Accidental Bride by Cristina Lollabrigida


“Twirl for me,sweetheart. I’d die for curves like yours.”

Alessandra twirled at Noah’s catcall with a laugh. She popped her hip and posed to model the red cocktail dress he had pre-selected at the upscale boutique.

“Yes, queen! Who is this gorgeous model?”

After a stressful day, retail therapy was the perfect thing to take her mind off her worries.

“You have great taste, Noah. I appreciate your help.” She smiled thankfully.

When Noah had called asking her to shop, she’d suggested coffee instead. Naturally, they compromised on both, and she had no regrets. Alessandra couldn’t remember a time when she had so much fun shopping. The last time she had gone shopping with someone was with Jenny to pick a wedding dress. It felt like a lifetime ago, though it was mere weeks.

“Oh, hush you. When we met, I knew you needed a friend, and I’m up for the challenge.” He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her in for a quick side hug. “How are you doing, darling? I can’t imagine things have been easy with Drake. He can be a bit difficult at times.”

“How much time do you have? My marriage to Drake is a farce. I lied in court when I said we fell for each other.”

“Maybe that was true in the beginning, but it’s not true anymore. You can deny it all you like, but I know you care for each other.”

“It’s about the release for Drake. He doesn’t care for me. He told me the only thing that would ever be between us would be sex.”

“Alessandra, if you can’t see Drake’s into you, then you’re blind. I saw the subtle touches and glances at dinner. Believe it or not, you looked at him with the same moon-eyed expression.” Noah looked at her knowingly. “Jerry told me about how steamy you got in court the other day and how he had to call a recess so you wouldn’t tear your clothes off.”

Alessandra flushed at the memory of Drake pleasuring her in the bathroom during the recess. She shook her head quickly.

“That just proves my point. Our sexual chemistry is off the charts, but there’s nothing more between us. Drake doesn’t even like me. If anything, he only tolerates me.”

“He was never that way with Riley. That girl was such a bore. But you get under his skin.”

“Yeah, like a pest….”

Noah shrugged his shoulders in a way that said take it as you will. But her traitorous heart leapt with hope.

They spent the remainder of the afternoon together. Noah regaled Alessandra with stories of his relationship with Judge Matthews. She was happy to feel a genuine connection with someone without hidden agendas. There was no backstabbing in Noah’s spirit. He allowed her to be herself.

“Thanks for this, Noah. I really needed it.”

“We should make this a regular thing.”

“I’d like that.”

* * *

Alessandra steppedoff the elevator into the dimly-lit foyer.

“Drake, I’m home!” she called.

“I’m in the kitchen. Dinner should arrive shortly.”

Drake handed her a glass of red wine. The top buttons of his dress shirt were undone, inviting Alessandra’s eyes to fall to his collar. She wanted to lick and taste every inch of his delicious bare skin.

“Thank you. That’s sweet of you.”

“You shouldn’t be surprised because I did something nice. You’re my wife, after all.”

Alessandra flinched at the possessive way he stressed his wife. Was he jealous she’d spent the day with Noah? She decided to let it go.

She was elated by the romantic ambiance he’d created. Soft jazz played through the speakers, and a candelabra was placed on the table already set for two.

“I’m going to change into something a little more comfortable.”

Alessandra slipped off to her bedroom and changed into the cocktail dress she’d purchased that afternoon. She turned in the mirror, loving how the fabric shimmered under the lights and hugged her curves, which was bound to pull appreciation from Drake.

When she stepped into the dining room, the aromatic smell of garlic greeted her. A bountiful plate of seafood linguine was in her spot, along with a side salad and a breadstick. Drake pulled out her chair as a chivalrous gesture. He whispered in her ear as he pushed her in.

“You are breathtaking. I feel like a fool for not taking you out tonight.”

She shook her head. “It’s the thought that counts, Drake. This is more than enough.”

They discussed their respective days over entrées.

“No matter the verdict, Marcello will be all right, Alessandra. He’s a grown man. I feel like talking about him always upsets you. I’m sorry, but I must uphold the law. If you let me, I can be here for you in the private moments.”

Alessandra almost choked on her wine. Drake’s sincerity stirred her anxiety, and she blurted, “You need to divorce me!”

Drake appeared like he’d been slapped. She braced herself for the fight that would ensue.

