Veiled Amor by V. Theia


“Do not have sex in my pool.”Preacher



“You know how those rehab places are, they don’t tell you shit. But we know Arson is alive and hasn’t checked himself out. That has to be a good sign.” Rider offered to the table of men.

Capone was sitting nearest to the door with his ring fingers drumming on the tabletop while the Prez gave them an update on their brother doing a six-month stint in rehab in Utah. It wasn’t much of an update. No one could call or visit him yet, because of the intense treatment, he had to shut the world out. The boys made sure Arson’s mom was taken care of.

Family took care of each other.

It was Capone’s turn to ride through to see Lawless, but he didn’t want to leave Lucia alone for that long, so he swapped out with Reaper.

“Next on deck,” Rider started, “cap all the shady shit you might have going on, because we’re about to have the FBI in house.” The prez played the announcement well because the table erupted into noisy questions. Rider handed it over to Capone to explain. He did a quick rundown of what he planned.

“No offense, Texas, but your brother had it in for us not so long ago. I’m not about to put the flags out for him.” Said Snake.

“You have some fine Pride flags too, Snake.” Piped Grinder with a wicked grin.

“Damn right I do, but they’re not for fucking cops.”

His head over his hands, the men watched Texas lift that head and look around the table, Capone could understand his predicament, and he was sorry to put the former fallen brother in it. He would have understood had Texas told him to go fuck himself.

“Listen, I made the call because Capone asked me to. That’s as far as my involvement goes. Mal knows where he stands with me if he ever tries to push on the Souls again. We don’t have trust between us yet, if ever. But I believe him when he says he isn’t looking at us. Doesn’t mean we don’t have other FBI eyes on us.”

“That’s a given, T.” Offered Rider. “I don’t have a problem with Capone handing over info about Cole to the FEDS, but we can put it to the vote.”

No one wanted to deal with the FEDS, because with the FBI and ATF, shit was never so simple. Capone understood when the vote went to a 50-50 split. It didn’t stop him irrationally snapping his back teeth together. “This is for my woman before her cunt of a father sells her, comprende?”

“Yeah, we got it, Cap.” Hawk’s rusty tones said from the other end as he lounged in his VP seat, eyes like two dead icy pools looking on, “but we gotta consider the blow-back too.”

“We always have fucking blow-back, VP. Whatever shit we do, there’s always a consequence, and we deal with it. I fucked up once already with Lucia. I left her with him, assuming she had a good life, and her father was trying to barter her off. I won’t let that happen again.” He bit out every word, eyes watching him. “I would wade in for any of your old ladies whatever the trouble, but if you decide against me using Texas’ FED, then I’ll go this alone.”

Having said his piece; he didn’t want to listen to their vote again, so he pushed back his chair and walked out of church with a powerful stride.

The vote was a democracy within the club, he didn’t expect them to follow him blindly, but where the old ladies’ safety was put into question, he would always vote yes, no hesitation.

He wasn’t mad. Not quite.

But neither was Capone feeling calm as usual.

So when he caught sight of blonde hair and a smile that flipped his heart over, he stalled in his step, sure he was seeing things. But no, his Lucia was at the club.

Her beamed smile, like she’d been watching the hallway for him, made Capone forget everything. Stopping in his tracks, he redirected over to her.

She met him halfway, and he swept her off her feet. Lucia laughed, clinging to his shoulders.

It was easy to forget everything when he had his hands on her.

She was exactly what Capone needed at the right time, and he was so fucking grateful to put his eyes on her. Forcing her head back, he took a kiss that went some way to calming him but also stoked his banked fires.

There were too many people around for what he wanted, so he dropped Lucia back to her feet, keeping his arm around her.

“This is a surprise.”

“I caught a ride with Paige after a coffee date so you and I could go to your sandwich shop together.”

He dropped his head, romancing small kisses along the seam of her lips. “Missed you.”

“I missed you too.” Her reply was innocent enough, but it pushed want through the middle of his stomach. Before he knew it, Capone slid his arm around her waist and was walking them outside. He headed to the garage. The only quiet place while church was still in session. Pulling open the door, he closed them in, locking it behind them.

“That was very clandestine,” she remarked, laughter laced through her gorgeous voice. The same voice which woke him this morning as she sang off-key in the kitchen. He’d told her countless times she didn’t have to clean the apartment; she didn’t have to grocery shop or even cook a meal. He’d put an end to the discussion when she tried to pay for shit. Call him old-fashioned, sexist, or whatever, he finally had Lucia under his roof, in his bed, she wasn’t paying for a damn thing.

It was his privilege to look after her.

