Daddy’s Girl by Miley Maine



The second we hear the car pull away, Dimitri moves in closer, his grip on my wrist like a vice.

“Tell me the truth, Savannah, are you fucking him?” my boss snarls.

“No, I won’t give it up so easily, or how will I get what I want from him?”

Dimitri smirks and raises an eyebrow. “And what is it you want from him?”

“Money,” I say, having heard what Erik said to Dimitri and playing along with the idea I’m a gold-digger. “He approached me after my shift at the casino and offered to pay for my time and company while he’s here on business. I have to go to events with him and stuff.”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it. He’s just some sad, pathetic, lonely guy trying to buy some company,” I reply, hating myself for describing Erik in such a way, but I know it’s what I have to do to protect us both. Then I brace myself for the next part of the plan. Hating the words that come out of my lips even more than the previous ones. “And how could I be interested in a loser like him, when I’ve got a guy like you, huh?”

Dimitri smirks. “I thought you weren’t interested in that?”

“A girl can change her mind, right? After seeing how Erik behaved, it’s made me realize how lucky I am to have caught the attention of someone so manly, so powerful. You’re everything Erik could never be.”

That part is true. Erik is a hundred times the man Dimitri is, but I need my boss to think I’m interested in him, so he opens up more.

Dimitri leers at me like a hungry wolf, “I knew you’d come around eventually.”

He leans in close, and I force myself not to flinch away when he touches my thigh. I won’t have sex with him -- no way in hell -- but I have to do something to make him believe I’m interested.

“Patience,” I say seductively, then lean forward to press my lips against his. Kissing Dimitri is cold and emotionless and makes me long to be safe and protected in Erik’s arms once more.

When Dimitri pulls away, he’s grinning like a maniac. “I’ll see you at work,” he says, then stands up.

The moment he leaves the trailer, I shudder all over. I run to the bathroom and throw up, then brush my teeth at least twenty times to get the vile taste of Dimitri’s lips off mine.

Keeping up this pretence is going to be impossible, but I have to do it. I have to do everything I can to make sure not only I’m free of Dimitri, but all the women at Mojave are.

“This is for you, Cherie,” I say, staring up to the heavens.

* * *

Thankfully, my little act does the trick, and thinking I’m interested in him makes Dimitri easier to deal with at work, even if it does involve a lot more groping. Soon, I’m able to come and go in his office as I please, and I start taking pictures of his record books.

Worrying Dimitri might check my phone, I buy a second one and use it to call Erik and fill him in on what’s going on. He’s not happy about the situation, but I assure him I’m not taking any unnecessary risks. With some careful planning, Erik and I are still able to see each other, but it usually involves meeting up in a location away from the strip to limit the chance of Dimitri catching us together. Thankfully, Robb has a large home in Henderson that he’s happy to let me and Erik use as a meeting place, and due to its vast size, we can find some privacy for ‘dates.’

While spending time with Erik at Robb’s, I also have another meeting with Lucas, who we fill in on the latest developments. He gives me an array of discreet surveillance equipment to plant around the casino and in Dimitri’s office, with the hope of recording something damning.

* * *

It’s the morning of the event I’m attending as Erik’s date, and I’m just thinking about what I should wear, when Maddie calls me.

“Hey, it’s been too long since we caught up. Fancy going for a coffee?”

I can’t wait to tell my best friend everything, and reply, “Sure. But not on the strip, yeah? I know this cute place in Henderson. I’ll pick you up in fifteen minutes.”

When I arrive at Maddie’s apartment, she’s waiting for me outside, her eyebrow raised. She gets into the car, and as we pull away, she asks, “Okay, what gives? First, you’re being all nice with Dimitri, and now you’re wanting to go to Henderson for coffee? What’s going on?”

I let out a nervous laugh and rake a hand through my long dark hair. “God. Where do I even begin? I have so much to tell you.”

“The beginning is a good place to start,” Maddie quips.

“Okay, but coffee first.”

Once we’re settled in a Starbucks not far from Robb’s place, I tell my friend everything.

When I’m done, she exclaims, “Holy shit! I don’t even know where to start with all this … Okay, okay. Tell me again about all the amazing sex you’re having. I’m totally jealous.”

“Actually, since we’re meeting up at Robb’s, we’ve kept the shenanigans to a minimum. It just feels weird doing it in his friend’s house, you know. God, it’s hard behaving myself, especially when he kisses me--”

My thoughts drift to when I saw Erik the day before and we snuck away to spend some time alone after having lunch with Robb. My whole-body tingles remembering the feel of his lips on mine, his hands trailing over my skin.

“God, you’re so lucky,” Maddie says, snapping me out of my thoughts. “Why can’t James sweep me off my feet like Erik did with you?”

