Holly versus Mr. Ivy by Amanda P. Jones

Chapter 35


I jumped up from the table. “But wait, do you have any of that cake ready?”

Starla grinned. “Skye told me she called you and that you were coming in today. I saved some of it last night. I’ll grab it from the fridge.”

I squeezed her hand. “Bless you, friend.” Starla dashed off to the kitchen. I turned my attention to Skye. “Thank you. This”—I held up the menu card—“means everything.”

“I’m just sorry for my hand in all of it.”

I couldn’t keep holding on to my grudge. To my anger. I missed my friends. “I forgive you.” Like someone digging out stubborn roots in soil, my feelings of betrayal were yanked out, leaving me lighter than I’d felt in weeks.

Skye hugged me again. “Can we grab lunch sometime?”

I smiled. “I’d love that.”

I met Starla in the kitchen. She handed me a black Styrofoam container. “Here you go.”

“Will you visit us again?” Nico asked.

“You really want me to? I don’t want to step on your toes.”

Nico’s wide smile lit up his entire face. “I would love for you to come see us anytime you want.”

My heart was full of gratitude and love for these amazing people. “Thank you. I think I will.”

I held up the container of cake. “Thanks again for this.” Running to my car, I yanked open my door, gently setting the cake on the passenger seat. Pulling out my phone, I called George’s Steakhouse and claimed I was sick and wouldn’t be in for my shift that night. Then I dialed my best friend.

He picked up on the fourth ring. “Hey, Hols. How are you feeling today?”

“I made a huge mistake. Like apocalypse-sized.”


My head fell back against my headrest. “I pushed Rhett away because I was angry that I got hurt because of the advice he gave me. And I lost my job and position to earn the award I’ve always wanted. But I promised when we started dating that I would always be there for him and I haven’t been. I messed up, and he’s struggling.”

I took a big breath and kept rambling. “He put this cake on the menu, which means he still cares about me. I still love him too. I just let my anger get in my way. Which is stupid. I love him more than I do fantasy romance novels. What do I do? How do I fix this?”


“That’s all you have to say?” I clenched my hand tighter around my phone. “HELP ME!”

“Okay, okay. Let me just think for a second. You threw a lot at me and I’m not the best at this. You really should be asking someone else.”

“Just because you and Joy went through a hiccup, it doesn’t mean you aren’t good at problem solving. If you were Rhett, how would you want me to fix this?”

I couldn’t put a cake on a menu. What would help Rhett see that I made a huge error? That I wanted to apologize and beg his forgiveness for hurting him?

“Well…if you told him you’d always be there for him, and you bailed, then that’s what you need to do. Be there for him.”


He blew out a breath. “Really, Hols, you can’t think of one simple way to go about doing that?”

Maybe if my heart weren’t racing and my mind blank. “My brain is so jumbled right now. No, I can’t. What do you suggest?”

“You’re a chef. Make him his favorite meal and when you drop it off, ask if he’s willing to talk to you, then apologize.”

Oh. Yeah. That was simple and completely doable. “Thanks, Noah. I knew you’d pull through for me.”

“I just hope it works. Good luck, Hols.”


Before I left the parking lot, I sent Rhett a text.

Holly:I made a huge mistake. I’m so incredibly sorry. [sorry face emoji] Can we talk? [prayer hands emoji]

Going to the grocery store, I stocked up on potatoes, meat, and a small amount of green beans. Hopefully, Rhett would talk to me when I took this over.

Rapping on Rhett’s red front door, I bounced on my toes, waiting for him to answer the door, with a foil-covered plate in my hands. Come on, come on, come on. Please be home.

If today was Rhett’s day off, he might not even be home. Pulling my phone out of my back pocket, I pulled up his contact information and pressed the green phone icon. As I held the phone to my ear, the ringing went on for an eternity before Rhett’s voicemail picked up.

His voice sent a shudder of longing through me. I missed that rich, decadent tone that soothed and teased. I closed my eyes, and Rhett’s warm brown eyes flashed behind my lids. I missed the heat of his arms wrapped around me and the cadence of his laugh. With Rhett around, I was free. Happy.

I needed that back. Him. I needed him because I was better with him than I ever had been without. “Hey. It’s Holly. If you have time, I’d love to talk. Um…call me. Bye.”

Refusing to give up, I pounded on his door, rang the bell, and desperately shouted, “Rhett?”

After five minutes, I gave up. Leaving the plate on the steps, I sent him another text.

Holly: Dinner is on your porch if you’re hungry. I’m sorry for my behavior. Please call me.

Defeated, I went back to my house and paced my bedroom, praying Rhett would give me a chance to apologize.

A week later, with no response from Rhett to my texts and phone calls, I grew desperate. So desperate, I did something completely out of my comfort zone. Parking, I made my way to the front entrance of Jack Frost Bakery.

I pushed the glass door open, bells chiming as I entered.

“Hi,” a woman I recognized as Meg from the Mornings with Melissa segment Rhett had sent me, said. “Welcome to Jack Frost. What can I get for you today?”

I unzipped my coat, just to give my shaky hands something to do. “Actually, I’m here to see Jack. Is he in?”

Meg’s bright smile faded. Her eyes narrowed the slightest. “He is. May I ask what this is about?”

Oh, man. Coming here was a shot in the dark. What if Jack hated me as much as Rhett did? I swallowed, trying to clear the cotton in my throat. “Everett Ivy.”

Meg’s hand flew to her gaping mouth. “Are you Holly?”

Great, she knew my name. That did not bode well. “I am.”

Her face morphed into a protective shield. “What are your intentions with Rhett?”

All Meg needed was a rifle to complete this interrogation. One I’d endure if it led me to Rhett. “To apologize and ask for a second chance. I’ve been trying to reach him for a week and he’s ignoring me. Which he has every right to, but I was hoping Jack would help me. I’m desperate to tell Rhett I love him.”

She squealed, jumping up and down. “Yes! Oh my fruitcake! This is the best news ever!” She threw her arms in the air. “Jack!” she hollered. “Jack, get out here. NOW!”

Oh, wow. Meg was…enthusiastic.

Jack burst through the door, a frantic look on his face. “What? What’s wrong?”

Meg pointed at me. “That’s Holly. She wants our help with Rhett.” She squealed again, throwing herself at Jack, wrapping her arms around his waist.

Jack’s arms went around Meg, but his gaze shot to mine.

How did I channel some of her energy? “Hi.” I offered a lame wave. “I know you probably don’t want to see me, but I really could use your help. I made a mistake and want to talk to Rhett about it, but he’s ignoring me. Will you help me?”

Jack’s brows rose, his eyes wide.

When he didn’t say anything, just continued to look at me, I blurted, “I love him.”

Meg patted Jack’s chest. “We have to help her.”

“You really love him?”

“More than anything.”

Jack nodded, seemingly satisfied with the truth I spoke. “Then let’s get to work.”