occasional low hum of the refrigerator.

I close my eyes, and before I know it, I'm drifting off to sleep.