But he enjoyed seeing her little ass twitching to music while she stocked the fridge or when she rearranged the cabinets because they didn’t work for shorter self. She could turn his apartment upside down, and he wouldn’t say a fucking word because having Lucia there was all that he cared about.

While she looked around, he watched her. The mechanical pit was covered with the metal grate when not in use, most of the tools and machinery were out for easy access, but none were switched on, no danger to Lucia as she touched things.

Capone stalked behind her, feeling part-way like a predator on the hunt.

She smelled incredible, as always.

And looked edible in a tight jean skirt that held snug to her thighs. Capone knew why he’d brought her in here and didn’t wait to get it when he crowded against her back, dropping his mouth to her nape. Using his hips, he pushed her into the tool bench.

She laughed a little, startled by him. “Capone?”

“Love the way you smell, nena.” His face was already in the back of her neck, he could bite her there like an animal. “I need to have you.”

“Oh, god.” She breathed, glancing over her shoulder at him while he nuzzled her.

“Do you want that too?”

“Yes, yes.”

“Need your man inside you, huh? Bet not as much as I need to be inside you. I’m fucking burning up for you.”

Need. The word was so small, yet enormous at the same time.

He felt as though he was coming out of his skin with need, so he slid a hand under her skirt and palmed the inside of her thigh.

Things felt right again once he had her warmth under his hand, but it wasn’t nearly enough. He loved the way her voice changed with the slightest caress of her skin. Capone already had her noises cemented to memory, and her breathy pants were some of his favorite. “Are you… oh, wow, that feels good,” she said when he parted her underwear and slid a fingertip along her wet slit. “Are you taking off my clothes?”

“Going to fuck you with them on.”

She wheezed and rocked back on him, his cock already swollen to capacity within his jeans. His mouth roamed along her neck, sucking little marks into her delicate skin.

“God, you’re dirty.”

She had no idea.

A deeper rub this time, his finger slipped into her wetness. “Tell me how much it hurts, nena.”

“Like you wouldn’t believe,” she puffed, “let me turn around so I can touch you.”

“Soon.” His thumb flicked against her clit, and he basked in her jerked reaction, biting into her shoulder. He watched her hands tighten on the edge of the bench; she was panting quietly, rocking back against his shaft. With his free hand, Capone reached between them and unzipped, pulling out his length, the touch of his hand was enough to make him tremble, but he knew something else which would feel so much better than his palm.

“I’ll worship you for hours when we’re at home,” he shared roughly, bringing his hand out of her panties. He curled it around the front of her throat, turning her head so he could lick a line against the seam of Lucia’s lips. She moaned and leaned in for more. “You can ride my face, make me beg for your sweet pussy, fucking suffocate me. But right now, I need to fuck my nena.” The way she moaned, he knew she was into it and that only stoked his arousal higher.

“God, yes. Do it. Fuck my brains out, Capone. I’m always yours. Please, I ache for you.” It was all Capone needed to navigate his cock to her entrance, and he pushed in. The electricity started at the base of his spine as he got in good and tight, fixing himself to Lucia’s more petite frame, the shove forced her up onto her toes. He wanted to fuck them stupid until he couldn’t think of the threat still hanging over their heads.

He had her this morning, but it felt so long ago.

The urgency was intense as he rode into her, listening to her moaning cues. His Lucia liked it slow. She liked it fast and hard. Capone gave it all to her with ragged grunts falling from his throat.

Ah, Dios. This was good—bliss.

Baby.” She whined, convulsing so hard around his cock, “I’m close… close.”

“Hold onto the bench,” he growled.

Sliding a hand around her stomach, he went into the front of her panties again and found her little clit waiting for him, wet and swollen. Capone rubbed and rubbed. The wet sounds of their sex and their disordered panting pushed his lover straight over the edge as she shuddered his name.

“Can’t get enough of you,” he shared roughly. “Addicted to you, Lucia.”

Her continued moans were beautiful, they began as jumpy puffs of noise and grew in tempo as he built her up again to take more. It sent him reeling as he fucked and fucked her against the tool bench. “Wider,” he issued in a voice so dark he didn’t recognize, “widen your legs, nena, let your man in as deep as I can get.”

“Capone.” She whimpered.

“I know. My wet girl,” he thrust harder, “my tight nena, you take everything I need to give you, don’t you?”

“Always,” she answered.

Pressed into her back, he got there, grunting her name into her neck as she came a second time. Her convulsions rippling down his cock meant Capone followed her, emptying himself on a raspy groan of pleasure. One last hip flex and Capone stilled inside of her, wrapping her in his arms from behind. He breathed in the scent of her and their pleasure as he fought to regain his lungs.

