Accidental Bride by Cristina Lollabrigida


Drake shuffledpaperwork on his mahogany desk, pausing to think of Alessandra for the umpteenth time that morning. He leaned back in his chair and ran a hand through his wavy hair, turning to gaze out the window of his spacious twenty-fifth-floor office. It was his private retreat where he found solace when he lost grip on a case and needed to revisit discovery.

Self-preservation should have him hating Alessandra and forcibly keeping her at arm’s length, but he was a sadist. All he wanted to do was command her to hop on his desk and spread her legs open so he could feast on her. The more time they spent together, he realized she was the whole buffet, not just a snack.

Damn Alessandra for proving to be the perfect wife—thoughtful, eager to please, and so sexy his cock ached to be in her. They connected on a deeper level than he thought possible. He planned on asking her to take their relationship to another level, starting with introducing her to his family.

A thirst to prove himself had always driven him. The son who was never good enough and constantly pushed to achieve perfection—anything less was for plebeians.

When the district attorney wrote a letter of recommendation for the U.S. attorney’s office, Drake felt validated. While his case record spoke for itself, it felt good to have recognition. But his mother got into his head when she implied marriage would strengthen his personal image. If only she knew of his proclivities. She’d clench her pearls in shock and likely disown him.

Bitsy Walker was a hard woman to please, but if anyone were up for the challenge, it would be Alessandra. He hoped to gain his parents' approval once they saw the genuine connection he had developed with his wife.

A sharp knock startled him from his reverie. He reshuffled his papers, pretending to be busy.

“At ease, Drake,” Jerry joked.

“To what do I owe the honor, Judge?”

Judge Matthews tapped the crystal face of his Bulgari watch. Drake turned his wrist and realized it was half past noon. He was late for their weekly lunch at The Dearborn.

“Shit, I got caught up.”

“I come bearing gifts.” Jerry held up the takeout bag. “I brought you a Chicago Cheesesteak.”

Feeling suddenly ravenous, Drake dug into his sandwich with gusto. He wiped a dribble of au jus from his stubbled chin. After a few delicious bites, he placed the remains back onto the foil wrapper.

“Thanks for the meal.”

“Lost in discovery, or is something else on your mind? A certain fiery redhead Mrs., perhaps?”

“Discovery, actually. But you know we can’t discuss that.”

“So let’s talk about the real issue. How’s your lovely wife?” he asked with a gentle smile.

Drake groaned and ran his hand through his hair again. It might be good to gain advice from the only person he knew who was happily married.

“How do you do it?” Drake asked.

“Be more specific,” Jerry said patiently.

Drake looked at his wedding band. “Marriage! She drives me fucking crazy. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.”

Jerry listened as Drake spoke in circles, attempting to articulate his feelings properly. He walked over to the credenza, poured two fingers of whiskey into crystal glasses, and handed one to Drake.

“Let’s call it an early day,” Jerry suggested taking a sip of his drink. “Are you planning on debuting her at the club?”

Jerry owned a successful member’s-only BDSM club. It catered to Chicago’s elite and networked with high-profile clientele in every major city. Drake retained a private suite.

“I’m not sure if we’re ready for that yet.” However, he thought of it often.

“What are you waiting for?”

If he were to bring her to the club, she would have to commit to being his submissive. Drake imagined what it would be like to play in the club together. He was very selective regarding playmates, but Alessandra wouldn’t just be for fun and games. He wanted her forever.

“It’s all right to let your guard down, Drake. Sometimes people may surprise you.”

“Like you?”

“I remember clearly when a rich college kid with a chip on his shoulder was lost and desperate. He needed someone to guide him and help him understand the urges he could no longer keep in check. He was angry at the world and worried about hurting someone. What he needed was someone to understand what he’d been through.”

“You taught me there was nothing wrong with me.”

“That’s right.” Jerry sipped his drink. “There’s still nothing wrong with you. But you still make mistakes. That’s the beauty of being human. What are you so afraid of?”

Drake looked intently into his glass, stewing over Jerry’s words.

“How do you think she’ll react when she learns the truth, Drago?”

“Don’t call me that!” Drake growled.

“Let me impart a little wisdom to you. If you can’t reconcile yourself, you won’t ever find love. You’re married now. She deserves more than being held prisoner by secrets and lies.”

Drake felt hot under the collar and glared at his friend. The man’s hands immediately shot up in surrender.

“I planned on asking Alessandra to meet my parents. I’d like her to meet my family.”

“That’s a huge step, Drake. I’m happy for you. You two should also have dinner with Noah and me. He had a lot to say about her after the gala.”

“No,” Drake said firmly.

“You get to decide, Drake. She’s your wife. But I won’t stand in the way of them becoming friends, and you shouldn’t either. Getting her out of the life is going to be hard. The first step is showing her what normal life and friendship are.”

“I won’t allow her to be hurt again,” Drake promised.

“I know, Drake. Sometimes life happens.”

Drake told Jerry about Alessandra's abuse and how much she still held back.

“From the time she was five years old until the day we wed was too damn long. You should see the scars on her wrists and back. Alessandra told me some of the shit they did to her. I’ll kill the motherfuckers who hurt her and put a bullet between every one of their eyes.”

“You’re an agent of the law, not an executioner. Ellis won’t like hearing you talk like that.”

Drake seethed. “Fuck Ellis.”

“Don’t blame Grant. And don’t blame yourself for shit that’s not your fault. You are not guilty by association. And you can’t take it out on that poor girl anymore.”

They sat in silence, ruminating on the heavy words hanging between them. Drake gulped the remaining drink in his glass and refilled it.

“And what about Jenny Nguyen? Her wedding will cause trouble for us.”

“Let me worry about her.”

Drake shook his head. “I can’t imagine how hard you’ve worked all these years to get to where you are now. I admire that.”

“Remember, you’re not that angry young man I met anymore, Drake. We grow and evolve as a part of life. I’m happy in my marriage because my husband and I have no secrets. Of course, there are things I can’t share with him. But he knows the important things, the hard things to admit in the light of day, and accepts me. Just don’t wait too long.”

They finished their drink together in peaceful silence.

Once Jerry left, Drake returned his attention to his laptop and opened a private browsing window. The computers at work were monitored through keystroke software, so he carried his laptop and used his mobile hotspot. But if anyone were to look over his shoulder, they would see he was jewelry shopping.