“Don’t worry, I’m still trying to work out a way of getting the two of you together. We’ll have to have a party or something so I can introduce you.”

“You’re the best,” Maddie says with a grin, before her expression turns serious. “I mean it, Sav. I can’t believe you’re putting yourself at risk like this to make sure we all get free on Dimitri. You have to let me know how I can help you.”

“Just keep your eyes and ears open, and if you find out anything tell me so I can investigate it.”

“I will. But you’re being careful, right?”

“I’m being careful. Lucas gave me a folding knife that I wear strapped to my body at all times.”

“So that’s why you’ve taken to wearing knee-high boots?”

I smirk. “That, and the fact Erik likes them. He bought them for me especially.”

Maddie snickers. “I’m happy to see you coming out of your shell and having fun for once … I haven’t seen you smile like this since … well, since before.”

Even though she doesn’t directly mention my dad, I know the implications, and it makes my heart ache. I miss him so much, and hope he’s watching me from heaven, proud of what I’m doing to stop Dimitri. I just wish he could have met Erik, I’m sure they would have liked each other…

* * *

After spending some quality time with my best friend I’m on a high, and that helps chase away nerves of attending an official event as Erik’s date. At six-thirty, he sends me a text to let me know a car is on the way to pick me up, and the butterflies in my stomach take flight.

I glance in the mirror for what feels like the millionth time, still not sure I look okay in my evening dress. Erik insisted I treat myself and buy something nice for the event, so while Maddie and I were in Henderson, we visited the mall. I didn’t abuse Erik’s generosity by shopping in a high-end boutique, but I did look in stores I normally wouldn’t be able to afford to shop at.

With some encouragement from Maddie, I finally worked up the courage to buy a long-sleeved, red evening dress. The bodice of the dress is semi-transparent, with beautiful, beaded embellishments that look like flames, flowing down into a darker, more opaque skirt. While the neckline is modest, and only shows a little cleavage, the skirt features a thigh high slit. I’ve paired it with gold pumps and jewelry and styled my caramel-highlighted hair down and curly.

The sound of a car horn pulls my attention away from the mirror, and I grab my gold clutch purse, and head out the door.

Outside, a dark, nondescript car with tinted windows waits. It’s upmarket, but nothing flashy that it might draw attention.

I quickly cross the gravel lot and open the rear door to find Erik sitting inside, dressed in a tuxedo. His blond hair is down and straightened.

I slip in the seat beside him and close the door.

“Wow, you look great,” I say, admiring him in the suit, that’s perfectly tailored to his broad shoulders and athletic frame.

Erik chuckles. “I was just thinking the same about you. That dress is stunning.”

“Thank you. I bought it today while out for coffee in Henderson with Maddie.”

Erik raises his brows. “You went for coffee in Henderson?”

“Yeah, I wanted to tell her everything that’s going on, but didn’t want to risk bumping into one of Dimitri’s cousins or something.”

“Good thinking,” Erik says, reaching across to take my hand. He entwines his fingers with mine. “And how did Maddie react?”

“As you can imagine, she was shocked. And totally jealous. Her exact words were ‘Why can’t James sweep me off my feet like Erik did with you?’”

Erik laughs. “Maddie is interested in James?”

“Yeah, she’s had a crush on him since she started working on the strip. Do you think he’d be interested in dating her? I know she’s younger, like me, but she’s a good person.”

“I don’t want to give you or your friend any false hope, but James isn’t the relationship type. If Maddie spent the night with him, it would only be one night. If she’s okay with that, we can arrange a meeting, but if she’s after more … well, James can’t offer her what she wants.”

I know while Maddie would love to spend the night with James, one night would never be enough for her. “I’ll pass that along.”

Erik leans in closer and presses his lips to the shell of my ear, then whispers. “One night isn’t enough for me though. All this ‘behaving ourselves’ at Robb’s is driving me crazy, which is why I booked the penthouse at the resort where the event is being held. I thought we could have breakfast together in the morning.”

A thrill of desire shoots up my spine hearing this, and I turn to press my lips to Erik’s.

The event is being held at the Henderson Valley resort, and while I know Erik and I won’t be able to stay in the penthouse forever -- Dimitri will be expecting me at work tomorrow evening, after all -- the thought of some alone time, in such a luxurious place, fills me with excitement.

“You spoil me.”

“You deserve it,” Erik insists with another kiss.

When we arrive at the event I’m awestruck. A massive conference room has been rented for Erik’s announcement, and there’s a stage against the far wall with a digital display behind it. Currently, all the display shows is Erik’s fitness company logo, which is a picture of a blonde Viking, in one of those two-horned helmets, lifting massive barbells.

At the other end of the room is a buffet table, and an open bar where guests are helping themselves, and then scattered throughout the room are little tables and seating areas.

