It Started with a Bang by Piper James

Chapter Thirty-Three


Dad had summoned me to his office, and his secretary sent me in even though he was very obviously on a business call. As I slipped inside, Dad held up a hand to indicate he needed a minute. I moved to sit in the chair across from his desk, but my body locked up as a familiar voice echoed from the speaker on Dad’s phone.

“Fine. I accept.”

Ryder? Why was he on the phone with my dad? And what was he accepting?

“A wise choice,” Dad replied, a smug grin on his face. “Come in tomorrow, we’ll sign the paperwork. Welcome to Parker Industries, Mr. President. I know you’ll do the company proud.”

What the fuck?

I stared at Dad in stunned silence, my mouth gaping open as he ended the call and clasped his hands in front of him. He had that calculating gleam in his eyes I hated so much, and my eyes started to burn as my strength gave out and my butt plopped down into the chair.

“What is going on?” I asked once I regained control of my faculties.

“Didn’t your husband tell you?” he asked, placing an ugly emphasis on the title. “I figured out everything you two have been up to. I know about your deal to try to trick me, but the joke is on you, my dear. I offered Ryder the position of president and CEO, and you just heard him accept. Congratulations on being married to such an important and powerful man.”

His smile turned even nastier as he waited for his words to fully sink in. Ryder? Taking over my company? No. No way.

“You’re lying,” I accused, blinking to stop the flow of tears threatening to leak out.

I refused to cry in front of this man.

“Am I? How would you explain what you just heard, then?”

It was obvious he’d called me here at this moment so I would hear everything with my own ears. He knew I wouldn’t believe him if he told me after the fact. He wanted me to witness it so there would be no doubt.

God, I hated him.

“Why would you do this?” I asked, unable to ask the real question burning through me.

Why would Ryder agree to it?

“Don’t be stupid, Annabelle. I was never going to give you what you wanted. No woman will ever be in control of my legacy,” he spat, and, against my will, I flinched.

“But you said…”

“I know what I said,” he barked when my words trailed off, “but this was always the plan. I’d marry you off to an acceptable heir and leave the company in his capable hands. You can work here as long as you’d like, but all you’ll ever be is an employee.”

My heart was trying to explode out of my chest, and I was finding it difficult to fill my lungs with the oxygen they needed. I knew I needed to slow my breathing, or I’d start to hyperventilate. Forcing myself to calm, I kept my eyes locked on the floor for several moments.

“Oh, and by the way, I know you don’t know this, but your husband is worth millions.” My eyes flew up to meet his, and he cackled with glee. “He let you believe he was doing this for the money, didn’t he? Well, he lied. He doesn’t need your money. He never did. So you should ask yourself, why did he agree in the first place?”

I leapt to my feet and shoved a finger in his direction. “Fuck you.”

“Do not speak to me like that,” he growled, his smile fading.

“Fuck you,” I repeated, screaming the words this time. “Max and Marshall were right to leave you.”

“I’m warning you, Annabelle.”

“Shut up! You’ve had your fun, and now it’s my turn. You’re a bitter, sexist asshole who doesn’t care about anyone but himself. Well, guess what…I don’t care about you, either. I fucking hate you.”

“Watch it,” he warned, but I was on a roll and nothing was going to stop me.

“Everyone hates you, and you’re going to grow old and die alone. From this moment on, you’re dead to me. Goodbye, and good riddance. Consider this my resignation. I fucking quit.”

I spun around and stalked out, the blood pounding too loudly in my ears to hear if he tried to call me back. Not that it mattered. I’d meant what I said. The man was dead to me, and if I never laid eyes on him again, it would be too soon.

I barely made it outside the building when the tears started to fall. I ran to my car, tumbling inside and slamming the door behind me as great sobs wracked my body. I rested my forehead against the steering wheel, hunching over as my chest caved in on my heart.

Tricked, betrayed, and screwed over by the two most important men in my life. Coming from my father—no, Jaxson. I refused to consider him my parent ever again. Coming from Jaxson, this betrayal wasn’t exactly a shock. The man had proven himself time and again to be a horrible person.

