Daddy’s Girl by Miley Maine



Heat blazes through my body as Erik’s question hangs in the air between us.

Just be honest with him,Maddie’s advice from when I text her earlier -- while Erik showered -- comes back to me. I can’t help but bite my lip. I know I’ve been doing it a lot, and it’s probably annoying the hell out of Erik, but it’s a nervous habit I picked up years ago.

My mouth starts moving before I can stop it, and I blurt out, “I’m a virgin.”

Erik’s eyes widen, but he quickly says, “That’s okay. We can take everything at your pace.”

“And the age-gap is okay, too … because, well, you’ve got to be at least fifteen years older than I am, right?”

Erik almost chokes on his drink. “Fifteen years? How old are you?”

I bow my head, the heat overtaking my body. This is it then. Once I tell Erik the truth, he won’t want to be with me. “Twenty-three.”

“Wow … I had no idea. You carry yourself so maturely, I honestly assumed you were in your late twenties --” Erik pauses to think for a moment. “But I have no problem, unless you do?”

There he goes again, offering me the choice. Leaving the decision in my hands. I honestly never expected it, especially given the age difference. Even guys my own age who I dated in the past have always been so forceful and demanding, and my only serious relationship ended because I wasn’t ready for sex.

Am I ready now?

I gaze across the table at Erik. Is it crazy that I trust him so much, so soon?

“You make me feel safe,” I admit. “The age-gap doesn’t scare me, it makes me feel protected, like you’ll be gentle and caring… like a Daddy.”

Erik chuckles. “I’ll be your Daddy, Baby Girl. We won’t do anything until you’re ready, and when you are, it will all be at your pace. You tell me to slow down or stop, and I will. You’re in control, Savannah.”

No man has ever given me power like that before. It’s exciting!

“Knowing that makes me want to see how things go later, after dinner,” I say, unable to stop my thoughts from drifting to the bedroom. I imagine Erik slowly undressing me, then tenderly caressing my body, and I feel the heat pool between my legs.

“Submit to me, Savannah, let me teach you everything I know, and as a reward, I will show you unbelievable pleasure,” Erik says, a devilishly handsome smile playing on his lips that makes me want to forget all about dinner and return to his hotel room now.

Until the server approaches with the steak…

We both fall silent as we eat, enjoying the excellent food, that’s perfectly cooked at medium-rare, with delicious sides of creamed potatoes, roasted broccoli with balsamic dressing, and glazed carrots. Steak is my favourite food, and I’ve never tasted it so wonderfully prepared as it is here.

With a satisfied sign, I place my knife and fork on my plate, and sit back.

“That was amazing!”

Erik smiles. “It was. Do you fancy dessert?”

“Oh no, I’m stuffed. I couldn’t eat another mouthful,” I reply. Now we’ve eaten dinner, my thoughts are drifting back to Erik’s hotel room and his promise he’s at my command.

“Fair enough. We can always order something from room services later if you change your mind. That is, if you want to come back to the hotel with me. I understand if you’re not ready for that, and I can take you home if you’d prefer. Or we can hang out in my room, with no expectations of it going any further than chatting.”

I lean across the table, my eyes focused on him. “I want it to go further. I want you to be my first.”

For the first time ever, Erik blushes, then smiles. “Your wish is my command,” he says, pulling his wallet out to pay the bill.

On the drive back to Vegas my anticipation grows until it feels like a colony of butterflies have taken a nest in my stomach. It’s not fear though -- it’s excitement, like I used to get on Christmas Eve.

When we arrive at the hotel, Erik takes my hand, and we make our way up to his suite. After removing his jacket, Erik crosses the room to the mini bar. “I’m going to have a glass of Krogstad, would you like to try some?”

Figuring it might help settle my nerves, I say, “Sure. Why not?”

Erik pours a generous measure of the Scandinavian spirit into two glasses, and then tops them off with tonic water.

“Here you are,” he says, handing me a glass.

I take a sip, and the first thing that hits me is how bitter and disgusting tonic is. Then I taste the star anise and the spicy, toasty, coffee flavors of the spirit, and think it would actually be quite nice with a different mixer.

Erik chuckles at the expression on my face. “It’s not to everyone’s taste, it’s okay if you don’t like it.”

