Veiled Amor by V. Theia


“Fighting dirty.” – Capone



Capone was juiced on adrenaline and pissed off Hispanic temper.

Having waited all day, he was ready to crack skulls.

Tired of this shit happening.

He’d at first thought Nicholas had called off his dogs.

But the man was a wolf who hated to fucking lose.

Lucia was his biggest asset, and he wasn’t letting his daughter go.

Thank fuck he’d kept Lucia happy these past weeks, because she hadn’t noticed the same black Escalade hanging around their building. Capone had seen it, though, and he’d put a prospect to keep an eye on the vehicle. Coop reported the guy followed Capone a few times but hadn’t attempted to make a move on Lucia.

There was no way he was waiting until that day happened.

The guy had to take a piss sometime. The moment he stepped out of the Escalade, Capone, with backup from Preacher, Grinder, and Texas, grabbed him by the back of his neck and pushed his face into the brick wall.

“Surprise, comemierda. I hear you’ve been watching me. Well, here I am.” The guy jolted like Capone had stuck him with a five-inch blade. When he spun the guy around and got in his face, he growled.

It was the same fucker from the motel.

“Look who the fuck it is,” he smirked. He’d needed to wait until his girl went to the gym with her new gal-pal. No wonder he was a hyped-up robot all day. He wanted this done. And to see it was the same guy only made Capone all the angrier.

“Listen, man.” The guy started, nervous, his wrist in a cast.

“No fucking talking yet.” He warned and did a quick pat-down. The guy was carrying a 9mm, a wallet, cell phone, and car keys. He passed them off to Preacher, who tossed the keys to Grinder, who headed toward the street where his thief-extraordinaire wife was waiting. “What the fuck? You can’t take my car, man.”

“Can’t I? You’ve been watching my building for days, you’re lucky your blood isn’t pouring out of every-fucking orifice, so shut your goddamn mouth.”

As Luxe drove off in the Escalade, Grinder strolled back, holding a driver’s license.

“Says he’s from Maine.” Grinder said, leaning a shoulder on the wall, tucking the license away before the guy could reach for it. “I want that back.”

“Maine isn’t next door to Miami.”

“I haven’t gotten around to changing it. You wanna take your goddamn hands off me now?”

“I recall warning you to stay away. You don’t listen so good.” He still had a forearm in the guy’s throat, not caring if he choked him out. Capone enjoyed bending the rules. He had no decency for human life when this motherfucker was trying to take his Lucia into a toxic environment. The yes-man didn’t have a dog in the Nicholas Cole fight, other than the money he was being paid to grab Lucia, which made him even more despicable because Capone would fight to the death and do it for free. “What the fuck did I say I’d do if I saw your face again?”

“It’s a goddamn job, man, you gotta understand. I can’t go back to Miami empty-handed.”

Fury took root inside Capone.

“Why haven’t you grabbed her already?” Asked Preacher. “You’ve been parked outside my boy’s place for days.”

“The boss told me to watch first. He wanted to know what she was doing, told me to follow him.”

“He wanted to know what I was doing?” He put pressure on his throat, watching his color changing to a deeper purple. Ask Capone if he cared if this hobo bastard died in front of him. “Why?”

“He said…” when the other guy started to choke, Capone lessened his hold, “wanted to know if I could get any shit on you.”

Capone shared a look with his brothers. “Then what?”

“I had to call the cops, then get his daughter.”

Some cunt would likely bundle her into the trunk of a car, terrifying her.

A red mist coated his vision. He didn’t know he’d thrown a punch until pain radiated throughout his right hand.

“How many more of you are here in town?” He growled after each punch, making ground beef of the guy’s face.

“Stop. Stop. Fucking stop.”

“How fucking many?”

“Me. It’s only me.”


With blood coating his knuckles, he pushed into the guy’s pulverized face. “Do you have sisters, cabrón? Do you have a mother? Wife? If I have to do this a third time with you, you’re gonna regret it. I won’t kill you. I’ll kill everyone you love in front of you until you have no one left. I’ll fucking rip your life apart. Are you listening to me? Look at me and see I mean it.”

“I’m not lying,” the guy spat, spraying blood on himself, “this job is not fucking worth it.”

