It Started with a Bang by Piper James

Chapter Thirty-Two


Ifelt like shit the whole next day. My brothers seemed to sense my foul mood, and even Noah refrained from giving me crap while I forcefully tore the rest of the drywall out of the three remaining bedrooms.

I didn’t lie to Belle, exactly. My words were truthful, but I didn’t tell her all of it. I couldn’t break her heart like that when she looked so hopeful. So I pussed out, told her only the good parts of my meeting with Jaxson, and ran into the bedroom like a scared little kid who almost got caught stealing money from his mom’s purse.

But lies of omission were still just that—lies.

I’d decided to come clean and tell her everything, including the fact that my excuse about the water leak at the ranch was just that, an excuse, but when I’d come out of the bathroom to find her looking so fragile as she stripped out of her clothes…I just couldn’t.

Instead, I took her to bed and showed her how much I cared about her. I wanted her to feel the love I’d only just discovered myself.

That realization had been a real sucker punch to the gut, especially since I couldn’t come right out and tell her. Not now, when her father had just basically handed Parker Industries to me on a silver platter. I knew her well enough to know she’d think it was a ploy to keep her soft and pliant while I stole her legacy from her.

I didn’t even fucking want it. But what the hell was I supposed to do? If I didn’t agree to Jaxson’s terms, he’d sell the company. If I did agree, at least Belle would still have her foot in the door.

I paused, wiping the sweat from my brow as my breaths huffed out of me. Adrenaline shot through me as a plan started to form.

I could take over as president and CEO, then after a little time passed, and Jaxson was fully out of the picture, I could hand the reins over to Belle. There would be no one to stop me, and I could give my wife exactly what she wanted.

It would mean extending the contract of our marriage for a while longer, but I certainly didn’t mind. That would work to my advantage, giving me more time to make Belle fall in love with me. And if that happened, we wouldn’t need to get divorced, at all.

A thrill shot through me at the thought, followed quickly by a healthy dose of anxiety. Staying here with Belle would mean leaving Perry Brothers. I couldn’t continue to be part of the company, not when it was based out of Los Angeles, and I would be living here in Red River. I would miss my brothers, but it wasn’t like we couldn’t afford to visit each other.

And since being with Belle, I didn’t hate it here anymore. Sure, the bugs and humidity still sucked, but I didn’t notice as much when I was constantly daydreaming about my wife.

My wife.

I didn’t know exactly when the marriage stopped being a sham for me, but it definitely wasn’t anymore. I was all in, and I’d do whatever it took to make her happy. God, if Noah knew what I was thinking, I’d never hear the end of it.

I needed to get out of here. I needed to find Belle and tell her everything. We could work this all out together. She’d get her company, and maybe, just maybe, I’d get the girl. I told Ethan I had some personal business to take care of, and he waved me off with a promise to cover for me with the others.

As soon as I climbed into the Jeep, my cell phone rang. I didn’t recognize the number, but it was a local area code, so I answered.


“Ryder, it’s Jaxson Parker. I’m calling to see if you’ve made a decision about my offer.”

“Hello, Mr. Parker,” I said, pressing a hand over my chest as my heartrate accelerated. “I’ve been giving it some thought, but I need a little more time.”

I needed to talk to Belle, first. I needed to make sure she was on board before I accepted or declined her father’s terms. If she wasn’t sure of it, sure of me, then I’d help her come up with a different plan.

“Time’s up, son,” Jaxson said, snapping me out of my thoughts. “I need an answer, now.”

Fuck. What am I supposed to do?

“Remember what you’d be giving up if you say no,” he needled, ratcheting up my anxiety. “The fate of Parker Industries lies in your hands.”

It was no empty threat, as far as I could tell. The implication was clear—either I accepted his offer right now, or he’d put the company on the market. Shit. I couldn’t let that happen. Belle would be devastated.

“Fine,” I said, breathing like I’d just run a marathon. “I accept.”

“A wise choice,” he replied, and I could practically hear him preening. “Come in tomorrow, we’ll sign the paperwork. Welcome to Parker Industries, Mr. President. I know you’ll do the company proud.”

The line went dead, and my heart dropped into my stomach. I’d made what I thought was the right choice, but I couldn’t shake the dread taking up residence inside me. I needed to get to Belle before he did so I could explain.

Cranking the engine of the Jeep, I hauled ass out of there and raced home. I just hoped she’d be there when I arrived.

And that she’d hear me out before jumping to the worst conclusions.