Daddy’s Girl by Miley Maine



Iwake in the morning with Savannah sleeping soundly in my arms. She looks so beautiful while she sleeps. Correction, she looks so beautiful all the time, and even more so when I make her come.

The memories of the night before give me morning wood as I remember the feel of her tight pussy encasing my cock. The fact she trusted me to take her virginity makes it all the more special.

I can’t believe I care about her so deeply, so soon, but after last night, the bond feels unbreakable. I don’t know how long this will last, but I push those thoughts out of my mind. All I want is the here and now. Whatever happens in the future, I hope I’ve given Savannah an amazing first time, and the confidence to always seek out sexual fulfilment.

I take a quick peek at my phone to see it’s already after eight, and I have messages from my friends. The one from James says they’ll be here at nine -- with breakfast.

Shit! I better wake Savannah.

I gently kiss her until her eyes flutter open, and she smiles sleepily.

“Hello beautiful,” I say softly.

“Hello. What time is it?” She sits up and stretches like a cat, and for a moment I’m distracted by her naked body.

My dick twitches and I wonder if we have time for a quickie before my friends arrive. No, Savannah deserves for me to take my time.

Focusing on the present, I reply, “Just after eight. James and the others are on their way over with breakfast.”

Savannah’s eyes widen in alarm. “Shit. We need to get ready. I only have that dress I wore last night, and--”

“You looked stunning in the dress you wore last night, but if it makes you feel more comfortable, you can borrow something of mine. I know it’ll be a little big. Or I can call the concierge desk. I think they might have clothes you can buy or rent.”

“Erm, yeah, that would be great. Thank you.”

“Not a problem. Just tell me your size, and I’ll have something brought up.”

Savannah tells me her sizes, and I call down for some simple, casual female clothing, as well as new underwear, and some additional toiletries.

“Do you need anything else? Makeup or anything?” I ask, thinking about my ex, who always had to be wearing a full face of makeup before she’d let anyone see her.

“I prefer to go natural when I’m not working. Dimitri makes us cake our faces in makeup, so it’s nice to give my skin a break when I can,” Savannah replies.

I nod, imagining it’s similar to the difference between wearing expensive suits and casual clothes. I know there’s a time and place for dressing up, but I also know how great it feels to just relax.

With that thought in mind, I shower and change into some casual sportswear, and then wait for the clothing to be brought to the room while Savannah showers.

A short time later, she steps out of the bathroom dressed in some yoga pants, and an over-sized, off the shoulder T-shirt. Her hair is washed, dried and piled on her head in a bun, and she looks so adorably relaxed it makes my heart light. I want her to feel this free all the time.

Before I get the chance to say this to Savannah, a knock at the door sounds.

Her yellow-green eyes widen in panic, so I move in closer and take her hands. “It’s okay. It’s just James and the others. They know you spent the night here, and that we’re … well, we’re seeing each other.”

“Yeah, but still, I’m nervous. I want your friends to like me,” she admits, a blush covering her cheeks.

“How could they not?” I reply, kissing her quickly, then standing up and crossing the room to answer the door.

“Good morning,” James says with a knowing smirk. “We come bearing coffee.”

“And bagels,” Lucas adds, smirking too.

Robb is the only one not acting like an idiot and gives Savannah a polite smile.

“Hey, it’s good to see you again,” he says, nodding in her direction.

“Yeah, you too,” Savannah replies a little nervously.

“Relax, we’re not about to give you the Spanish Inquisition,” James replies, handing her a cup of coffee.

“Well, not about whatever's going on with you and Erik, at least. I want to know all you can tell me about Dimitri though,” Lucas says, handing out bagels.

Having Dimitri to focus on makes any awkwardness evaporate, and soon Savannah is filling my friends in on all she knows about her boss, including her suspicions he murdered Cherie.

Lucas nods knowingly. “Yeah, she wouldn’t be the first woman who met a grizzly end at Dimitri’s hands. The problem is no one can pin down any evidence. Half the cops in the city are corrupt and in his back pocket.”

“I had a suspicion they were. I mean, otherwise how does he get away with running the casino like he does?” Savannah replies. “So, how do we stop him?”

“First, we need evidence. Do you think you can find anything?”

Savannah bites her bottom lip in that way I’m starting to love, and my mind drifts from Dimitri to the things I did to Savannah the night before.

Any sexy thoughts leave my mind instantly when Savannah says, “Maybe, but that would mean getting closer to him.”

“How much closer?” I ask, feeling fire rage through my body.

“I’d have to give him what he wants,” Savannah admits, bowing her head.

“NO! I will not let him touch you.”