“Keep thinking that,” Capone replied, shoving him off to Grinder, who was going to dump him outside of town. Between Grinder and Preacher, they dragged the bleeding cargo to the waiting SUV and tossed him in, where Preacher climbed into the back with him.

Capone took a breath, trying to rein himself in, but all he felt was the fury rushing through his blood. This shit would end only if he got rid of Nicholas. Taking on the Kingpin of Miami would have ramifications that rippled for years if he weren’t careful. He’d buried his vengeance, but he didn’t have any such restraint now it involved protecting Lucia.

Capone would risk his life to ensure she was out of her father’s clutches.

A white cloth appeared in front of his face, he turned eyes on Texas, offering him a handkerchief square from his pocket. The only biker to carry those things. He took it to wipe off his hands.

“How crooked is that cop brother of yours?” He asked, and Texas snorted, then sobered when he saw Capone wasn’t joking. “I bet taking down a Kingpin would earn him those stripes he has a hard-on for, huh?”

“Fuck, are you serious, Cap?”

“To get Nicholas out of Lucia’s life? Serious as a heart attack. I either kill him or put a bomb in his organization to destroy it from the inside.”

“That would take a lot of manpower, Cap. And I’m sure many have tried to put Nicholas Cole into the ground before and failed.”

“None of those men were me. I walked away from Miami, knowing if I tried anything, it would get Lucia killed. She was the only reason I’d drop my family vengeance, hermano, you understand? She was the only person I could do it for, and I lived without her. Now I get my chance; he’s not gonna fuck it up.”

The pair walked back to where Texas had parked his bike behind Capone’s jeep. Despite the conflict the two went through during Texas’ rough time, they’d patched their differences and were closer than ever. Probably the brother Capone was closest to. He also knew Texas was slowly accepting his twin back into his life in small increments, and he’d trust Texas if he said going the Malachai route wouldn’t work.

“I think Mal would do it, but you need to be sure. And I know it’s not directly club-related, but it touches us, so we need to inform Rider. I can’t get involved in that secret shit with Mal again.”

Capone chuckled and cuffed his brother around the neck. He wasn’t wrong, Capone had planned to talk to Rider, so their well-spoken brother-in-arms had nothing to worry about. “Relax, papi. No one is retaking your patch.”

“Fucker,” Texas pushed him, amused.

Capone met Texas’s gaze. “Make the call, see if he can get his ass here.”

A minute later, Texas shoved his phone away after talking to his twin. “He can be here by this weekend. Be sure, Capone.”

“I am. I don’t think Lucia would forgive me for killing her old man; as despicable as he is, he’s still her father. So, I have to get rid of him in another way. Burying him in a jail cell will have to be enough.”

When they parted, Capone called Rider, who would bring it up in church tomorrow. Then he went up to his apartment to clean the blood off his hands and to change his shirt before he left to pick up Lucia.

Sliding out of the Jeep some forty minutes later when he saw her coming out of the gym’s electronic doors. The rain, which started minutes earlier, lashed down over his head, but he wasn’t concentrating on that. Only on her smiling face.

She was safe.

She’d continue to be safe as long as he lived.

“Hey, handsome,” she greeted, and came into his arms as he reached her. Their mouths met, and her taste flooded down to his belly. “This is a nice surprise.”

“Didn’t want you walking home. Where’s your friend? Does she need a ride?”

“She was with me, I was going to introduce you, but she forgot her water bottle inside. She has her car.”

“Okay, let’s get you home and out of these clothes.”

“Sir, I declare you have deviant intentions upon my person.” She mocked, looking up at him through sparkling eyes.

She loved him. She hadn’t said it to him yet, but Capone would need to be blind not to see the love written over her lovely face. It made his heart speed in tempo as he grabbed her hips. She was only wearing thin cotton leggings and a criss-cross pale blue tank top, which was getting soaked, giving him a perfect view of her tits beneath.

Lucia whimpered when he sank his teeth gently into her jaw and then bundled her into the passenger seat so he could get her home fast.

Deviant intentions, she’d teased. His Lucia had no fucking idea how deviant.