“No, I’m not sure. The tonic is masking too much of the taste. Have you got any soda? It might be nice with Sprite or something,” I reply, putting my glass on the table.

“Here, let me see,” Erik stands and opens the mini bar again. He pours a measure of Krogstad into a new glass, then tops it up with Sprite, and hands it to me. “Here, how is this?”

I take another sip and smile, “That’s much nicer. I love the spicy flavor.”

Erik raises his glass and taps it against mine. “Skål.”

“Skål,” I reply, trying to emulate exactly how he says the word.

“When are you off work next? I have an event coming up soon that I’d love for you to accompany me to, and of course, we’ll need to speak to James and the others.”

“I get one evening off a week,” I say, before adding. “But most days I’m not required at the casino until about six in the evening, so we can meet with your friends whenever they’re able to.”

“Perfect. I’ll call James and we can all get together tomorrow, if that’s okay with you?”

A different type of nervousness bubbles in my stomach. Even though I met Erik’s friends on the night I met him, hanging out with them in a social setting like now Erik and I are -- I don’t even know what we are? Dating? Yes, that works … meeting his friends as his ‘date’ rather than just someone who works in a casino is daunting, and then there’s the whole Dimitri situation. I know we have to discuss it, and plan what I’m going to do, but it’s still a little scary. I know I can’t put it off, and besides, the faster we move against Demitri, the sooner we’ll be free of him.

“That’s fine,” I reply eventually.

“Okay but let me know if it’s too much for you. And do you think you will be able to take next Friday off? That’s the evening of the event announcing my expansion to the west coast. I’d like you to be there.”

My body flushes with heat, but I say, “I’ll be there.”

“And please, if you need anything, either for the event or elsewise, I will be happy to pay for it. In fact, I can get a credit card especially for you. I know most of your money goes to Dimitri, and well, I want to spoil you.”

“I told you, you don’t need to pay for my company. I’m here because I like you, not because you’ll buy me things.”

“I know, and that’s not my intention. What’s the point in having all this money if I can’t use it to treat the people I care about? My mom is the same. It took me years to convince her I was more than happy spending my money on her. It wasn’t until we lost Dad that she relented and let me start paying for things.”

The softness in Erik’s voice makes my heart ache, and I move in closer. “I’m so sorry. How long ago was it you lost him?”

“Just over a year. Though he was sick for much longer. He had Alzheimer's … it was difficult watching him lose all memory of who we were and deteriorate so badly.”

Tears fill my eyes, the pain in Erik’s voice bringing back all the memories of losing my own father. “I know what that’s like. Dad had cancer. He never told me how serious it was though -- he wanted me to complete my degree, and he knew I wouldn’t if I knew he was sick. He hid it from me for years.”

“Oh my god, that’s awful. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what would be worse, watching someone you love fade away--”

“Or suddenly having them spring their illness on you? Yeah, both are shit.” Before I can stop it, the emotions overwhelm me, and I start crying. “I thought I was getting over this--”

“It’s okay, grief takes time,” Erik says, pulling me into his arms. “How long has it been?”

“Six months.”

“Gods! That’s so recent. There’s no timeline on grief. There’s no point when you should be ‘getting over this.’ Just take it one day at a time. Are you seeing a therapist -- mine really helped me.”

I hiccup back another sob. “I can’t afford it.”

“Let me pay for it for you--”

“No, I couldn’t ask you to do that.”

“You’re not asking, I’m offering. If it makes you feel better, you can pay me back, once we’ve dealt with Dimitri. But I want to help you, Savannah.”

The tears fall harder hearing this. “Thank you. I feel so alone--”

“You’re not alone anymore,” Erik says, wiping away my tears with the pad of his thumb. “I’m here, I’ll help you. No matter what happens between the two of us, I’ll help you.”

He leans in and presses his lips to mine in a soft kiss, but I freeze.

“I’m sorry, I’m just a little nervous,” I say.

“Don’t be nervous, Baby Girl. I want to kiss you. You don’t know how badly I want to kiss you, but I don’t want you doing something because you feel like you owe it to me, or anything like that.”

“I’m not,” I answer with a wry smile. “You make me feel safe and cared for, Daddy.”

