Veiled Amor by V. Theia


“Friends: The one where it’s not what it seems.” - Lucia



“That’s fine, move at a glacier’s pace. I have all day to wait, it’s not as though making a cappuccino takes a lot of effort…” a beautiful woman complained at the counter.

Lucia sipped her latte, watching as the outspoken woman received her takeout cup of coffee. The woman didn’t tip, and she turned around to find Lucia watching her. Lucia braced for a tongue lashing for spying when the woman strode through the tables to hers, but she smiled, “swear to God, this place is so slow when I’m dying for my caffeine hit. Mind if I sit for a minute?”

“Um,” Lucia blinked and moved her shopping bags out of the way, “sure.”

“Looks like someone had a fun morning.” Indicating to Lucia’s bags, one from a jewelry store.

“I have. I was picking up my boyfriend’s birthday gift.”

“Ah, neato. Who is he? I think I know everyone in Armado.”

Not finding her too intrusive, Lucia was glad of the company, even if it was someone who yelled at the staff. Everyone had their moody moments.

“He’s called Capone; he’s a member of—”

“The Renegade Souls.” The other woman smiled. “Everyone knows them. They’re good guys, and they do a lot for the community; you got yourself a hottie, girlie. I haven’t seen your face around town, though.”

“I’ve only been here a month. I’m originally from Florida.”

“Ah, I’m sure our weather is a shock to the system, yeah?” She laughed lightly. Lucia knew what she meant since the other woman was wearing three-quarter leggings with a light jacket, and Lucia was dressed in ripped skinny jeans, a knit sweater with a scarf wound around her neck.

“You could say that. Does it ever stop snowing?”

“Wait until it snows in June, then you’ll get a shock.”

The pair chatted for almost ten minutes.

“I’m happy to show you all the best spots to go,” she offered, “oh, listen, I have a great idea! My family own a chalet up on the mountain; we can go skiing soon. Have you been before?”

Taken aback by her generosity, Lucia smiled. “Not in a long time.”

“Then it’s settled. I have to run, but put my number in your phone,” numbers were exchanged.

“Oh, my god, listen to me rambling, I didn’t even introduce myself. I’m Kate.”

“I’m Lucia.”

“It was great to meet you, Lucia, I’ll call to have you and that gorgeous man of yours over for a cookout. I love hosting.”

The blonde woman was a whirlwind as she sashayed through the door, leaving Lucia wondering what the heck just happened? Had she made a friend, or was she recruited into a cult? Either way, she wouldn’t mind snowboarding.

She wondered if Capone took to the slopes.



Lucia: Do you ski?

Capone: Not unless I want to break both legs.

Lucia: Ha! Are you too old, Gi?

Capone: I’ll show you how old when I get my hands on you.

Lucia: Promises, promises.

Capone: Having a good day?

Lucia: Yeah. I think I made a friend. She wants me to go skiing with her.



He didn’t reply to her text, but he called less than an hour later when Lucia was already home. “Fuck, I’ve missed you, amor. Should have brought you to work with me.” He stated after a few minutes of conversation. She heard mechanical noises in the background and the sounds of motorcycles coming and going, but all Lucia concentrated on was the rushing heights of her heartbeats.

“Isn’t that clingy?” She grinned, lounging on the couch, wishing he were next to her. If he were clingy and demanded all her time, she wouldn’t mind at all, seeing as she’d waited long enough for him.

“And your point is?” He asked, amused. “Can’t wait to see you.”

She felt the same. If not a little worse.

It was the reason she was in the hallway later, on agitated toes, waiting for the first sound of his key in the door. He’d text her to say he was two minutes away. She attacked him the second he was through the door, and he caught her with oomph and two hands on her ass as she clung and peppered kisses over his face.

His laugh came out richer than caramel when she freed his mouth.

“You missed me, huh?”

“So much.”

“Better show me then.”

So she did.

Right there in the hallway.

Their kisses grew hungrier, savage even. And when Lucia dropped to her knees on the hallway carpet, the look from Capone set her ablaze. So much desire gazing back at her from under his dark lashes.

He was sinful and patient, waiting for her mouth as she skimmed soft kisses on his hard belly. She felt the tremble in this robust man, and she was drunk on power.

Capone hissed, a hand came around the back of her neck, just holding. “You’ll pay for teasing me, amor?”

“Will I?” She smiled up at him, so he saw the second she engulfed the broad tip of his erection between her lips, sucking lightly at first before she went deeper and hummed at his tortured groan. Moving her hands from the back of his thighs to push up his shirt to rest her fingers on his taut stomach, she gave him an intimate kiss to show how much she’d missed him. Each time she blew him, she could take a little more of his girth into her throat until the urge to gag started. Not wanting to look like a retching mess, he’d told her already only to take as much of him as she wanted to, because feeling her mouth on any part of his dick was heaven.