They climbed into the elevator, coming together like a tsunami of desire, their mouths kissing slowly yet furiously until they reached their floor. He palmed her ass, walking them down to his door.

Once inside, their mouths hovered as Capone let his head hang low so she could reach him. He was still thrumming with adrenaline, and he couldn’t think of a better place to expel it than inside his woman.

The air was palpable. He couldn’t say he was used to it yet. It still jolted him alive to know they created this reaction with their desire for each other.

“Take what you need, mi amor.”

Their lips fell into their familiar rhythm. Slowly at first, a little deeper before her lips demanded from him, and he let her take.

“Will you get rough with me, Giancarlo?”

He could all but feel his pupils fucking dilating at how hard and fast she’d turned him on with her innocent request.

Dios. Killing me, nena.”

She stroked her hands up his chest like she was gentling a wild animal. He didn’t feel at ease; he wanted to fucking maul and devour her on the floor until there was nothing left but puddles of her pleasure.

“I want to feel your hands around my throat. For you to put me in positions. I want to be used by you, it will turn me on. I love watching your strong hands on my body.” She was panting lightly, humming as she told him in great detail what she needed from him. If he survived, he’d give her every dirty thing. “I’ve always been treated as the invisible princess, the ignored daughter, the unchosen. But I’m your chosen woman. And I want to be every fantasy you ache over. I crave your hands all over me, shoving and yanking me places.”

“Fuck,” he grunted when he picked her up. The pleasure of holding her was overwhelming.

“Oh, God. Yeah,” she breathed against his lips as he carried her through to the family room, dropping them both on the couch.

The look of love on her face blew his brains out.

When Capone had her naked under him, his knee pressed between her thighs for Lucia to grind and his hand wrapped around her throat. She purred, writhed and begged for him to use her as roughly as he wanted.

He’d treat her like a fucking diamond and do it by fucking her on their couch with his hands around her throat, whispering filthy words of adoration.

His woman.

And he’d stomp on anyone who got in his way of keeping her.

Swallowing around the lump of emotion in his throat, he leaned down to take her nipple into his lips. She moaned when he let his teeth scrape the delicate bud.

He’d give her a bit of pain and a lot of pleasure. Whatever she craved. They’d only scratched the surface of exploring their desires and fantasies.

He’d loved her entirely for a long time, and now could show it with slow sucks until his woman was a squirming wreck, getting herself off by soaking his thigh.

She was hot. So hot under his hands.

When her legs shook, he knew she was close again, so he went dirtier, harsher, tossing his woman over the edge of her pleasure. He’d never get enough of seeing her in that state.

“Breathe, nena.” He uttered against the seam of her lips when he’d moved over her.

“It feels too good.”

“Gonna get better,” he promised.

And it did.

For hours, he gave Lucia what she craved, and he had to carry her sated body to bed afterward because he’d worn her out. His adrenaline was spent, but the love he felt for her was ever high and pulsing when he climbed into bed after ordering food for them. Pulling her closer until she all but climbed into his lap with her face in his neck. “You did good, biker.” She praised, patting his belly.

“I do you right, huh?”

“Oh, yeah. So right and then some.” She stretched under the sheet and made a pleasing sound that made his spent cock twitch with renewed want. One little moan from her, and he was raring to go again. What a fucking tamed sap he was, and he couldn’t muster the effort to grumble about it.

“Good, nena. Makes me happy that you’re happy.”

“Do I make you happy?”

Didn’t she know already?

Capone tapped a finger under her chin to lift her face, blissed pleasure still in her eyes, but he saw a hint of uncertainty too. She’d felt messed around by his distance for years, so he’d known he would have to show her with actions and his words to get her to a place where she trusted him again. “Mi amor,” he pressed their lips together, “lying in bed with you curled up to me after I’ve wrung orgasms out of your beautiful body is the happiest I’ve ever felt, ?”

The smile she rewarded him with was more than Capone ever deserved to own.

It was a smile he carried with him for the rest of the evening while they showered, ate a meal, and made love again. He needed the reminder of that smile because before long; he needed to tell Lucia he was planning on having her father put away for a long, long time, and he wasn’t sure how she’d feel about that.

Or feel about him once she knew.