“Well, in that case--”

Erik cups the back of my head and crushes his lips against mine, taking control of the kiss. He bites on my bottom lip gently, until my mouth parts, and his tongue slides inside.

I melt into the kiss, wanting to drink him in, wanting the connection to consume us. Needing this feeling to never end.

I’m not alone.

As Erik’s tongue continues to explore my mouth, his hands move from where they’re cupping my head. First, he strokes my cheeks, then, slowly, his hands trail down, stroking across my shoulders, and finally coming to a stop at my breasts.

He hesitates for a moment, and I inch forward, letting him know he should continue. With my consent given, Erik caresses my breasts, stroking his fingertips across my nipples and causing me to moan into his mouth. Even though two layers of material are separating his skin from mine, it still feels magnificent, and I’m desperate for more.

Seemingly sensing what I need, Erik’s hands move back up to my shoulders, and he carefully pulls down the straps of my dress, allowing the material to pool around my waist, and revealing my lacy, black bra underneath. I thank God I had the foresight to wear nice underwear.

Erik pulls away from the kiss momentarily to gaze at my semi-naked torso. His blue eyes drink in my appearance, and he lets out a breath.

“Gods, you’re beautiful,” he says, reaching out to take my breasts in his hands.

I’ve always felt a little embarrassed by my body, especially since Dad died and I’ve gained weight, but the way Erik stares at me makes me feel like a goddess.

His hands slip around my back, and he deftly unclasps my bra, and pulls it away so my breasts tumble free. Instead of feeling vulnerable and exposed, the way Erik stares at me makes me feel amazing, like he thinks I’m the most gorgeous woman alive.

He inclines his head, and sucks one of my nipples into his mouth, and his hand caresses the other. He rolls one nipple between his thumb and forefinger, the other he grazes with his teeth, until both are stiff peaks, and my body aches for him.

I want him to touch every part of me, but I also want to touch him too. I need to feel his skin against mine. As Erik continues to lavish attention on my breasts, his mouth moving from the left to the right, I unbutton his shirt and strip it away to reveal his broad chest.

He looks like some sort of Viking God, all muscular and covered in tattoos, and I let out a tiny gasp.

Erik chuckles against my skin, his laugh reverberating through my body, and setting it alight. Then, slowly, he straightens, and stares at me through heavily lidded eyes.

“I want to take you to bed, Savannah. Can I?”

“You can,” I reply, knowing the implications. Wanting what will come next.

Erik stands, scoops me up in his arms, and in a few long strides crosses the sitting room. He shoulder-barges the door open, and steps into a bedroom that’s just as big as the sitting room and is dominated by a king-size bed.

Erik lays me down on the bed, and I nestle into the soft, downy pillows and comforter, having never experienced something so luxurious in my whole life. His gaze never leaves mine as he strips off his shirt and pants, until he’s in nothing but tight, black boxer-shorts, and I can see the bulge of his erection straining against the material.

He joins me on the bed, and my hands are quick to seek out his chest, loving the feel of his taut muscles under his fingertips.

“I love your tattoos,” I murmur, tracing the black patterns.

“I’ll explain them all to you sometime,” Erik replies, before kissing down my neck.

His mouth seeks out my breasts again, his tongue, teeth and fingers working in tandem to bring my nipples to stiff peaks once more. I press my body closer to his mouth, loving the feel of him sucking on my breasts, and the sparks it sends shooting down to my core.

My fingers tangle in his blond hair, releasing it from the neat man-bun he’d worn it in for dinner, and splaying the tresses down and around his shoulders.

Erik kisses down the valley between my breasts, moving lower over my abdomen, until coming to a stop where my dress is still pooled around my waist. He swiftly removes it, throwing the gown to the bedroom floor, and his eyes travel down to my black panties.

“Beautiful,” he murmurs, reaching out to cup my mound as he continues gazing at me reverently. His fingertips trail over my panties, pressing light pressure to my opening and clit, the lace serving as the only barrier between us.

I let out a moan and push up my hips, showing Erik I’m eager for more. He grins, and carefully removes my underwear so that I’m naked before him.

He braces his hands, one on each knee, and parts my legs. Again, instead of feeling vulnerable, I feel worshipped, like he’s just discovered some marvelous buried treasure or something.