But Ryder? I gasped for air as my mind tried to wrap itself around the implications of his collusion. Had this been his intention all along? Why else would he agree to my proposition when he apparently had no need for my money? Why did he lie about that?

Why did he lie about everything?

Even last night, he told me things went well with Jaxson before making love to me so tenderly. I choked on another sob at the thought of it. What was that? A goodbye? One last fuck before the truth came out?

Sitting there, sobbing my heart out in my car, I realized that whatever I imagined last night to be, I was wrong. It wasn’t some special moment where Ryder decided to make tender love to me. It was a lie, just like every other interaction we’d ever had.

Well, the truth was out and the lies were over.

Starting the car, I pealed out of the parking lot of Parker Industries knowing it would be the last time I set foot on the property. I drove home like a maniac, swerving around cars as my foot pressed harder and harder on the accelerator.

I needed to get home. I needed to confront Ryder and see his face as I called him out on his duplicitous actions. My tears dried as anger took over, my heart pounding to a whole new beat as I pulled into my driveway to see the Jeep parked in the open garage.

Good. He was here.

I slammed into the house, ignoring Thanos as he trotted toward me. I’d make it up to him later.

“Ryder,” I shouted, throwing my purse onto the kitchen counter.

He walked around the corner, and my heart broke all over again at the sight of him. I could tell he was trying to greet me with a smile, but that smile was just as fake as the rest of him. I was surprised I hadn’t noticed before now.

“Hey,” he said. “You’re home early.”

“Congratulations,” I replied, the bitterness in my tone impossible to miss.

“What?” he asked, his face going pale.

“You don’t have to play innocent anymore, Ryder. I know everything.”

His eyes fell closed, and his chest expanded as he took a fortifying breath. “Belle, I can explain.”

“No need,” I said, my voice rising an octave. “I heard everything straight from your lying mouth.”

“What do you mean?” he asked, looking like his fight or flight reflex was leaning heavily toward flight.

“Oh, my father—Jaxson—made sure I walked into his office as you were accepting his offer. So, congratulations on getting exactly what you wanted.”

“Belle, listen to me. I didn’t—”

“How much are you worth?” I cut in.

“Wh-what?” he stuttered.

“Money, Ryder. How much money is in your bank account?”

“That’s not important,” he said. “I need to tell you—”

“A wife should know what her husband’s assets are, shouldn’t she?” I asked, my voice filled with angry sarcasm. “Just tell me.”

“Several hundred million,” he said, his shoulders drooping.

My heart broke all over again, hearing my father’s accusations proved to be true. He was right. Ryder didn’t need the measly million bucks I offered him. He’d lied about everything. Everything. And I needed him gone before I broke down again.

“Get out.”

“Belle, please. Just listen to me. I was going to tell you everything as soon—”

“Get your shit and get out!”

My shout startled Thanos, who began to growl menacingly. I wrapped my hand around his collar and pulled him outside into the backyard without another word. Slamming the door behind me, I slumped onto the top step of the deck and watched my dog as he sniffed his way around the yard.

I didn’t cry. I didn’t scream. I didn’t feel anything.

I was dead inside, and I didn’t move until the sun started to set behind the trees that surrounded my property. With what little energy I had left, I pulled myself to my feet and went back inside.

The house was quiet. Empty.

I checked the garage, but both my car and the Jeep were still parked inside. I made sure Thanos had food and water before locking up the house and dragging myself to my bedroom. All traces of Ryder were gone, but I could still feel his presence there.

Flipping off the light, I left the room and grabbed a blanket from the hall closet. I curled up into a ball on the couch and draped the blanket over me. I heard Thanos pad into the room, his tags jingling as he plopped down onto the floor in front of the couch. A silent sentinel guarding over me as I came to terms with the giant ball of shit my life had become.

My tears returned, and I cried until I fell into a fitful sleep. I dreamt of Ryder, sitting at his new desk in the CEO’s office. I dreamt of Jaxson, laughing gleefully as he patted his new protégé on the back.

And I dreamt of myself, all alone. Jobless and without purpose.

By the time I fell into the total blackness of unconsciousness, I was exhausted and wrung dry, wondering if I’d ever be happy and normal again.