“What if it’s the only way to stop him?” Savannah asks, as my friends watch the exchange.

Before I can reply, James says, “We’ll find another way. Erik is right, we won’t let Dimitri touch you.”

“I can give you some discreet surveillance equipment,” Lucas says.

“And a concealed weapon,” I add. “Dimitri isn’t above using force to take what he wants. I want Savannah to be able to protect herself from him.”

“Of course,” Lucas agrees. “And I’ll get you kitted out with lockpicks and stuff like that. All you need to do is gather as much information as you can -- documents, records. If you can get him talking without ‘giving him what he wants,’ great, but don’t put yourself in danger.”

“Got it,” Savannah replies, and I entwine my fingers with hers, giving her hand a gentle squeeze so that she knows I’m here for her. My touch helps Savannah relax, and she adds, “I’ll pretend to be interested in him, without getting physical. That might be enough to get some information out of him. But don’t worry, I’ll be careful.”

“Thank you,” Lucas says. “Short of paying someone to spy on him, or breaking in ourselves, I don’t know what else we can do.”

“Yes, thank you,” James adds. “This all started because I wanted to buy Mojave, but everything I’ve learned from you and Lucas makes me see Dimitri has to be stopped.”

I can’t help but smile that James’ response is so alike mine. We may not be related by blood, but James is my brother -- Lucas and Robb, too.

“Well, now that business is sorted, we’ll leave you two to it,” Lucas says with a smirk.

James laughs too, but Robb shakes his head. “It’s no wonder you two are still single, you behave like a pair of Neanderthals. Savannah, it was lovely to see you again, and thank you for your help finding out information about Dimitri. When all this is over, please, let me take another look at your resume and interview you for a position.”

Savannah smiles. “Thank you. That would be really great.”

We say goodbye to my friends, and once we’re alone in my hotel room, I pull Savannah into my arms. I press my lips to her forehead, and say, “I’m proud of what you’re doing. It would be so easy for you to let me pay off Dimitri, and you go and work for Robb or something, but you’re sticking in a job you hate, with a dangerous man, for our benefit.”

“Not for your benefit,” Savannah insisted, her yellow-green eyes almost glowing. “For Cherie. For all the women he’s hurt in the past, and for all the women he’s trying to control now. I’d never be able to walk away and live my life knowing I’d abandoned Maddie and the others.”

I kiss her again, a grin covering my lips. “And that’s what makes you so amazing.”

Savannah blushes, but she doesn’t look away, and I notice a subtle change in her demeanor since last night. Being with me seems to give her strength and confidence she lacked before, and damn if that doesn’t make her all the sexier.

“When do you have to head home to get ready for work?”

Savannah glances at her phone, and smiles, “Not for a few hours yet. We can have lunch together and stuff first, if you want?”

“Definitely. And seeing as we just had breakfast, perhaps we should work up an appetite for later?”

Savannah grins, “What did you have in mind?”

Instantly, an image of Savannah sucking my dick appears in my mind and causes my cock to harden.

“Kneel down,” I command, and she does as I ask. “I want to fuck your mouth.”

“Okay, but I’m not very experienced, you’ll have to teach me, Daddy.”

“It will be my pleasure.” I grab her hair and place the tip of my cock against her lips. Savannah’s mouth parts, and she takes in the full length of me, sucking and swirling her tongue around the shaft.

I groan and my hips buck, causing me to shove my dick down her throat. She splutters for a moment, and I pull back. “Sorry, I’ll try to go more slowly.”

“You don’t have to worry. I want to see how far I can take it. I want you to fuck my mouth.”

Savannah’s lips hovering so close to my dick, coupled with the words she says, undoes me, and I grab her hair again and press the tip past her lips. Savannah opens wide, and I keep going, forcing my cock down her throat, until the base.

“Move you head up and down,” I instruct as she sucks.

Savannah’s head starts bobbing up and down.

“That’s it, good girl. Now, use your tongue and lips, too,” I tell her, and Savannah uses the pressure of her lips and tongue to cause different sensations.

I feel my climax building. “I’m going to come in your mouth. Don’t stop, swallow every drop.”

Savannah nods, and I explode inside her. She swallows down every drop, then slowly pulls back, kissing the tip of my cock as she straightens up.

For the first time in my life, my knees feel weak, and I stumble back in my chair. “Fuck. That was amazing.”

Savannah blushes and giggles. “That was okay then?”

“More than okay. The best blow job I’ve had,” I say, tugging her onto my lap. “It’s just a shame I’ve come already, as I want to fuck you senseless. But come here, you deserve a reward.”

I carefully remove every item of Savannah’s clothing, until she’s nestled naked in my lap, and then my lips and hands claim her body.

