Holly versus Mr. Ivy by Amanda P. Jones



my shirt collar choked me, and my stomach turned like a hurricane. I was happy, despite my body telling me I wasn’t. In less than an hour, Holly would be my wife. I paced the room in the beach house where I’d gotten ready. Holly was across the house in the master bedroom, putting on a dress she’d wear for a few hours before I was blessed with the opportunity to take it off.

For Christmas, Holly had purchased a weekend stay in Nantucket for me. During our time apart, she’d tried getting a refund with no luck.

It turned out in our favor, because we’d decided to use the property for our wedding.

After we exchanged vows and had a reception in the backyard, Holly and I were dashing off to Paris for our honeymoon. To say Holly was ecstatic was an understatement. I didn’t really care where we went, as I didn’t plan on doing much sightseeing. The only exploring I cared to do was of my wife.

It was crazy to think back on the last ten months and the journey Holly and I had taken. Last fall, when Holly had stepped into my office, I’d fully believed I’d be able to work with the gorgeous petite chef without any worries of falling for her. How wrong I had been—and happily so. Holly hadn’t taken my crap. She’d made me laugh, and best of all, she’d loved me even when I wasn’t at my best.

Deidre was finally well enough for surgery and still had a ways to go, but the doctors were hopeful she’d one day ring the bell, indicating she had beaten cancer. I was excited for her to officially become my mother-in-law. I couldn’t think of any woman who would welcome me into a family as lovingly as she had. Trevor and Noah warmed up to me as well. We had fun when we were all together, which wasn’t too often anymore. Trevor had a girlfriend who took up his free time and Noah…well, let’s just say Noah had a certain redhead in his life who shook up his workaholic ways.

Holly had met my parents in February. They’d adored her the second they were introduced. Whenever we visited Dad’s side of the family, I appreciated having Holly by my side. Things with my uncle were tense since I’d told him I was leaving to start my own business at the end of the year. But I was ready to move on, even without being a regional manager. I was tired of living under his rule and wanted to branch out on my own.

At first, I wanted to start my business without any help from my family or by using my trust fund. Holly helped me see pursuing my dreams was more important than my pride. So we were using my trust fund to get my company going.

Holly herself still wanted to get a James Beard Award or earn a Michelin star rating. She continued to search for open executive chef positions in our area. Considering how amazing she was, I held absolute confidence her dream would come true one day as well. Even if we used my trust fund to purchase a restaurant of her own to do so.

When Holly told me she’d gone to Jack Frost Bakery back in January to get Jack and Meg’s help, Meg and Holly had hit it off and texted one another all the time.

I worried Meg would steal Holly’s affection, but Holly reassured me I was, and always would be, her number one. We loved spending time with our friends, though, and I was so grateful Jack had found Meg and I’d found Holly. That the two women in our lives got along so well was kismet.

When I’d proposed to Holly on St. Patrick’s Day at her family party, she had been completely shocked and cried for five solid minutes before she could talk to anyone.

“I thought you would be happy about this.” I’d stared at my fiancée, chuckling nervously at her reaction.

She’d wrapped herself around me like a koala in a tree, drenching my t-shirt with her tears. When she’d calmed enough to speak, she’d whispered, “These are happy tears. My cycle is starting soon, so I’m extra weepy.”

“I guess I’d better get used to this version of Holly.”

She’d sniffled. “Yes, because she makes a monthly appearance.”

I’d kissed her temple and waited until she’d stopped crying to pry her off me and accept her family’s congratulations.

Yes, our dating then engagement had been pretty short. Shorter than I’d ever imagined for myself, but Holly made everything in my life better, and honestly, there were times I really wished she were in my bed in the middle of the night to hold me when my anxiety flared. But more than that? I wanted to start our lives living under the same roof. I wanted everyone to know she was mine, and I was hers.

When we got back from our honeymoon, Holly would move in with me. At first, Holly had been concerned about leaving her mother alone, but Dee had reassured us she’d be okay. Trevor, Noah, and Holly would still check in on her as much as possible. But she felt better every day and soon wouldn’t need as much care.

I couldn’t wait for Holly to make my house our home. The one in which we would start a family.

Knuckles tapped on the door as it swung open. My dad, with his brown hair, wide shoulders, and grin, stepped into the room. “How are you feeling, son?”

“Happy—and like I’m going to puke,” I joked.

Dad chuckled. “Yeah, that sounds about right.”