Every guest in attendance is in expensive looking evening wear, and even though my dress cost $500, I still don’t feel like it’s good enough compared to the other women. I suspect they’re all famous, stupidly wealthy, or both. My suspicion is confirmed when out of the corner of my eye, I spot the actress I saw pictures of Erik with before I decided to go to his hotel. I cringe knowing his ex is here. What if we bump into each other? Seeing Robb, James and Lucas in attendance puts my nerves at ease a little though.

“I’m sorry to have to leave you like this, but I need to mingle,” Erik says, leaning in and kissing me on the cheek.

“It’s fine,” I say, and it is. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to come to the event, and besides, a room full of rich socialites -- even if one if Erik’s ex -- is far easier to deal with than Dimitri.

As Erik heads off to mingle, I make my way over to his friends, who’re all with dates of their own.

“Hey, Savannah,” Robb greets warmly.

“Hello,” I reply with equal enthusiasm.

“Savannah, this is my date, Jayne. Jayne, this is Erik’s date, Savannah.”

I glance at the woman who appears to be in her early thirties, and has straight, long, dark hair. She offers me a tight-lipped smile, and extends her hand, “A pleasure.”

“Likewise,” I reply, not so sure of Jayne yet. She doesn’t seem outwardly hostile, but she doesn’t seem very welcoming, either.

After I release her hand, I turn to greet James and Lucas, who introduce their own dates. James is accompanied by a woman who looks around my age, with platinum blond hair, and massive breasts. I recall what Erik told me about James not doing committed relationships, and instantly feel sympathy for the young woman who is introduced as Emmanuelle. Then there’s Lucas’ date, a woman named Natalie, who looks similar in age to Jayne, and has a familiarity with Lucas and the others that makes me think there’s a history between the two.

After chatting with Erik’s friends and their dates for a short time, I start to feel like a spare wheel, so I excuse myself, and head to the bar. As I help myself to some food at the buffet, I come face-to-face with Erik’s ex.

“I always knew he’d trade me in for a younger model,” she says with a sneer.

“Excuse me?”

“You’re the girl dating Erik, correct? Everyone saw you arrive together.”

“Yes, I’m here as Erik’s date,” I say, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to the other.

“Well, good luck with that,” his ex says, smirking, and I’m left speechless as she walks away.

What the hell?

I linger at the back of the room, comfort eating, until Emmanuelle approaches. She orders two glasses of wine from the open bar, and hands one to me with a sympathetic smile.

“It’s hard not feeling like the odd one out, isn’t it, when everyone knows you’re being paid to be here.”

“I’m not--” I begin, and Emmanuelle’s eyes widen in horror.

“Oh god, I’m sorry. I just assumed, because the last time he visited, Erik hired a girl from the same agency I work for and well, you’re younger than the other dates.”

I try not to let Emmanuelle’s assumption hurt, but Erik had originally offered to pay for my company.

“I … erm … yeah. It’s awkward. Erik and I only just started seeing each other, and now I’m here.”

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll watch your back. I know how much of a bitch these rich women can be.”

Thinking about how Erik’s ex spoke to me, I have to agree with Emmanuelle’s assessment. “Thanks. It’s good to know there’s at least one person here who doesn’t hate me.”

Emmanuelle smiles, and we both fall silent as Erik gets up on stage and begins his presentation. I can’t help but watch with awe -- he really knows his stuff, and he’s so passionate about his fitness business. It’s a side I haven’t seen yet, and it makes me oddly proud of him, and kind of turned on, too. A man who commands the room like Erik does is irresistible.

The main announcement is that he’s opening a second location here at the resort, and he’s interested in getting new customers to sign up before the official opening in a few weeks. Additionally, he wants to speak to any other local business owners -- especially those with hotels and resorts -- who might be interested in opening their own ‘Jansen Viking Fitness’ location.

My chat with Emmanuelle, and seeing Erik in his element, chases away the earlier negative feelings brought on from my run-in with Erik’s ex. In fact, I’ve almost forgotten all about it, except when I’m in the restroom, and hear her voice from outside, by the sinks.

“I can’t believe he brought a gold-digging escort to the announcement of his expansion,” she rages.

Another woman who I can’t see snorts and says, “I expect that behaviour from James, but not Erik.”

“Right? And did you see that tacky dress she was wearing? It looks like it came from the bargain bin, or something. I don’t understand it, Maria, I really don’t. I was good to him, I gave him everything he wanted, and he dumps me to hook up with that whore, and parade her around like some trophy.”

Tears sting my eyes, but I force them back and cover my mouth until the talk stops, and the two women leave the restroom.

Once I know I’m alone, I finally let the tears fall. Is this really how Erik’s peers see me -- as a gold-digging whore in a cheap dress? Is that how Erik sees me?