A whole other ache started in the pit of Capone’s gut when he separated them and felt Lucia quivering. He could retake her so easily, his cock was ready though he felt as though he’d come his entire soul with his climax. With Lucia, his arousal was never-ending, but he wanted to take her home, put her through the paces, slower this time. Tucking himself away, he lowered her skirt and turned her around. She was pliable, leaning against him, her eyes were drowsy with her pleasure. Dropping a kiss to her lips, she pushed her hands under his shirt.

He loved her so fucking much.

There wasn’t much he’d die for. Capone had been born with a fighting instinct. He’d always known he’d battle through Hell to keep living. But for this woman clawing up his stomach with her gentle nails, he’d set his life down for hers, not even a sacrifice.

Keeping her close, his hand rolled from the base of her spine up under her hair, where he held her neck as she cuddled into him. “Beautiful girl.” He told her in Spanish, “make me wild, don’t you? Making it so fucking tight it almost hurts.”

“Yeah?” She asked dreamily, smiling up at him, then nuzzled her face into his chest.

. Crazy for you, you know that?”

Two arms lifted around his neck, and he let his arms drop to her waist, palming her little butt, a perfect handful. “I feel the same way about you, Gi.”

“Lucia,” he rasped next to her ear, then pulled back to look into her eyes. Everything she was feeling was there for him to see, and his chest expanded with need. “You can say it, don’t be afraid to tell me you love me, huh?”

There was no surprise on her face as she started to smile, and he dipped in to kiss her. “Because I love you so fucking much, I’m burning up to love you.” he shared in Spanish and then repeated the same sentiment in English. Her eyes filled with tears, her smile getting bigger, her fingers moved to his ear gauge, and she tugged a little.

“You declare your love for me, something I’ve longed for, dreamed about, and hoped for, in a garage?”

Capone smirked, dropping a kiss to her wet lips. “I’m not romantic, nena.”

She nuzzled into his chest again.

It felt right.

Like no time at all had derailed them from a life that was meant to be theirs.

He knew this deep in his fucking gut.

“You are plenty romantic for me, Giancarlo Mercado.”

“Then tell me,” he urged, squeezing her butt.

At that, there was a heavy thud on the metal doors. “If you’re done in there, I gotta get to work,” an amused Preacher called through.

“Take your time, I’m in no rush,” followed Snake.

Lucia chuckled, burying her red face in his shirt. He cupped the side of her head, kissed her lightly, then made sure she looked put together before he let his brothers see her, “C’mon, amor, before the assholes bust in.”

She clung to his hand, and before he could unlock the door, she tugged on his fingers, he turned to see love on her face. “I love you, Giancarlo. I’ve loved you for what feels like my entire adult life.”

“Yeah?” He grinned slowly from one side of his mouth, feeling Herculean with her confession.

“Only man I’ve ever loved.”

He didn’t want to think about Santiago, not when they’d been in their perfect bubble for weeks, so he didn’t. He kissed her lightly, and then opened the door, in time to hear Juicy mouthing off about listening to them fucking.

He aimed a vicious stare toward Juicy. “Don’t embarrass my woman, asshole.”

“Sorry, boss. It slipped out.” The mohawked freak smirked.

? So did this. Hey, Snake? Remember how Juicy is banging your baby brother?”

Juicy groaned. “Ah, man, you didn’t have to do me dirty like that.”

“I need to freshen up,” she whispered to him. Capone waited by his bike.

His eyes tracked her like a stalker when she strode out of the club a few minutes later, all hips swaying, tits lightly bouncing, and her smile just for him.

“Was that a big secret what you said about Snake’s brother and Juicy?”

“Nah, but Juicy doesn’t brag that he’s dating Bale because Snake hasn’t gotten used to it yet, he’s still deciding if he wants to scalp the prospect.”

“Oh,” she grinned, smacking his stomach, “that was mean of you, Giancarlo.”

“He made my woman blush. Only I get to do that.”

She hummed, and he got her on the back of his bike.

“Are you hungry?”

“I could eat.”

“Let’s get my woman fed then.”

She immediately jumped in at the shop and wanted to help. It was as if she’d known the manager all her life because they were bouncing ideas between them within the hour. Capone sat with a smirk, watching her, loving her in a way he’d never allowed himself to feel before.

He was wide open for that woman.

Having lived alongside his grief for years and buried his love for the one woman he couldn’t have, he now had his priorities straight.

That night, he took her over to Preacher and Ruby’s house so his girl could get her swimming fix. Capone parked it by the pool and watched her doing the lengths, rolling onto her back, enticing him in her tiny fucking bikini, making his body pulse alive. She knew what she was doing too because she turned too many sultry smiles his way.

If Preacher were to question Capone if they had sex in his pool, like he warned him not to, Capone would have to lie his Puerto Rican ass off to his buddy.