Accidental Bride by Cristina Lollabrigida


The barbed wire-toppedfence surrounding the Cook County Jail where Marcello was incarcerated always depressed Alessandra. She hated that the brother she loved more than anyone else was behind these brick walls. He was denied bail during trial due to his affiliation. If he was convicted, he would move to the state penitentiary.

She placed her keys and phone in a tray before walking through the metal detector into a cold waiting room. She approached the counter and handed her ID to the unenthusiastic guard. Alessandra was still determining if she should sign in as Walker or Russo. As proud as she was to be Mrs. Drake Walker, it still felt like an act of rebellion.

As she waited to be called, she sat in an uncomfortable plastic chair and avoided making eye contact with the tattooed individual who leered at her a few seats away. During her Tuesday visits, she usually had a chat with the guard. However, she missed last week’s visit due to her honeymoon. And while she’d seen Marcello in court a few days prior, she couldn’t wait another week to visit her brother.

Finally, her name was called, and she followed the guard into a small conference room. Their father had pulled strings that allowed for private visits instead of sitting at the video monitors where conversations were recorded.

Marcello was led in through the door, dressed in a black turtleneck and trousers, with handcuffs as an accessory. The guard removed them and informed them they had fifteen minutes before leaving. Alessandra noticed her brother rubbing his wrists once the cuffs came off. She knew how painful restraints could be, and her own wrists throbbed in sympathy.

“It’s good to see you, baby sister. How are you?”

Marcello looked tired and worn down, with loosely-fitting clothes suggesting he had lost some weight. They put on fake smiles to appease each other before sitting down.

“Hey, big brother. I can’t believe they let you dress up for little ol’ me,” she said with a giggle, adopting a sweet Southern twang.

“I told them I had a very important visitor today. No prison jumpsuit for my guest, only the best.” He laughed. “I wish I could give you a big hug. I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too. How are you doing? Do you need anything? I’m really sorry about what happened in court.”

“Don’t be sorry. The important thing is your happiness. Is he treating you well?”

Alessandra’s face flushed as she thought about her intimate night with Drake and their fun that morning. She brushed her hair behind her ear—a tell her brother knew well.

“Things have been interesting….”

“Some things are clearly going well!” Marcello teased.

“Shut up!”

They laughed, breaking the tension.

“I’m sorry that you got caught up in all of this. What Tony did to you wasn’t right. You shouldn’t be married to a suit.”

“You’re not angry with me? I feel like I screwed everything up for you. I failed you and Papà.”

“The mistakes made were mine. It was easier when we were kids, wasn’t it? There wasn’t this insane amount of pressure. I chose to follow orders in an attempt to prove my worth and place in the hierarchy and got caught.

“You’re a good person, baby sister. You’re strong in ways that I never could be. Go live your life and be free.”

“I can’t just leave you. Remember how we used to dream of running away together? When you’re released—we can start over.”

“No, Alessandra. Even if I am released, I’ll never be a free man. Running away was a childish fantasy. We know better now.”

Marcello was right. Neither of them would ever be free. Tears rolled down her cheeks at his words. They felt final, as though he were genuinely saying goodbye.

“Without you, Luca’s in charge. They’re trying to force me to be with him again, and I don’t want that.” Alessandra looked at her hands in her lap.

“Don’t worry. I’ll talk to Papà. It’s the least I can do for you. A man like him doesn’t deserve you.” Marcello crossed his arms.

“What if I talk to Drake? Maybe I can convince him to offer you a deal. Would you take it?”

“You know that I can’t take a plea, Alessandra. If I plead, it shines guilt on our father.”

“So you’d rather run the risk of spending the rest of your life in jail?” She was dumbfounded.

Marcello shook his head. “You wouldn’t understand.”

“Just promise me you won’t say any of this to Jenny. She’s not the same woman, Marcello. She’s in Papà’s pocket now.”

Hurt flashed in her brother’s eyes. Alessandra gained no satisfaction from breaking his heart, but he deserved to know the truth about the woman he was dating. She had betrayed them both.

“Please don’t give up, Marce. Promise me I’ll be able to hug you again.”

“I promise, baby sister. Go be happy for me. That’s enough for me right now.”

“I love you,” she whispered.

“I love you too. Be good, find love, and live a good life. Don’t let anyone force you into bad choices.”

Alessandra played with the wedding ring on her finger. “You say that like it’s so easy. Now who’s the one being naïve?”

Alessandra defied the rules and threw herself into her brother’s arms. He embraced her just as tightly and kissed her head as she sobbed into his shoulder.

“Don’t be sad. This is a drop in the bucket for me. I promise I’ll take you to that little gelato shop you love when I get out.”

Alessandra nodded silently, hoping to take a bit of the warmth and safety she felt with her.

A sharp knock startled them. The guard returned with cuffs in hand.

“Visiting time’s over. It’s time to return to your cell, Russo.”

“It’s never enough time, is it?” Marcello smiled ruefully.

Marcello squeezed Alessandra tight one final time before stepping back with his hands extended. Alessandra hated this part, watching her brother being cuffed and escorted from the room. She wiped the tears from her eyes, determined to be strong for him.

Alessandra morosely gathered her belongings and left the jail. She sat in the car with her eyes closed and leaned back against the headrest. Each time she left, she wanted to bang her hands against the steering wheel and scream. She cursed her father for doing this to his children.

Once she collected herself, she turned her phone on. *Ding, ding* Several messages rolled in. She received a genuine invitation that made her smile.