Ma che cazzo, bella! What the fuck? We can’t have one pleasant conversation without you bringing up a fucking divorce. I don’t know what else to do to prove that I’m in this marriage.”

Alessandra’s chin wobbled, “I’m sorry, Drake. You need to sign the papers. Please, we can’t live this charade any longer.”

“Give me one damn honest reason.”

When she opened her mouth, she gaped like a fish. Words failed her when waves of hurt and anger rolled off Drake. She’d already prolonged this conversation, and there was no time left for delay. The plates rattled as Drake pounded on the table, demanding her attention.

“Answer me, damn it!” he roared.

“My father named Luca the heir to the Russo family even if Marcello is acquitted. They want me to marry Luca to strengthen his claim as head of the family. He said he'll kill you if you don’t sign the papers. I don’t want you to get hurt, Drake. I’m sorry, there is no other choice.”


“The other day in court. He said you had one week to sign the papers, or he’d make me a widow.”

“What the fuck is the matter with you? Why would you wait so long to tell me? How can I protect you if you won’t let me, Alessandra?”

“I’m sorry, Drake. I really am. I asked you multiple times to sign the papers.”

“That excuse doesn’t hold water, Alessandra. You should’ve told me! Fuck—”

“Please forgive me.” Tears flooded her face.

Drake pushed back from the table and left her sitting there flabbergasted. She knew all their progress didn’t matter anymore in that moment of broken trust.

Not being able to sit still and wait any longer, Alessandra began to clear the table. Tendrils of smoke swirled from the extinguished candles when Drake stalked toward her and threw the papers at her feet.

“There… signed… Get the fuck out of my home!”

“What?” she gasped.

“You wanted them signed so badly. It’s the last thing I’ll ever do for you.”

Alessandra bent to the floor, humiliated, and picked them up. She quickly leafed through and saw every line initialed and his scrawled signature on the last page. Even though it was an impossible situation, some of her hoped Drake would fight for her. It was a fool’s dream, and she was heartbroken.

“Please, Drake, you must know that this isn’t what I really want. If there was another way, I’d want to stay married. You must know by now that I care for you, and I’m fairly certain you feel the same.”

“I don’t believe a single damn lie from your mouth anymore.”

Realization knocked the wind out of her. Drake wasn’t angry. He was lashing out because he was hurt. Their eyes met for a moment, and she saw their genuine longing. But the moment she attempted to approach, he turned away.

Damn his pride. Alessandra knew she had to do something to convey her true feelings. Words weren’t enough when she had the papers in her hand. She dropped them as if burned and rushed to Drake.

“Please stop. Don’t say anything we can’t come back from.”

Drake deflated and turned back to her. Searching his eyes, she tried to figure out who had hurt him. Cautiously, she grabbed one of his hands and intertwined their fingers and cupped his stubbled cheek in the other.

“What are you doing, Alessandra?” he whispered.

“I care about you, Drake. I’ll prove it—”

Without waiting for a response, she pressed her lips to his. She started off slowly to convey compassion and firm to show conviction. Drake dropped her hand and wound his arms around her. She sighed into him, becoming pliant in his strong arms, answering his questions, and soothing his doubts with her body.

Drake responded with passion. Alessandra opened to his demands, and his tongue assaulted her mouth, showing her who was indeed in charge. He wrapped her hair in his fist and pulled gently, changing the angle.

Their bodies slid together, spilling secrets, giving a name to words neither of them could admit to in the cold light of day. When they finally broke apart, breathing heavily, Drake rested his forehead against Alessandra’s.

“Damn it, bella. I don’t want you to leave.”

“Then don’t make me. I don’t know any other way around this. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Drake gently stroked her cheek. “I never wanted to care about you, Alessandra. But you rooted yourself in my heart.”

“I’m choosing you, Drake. I want to be here with you. Please let me protect you, too.”

Drake stepped away, severing their connection.

“I have a gift for you.”

“Really? Even though we’re getting divorced?”

Drake picked the papers up and tore them to shreds before her eyes.

“All I wanted was for you to be honest with me. You wouldn’t push for divorce if it weren’t for Luca’s threat. We’re in this together.”

“Oh, Drake, thank you.” She jumped into his arms.

He held her for a minute letting the hug comfort them both. He stepped back and said, “I must warn you that if you accept my gift, it means you’re mine forever.”

Drake disappeared into his room and returned with a blue velvet gift box wrapped with a ribbon.

“I have special plans for us.”