“I want to taste you,” he says, his fingers stroking my thigh gently.

“I … what do you mean?” I blurt out, and Erik rumbles with laughter.

“You know what I mean … I want to taste your pussy. I want to kiss your nether lips. I want to suck on your clit and feel your juices dribble down my chin.”

“Fuck,” I exclaim breathlessly.

“Fuck good? Or fuck bad? I don’t want to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”

“No, no. It’s just, no guy has ever gone down on me before--”

Erik’s eyes widen. “What? Were your exes crazy?”

I let out a hollow chuckle. “I’ve only ever been intimate with one guy and we never had sex, I wasn’t ready. We did other things, but it was all very one sided.”

Erik shakes his head. “That’s the difference between boys and men. Men know pleasure isn’t just about one person. Yes, I want to bury my dick deep inside you, or have you suck on it until I come in your mouth, but not before I’ve tasted you. Not before I’ve made you come.”

“I … I … don’t know what to say--” the way Erik talks so openly about sex makes me feel equal parts flustered and aroused. No man has ever spoken to me like this before.

“Just tell me what you want me to do Savannah. Be my good girl, and I will reward you.”

Erik’s words heighten my desire and need for him, and before I can stop myself, I blurt out, “I want you to go down on me, make me come, and then take my virginity, Daddy.”

Erik grins. “You got it, Baby Girl,” and then lowers his head between my legs.

I grip his hair as his hands grab my outer thighs, tugging me in closer and his tongue lashes across my opening. He swirls his tongue around for a moment, before licking up to my clit, and sucking on it greedily. My eyes drift shut, and my legs quake as Erik keeps me guessing, one moment he’s sucking on my clit, the next his tongue is darting into my opening. I never know what’s coming next, but it leaves me breathless, and my hips jerking.

I feel my orgasm building -- something, until now, I’ve only ever achieved on my own -- and my inner walls start to clench. Erik inserts two fingers inside me, curling them around, while his mouth sucks my clit, and the combined sensations make me explode.

“Oh Jesus Christ,” I cry out, the orgasm rocking my body.

Not giving me even a moment to catch my breath, Erik straightens, and reaches for the nightstand. He pulls out a pack of condoms, removes his tight black boxers, and his dick springs free. I watch with interest as he rolls the condom over the length of his long, thick shaft.

I thought I’d be more nervous, my first time and with someone so big, but after what Erik has just done to my body, I’m longing for him to fill me up completely.

“Is this what you want, Baby Girl,” he asks, bracing his hands on either side of me, the merest hint of his weight pressed against his body.

“Oh god yes. I want you, Daddy. Take my virginity, please,” I beg breathlessly.

Erik plunges inside me and there’s a deliciously sharp pain for an instant, before he moves deeper, and I’m filled with his cock. It’s slightly weird, having someone inside me like this, but as my inner walls continue to contract, and Erik’s masculine scent envelopes me, I find I like it.

I wrap my arms around his neck as he continues moving inside me, slowly at first, but gradually building up more speed, until he’s pounding into me.

His hands move to grab my breasts, and I open my eyes, gazing up into his.

“God, you’re so tight,” he murmurs. “I love that I’m your first.”

“I’m glad it’s you,” I reply, happy I never gave it up for my ex, who I can see now, never really cared about my needs or happiness.

Erik keeps moving inside me until I feel my inner walls clench again, and my back arches. I come for a second time, and feel Erik find his release too, before he collapses on top of me.

We lay, limbs tangled, for a few moments, catching our breath. When our heart rates have returned to normal, Erik sits up.

“I’m going to freshen up before bed. Would you like to join me in the shower?”

“I’d love to,” I reply.

Erik slips out of bed and quickly pops into the bathroom to dispose of the used condom and turn on the hot water. Then he comes back to the bed and offers me his hand.

“How are you feeling? Any soreness?”

“No, I don’t think so. I feel really good, actually.”

Erik smiles. “I’m glad I made your first time enjoyable.”

“If this is what sex is like, you’re going to have to take me to bed all the time,” I reply with a smirk.

“I’d be more than happy to,” Erik says, leading me into the bathroom.