Because he was a big guy in every sense of the word, she had to finesse her way around oral sex, loving how much control he gave her without choking her. It was like taming a huffing dragon. Capone leaned into the wall, and she hummed as she snaked her tongue around him.

“Lucia, I’m close.” He grunt-told her.

Oh, goodie. When he realized she wasn’t stopping so he could spill into her hand or on her chest where he liked to, the grip on the back of her head intensified, his hips rolled forward, riding into her mouth, making her hotter because it put images in her mind of him being rough, using her. Taking another inch into her throat, she worshipped her man’s cock, pushing him past the point of no return.

Giving Capone pleasure was a high she didn’t know she’d become addicted to. But here Lucia was, on her knees in the freaking hallway, clawing up his chest to give him extra stimulation to make him come.

“Luce… fuck… nena. Take me there, harder. Suck harder, my sweet little fuck.”

Ughn. She almost came. She was so turned on by the time Capone was done, and he pulled up his jeans and then ran a thumb over her lips, charging the air erotically. He pulled her to her feet, and before his lips came to hers, she zipped his jeans, leaning into him.

“Can’t even let me get through the door before you fall on my dick,” he grunted, sweeping his tongue into her waiting mouth, “what did I do to deserve you?”

“You were born. And then many years later, I was born.” She screamed laughter when his hand slapped her ass, “get in the bedroom, gonna show you there’s no age difference that matters when I fuck your brains out.”

Thankfully, she’d stacked the steaks in the sink to defrost beforehand. Neither of them seemed to mind their grumbling bellies. Not when Capone and Lucia were satisfied in other ways.

“I miss swimming,” she said much later after sex and food, with her legs in Capone’s lap while she watched TV, copying a recipe on her phone notepad. It was possibly the only thing she missed about home; she would swim each morning. “Do you know if there’s a health center nearby?”

The hand holding her ankle moved so Capone could hook up his phone, “Yo, hermano. I need a favor.” She heard him say. Curious, she listened to the one-sided conversation. “Can my girl use your pool this weekend?”

Lucia perked. Aw, sweet man. She crawled from her side of the sofa and cuddled up to him; he turned his head to smirk. His free hand slid around Lucia and palmed her butt.

Gracias, Preach. I’ll stop by tomorrow for the gate key.”

“You got me a pool?” Lucia bounced on her knees, beaming love at him. She’d spent entire days and weeks with this man, and hadn’t spoken words of love yet, biding her time, plucking up the courage, but it must be impossible for Capone not to guess at how she felt about him. Wrapping her hands around his solid neck, she grinned. Capone took her the rest of the way by putting her into his lap.

“Not quite, we have nowhere to put a pool in the apartment.” He deadpanned. “One of my buddies, Preacher, you met him,” she had. Tall guy, epic pointy beard, and a sexy-as-sinful smile. She was in love, not blind. “He had a pool put in his backyard last summer; he said we could use it this weekend.”

“Yay, thank you. They have two boys, right? I’ll get them some water toys as a thank you.”

“They won’t be there. Preacher said they’re going to a cabin for the weekend with his brother-in-law.”

“I’ll still get the gifts, it’s good manners.”

“Sexy little girl, always doing the right thing.” he rumbled. She slapped his shoulder and nuzzled their noses.

Lucia almost brought up her father, asking if Capone had heard anything new, but didn’t want to ruin their bubble.

Her father was never far from her thoughts, though.

He never gave up this easily. Never. Why would he let her leave the compound and not use force to get her back? It unsettled her. As much as she’d been happy this past month, she knew too much about Nicholas to relax.

He knew nothing about her.

Nicholas Cole wasn’t interested in the small things that made Lucia happy. Trying to offer him an olive branch would go unnoticed.

He knew nothing, hadn’t tried to know her, and that hurt.

“Where did you go, Lucia?” She heard and blinked to find Capone watching her as he stroked a thumb down the apple of her cheek.

“Sorry, what were you saying?”

He smirked. “It’s not a good look for me that my woman spaces out when I’m kissing her, ?”

She flushed and lowered her head to his chest.

“Would you believe me if I said I was swept away in lust with you?”

She felt the rumble of his laughter going through his chest, a hand tangled in her hair. “You’re full of it.”

“But I’m cute. You said so.”

“I call you sexy as fuck and beautiful. Never cute.”

What could she do? Capone had arranged a pool for her and called her beautiful. She went into full attack mode.

And didn’t think about her father for the rest of the night.