“Is everything ready to go outside?” I asked. “Mom’s not freaking out about anything?”

He smiled. “She can’t stop crying, but otherwise she’s fine.”

Sounded like Holly, who had already warned me she’d be leaking from her eyes the entire ceremony. “I can’t believe I’m getting married.” I rubbed my forehead. “I didn’t think it would happen for me.”

He let out a short chuckle. “I’m shocked you didn’t get married in college just to get access to your trust fund, like your cousins did.”

And look how well that had turned out for them. One divorced after a year, the other so money hungry, she demanded more from Uncle Anthony and Grandpa every day. “Nah. It’s not a selling point for marriage.” I met my match when I was supposed to. I couldn’t ask for a better partner in life than Holly.

Jack popped his head in. “Hey, man.” He grinned. “They’re ready for us out there.”

My stomach clenched tighter. This was it. The moment Holly would become my wife. “You have the rings?” I asked Jack.

He shot me a dry look. “Yes, Mr. Paranoid. I had the rings the first time you asked me this morning, and I still have them now.”

So sue me for making sure every part of today went perfectly. “Good.” I shook out my hands. “I guess there’s nothing for me to do except get married.” The thought was both thrilling and terrifying. What if I was a horrible husband? What if we drove each other crazy? What if Holly couldn’t stand my need to keep things clean all the time? Or what a slob I became when I was depressed? What if my routine bugged her? What if she wanted to rearrange my entire house? What if she snored, and I slept terribly the rest of my life? What if she hung the toilet paper underside rather than over?

Dad clapped my shoulder. “I’m proud of you, son.”

A swell of emotion filled my heart. “Thanks, Dad. Any last words of advice?”

Jack smirked. “If she starts arguing with you about something, start taking your clothes off.”

“What?” I choked out. Also…gross. I did not need the mental image of my best friend stripping for his wife.

“Trust me, man,” Jack said. “She won’t be able to remember why she’s mad at you when you’re naked.”

I filed away that disturbing information for later.

Dad laughed. “I wish I’d known that trick when I was in better shape. Might still have to give it a go myself.”

Ew!It was bad enough when Jack said it. I gagged thinking about my parents doing that. “Noted. You two suck at marriage advice.”

Dad’s eyes softened. “Just remember, she’s your number one priority from here on out. No one else comes first anymore, not even you. And don’t stop dating her and treating her like you would a girl you’re trying to win over. Every day you show up for her and prove she made the right choice marrying you.”

I could do that. Be there for Holly and treat her the way she deserved—like a queen.

“Thanks, Dad.”

We made our way to the beach, where a wooden arch decorated with blush-pink and cream roses stood in front of fifty white chairs. Our family and friends were already seated, waiting for Holly and me. “Better Today” by Coffrey Anderson played while Dad took his chair on the front row next to Mom. I rushed to my place under the arch, Jack and Trevor following behind.

Holly had wanted Noah in the wedding party, and they’d argued over where Noah would stand—with the men on my side, or on Holly’s side with the bridesmaids.

I grinned at Noah as he waltzed down the aisle in a black suit with a pink tie and stood opposite of me, Jack, and Trevor. He was a good sport and had agreed to stand on Holly’s side, but he’d refused to be the maid of honor as Holly had requested.

Next, Meg, in a light-pink flowy gown, blushed her way down the aisle, staring at Jack the entire way. She was no doubt remembering their wedding a few months ago.

The music changed to “I Choose You” by Ryann Darling. The minister marrying us gestured for the crowd to stand. My heart picked up its pace as I kept my eyes trained on the back of the aisle, waiting for the first glimpse of my stunning bride.

What seemed like an eternity later, Holly appeared, with Deidre by her side, in a lacy gown that hugged her curves, showing them off to perfection. I couldn’t wait to see her butt.

My nose stung as tears gathered in my eyes. Warmth enveloped me as I took in Holly. The woman who had made me believe in love again. Who cared for me knowing I wasn’t perfect. Who made me laugh and drove me crazy in the best sort of way.

She was mine.

In time to the music, Deidre and Holly marched closer. Holly’s hair was wavy with most of it pulled back, a few strands left to frame her face. Her blue eyes popped. She was beautiful, inside and out.

Deidre hugged Holly and passed her over to me. The tears I had done my best to keep in check slipped down my cheek as I took Holly by the hand. This woman was my everything. Our life wouldn’t be easy. We both had our challenges and struggles, and fate would throw even more difficulties our way, but with Holly as my wife, my partner, we’d make it through.