My mouth moves to her tits -- Gods, they’re gorgeous. So soft and full -- and I suck on her nipple, while my free hands play with the other. I bury my head between her cleavage, squeezing her tits together so I can easily suck one nipple then the other.

Savannah’s back arches and she lets out a throaty moan. I could listen to her make sounds like that all day. As I continue sucking on her tits, my hands travel down to her core, and I press my finger to her clit. She rocks against my hand, setting the pace, and I add my other hand, inserting two fingers inside her. I curl my fingers against Savannah’s g-spot and let her rock back and forth at her own speed, until her inner walls are clenching, and then I feel her juices dribble down my hands.

“Oh god,” she cries as she comes, and I gaze down at her looking lost in complete bliss.

When our breathing and heart rates return to normal, Savannah climbs out of my lap, and says, “I guess we better freshen up again. Care to join me?”

“I’d love to.”

We shower together, taking care washing each other's bodies, and then once we’re dried and re-dressed, we order room service for lunch and settle on the couch to watch TV while we eat.

“Tell me about your tattoos,” Savannah says as we enjoy club sandwiches.

“The one on my chest is Ægishjálmr, or The Helm of Awe as it’s known in English,” I say, speaking of the symbol that depicts eight arms that look like spiked tridents radiating out from a central point. “It’s a sign of strength and protection.”

Savannah smiles. “It’s very fitting.”

* * *

Later that afternoon, when Savannah has to leave to head home and get ready for work, I insist on going with her.

“Just in case,” I say, as we drive to her trailer park.

Just in case turns out to be excellent foresight, as a black car with tinted windows waits in the parking lot. When Savannah sees it, she hisses out a curse.

“Shit, it’s Dimitri. If he sees we’re together, he’s going to get suspicious.”

“Then we’ll have to convince him there’s nothing going on between us. You stay here but listen to everything we’re saying so if Dimitri quizzes you, our stories match,” I say, the instinct to protect her overwhelming me.

“Okay. Just please be careful,” Savannah replies, then I get out of the car, and cross to Dimitri’s vehicle. As I approach, he steps out, smirking.

“You’re Erik Jansen, aren’t you? I saw you in the casino the other night, and now here you are with one of my employees. Anyone would think you’re targeting Savannah to get an advantage at blackjack or something. Hoping you reclaim the forty-thousand you and your friends lost?”

I shrug, trying to act casual. “What can I say? Savannah made such an impression on me I had to see her again.”

Dimitri’s lips form a thin line. “Is that so? Well, I hate to break it to you, but Savannah isn’t who she says she is … I suppose she’s suckered you in with her sob story of her father dying and leaving her owning me thousands? It’s all lies. She’s a cheat, just like her father was, and a gold digger by the looks of it, too.”

It figures Dimitri would try something like this, but I know everything Savannah told me is true. After I met her at the casino, but before she came to my hotel to accept my offers, I had Lucas do some digging online. We found the medical records confirming her father’s illness and death, as well as the information about her degree. Knowing the truth, coupled with the information I have on Dimitri, makes me certain anything that comes out of his mouth is lies.

The question is, what path do I want to take? We need Dimitri to trust Savannah so she can dig up dirt on him and knowing how possessive he is about his female employees; I don’t want him thinking we’re involved.

“Well, she can’t be a very good one,” I say. “I offered her twenty-thousand to sleep with me, and she refused.”

Dimitri smirks. “So, you think by playing the ‘nice guy’ and driving her around you can get her to change her mind? Bad luck, pal. Women like Savannah don’t want nice guys.”

“What can I say? I’m a sucker for a pretty face.”

Dimitri laughs, then something behind him draws his attention, and I turn to see Savannah crossing the lot.

“Thanks for a great lunch out, Erik,” she says in a fake tone I’ve never heard her use before, and don’t like one bit. Is this how she acts to trick unsuspecting customers? “I’ll see you around.”

“Yeah, I’ll see you around,” I say, watching closely as she steps up to Dimitri and whispers something in his ear.

They both laugh, and his arm curls around her waist in a possessive way that has my blood boiling. I’m seconds away from going over to rescue her, when Savannah looks over her shoulder at me, and mouths ‘trust me,’ and I know this is all part of her act to make Dimitri believe there’s nothing going on between me and her.

Putting my faith in Savannah, and that she knows what she’s doing, I return to my car. I don’t leave the lot though and watch with an impending sense of disgust as Dimitri grips Savannah’s wrist tightly and drags her into her trailer.

I want to storm in there and beat the living shit out of the creep, but I know doing so will blow our cover, so instead, I start the engine and head back to the hotel.