“You are stunning, sweetheart,” I whispered. My heart ballooned, full of love for Holly.

Her lips curved into a gorgeous smile. “You’ve just about knocked me speechless in that suit. Although I’m quite looking forward to seeing you out of it.”

I chuckled as heat crept into my cheeks. “Would you like a show as I disrobe?”

“Yes, I think I would.”

The minister loudly cleared his throat. Oops. He probably didn’t want to hear about our after party.

Holly winked at me, mouthing, “Later.”

My stomach swooped in anticipation of our evening together. But first, our vows.

Holly handed her bouquet of pink roses to Meg, then placed both her hands in mine. The minister read through the normal script until it was time for the rings.

Turning to look over my shoulder, I held my hand out to Jack, asking for Holly’s ring. Slipping the rose gold band onto Holly’s left ring finger, I said, “Holly, from the moment we met, I was taken away by your beauty.”

Tears filled her eyes.

I swallowed. “But it was the woman on the inside who captured my heart and claimed my soul. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. I’m addicted to your laugh. Your smile brightens my day, and your kisses set me on fire.”

The audience let out a collective, “Awww!”

I smiled at the crowd and shot a seductive wink at Holly, who laughed. “I promise to talk to you about every little thing, to always rely on you and put your needs above my own. I promise to care for you in the good times and the bad. And when we’re old and start snoring at night, I promise I won’t take too many videos as proof.”

Holly threw her head back, laughing. The audience joined in.

“Above all,” I continued through a suddenly thick throat, “I promise to love you with everything that I am for the rest of our lives.” I sniffled, wishing no one else had to witness me crying.

Holly reached up to my face, using her thumbs to wipe at my tears. Her palm was warm against my skin. Jack came over and handed Holly my wedding band.

Holly’s eyes refilled with tears. She rapidly blinked, but a few spattered onto her cheeks. As tenderly as she had wiped mine, I brushed my knuckle across her face, capturing her tears.

Her voice wobbled. “Rhett, you waltzed into my life with your big smiles and friendly attitude and challenged everything I did in my life. You refused to give up on me despite my attempts to push you away. You showed me how to be more vulnerable, to have fun, how to be a friend, and most importantly, how to love.”

She pushed my ring onto my finger. “I promise to try new restaurants whenever you want.”

I chuckled. I was definitely taking her up on that offer.

“I promise to lean on you when times get hard, to trust that you have my back like I have yours. I promise to be there for you, no matter what. I promise to tell you how amazing you are every day—well, as much as your ego can handle.” She smirked. “I promise to always be grateful to be in your life. I promise to choose you every day and to fall deeper in love with you as we age. I promise you all of me, forever.”

If my heart grew any bigger, it would explode. My entire body was filled with joy and love. I was incredibly blessed and grateful for her in my life. “I love you,” I mouthed.

The minister asked, “Holly Anne Dewhurst, do you take Everett Christopher Ivy to be your husband?”

Holly’s eyes glowed with love. “I do.”

“Everett Christopher Ivy, do you take Holly Anne Dewhurst to be your wife?”

My throat closed, and I barely managed to choke out, “I do.” With my entire being.

“Then by the power vested in me by the State of Connecticut and His Holy Order, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

I tugged Holly’s hands, guiding them until they wrapped around my neck. My arms enveloped her waist, and I pulled her close to me, bending until my lips met hers. I kissed Holly with all the love flowing through me and poured it into her.

Holly’s lips parted mine, and I got lost in the feel of her in my arms. I never had to let go. We would get to wake up next to one another every morning. Tuck kids into bed together at night. Share meals, laughter, and so much love every single day for the rest of our lives. And her kisses. I’d never have to live without those either.

The crowd cheered behind us as our kiss lingered.

And lingered.

And lingered.

It was like my hands and lips were permanently attached to Holly. I couldn’t let go.

Finally pulling away from my wife—I loved that word already—I whispered, “Why did we agree to a reception? I want you to myself now.”

She grinned. “I promise to eat fast and cut the cake right after. I want one dance with you, and then we’re outta there. Got it?”

That still seemed too far away. “How long are we talking? One hour? Two? I need to mentally prepare myself.”

“Two hours, Rhett, and I’m yours.”

I shivered at the promise in her words. “No takebacks?”

“No takebacks. I’m all-in. Forever.”